Chapter 609: : Return to the moon

Russian Space Agency news, Moscow time on July 11 at 9 am. The Russian Space Agency successfully tested the polar bear super heavy-duty launch vehicle at the Baikonur Space Center. In the next two months, it will take the opportunity to carry out a manned mission to the moon.
After the marching ant group announced the news of retrieving the moon back rock samples, global space exploration is like a pot of hot oil. The news of the Russian Space Agency is like a scoop of water and poured into the pot.
Once, the former Soviet Union was one of the two superpowers. Due to rocket technology problems and its own economic problems, the moon landing plan was forced to suspend, and the plan did not start again, and the former Soviet Union disintegrated.
Unexpectedly, decades later, Russia, which inherited most of the legacy of the former Soviet Union, announced the successful test launch of the launch vehicle.
The atmosphere that has already been tumbling has exploded in various public opinion.
After Russia announced the moon landing time, it led to a chain effect, followed by other countries, and announced the time of landing.
Reuters news: European Space Agency Director Yang Verner told this reporter that the European Space Agency's "Dawning Plan" will officially open the second step after half a month, launching a landing detector to the moon.
Asahi Shimbun: Informed sources of the island's space research and development agency revealed to the reporter that the island's space research and development agency will launch a lunar probe on the surface of the moon in the next month to officially open the 'monthly reading plan'.
The New York Times: SpaceX and the National Aerospace Industries Corporation jointly announced that the country’s second lunar probe, Genesis 2, will be launched at the beginning of next month with the Falcon 10 launch vehicle. Moon landing plan.
Indian Times News: ...
Many countries have expressed their willingness to announce to the media that in the next year, the lunar lander will be launched and the lunar exploration program in India will be officially launched.
This is the second time that the global powers have concentrated their positions and determined the time of the lunar exploration.
Many powerful countries do not want to lag behind in this step of landing on the moon. There is no Huaxia and the United States left.
This is currently the two most powerful countries in the world. The development of China over the years has been far from others in high technology.
Huaxia’s moon landing plan has been carried out step by step. As early as two months ago, the launch time of the next month was determined. After the marching ant group successfully obtained the return of Moon Rock, the plan remained unchanged.
The only uncertainty is that there is only the United States.
The eyes of the world are all gathered in the United States.
This once superpower, in this lively competition, is certainly not willing to succumb to the people.
At the time when the outside world was looking forward to it, it was true that NASA finally heard the news shortly after countries announced their plans to land on the moon.
NASA Director Jim Bridden publicly announced to the media that NASA will launch a manned spacecraft on July 26 and return to the moon. The launch vehicle is the Hercules 2 rocket.
In this mission, the astronauts will stay on the moon for a week, and will also launch a small research cabin and a small ecological cabin on the moon to prepare for the future construction of the lunar base.
After nearly 60 years, the United States returned to the moon.
The news was exposed, and the headlines of all the news were taken away in an instant.
It is revealed by a person familiar with the matter that the construction of the lunar base is to develop the 氦-3 resources on the moon in the future. The nuclear fusion technology of China has matured. In the near future, the nuclear power plant will be put into use, and the abundant 氦-3 resources on the moon will be The replacement of oil will become the main resource for future big powers, which is why many powerful countries are competing to land on the moon.
Affected by the news that the United States plans to build a lunar base and develop 氦-3 resources, and the nuclear power plant in China is about to be put into use, the impact of the news is the first to explode in the global stock market.
Global oil prices and coal prices have seen different declines, gold prices have risen sharply, and senior investors say that oil prices are fluctuating wildly, and gold will be the best safe-haven investment in the next few years, new energy and high-tech fields. It will be a good investment direction.
The various influences driven by public opinion have attracted global attention, and the United States has used this news to consolidate its status as a hegemon.
The US economic market has also become active after various news spread.
In this space race, other countries will start next month, and the United States will begin at the end of the month, as if to reveal the United States wants to lead the world.
In various reports and hot discussions, the 26th came.
Kennedy Space Launch Center.
In the final waiting room, the three astronauts completed the final physical examination and were chatting at ease.
Already close to the start of the mission, they are the first astronauts after returning to the moon.
In their hands, there are also descriptions of the experience of the astronauts who landed on the moon that year. These materials, even if they are already familiar, can't help but be familiar with them before they leave.
They have no experience, and the moon is completely strange to them. It has the experience of predecessors and it is of great help to them.
The importance and significance of this mission is extraordinary.
When the two countries were in the era of hegemony, landing on the moon was a sigh of relief. They proved that they are very powerful. Today is a turning point in history. The significance is extraordinary and successful. In the future competition for energy resources, they will gain a place and take the lead. It can be proved that they have remained strong for decades.
"Going up to the moon, you said that we will be better off first?" Van Yatvis opened.
He is the oldest and most experienced astronaut among the three astronauts. He has also traveled to the International Space Station many times and has also performed spacewalking tasks. Although he is under pressure this month, he must maintain a normal heart. The state of mind is very important.
Two of his colleagues on both sides are also experienced astronauts.
"this is a problem."
The youngest astronaut on the left looks like a hoe.
"People only remember the first person. People in the world know that Armstrong is the first person to set foot on the moon, but Mr. Aldrin, who is on the moon 19 minutes later than Mr. Armstrong, is not known."
"In this case, we use the most technical way in the universe to decide who will step on it first," the astronaut on the right said.

What is the most technical content?
Van Yatvis and the young astronauts on the left looked at him.
"Scissors, stones, cloth."
The three people laughed in an instant.
During the talk, the staff at the launch center came in and led them away. Now that the rocket is launched, they have to wait in the rocket's lunar module.
Jim looked at the tower on the far side, erecting the Hercules 2 rocket pointing to the sky.
It was a three-stage super-heavy launch vehicle, a larger lap than Saturn No. 5, which implemented the Apollo program. The diameter of the first-stage rocket reached an astonishing 15 meters and reached a height of more than 130 meters.
This rocket is the key to this moon landing plan.
The world is paying attention to this launch. If it is successful, they will show a muscle in front of the world.
"The Secretary, the astronauts have successfully entered the lunar module, and the launch is 3 hours and 10 minutes." Jim's secretary stopped by him and said.
"Mr. Kane, do you still want to do the final check?" Jim looked at Kane.
This weird guy didn't give him a good impression.
Since coming to the launch center, there has been nothing to say, behavior is very irritating, emotional intelligence is negative, and if it is not a horrible research and development ability, Jim does not want to see him.
He was a director of the NASA. When they were together, they seemed to be Kane to follow the class. This made him very upset and very faceless.
However, this guy is really very powerful. When the rocket was assembled, it was surprisingly smooth, and the various inspections were meticulous. I also found several small problems that other staff ignored.
"No." Kane shook his head, and when he finished, he went back to the command and control room.
I can see that Jim is depressed.
Everything is ready.
The global eye is paying attention to this launch, and the domestic media in the United States are preparing to broadcast live.
This is another great opportunity for their country.
Three hours later, with the global attention, the Hercules 2 rocket, in the launch tower of the Kennedy Space Center, skyrocketed.
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