Chapter 612: :ignition

The star ring in front of Chen Mo is bigger than the star ring of Science Island.
The star ring of Binhai Science Island is used for experiments, and this is the star ring that is actually put into use. Its total installed capacity has reached 21 million kilowatts.
According to theoretical calculations, as long as the star ring is stable, the power generation of this nuclear power plant can exceed 100 billion kWh per year.
This power generation, developed in the eastern coastal areas, five nuclear power plants can provide electricity consumption in a province, while inland or western regions, only one or two, can supply electricity to the province.
Most importantly, the operation of nuclear power plants is harmless and safe.
Today is the star ring ready to start the nuclear power plant. When Wan Yuanyu informed him, he immediately put down his work.
This time, the start-up is very important.
"The data is confirmed, no problem." said the ink girl.
"Ready to start."
Chen Mo left the star ring and passed to the control room.
The Star Ring is about to start, and the entire Dawuwan staff is looking forward to it. Their three years of hard work, and so on, today, once successful, they will open another history of mankind.
"There is a hunch that we are starting today and will be included in the history of mankind."
Lu Long swallowed, an unprecedented excitement.
He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Academy of Sciences. He had just joined the high-temperature plasma research and soon came across the opportunity to be the first nuclear fusion researcher to be sent to the Science Island of Binhai.
The techniques and theories learned here are enough to become an expert in the field of high temperature plasma research at the international level.
But the work here is confidential, he can't publish any papers, and he can't even publicly appear in front of the media.
But it doesn't matter. Now that the star ring is completed, this sense of accomplishment is not something that ordinary papers can bring. From the beginning of the research on adding high-temperature plasma, he knows that fame and fortune is not something he wants to fight for.
"I also have this intuition, very strong." Bai Lijing said.
There has never been a moment, as heavy as today’s intuition, and the result of success, the mood began to be unstoppable.
"All staff noticed, Mr. notice, ready to start, 30 minutes later, the star ring ignited." When the two chat, the nuclear power plant artificial intelligence sounds, reminding everyone in the post.
The artificial intelligence mentioned in the nuclear fusion power station is Chen Mo.
All of a sudden, all of them got up and didn't chat again, but finally confirmed their work problems.
The next half hour was a bit difficult. They have been working here for more than three years, and now they feel 30 minutes longer than they have been three years.
"Power is on."

The star-ring system is normal; the vacuum chamber is normal; the water-cooled system is activated; the divertor is normal.

"Increase the current of the B-coil, 50,000 amps...100,000 amps...200,000 amps...400,000 amps...1 megaamperes..."
Changes in various data appear on the screen of the Star Control Room.
Now is the preparation before the ignition, the control room staff has begun to be nervous. Success or failure is here. If this success, today will be a day when humanity is in history.
The ignition principle of the star ring and the tokamak device is the same, and the ignition current is used to induce ignition.
The current in the toroidal field is large enough to turn off the power for a moment and let the current be. In the vacuum chamber, a large enough induced current is generated instantaneously, so that the free electrons collide with the ion at that moment to form a high temperature plasma.
"Injecting fuel; ohm (e-coil) heating coil current has been added to the maximum;"
As time goes by, preparations have been completed, and now is the crucial moment – ​​disconnecting the loop-to-field circuit, allowing the current to reach a minimum and officially igniting.
The only thing that remains calm is Chen Mo.
According to the theoretical value, this ignition is completely no problem.
Chen Mo also deliberately let the ink girl simulate it again with a super computer, confirming that the data is feasible.
When the preparation is completed, the people in the control room look at Chen Mo. Only Chen Mo said that the staff responsible for the power supply will press the button.
Chen Mo lightly said that the staff responsible for the power button, confirm the command, press the button.
This time, as if in the control room everyone's heart, let everyone's breathing stop at this moment, the atmosphere can not breathe.
"Ignition is successful. The plasma beam temperature is 102 million degrees Celsius... heating the plasma... increasing the plasma pressure..."
The familiar reporting language of artificial intelligence falls into the ears of everyone, like a scorpio, cheers and applause.
They waited for more than three years, just to ‘Ignition success’.
The oldest Wanyuan screamed and sneaked away.
He has been engaged in nuclear fusion research for decades. He once thought that the cause of nuclear fusion should be handed over to future generations. He did not expect that he would see the completion of the nuclear power plant in his lifetime.
Even if the leader of this technology is not him, his participation is enough. Seeing the strength of the motherland, his career has succeeded, and he can retired with peace of mind and support his life.
Yang Mingxi was also excited and excited. As the general manager of Huaxia Nuclear Energy Group, Zhao Min came to him to join, form and manage the nuclear energy group after he retired from the nuclear power plant.
In the past few years, all his efforts have been on nuclear power plants. Today, I saw the success of the star ring ignition. This kind of mood is like watching the health of my child.
This time it is not the star of the experiment, but the star ring of the power station, the meaning is completely different.
In the control room, several researchers, laughter and weeping mixed together.
Cry because, since entering the construction of nuclear power plants, they have not returned home in the past few years. They even dare not tell their families what they are doing now. They cannot go back to visit if they are sick.
Laughing is because, after a few years of hard work, they finally see the results. This sense of accomplishment makes them feel worthy for several years.
"The notice goes on, and the feast is celebrated."
Chen Mo’s words just fell, the control room, and even the entire nuclear power plant staff, instantly boiled.
This sound is undoubtedly a drop hammer, and the star ring has been successfully ignited.
The success of nuclear power plants is of great significance. From this moment on, the era of energy change has officially opened. They are witnesses at this moment.
"Preparing a nuclear power plant into the network launch ceremony, the first official nuclear power plant was completed, this is a good opportunity to announce the world, the sense of ritual still has to be." Chen Mo went to Yang Minghao and said.
"Wait for four years, just wait for this moment, the planning book for the launching ceremony is almost accumulating, and finally come in handy." Yang Mingxi secretly erased the tears of his eyes and laughed.
This is the happiest day he has lived for most of his life.
The Dawuwan nuclear fusion power station has successfully ignited the star ring.
The news was exposed from the official website of Huaxia Nuclear Energy Group, marching ant group and Huaxia Academy. In less than 20 minutes, it was like a huge tsunami. The news platforms and social platforms that swept the world occupied the most conspicuous headlines.
Anyone who saw the news was shocked.
This is almost a sign of the beginning of human energy change, and perhaps a sign of the turning point of human civilization.
The wings of change are instigated at this moment, and the influence behind it is enough to cause a magnitude 10 earthquake in the global economy, politics, and science and technology.
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