Chapter 621: : Earth, three acres of land

The pet adventure is on fire.
The magical and dreamy advertisement of Binhai Square was thoroughly spread through the circle of friends, Weibo and self-media.
Some media people began to interpret the intention of the small game of the marching ant group.
The acquisition of game pets needs to be searched for outdoors, and the main places where pets appear include sports fields, parks and leisure plazas, which encourage users to have more outdoor activities.
Pet food or decorations for pet nests require energy for exercise and low carbon activity. In the virtual world, the adventure forest of pet travel is in reality a marching ant forest, which is similar to Ali's ant forest.
The more outdoor sports, the more low-carbon activities, the more beautiful and more powerful holographic pets will be. And holographic pets are artificial intelligence, can communicate with people, quite virtual pets.
A variety of themes are perfectly combined in the pet adventure, this kind of pet game, after a period of silence, is now hot again in the country.
The marching ant group has already supplied micro-holographic projectors to mobile phone manufacturers all over the world. At present, holographic mobile phones have long been popular and occupy the mainstream market. However, anyone with a holographic mobile phone can fully raise holographic pets, and two holographic mobile phones can be used together to summon each other. Pet fighting.
As a small program, like the ‘Ant Forest, the game is embedded in the ant nest of the marching ant account platform. However, anyone who has a mobile ant group mobile phone has an ant nest account with enough users.
Meaning, theme, audience and entertainment, all fit the current youth's preferences and behaviors, making the game completely raging.
The fire of the game also promoted the popularity of the ant colony of the army ant platform.
"It’s better than expected."
Zhao Min saw the feedback data and was very satisfied.
In just two days, new users have skyrocketed and online users have exceeded 100 million. This is not a general hot.
Pet adventure and marching ant forest, just in line with the modern youth Buddhist system and environmental protection attitude, successfully attracted the interest of this group of people, that is the main group of domestic netizens, but also the most dynamic group of users.
Now walking on the road, I can see some young people looking for pets with their mobile phones, and re-enacting the scenes of Pokemons that were hot in the past.
Moreover, the pets are hot, and their other purposes are also achieved. The various messages are scattered one after another, and the attention on the network about nuclear fusion technology is plummeting.
They already have enough time and space to speed up the layout of nuclear fusion power stations.
The impact of nuclear fusion technology will be carried out quietly, subtly, and then eliminated in the constant adjustment of society. When the outside world once again pays attention to nuclear fusion technology, it may be that the nuclear fusion power station has been widely popularized at that time, and the overall situation has been determined.
The impact of nuclear fusion applications, the decline in domestic attention, their troubles will be less and less, in the country, they are successful to get rid of the impact.
As for foreign troubles, it has nothing to do with them.
They are just a company, they can't manage it, they can't manage it.

Next, our company will launch ‘ant pays’, ‘ant bank’ and marching ant funds, all in accordance with the original plan.
Zhao Min said.
Their company has a large number of users, and the things involved are very wide and very general.
The ‘ant nest’ serves as a platform for them to unify various services and procedures. Today, ‘ant nest’ is a popular opportunity for pets to be popular.
The payment market is in the domestic market. It is a situation of two superpowers. UnionPay, various home appliance dealers and big companies want to enter the market to make the market stand up, but they have not succeeded. They take the opportunity to enter the market, and maybe they can form a three-legged trend.
Now the pet adventure is a hot game, and many people want to catch some rare and beautiful holographic pets.
After the payment is launched, the payment account is bound, and a holographic pet is sent. Each time the account is paid, the pet food and energy are sent, and the practice of the ant forest is used to cultivate the user's usage habits.
These are all planned.
Although Ali does the same, they are the best at all. Now they use various rewards and offers to attract users to see who is attractive enough.
The methods are easy to use, reasonable and legal, and they cost less. They naturally will not let go.
Ant payment, banks and funds are responsible for the team organized by Zhang Yi. The preparations are all ready. Next, see how they perform the promotion. Zhao Min needs to manage a lot of things.
"I will take a break for a while, the company's affairs, unless you can't do the project, or your department will confidently negotiate or ask Li Lingfeng and Julie." Zhao Min said.
The people at the conference table nodded.
Zhao Minping is so desperate, rarely seeing a vacation, and now it is rare to ask for a vacation, they will naturally not bother her.
The application of nuclear fusion is just the right time. In the past two days, the domestic public opinion against their company has gradually disappeared, and the people behind it must know that they cannot stop, so they will stop doing things.
In the next few months, several major powers around the world will carry out the change of leaders.
The pattern of the global future is full of uncertainty. Nowadays it is a special period of the gulf, and no one wants to make too much of too much.
Just during this time, Zhao Min plans to take a good rest and go to space to see.
The company's affairs, including Li Lingfeng, Zhu Li, Zhang Yi and Lao Luo, and the management team are dealing with, so a huge company, it is impossible for her to stop working after a while, otherwise she will be busy all these years.

All departments will start their business according to your original plan. The meeting ends here, and the meeting will be held.

After that, Zhao Min got up from the chair and left the meeting room with Lanxi.
"Zhao Zong, what is your schedule?"
"No need to arrange, you are in the company, contact me if there are any special and major problems." Zhao Minjun said: "Now arrange the car, go to the boss's house."
"Good." Lanxi immediately dialed the phone to inform the car.
Unparalleled is a large book in the hall, is a fairy tale, tight-skinned face, the look of the book is very serious, looks very cute.
Suddenly, the movement from the door made her raise her face.
After seeing the person coming, I immediately dropped the book and was excited to run away.
"I came to discover you when I came in."
Zhao Min saw that Wushuang rushed over, and immediately reached out and hugged him. He kissed her little face before putting it down.
"Min Min has bought you new clothes."
"Thank you Min."
Xiao Wushuang took the dress bag in the hands of Zhao Min, put it on the sofa on one side, and took Zhao Min’s hand and walked toward the piano not far away.
"Min Min, today the teacher taught me to play the piano, can you play it for you?"
"So powerful? Well, let Min. listen."
The small fishing on the sofa, smiling at the scene of the two relatives, has long been used to. When Zhao Min arrived, she also put aside some of the things about building schools in her hands.
"on vacation?"
"Well, the company's business, let the following people deal with it. The country only relies on one Zhuge Liang, it is difficult to escape the end of the death, it is very important to train a group of outstanding people, I am in charge of the company's overall situation and the general direction, the other let them let go趁This time, playing in the space, do you have time?"
"Yes, let the unparalleled grandparents come over to take care of her for a while, just the old man misses her." Xiaoyu said: "I never thought that one day it would be so crazy, actually want to go into space."
"The earth can not restrain him in this three-point land, you naturally have to keep up." Zhao Min said with a joking.
Small fishing is not allowed.
"When are you going to train?"
"I have to rest for a few days, then go on, I heard that training is very hard." Zhao Min said.
"That's staying here for a while, anyway, you go back to your villa, it's also a person. It's a lot of people here, and you can play with the unparalleled."
Zhao Min did not refuse.
During the two-person chat, the unparalleled is ready, sitting on the piano bench and starting to perform.
Although the notes are intermittent, they are very complete. Just after a day of study, I remember the notes and notes of the songs. The two looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.
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