Chapter 636: : Fermi Paradox and Deep Sea Bacteria Theory

The United States got the artificial intelligence it wanted, and the dispute with the island nation has subsided and returned to normal.
The storm in the world is fading.
The island nation still fights against Russia in the air, but it has not been as intense as it started. The United States has a lot of action and seems to be fully prepared for the next election.
All three countries have artificial intelligence, and they all feel the terrible nature of artificial intelligence. They have no publicity and want to keep a low profile.
The island country and the United States still maintain their original relationship. In order to fight against Russia, a military exercise was also held. It seems that the contradiction of the previous period has never happened.
Only the parties knew that the two sides had already met each other and had no peace of mind.
Now the incident has slowly subsided and the world has returned to calm again.
Flying Ant Center.
The goddess is ready.
In the past two months of training, Xiao Yu and Zhao Min’s aerospace training has been completed and suffered a lot.
Today is the day of space travel.
At this time, Xiao Yu and Zhao Min were already wearing space suits. Both of them were covered and only one head was exposed.
"Drink this up."
Chen Mo took two test tubes of blue liquid from the ink girl and handed it to Zhao Min and Xiao Yu.
"what is this?"
The two looked strangely at the liquid in the hands of Chen Mo, like some kind of oral liquid, and there was nothing special about it.
"A radiation-preventing agent that prevents genetic mutations in the body that may arise from space radiation," Chen said.
After all, there is radiation in space. If you are active in space for a long time, there will be genetic mutations that are not good for the human body. In order to reduce this problem, Chen Mo looked for this radiation-preventing agent from the Science and Technology Library.
The efficacy of the pharmacy is one week and will be handed over to Starfish for later use by astronauts and staff in high-radiation positions.
Zhao Min and Xiao Yu did not think much, took the medicine and drank it.
This is the first time that Xiao Yu and Zhao Min went into space. They were somewhat nervous. Fortunately, Chen Mo was around, and he had some sense of security.
Chen Mo took two people and went to the goddess. Under the attention of the ground personnel, the wind was blowing up at the airport, and the goddess slowly floated and disappeared into the distant sky.
Deep in the unknown universe, a bright spot is far and near, shuttles and flies quickly.
The spacecraft slowly approached, revealing its original appearance.
A mountainous spaceship with angular edges and various weapons.
In the cabin of the spaceship, sleeping on a pink creature, about three meters high, like a lizard-like head, eyes closed, synthetic fingers long slits, protruding bulging, no ears, long fingertips on the top of the head .
In the transparent dorm room, you can see the body of the unknown creature pink, the skin is soft like an octopus, covered with strange lines, the legs are squat scales, and behind it is a blood-red tail, about two meters long. It is full of various spikes.
Inside the cabin, a strange and sharp sound suddenly sounded, and it was translated.
"Red-tailed ephemeris, 42:42:89 on November 74, 204,756, the fugitive 20981 spacecraft has entered the galaxy range, the 5142th destination, the Milky Way Orion, is expected to arrive 5 years later, no suitable living star is found...

Just after the report was completed, the sharp and harsh alarm sounded. For a moment, the dormant warehouse of the spacecraft control room was all open, and the pink creature suddenly opened his eyes during sleep, and the red scorpion appeared panic.
"The most advanced alarm, the highest level alarm, coordinates A5247, S1547, X24567 appear meteorite flow, impact after 5 seconds, the weapon system starts."
The tentacles on the head of the red tail are shaking, and the mouth emits weird sound waves.
The entire control room was flustered.
The spacecraft weapon system has been turned on, all in the direction of the meteorite.
boom! ! !
A stream of particles flew over the meteorites, and the meteorite that was hit, instantly exploded, turned into smaller fragments and flew into the square.
"Alarms, alarms, damage to the hull."
"Alarm, the hull is damaged, please leave the spacecraft immediately, please leave the spacecraft immediately."
The red-tailed creature heard the alarm and looked desperate in his eyes.
The impact of the big meteorite allowed the spacecraft that did not know how to wander for many years in the universe to explode in an instant. Numerous fragments and wreckage of the spacecraft lasing in all directions.
The largest piece, along with the slate, is heading towards the lasing of Orion.
On the Orion's spiral arm in the direction of the debris, the sun still radiates the unchanging light, and the azure earth is still moving forward.
"it's beautiful."
On the goddess, Xiao Yufu was at the window, looking at the blue planet outside the window, his face was excited. Beside her, it is Zhao Min, and her look is a bit complicated.
The two, like two children who have never seen the world, are intent on the earth.
The blue glowing planet is the planet they live in. I can't see any creatures, and their huge corporate headquarters is so small that they can't be seen at all.
How big is the vision and how broad the mind is.
At this moment, they really felt that human beings are still smaller than the dust in the universe. For the unchanging universe, they are just fleeting passengers.
People with unstable minds will personally experience this feeling of insignificance, and I am afraid that they will lose their fighting spirit directly.
Seeing only the excited little fisherman, Zhao Min is somewhat envious. There are people who care, don't think too much, sometimes it's still good.
Next to Chen Mo, a calm face.
She now understands that Chen Mo faces the fighting spirit of the universe.
I am afraid this man will not be willing to disappear into the long river of the universe as a bacteria.
Chen Mo seems to see Zhao Min's mind, smiled and reached out and patted her back, and touched Xiao Yu's head: "Good-looking? Is the Galaxy over there good-looking, or is the earth beautiful?"
"Then you think that the ink girl looks good, or is Zhao Min sister good-looking?" asked Xiao Yu.
When I heard this question, Zhao Min almost smiled and this question was really interesting.
"Well, each has its own merits, it looks good." Chen Mogan said with a smile.
"You said, in this universe, there are really other creatures, alien civilizations." After Xiaoyu returned to God, some feelings looked at the earth outside the window.
"Let the big scientists answer you."
Both Zhao Min and Xiao Yu looked at Chen Mo and waited for his answer.
"This problem is similar to that of deep-sea bacteria. The bacteria that live in the pits deep in the trench ask if there are other bacteria outside." Chen Mo said with emotion: "There must be, but they are confined to the deep sea."
"But is there a Fermi paradox? Suppose there are aliens, millions of years before our development, the universe travel must have found us. But we did not find aliens, and did not find aliens really cut. There is no evidence that there is no alien."
"Oh, even these theories are known." Chen Mo laughed.
"I just heard about it," said Xiao Yu.
"This paradox is a blasphemy. In fact, Liu Cixin's "Three-body" uses the law of dark forests to make a possible explanation for Fermi's paradox. The general idea is that alien civilizations deliberately hide themselves from others. Alien civilization found that it would avoid recruiting more advanced civilizations.
But it is only a possibility that not all civilizations will hide from each other, and humans will launch Traveler No. 1.
There are many other possibilities that can explain Fermi's paradox.
Like the deep-sea bacteria I just said, Fermi's paradox is equivalent to deep-sea bacteria, is there any other creature outside? If so, why haven't they found them yet? Or they are found evidence of our existence.
They didn't find us, didn't we exist?
In fact, there is a problem in finding a time span. Millions of years, very long for humans, very short for the universe.
Millions of years ago, at that time we were just a pool of liquid. Suppose the bacteria on the sea floor can only live for two days. How long does it take for generations to wait until the day we are discovered?
Maybe after a few decades, a deep-sea science exploration, humans will find the deep-sea colony, and then after a few decades, find another second colony, the third colony? The time to find those colonies was early and late.
The same problem applies to us. Suppose we are a colony in the deep sea of ​​the universe. The journey of exploration by aliens is not the turn to discover us? After all, space travel is much more dangerous than deep sea exploration and much wider than the sea.
Of course, you can also assume that the creatures of the universe appear at the same time. We are the fastest generation of civilization. After millions of years, our universe explores other civilizations. No matter what the results, scientific inference, extraterrestrial life exists. .
But in the universe, how likely are we to be the first generation of cosmic civilization? This probability is equivalent to all the creatures on Earth thinking they are the first generation of civilization. Probability exists, but this probability is estimated to be lower than the probability of a penguin game.

After hearing the last sentence, Xiao Yu and Zhao Min couldn't help but laugh.
"I think it should be a little bigger than the probability of a penguin game draw." Zhao Min smiled.
"It's so complicated, but fortunately I am stupid, don't think so much." Xiaoyu said.
She generally understands the meaning of Chen Mo's explanation. As for the thoughts, it is not within her consideration.
"You are not afraid that one day aliens will find us as a 'colony'. Just like humans catching specimens, do you want to study them as specimens?" Zhao Min asked.
"Then I have to be determined to be the super bacteria that will kill them."
"If it is discovered by aliens, will it not be directly extinct like the three-body description?" Xiaoyu curiously asked.

Maybe, but it may or may not, the same level of civilization, or the level of civilization of the two species, may apply to the rules of the Dark Forest. For example, in the era of great navigation, American Indians were slaughtered and killed.
But at the same level of civilization, or a civilization similar to our level, the probability that the universe explores us is too small, and the time span and distance span are too long. Civilizations of the same rank as ours, unless we find habitats like the three bodies, it is impossible to extrugate us.
Civilizations far above our level of civilization have discovered us, such as going to African expedition research, discovering a new nest of ants in the rain forest, will we burn the nests in a fire? Obviously not. Grab a few to study or study.
If our human intelligence and civilization evolve to the extent that they do not reach their level and do not threaten their interests, and our living environment is of no value to them, the Dark Forest Law may fail. If we have an interest in them, then you can refer to the zoo's small animals.

Chen Mo looked at the depths of the universe and said quietly.
Weak meat and strong food, no matter which kind of civilization, apply, that is the essence of the universe,
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