Chapter 645: : Party plans

Eva sat in the White House of the President's White House, with a calm face and frowning.
She is the new president, the daughter of the former president, the model, and after her father was elected, she entered the political circle and became the first princess. Since the stepmother did not like communication and did not understand politics, she almost did the first lady. 'work.
Travel with your father or travel on behalf of your father to maintain their international relations.
Model-born, also a socialite, she is good at communication, she is in the political circle, and she has gained prestige and exposure in various international affairs. In ordinary country affairs, she also often contacts, as her father's think tank and even an assistant to help.
In a few years, she has long been familiar with the routines of the political circle.
In this election, she accumulated enough prestige, and she also had the resources accumulated by her father. With absolute advantage, she successfully took over her father's stick and entered the White House.
But now the world situation is very troublesome.
The emergence of controlled nuclear fusion technology has brought a new reshuffle process to the world economy and pattern.
Since China’s successful manned landing on the moon and the marching ant group announced the successful development of the 氦-3 resources, Huaxia is now the leader of global technology. Although they are not willing to admit it, they are half a step behind.
Maybe not just a half step.
On the desk in front of her is the satellite image of the Flying Ant Center, which was sent by the Intelligence Bureau. This behemoth, advanced to deploy space-based weapon platform ‘Falcon’ in space.
This marching ant group is much more troublesome than they think.
"Nick, how is progress in controlled nuclear fusion technology?" Eva looked at Nick.
Nick and others, her father's legacy of government governance, "legacy", enough capacity, in the early days of her adaptation to the president, can give her a lot of help.

The research report is only one step away from success. But there is still a problem, that is, superconductors and some material problems. Controlled nuclear fusion must be superconductors, the institute is transforming the fusion device, and now it is ready to experiment with low temperature superconductors. verification……"
Nick said seriously.
"I want funds?" Eva asked.
Nick shrugged and didn't expect Eva to know so quickly. But Eva is smart, and his think tank doesn't have to be as hard as his father used to be.
"Give them, no matter what method, in the shortest possible time, let the controlled nuclear fusion technology reach commercial standards." Eva said coldly.
China is in control of controlled nuclear fusion technology, and they do not, this is a hurdle.
After she took office, she chose a different style from her father. She did not choose to confront China, but chose to be strong.
She studied the situation in China, and now they can't hold on to China. The confrontation has no use, but it brings losses to themselves.
The world is shuffling, and only they are strong. In this shuffle, they can take more benefits.

Is artificial intelligence now able to crack the termite system?
Eva asked.
They have spared no effort in monitoring the global network. With artificial intelligence, they will have the hope to control the global Internet. But since the previous viral crisis, termite systems have become very popular.
In particular, some important enterprises and individuals, as well as most of China's markets, have already popularized termite systems.
If artificial intelligence can't control the termite system, they can't achieve it.
"Or not."
"Is it still not okay?" Eva sighed and knocked on the information on the table: "What do you think of the marching ant group?"
"Even if we are not prepared to confront them positively, we must maintain our sense of existence. Otherwise, the global vision will be attracted to China, and our status and influence will disappear faster. We need to let the outside world know that we are still very Strong," Nick said.
"Yeah." Eva nodded lightly: "Explore artificial intelligence technology breakthroughs."
The image captured by the satellite is transmitted to the network.
For a time, it stirred up an uproar.
The marching ant group has been able to develop the 氦-3, and now it is building a large aircraft again, probably as a means of transporting lunar funds for building a lunar base.
The development of lunar resources has entered the acceleration phase?
China's marching ant group is now a standout, and there is no other way than the envy of the outside world.
With the rise of China and the troubles of controlled nuclear fusion technology, the relationship between the United States and the European Union has long been worse than before. Under the strength of a single country, it is impossible to make a marching ant group.
The news of the mysterious big planes of the marching ant group did not take long, and the United States also showed no small movements.
The American Artificial Intelligence Lab announced that it has made breakthroughs in artificial intelligence technology and successfully developed advanced artificial intelligence that can assist humans in scientific research.
As soon as the news came out, it immediately grabbed the limelight of the mysterious big plane of the marching ant group.
Artificial intelligence technology has the achievements of the artificial intelligence of the marching ant group. In recent years, many countries and large enterprises have used artificial intelligence as the most important technology to study.
However, although there are breakthroughs, there are breakthroughs in life assistants, autonomous driving, intelligent language, and human-machine communication.
Now the United States has announced that advanced artificial intelligence can assist humans in scientific research.
This news shocked the world.
In the past, they only guessed that the marching ant group had achieved such terrible success, which was assisted by artificial intelligence. Now the United States has announced this truth and determined this fact.
The outside world has already been optimistic. Next, the United States will enter the stage of the big explosion of science and technology.
"This American is really shameless."
The Prime Minister's Office of the island country, Anbei face black.
He knows that the artificial intelligence announced by the United States was taken from his hands through shameless pressure on sanctions.
When I think about it, I feel like I’m in a hurry. During this time, he wants to kill those shameless people all the time.
Self-directed and self-produced a play, framed them, robbed them of their technology, and they also compensated. Now it is still announced that artificial intelligence is the result of their own.
If he can, he can't wait for them to disappear from the earth.
But no one doubts their words. Because the United States' scientific and technological strength has been leading the global development, it has only recently been surpassed by China, but they are still very strong.
"Long Yi, how is the technology cracked by Tianzhao on the marching ant group?"
I am too lazy to read the news again. The more I look at the liver, the more I have lost the newspaper in my hand, drink tea and force myself to calm down.
After the breakthrough of the Azure, with the ability to assist in research and development, they will focus on the reverse cracking of the technology of the marching ant group.
At present, the marching ant group, the main technology, represents the highest level of global technology. If they can crack those technologies and be mastered by them, they will not be able to keep up with the pace of China's technological development.

Hardware technology is easy to crack, but the software technology of the marching ant group is very difficult,
said Sato Ryuichi.
"How to say?"
"We reversed their robot design and holographic projection design. But the soul of the machine is software, artificial intelligence, and we can't crack it."
Sato Ryuichi said truthfully.
"And, they have long known that there will be a cracked day, the technical architecture and materials that can be cracked, and the marching ant group has applied for a patent. But there is some good news, we can master and use this technology, but it is impossible to use them to make a profit. And already."
"War robot?"
"We don't have a war robot, so we can't know its technology, design and materials. But we designed our own war robot through the sky. We let the artificial intelligence team, for the war robot, modify the artificial intelligence program, preliminary test, The combat effectiveness is good, much stronger than the average soldier. When mature, the combat power will be better."
"Once mature, let the Mt. Fuji base, a large-scale secret production of war robots."
There is a dangerous light in An Bei’s eyes.
"The world pattern is changing, there are signs of chaos, and perhaps a fire point will trigger the next global reshuffle war. When it is ready, we will not have to be subject to the Americans after the shuffle. And they are on an equal footing."
"We are not involved in this technical competition. We will first break the technology of the marching ant group and the technology we originally developed, and thoroughly understand those technologies to prepare for the future."
The Russian president has a majestic look with a wise look.
Sitting in front of his eyes, there are Russian presidential science and technology consultants, the president of the Academy of Sciences, the minister of the technical department, and the scientists of the weapons research and development department, all of which are important tasks in the field of science and technology.
After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia was pulled back from the brink of collapse to maintain the president of today's powerful position. He has the wisdom and power to be stronger than any other world leader.
They have been blocked by the United States and Europe for a long time, and their national strength is getting weaker.
Now that fossil energy prices have plummeted, their losses are not small.
This is why he wants agents to use whatever means and rob the island country of artificial intelligence.
That one, he bet on it.
Artificial intelligence assisted scientific research, optimized controlled nuclear fusion devices, and successfully helped the weapons research and development department to develop several long-stayed weapon technologies.
The technological breakthroughs are much faster, and now they have signs of restoring their glory. The Americans stared at the marching ant group and stared at China. They wanted to be technically not lost to them. As everyone knows, they have already lost.
They don't participate, they develop quietly, and as long as they are forbearing enough, there will always be them erupting, and when it is a blockbuster.
At this time, it is not suitable, and there is no need to participate in this technology competition.
"Tell me when the war robot is designed," said the Russian president.
The war in Syria was awakened to the world.
The horrific fighting power of the marching ant group war robots has caused a fundamental change in the global military community's war form for the future.
In the future, various machines will become the main tools of war.
Numerous wisdom condensation techniques, in some respects, are much better than humans.
"Looking for ways to attract European technical talents, what we lack most now is talent. If European technology does not break through, once they start the next shuffle, they will be out."
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