Chapter 600: : The battle of space

After hanging up the communication with the ground, Chen Mo borrowed the force to reach the window of the hatch.
Outside is the endless starry sky.
There is almost no air here, and there is no pollution. The Galaxy, which is now seen, is shining brightly.
Only when you look up at the stars, you can clearly feel that human beings are small. In the endless universe, the earth is just a little dusty, unremarkable, but magical.
The outer starry sky is full of infinite mystery and unknown, and now human beings are just just able to get out of the earth.
Sometimes I look at the stars and think deeper, my heart always wraps around a sense of panic.
Because of the endlessness of the outside, we can understand the status of human beings in the universe. Perhaps in the face of advanced alien civilizations, humans are similar to the invisible bacteria.
If one day is discovered by a higher civilization, maybe they will end up doing the same as human ants.
In the vast universe, for the present human beings, alien life is temporarily unknown and dangerous.
After watching the starry sky for a long time, Chen Mocai regained his gaze.
It is not the time of emotion and fantasy.
Be prepared to work, at least one day in the future, when he really discovers alien life, he can have some psychological preparations.
"Ink girl, ready to launch the moon satellite." Chen Mo said.
"Okay, the launch countdown is 10 minutes."
The ink girl began to report time.
The space flight also has the task of launching a moon satellite.
In addition to the rich 氦-3, the moon is also the outpost of the Earth, looking up at the stars, the moon is the first starting point.
This time, a total of 4 satellites and 1 landing machine were launched, including ‘Jianmu 1’ relay star, lunar resource exploration satellite, lunar geological exploration satellite, lunar reconnaissance satellite and one-month back lander.
Unlike satellites that were launched last time, the moon satellites use a fully functional micro-ion engine as a power source, with no accidents, permanent operation, and a return function.
Although the project team of the lunar exploration project shared the moon's data with him, he must also have his own data collection method, which will serve as a source of information for his future exploration of the moon.

The 'Jianmu 1’ relay star is ready to leave the goddess...

‘Jianmu 1’ has been separated from the goddess...

The '蟾蜍1' geological exploration satellite is preparing to leave the goddess...


The 'laurel 1’ resource detection satellite is ready to leave the goddess...

"The 'Wu Gang 1' reconnaissance satellite is preparing to leave the goddess..."
"The Moon God 1 lander is ready to leave the goddess..."
4 stars and 1 device, in just one hour, they gradually separated from the goddess.
Since the use of an ion engine does not take into account the problem of fuel depletion, there is no need to change the orbit, but the direct acceleration, away from the gravity of the earth, flies past the moon.
"How long does it take for the satellite to reach the moon?"

It is expected that 35 hours into the lunar orbit, the satellite will automatically change its own track according to the calculated data.

Luna 1 Lander will only choose to land on the moon after the Jianmu No. 1 is in orbit.
After obtaining the lunar orbit data from Zhang Jianfeng, Chen Mo has allowed the ink girl to carry out multiple simulations and accurate calculations. The satellite carries artificial intelligence. Within the range of the lunar gravity, it will determine the situation and control the satellite to change the orbit.
Because the moon transmits data back, the Earth will issue instructions to the satellite, and there will be a delay in time, so that the satellite's artificial intelligence can judge the data, which is the best solution.
With the approval of Chen Mo, Zhao Min immediately let Lanxi draw up a notice and issue all branches and subsidiaries of the group.
The founder of the group, Chen Mo, successfully entered the space on the Goddess. On the 24th, Huaxia time, all employees of the marching ant group (global), one day off, at 9:30 in the morning, collectively watched Chen Mo, the founder of the marching ant group, in the space broadcast company. Internal speech, the overseas branch adjusted the day's work time on its own, and concentrated on watching the speech.
As soon as the announcement came out, the marching ant group was drawn up and down.
Today, many employees are paying attention to the news that their bosses are going into space. It has now proved that Chen Mo has successfully entered space.
A sense of pride, in the minds of every employee of the marching ant group.
This announcement has stirred up waves.
Chen Mocai has just been launched for a few hours. This announcement appeared. From the side, Chen Mo has safely entered space and has to give a speech in space.
The media’s self-proclaimed publicity soon became known to the world.
The news spread, attracting countless envy and hatred.
This is the strength of the company.
Now, when you say that you are an employee of the marching ant group, you will unconsciously have a sense of pride.
However, the announcement of the marching ant group seems to once again affect global action.
Shortly after the announcement of the marching ant group, the country announced that it will launch the plan to land on the moon again this month.
The dream of a small country, after the country is the third power, the fourth country that launched a spacecraft to the moon, failed once in 19 years, and now plans to open again. This country is small, but its ambition can be seen.
The news announced by the country has just fallen, India is not to be outdone, the Indian Space Research Organization announced that it will launch a spacecraft to land on the moon next month.
The two countries chose to upload news at this point in time, no doubt they have any deep meaning.
The upsurge of space exploration continues.
Wait for the message to cool.
At 9 o'clock that evening, NASA also issued a notice to launch the 'Hercules Plan' to return to the moon. It is ready to use the Hercules 1 to send the astronauts to the moon again, and will build a permanent base on the moon in the future.
The group is arguing for hegemony, and Russia is not willing to show weakness. Shortly after the United States chose to announce its return to the moon, the Russian Space Agency also announced the launch of the Yuri Plan to return to the moon.
Later, the European Space Agency also issued an announcement, and will soon launch a lander to the moon.
In less than half a day, several of the world's strongest groups of countries have announced or hinted at the moon landing plan, causing global shocks.
Following the second phase of the International Space Station project, the Huaxia United States expansion Linglong plan, the American Falcon plan and the marching ant group Goddess launched, the space exploration competition officially entered the second stage.
Space exploration seems to be at this moment, entering the era of competition.
No one is behind.
All countries with foresight know that there is an important resource of 氦-3 on the moon, and China's nuclear fusion technology has matured, nuclear power plants are just around the corner, energy reform is about to open, and now the army ant group has successfully developed the girl. The aircraft has the ability to land on the moon.
They must be preparing for the future.
Otherwise, once the quality resources are occupied by China, it will be very passive in the future.
It is too strange for many powerful countries to announce their landing on the moon.
For a time, conspiracy theories, the news of some bloggers' eyes, have already found the wreckage of alien spaceships on the back of the moon. Many countries are competing for the opportunity to acquire the alien technology and alien bodies of the shipwreck.
What caused a series of consequences is naturally because of an announcement by the marching ant group.
As the initiator and protagonist of the event, the internal speech of the marching ant group Chen Mo has also become the focus of global attention.
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