Chapter 634: : This is a fall

Unexplained computer viruses spread in 13 cities in four US states, resulting in massive power outages. Many companies, schools, and supermarkets were attacked by viruses and suffered heavy losses.
Within a day, many cities in the United States suffered successive virus attacks.
News about the spread of computer intelligence viruses, broadcast from US radio and television stations, spread into global news.
Another incident of computer viruses.
This is not the first time.
At this point in time, the climax of the air defense war between the island countries and Russia has just passed. The United States agrees with the island’s proposal to declare sanctions against Russia and has already taken action.
The smart virus suddenly broke out in many cities in the United States, leaving the global atmosphere inexplicably tense.
At this point in time, the US urban network was attacked by an unknown virus. The only thought of the outside attack was that the virus attack may be Russian retaliation.
"It’s absolutely Russians. They even intervene in the election. It’s not unusual.

"The whole world should sanction that hateful country."
"I don't know how to live and die. They think that we are as bullying as the cowards of the island countries, killing them, increasing the sanctions and letting their economy collapse completely."
"That is a terrorist country and we must sanction them."
On the first day of the news exposure, various media speculations appeared, which attracted the indignation of the American people. Numerous shackles against Russia were filled with the Internet.
At this special point in time, Russia was pushed to the cusp of public opinion.
Subsequently, the US White House spokesperson said at the press conference that if the murderer of the virus attack is found, he must pay the price. The official voice just fell, the CIA announced the investigation of the incident.
A large group of spectators began to take a pose of eating melons.
On the second day after the United States was exposed to a virus attack, Russian officials clarified at the press conference under the continuous fermentation of public opinion. The computer virus incident that broke out in the United States has nothing to do with them, and they are completely unaware of it.
It’s just a Russian explanation. It’s not too convincing. The preconceived notion makes too many people feel that it is definitely what Russia does.
The two sides have a different word, and the global atmosphere has become more subtle.
At Langley's headquarters, Tom was drinking coffee while browsing the latest news.
He has been paying attention to the news of intelligent viruses. He did not have the first time to clarify and announce the results of the investigation. The news is fermenting, and the bigger the trouble, the more attention he receives.
The greater the anger of the people, the less resistance they will have in their subsequent plans and arrangements.
Nowadays, the media has pushed the incident to the height of the dispute between Russia and the United States. It has attracted the attention of the world and has enough attention.
If you come to a big reversal, it will be very interesting.
"Is the reporter all here?" Tom looked up at the assistant around him.
"It’s all coming." The assistant nodded gently.
"Let's go." Tom took the coffee and took a sip, grabbed the ‘investigation’ file, and left the office with his assistant.
He couldn't help but smile when he thought that the islanders were more uncomfortable than swallowing Xiaoqiang.
The Island People’s Committee did not have a grievance and had nothing to do with him. His task was to get artificial intelligence technology. Because the technology for artificial intelligence in island countries has been determined, the high probability is advanced artificial intelligence.
At the press conference held by the CIA, journalists from all over the world were crowded and crowded.
This time, the CIA announced the results of the investigation of the virus incident. This result may be directly related to the direction of global politics. It has been paid attention to by the whole world. Many equipments on the field are broadcast live.
Villisova was sitting in the front row and looked nervous.
She is a Russian journalist in the United States. She is very angry about the remarks that Russia is the culprit of the attack. However, their country's public opinion is limited, and it is impossible to influence the direction of global public opinion before it comes out.
Too many preconceived speculations and hateful thoughts about Russia have made the public think that the media has no basis for guessing.
If this press conference, the CIA announces the results of the investigation, it will be the target of them, and the confrontation between the two sides will definitely escalate. The already tense relationship between the two sides is definitely worse.
Suddenly I saw Tom coming out of the background, and Villisava’s spirit was shocked and her body leaned forward slightly.
This is the first time that Tom has appeared in front of the media since the loss of the former director Linna’s plane. It is still about the investigation of the virus incident.
Tom's face looked a little gloomy, and his mood was not good.
His appearance, let some live reporters on the field deliberately added a few close-ups, the atmosphere was quiet, some subtle.
"The results of the investigation into the intelligent virus attack in the four states of our country have come out. This result makes us very sorry and angry." Tom calmed his face and grabbed the documents in his hand and shook it.
A group of reporters below held their breath, especially Villisova, and stared at Tom.
"According to our survey results, 13 cities were attacked by intelligent virus attacks, which was done by island people."
When Tom said the last few words, the scene was like a brain-destroyed fan who saw an idol and was completely out of control. The reporters in the front row all stood up, and the camera lens shot crazy against Tom.
The gap in the event reversal is too big for everyone to smash.
Unbelievable results.
The outside world has been rumored that the Russians retaliated against them, but they did not expect that they were helping the 'allies'.
The reporter from the island nation almost shouted and stared at Tom.
Unlike him, the front row of Villiswa almost excited to jump up, the CIA said that they are not them, then it has nothing to do with them.
"Mr. Tom, what evidence does it prove that the island country did?" The island journalist refused to raise his hand and immediately asked questions, and he looked very angry.
I was prepared to attack a lot of Russian attacks. Now I can't use one, and I still hear this incredible news.
"We tracked down hackers attacking 13 cities, iP is an island country, and computer viruses spreading in 13 cities are ‘Satan’ virus variants that have led to the global smart virus crisis.
The last time the island country 'Satan' virus spread, causing huge global losses, the island country's research and development team of 'Satan' virus, according to regulations, should now be in prison. However, our investigation found that the team's R&D staff was not imprisoned and still led the development of intelligent viruses.

Tom let people release the information they have investigated.
It is the researcher of the Murakami Water Stop Team.
The last time the 'Satan' virus spread, causing global economic losses is immeasurable.
Now, the team members who develop the Satan virus are still at large, helping the island countries to develop smart viruses.
"According to the address we tracked, the virus attack came from the base where they were. We have enough reason and evidence to prove that this team did. We asked the island official to hand over the 'Satan' R&D team. Go back to our country for investigation and trial."
call! !
The scene of the press conference has been broadcasted worldwide through live footage.
They guessed the beginning, but the result was such a big reversal.
The shadow of the last Satanic virus was vividly witnessed, the global network almost fell, and the island people were still framed by the marching ant group, and finally they were discovered.
Now Tom says that the ‘Satan’ virus team is attacking them, and most people choose to believe.
Only the terrible intelligent virus research and development team can cause such damage. When the "Satan" virus spread, it was a huge loss in the country.
Crazy and even attacking yourself, what else can you do?
"Impossible, absolutely impossible, this is a fall."
At the reception, the reporters of the island country could not believe this, and finally left the reception scene.
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