Chapter 551: :Message

"Are you sure the news is accurate?" Linna looked down.
In front of her is a tall, thin, white man with a bi-colored pupil and a scum, named Searle. He is the head of the intelligence team on the marching ant group.

Accurately, we checked the registration information of marching ants. The information shows that there is an extra space company named ‘Flying Ant Aerospace’ under the group.

Searle handed the information in his hand to Linna.

They have already started construction in Phoenix Mountain, this is a satellite map, and there are some construction maps on site.

Intelligence personnel cannot penetrate into the marching ant group, and the research and development sites and data sites of marching ants are well-established.
They are unable to obtain information from within the marching ant group. Once the employees of the marching ants are rebellious, the agent will disappear and the employee will be dismissed. Over time, they will not dare to play this idea again.
Every time, the people in Binhai City will disappear, making him very uncomfortable. The city of Binhai is now the of the agents. It was forced to use more traditional means to collect intelligence.
"Aerospace, hell." Linna looked at the photo, the scalp was numb.
Although the marching ant is just a company, its horror potential is not lost to a country. The advanced technology of the marching ants directly makes Huaxia even more powerful.
Holographic cities, controlled nuclear fusion, military enterprises, etc., every time there is a big move, accompanied by the emergence of high technology, so they have to pay attention.
In particular, after the establishment of military ants equipment and worker ants defense, their investigation of the marching ant group became more intensive.
Nowadays, the news of Binhai City, the marching ant group is building a large space, building a space center with an area of ​​more than 4 million square meters.
I am afraid that this marching ant really wants to get a plane.
This Chen Mo has already gone against the sky.
"Hold them." Linna said: "Send the news to the president and the space agency."
What made her feel very uncomfortable was the ant defense and military ant equipment of the marching ant group. Now there is one more, which is now the flying ant space company.
Chen Mo’s threat to them has grown.
Is the marching ant group building a space center?
Upon hearing the news, Jim Briden stayed and frowned.
Regarding the marching ant group, he heard that his ears were smashed, but he had little relationship with him. He is the director of NASA, and the marching ant group has never been exposed to aerospace matters. The matter in this field is not to worry about them.
But now, the CIA has come to the news that the marching ant group is building a space center and preparing to board space.
He has to pay attention.
Over the years, China’s achievements in the space field have grown larger. The 'Linghao’ has been put into use and become the second space station, and the International Space Station has been retired. Chinese people are not allowed to go up. They are facing the dilemma of being unable to go into space. .
Now I am also joining a marching ant group. If they don't shoot again, I am afraid they will be even more backward, and then they will be surpassed by China.
That is a terrible thing.
After thinking for a long time, Jim still chose to pick up the phone on the table and contact the president's office.
Nowadays, returning to space has become more urgent. Otherwise, China will completely dominate this aspect, and they are really in trouble. Now explore the layout, at least for the future.
It is not a long time for the marching ant group to prepare for the construction of the space center.
Soon, important e-space agencies such as the European Space Agency (EKA) and the Russian Space Agency (RKA) received news of the construction of the space center by the marching ant group.
The development of China's space technology has been very fast, and now it has joined the marching ant group, so that they feel extremely anxious.
But this is also an excuse for using information as a means of obtaining financial support and returning to space.
The news came out soon.
The United States, the European Union, India, the island countries, and the United Kingdom have reported that they will reunite and start the construction of the second international space station project with the United States as the leading factor.
The United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom also announced that they are preparing to jointly return to the moon, plans for humans to land on Mars, and even rumors that the United States is accelerating the speed of the 'Falcon plan', hoping to create mature air and space before the marching ants begin. aircraft.
When the news came out, it drove the wave of news.
In the past, such large projects, countries must be arguing for a period of time, arguing for a period of time, funding for a period of time. Numerous news has been exposed, and more and more people are curious about the reasons for these countries to work together.
"The action is very fast, as if we would grab their money." In the office, Zhao Min saw the news and couldn't help but smile.
Their space center was started, and these countries were the first to announce plans to return to the space moon.
Zhao Min does not think that this is a coincidence. After the construction of their space center, it is no coincidence that so many countries have reached a cooperation within a short period of time.
"Since I know it, at this time, I can't say it without going to the fun."
Binhai City has approved more than 6,000 acres of land use rights. It is a terrible number. As long as someone has the information to check the registration information of the Trade and Industry Bureau, they will find that there is another ‘Flying Ant Aerospace’ company under the Army Ant Group.
Their company's construction of the space center must not be concealed for too long, and it is not very useful.
"Blue Creek, let people release this news." Called Lanxi, Zhao Min directly handed the folder to her.
At noon that day, the marching ant group released a message: The Feiyang Aerospace Center under the Army Ant Group is under construction.
According to the news released by the marching ants, the marching ants instantly became the center of public opinion.
"What kind of plane is Chen Mo going to do this time?"
"Chen Mo is really going to do the plane."
"The bulls, my marching ants."
"I said how those countries have announced their return to space. They were forced by a small ant, hahahaha..."
"I want to know, who will win if the marching ants compete with them?"
Then a number of countries and organizations announced the joint space program at the same time. As a result, a private company entered the market and snatched attention from several countries. It looked a bit funny.
The style of the marching ants is overbearing, the field that has passed, and the gods are easy.
The containment of holographic technology, the strong position of the marching ants, the hard-working and open-mouthed barriers, and the victory of the game with the advantage of technical strength, and now again with several countries in front of hard steel, full of eyeballs.
"Ink girl, now a pneumatic analysis." In front of Chen Mo, is a holographic shape of an aerospace plane.
"it is good."
This is the shape of the preliminary design.
There is no wind tunnel for aerodynamic analysis, and ordinary pneumatic analysis takes too long.
Chen Mo had to use a small wind tunnel and then combined with optical test methods to analyze the aerodynamics of the aerospace aircraft, and thus improve the aerodynamic layout of the aerospace aircraft.
The principle is that the refractive index of a beam in a gas varies with the density of the gas stream.
Now using holographic interferometers and holographic technology, holographic technology is Chen Mo's most familiar technology.
Holographic interference and holography can add other substances to the flow field without directly interfering with gas flow. A large amount of space and aerodynamic data can be collected in the shortest time.
Moreover, the pneumatic display can be visually observed, which is suitable for observing unsteady flow and compressible flow.
At the beginning of the aerodynamic analysis, Chen Mo saw different colors around the holographic model, and displayed specific data directly next to it. This is the specific data that is passed back from the model test, and then the data is collected by the computer and simulated.
After the experiment began, Chen Mo had nothing to do, and quietly thought about the design of a large ion engine.
"Mergo, Zhu Helai news." The ink girl next to it suddenly opened.
"Well? What news?"
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