Chapter 584: : Lift off

The door of the hangar slowly rises, and the gantry gates of the hundred meters wide are all revealed. Chen Mo and others are outside the door, and they can see the true meaning of the ‘Goddess’ in the hangar.
The gate opens and several robots line up into the cabin.
Chen Mo does not need a test pilot to fly, choose to use the robot.
This aircraft, unlike a conventional aircraft, does not have to be very skilled to fly, but must be very familiar with the aircraft.
The robot stores all the instructions for use of the aircraft. If there are any problems, they can be discovered and manipulated at the first time.
"Fortunately, catch up."
When the plane was out of the warehouse, Zhao Min just came over.
At this important moment, how could she be less than the president of her marching ant group.
Come with her, and Yao Yi. Yao Yi and Li Chengzhi sneered a few words, simply greeted the expert team on the field, did not continue to talk, but looked at the hangar.
Because everyone's attention is in the hangar.
A behemoth.
When I saw the true face of the plane, Yao Yi jumped and jumped.
I don't know if it was the bomber of the country.
Chen Mo's handwriting is not that big.
"Go to the command center."
After the plane left the hangar, Chen Mo led several people to the command center of the space center.
"oH, God, what is this ghost thing?" The Pentagon, Jerry Stern looked at the picture from the satellite, couldn't help but exclaim, it was night, and only a little sleepiness vanished.
The screams alarmed the other personnel in the spy satellite control room, and the people who did not have emergency work in their hands were all surrounded.
In the screen, it is the airport of the Ant Ant Space Center, and the plane that just came out of the warehouse.

How big is it?

Wayne is a senior official in the spy satellite control room. He couldn't help but see the plane.
"It’s bigger than B2." A technician next to him said, "There is no information about this aircraft in our current intelligence database."
"It's not like there is no technical information about the marching ant group," Wayne said with a black face.
This is the marching ant group is a space center. Since the construction of this space center, they have been monitored by spy satellites, hoping to collect some useful information.
The space center is in the hands of the infrastructure madman, building speed, a day.
I didn't expect that it was not long before the plane came out.
They don't have any information about this aircraft.
"Is it another stealth bomber in China?" Jerryston guessed.
In the last Chinese National Day military parade, the three equipments were the most eye-catching, anti-stealth radar, war robots and stealth bombers.
It didn't take long before this time, and there was another huge thing.
From the satellite imagery, the plane is not small, and looking at the design, it is special.
"That is the space center of the marching ant group. It should be the aircraft made by Chen Mo. It is still unknown whether the bomber made for the Chinese military." Wayne is also somewhat uncertain.
That perverted company, controlled nuclear fusion can be developed, and smart robots, like toys, don't make people feel strange.
"To sort out this information, we need to report it to the staff and the White House."
Wayne is not in a good mood.
Huaxia is their biggest opponent. It has become more and more powerful. It is not a good thing for them to have such a horrible plane.
It is not only the people of the US Department of Defense who saw this plane.
Some countries that are concerned about the marching ant group have also received news.
The Island Defense Ministry, the intelligence room personnel responsible for manipulating the spy satellites, also saw the giants on the flying ant space airport through satellite images.
The marching ant group is the Chinese enterprise that they are most concerned about, especially after the war robots come out.
After the space center came out, they all collected intelligence through satellites. I did not expect that such a huge thing suddenly appeared today.
"Analysis is out, the wingspan is about 75 meters, the length is about 35 meters, and the height is unknown. This is an image of the aircraft simulated by three-dimensional composition based on satellite imagery. The design of the abdomen is unknown and is probably simulated."
The technicians quickly simulated the image of the aircraft through a computer, only the approximate appearance, the details are not clear.
But the abdomen of the airplane they simulated was too different from the original one, and even the model was not.

Will it be a new strategic bomber developed by the marching ant group to help the Chinese military?
a thin and weak official guessed.
"No one can be sure, let's notice it." The leading official said with a black face.
It is not uncommon for the workers in the marching ant group to defend their ants, to sell war robots to the Chinese military, and to sell other equipment.
But there is no exact news, they are just guessing.
At the same time, Russian intelligence agencies also received intelligence and quickly seized spy satellites passing over China, targeting the airport of the Fei Ant Space Center.
The world's top intelligence agency, the military, is concerned about the mysterious aircraft at the space center airport.
No one thinks this is a joke because it is the space center of the marching ant group.
"let's start."
In the command center, Chen Mo screen, clearly see the plane at the airport.
"Try to take off vertically."
With the instructions of Chen Mo, the engine of the aircraft has started.
Under the plane, there has been a huge wind that has spread across the square.
"The propulsion system has started."
There is no problem with the various data displayed on the console of the command center.
As the power continues to increase, everyone in the command center can clearly see through the glass windows that the aircraft has left the ground three meters, suspended in it, and is still rising slowly.
Several engine experts squinted and couldn't believe what was happening in front of them.
They were amazed at Chen Mo's ion engine, but they didn't believe it could drive dozens of tons of aircraft.
But the truth is in front of you.
The technology that Chen Mo said is all true.
The tens of tons of aircraft took off vertically, and this scene was seen in the sound years, which made the experts on the field excited.

The propulsion system is normal,
said the ink girl.
"Try to land vertically."
Chen Mo looked at the data on the computer screen, as well as the scene of the aircraft, and issued several instructions.
With several attempts, it is not a big problem to determine the vertical takeoff and landing.
"lifting height, 100 meters."
Chen Mo continued to test the aircraft according to his ideas.
The plane, which was still suspended at about 5 meters, climbed steadily and, in less than 20 seconds, has been lifted to a position of 100 meters, like a squid suspended in the air.
"Vertical takeoff and landing, this is vertical takeoff and landing."
In the intelligence room of the Pentagon’s spy satellite, the lights were bright and a group of people had become a mess.
China's ability to make such a large aircraft in the past, they are not accidental, but vertical take-off and landing, dozens of tons of aircraft are vertically taking off and landing under their satellite surveillance.
What a terrible technique is it that allows such a large aircraft to take off and land vertically?
A group of defense intelligence personnel was scared.
"What the hell, what monsters did the marching ant group develop?"
"Damn marching ants."
Wayne saw that the behemoth was able to rise vertically and was scared.
This is very important information. China has mastered a terrible engine technology, allowing dozens of tons of aircraft to take off and land vertically.
Intelligence agencies in other countries, through the spy satellites, saw the plane take off and land vertically, and they all stunned a underground bus.
Dozens of tons of aircraft can take off and land vertically, and what is the terrible level of the technology of the marching ant group?
When everyone was shocked, Chen Mo also issued new instructions to the plane.
"Now lift the navigation test."
Air hovering and take-off and landing are all right, followed by high-altitude navigation and space testing.
As Chen Mo's instructions went on, the engine at the rear of the aircraft also increased its power and accelerated to the sky until it became a small black spot in the eyes of everyone.
"Height 5 km."
"The propulsion system is normal."
"The power system is normal."
There was no problem during the take-off phase, and the experts on the field were secretly relieved, but they were still worried.
The plane is equipped with countless high-tech technologies that transcend the times. If the plane falls, how big is the loss? And they also feel the high tech on the plane.
Unconsciously, they took this test flight as an experiment in which they participated.

The height is 13 kilometers, the external temperature is minus 61 degrees Celsius, and the data is normal.

In the command center, the prompts of various artificial intelligences are echoing, and many experts are watching the computer screen, and the atmosphere does not breathe.
Chen Mo is standing on the sidelines, and if he looks thoughtfully at the screen in front of him, he is not in a hurry.

The height is 16 kilometers, the external temperature is minus 73 degrees Celsius, and it is about to enter the stratosphere. The data is normal.

Enter the stratosphere and let the experts on the field show a smile.
Yang Hao’s tightly clenched hand was loose.
Between the top of the troposphere and the stratosphere, it is the most suitable height for aircraft flight. It has a clear sky and high visibility. The clouds are below, and the weather has little effect on this height.
"Height 20 kilometers."
"Height 30 km..."
Everyone expects that the feedback data has broken through the troposphere and entered the stratosphere. The people who were already stunned again began to get nervous.
This is the first test, it is so high, and the altitude is still rising. Is this trying to challenge space?
Time passes by, the height is constantly refreshing, there is no data anomaly, and for the people on the field, there is no prompt exception, which is the best news.
As the aircraft returned the data, the altitude has not stopped rising.
The space expert Huaxing could not sit still.
"Academician Chen, this height has reached the top of the stratosphere, and they are entering the middle layer. The first test, with this result, is already perfect. Waiting for the next preparation, and then breaking through to a higher area?"
"No." Chen Mo shook his head: "This is an aerospace plane, this height is the test."
His armor can fly to the stratosphere, the goddess challenges this height, there is no technical problem, there is no problem.
This is an aerospace plane, this height is just beginning.

The height is 55 kilometers, it has entered the middle layer, the external temperature is minus 83 degrees Celsius, the propulsion system is normal, and the air pressure in the cabin is normal.

This time everyone is not calm.
The first test flight, into the middle layer, continue, to the top of the middle layer, then the goddess belongs to the spacecraft category.
Spacecraft category.
It means that the goddess is a real space plane, a spacecraft that can enter space.

The height is 65 kilometers, the external temperature is minus 86 degrees Celsius, and the data is normal.

At this point, the position shows that the goddess has reached the Pacific Ocean.
At this time, the experts on the field were numb.
When the plane first flew, it dared to go to the middle layer of 60 kilometers. Chen Mo’s courage was not that big.
Several experts stopped talking and finally gave up dissuasion.
This is the aircraft of the marching ant group. In theory, they have nothing to do with them. They are only guests, they come to visit, and it is not good to disturb the work of the developers.
Chen Mo’s understanding of the aircraft is definitely more comprehensive than them.
"The height of 80 kilometers has reached the top of the middle layer, the external temperature is minus 90 degrees Celsius, the cabin temperature is 25 degrees Celsius, the temperature control system is normal; the air pressure is 101.3KPa, the air pressure is normal, and the environmental control and life support system are normal;
The power supply and distribution system are normal; the measurement and control and communication system are normal; the propulsion system is normal; the mechanical arm system is normal; the occupant system is normal; the instrument and lighting system are normal; and the data management is normal.

As the aircraft entered the top of the middle layer, experts on the field were shocked.
At an altitude of 80 kilometers, it means that the goddess is already a spacecraft that does not rely on the atmosphere. Chen Mo said that this is an aerospace plane, and the first test flight was successfully implemented.
"Okay, stop here, return." Chen Mo directly gave an order.
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