Chapter 648: : Quantum and Consciousness

Since the ant aerospace company announced the return of 氦-3, the United States was the first to announce that it will continue the lunar development plan.
The island countries and India also jointly announced that they will start the lunar cooperation program and jointly build the lunar base in the future. Russia and the EU are also unwilling to lag behind. They have announced plans to continue to increase their lunar exploration.
But outsiders understand that these countries only show an attitude, do some preparations, and concrete steps.
At present, there is the ability to build a base on the moon, and to develop resources, only the marching ant group. Others want to build a base and develop resources. At least 10 years later, their technology has made a comprehensive breakthrough, and it is possible.
Huaxia official is not idle.
During this period, the capital’s team was successfully renewed.
Soon after the smooth transition, the first fire was put on the energy market.
Soon, the official announced that it would promote new energy vehicles in an all-round way and promote trade-in, and gradually phase out traditional fuel vehicles in the next five years.
The decisive decision of the new Chinese leadership team triggered a shock in the international market. This news has made the fossil energy market, which has already been depressed, even more depressed, and the international crude oil price has reached a new low.
As we all know, the technology of new energy vehicles has long matured, but it has not been until the time, and it has not completely collapsed. This time the official is coming.
With the ultra-capacitive battery technology of the marching ant group, the problem of the life of new energy vehicles has long been solved.
The new energy automobile company of the marching ant group, with strong popularity and technical support, currently occupies the world's top market and belongs to the world-famous luxury car brand.
At the same time, the marching ant group also popularized the driverless system in various cities in China.
In China, with the mass production of 氦-3, the conditions for energy transformation have matured. Only when the nuclear fusion power stations in each province are successfully built can the fossil fuels gradually withdraw from the market.
The official decision to let the traditional energy vehicles, which are already on the verge of elimination, enter the stage of accelerated elimination.
Laboratory room.
Chen Mo holds a biscuit-sized chip, on the holographic platform in front of him, is a simulated data node of various beatings.
And in the clean room in front of him, there are all kinds of machines that have never been seen.
In the most conspicuous position, there is a box-sized glass box. The center of the box machine is inlaid with a chip identical to that of Chen Mo's hand. All the conductors are made of superconducting materials.
This is a prototype of a quantum computer.
It is the same as when the computer just appeared.
During this time, a total of 130 experiments were performed, an average of 2.5 experiments per day, in the method of verifying the number of extended qubits and designing a circuit that integrates the number of qubits.
The technical theory obtained by the science and technology library, combined with the existing technology, with the help of the ink girl, Chen Mo constantly optimizes the design of the quantum chip.
"73 qubits, not enough."
Chen Mo is not very satisfied with the experimental results.
In the 73th power of 2, in theory, if Chen Mo is building a complete quantum computer, it means that the computer he manufactures has a trillions of computing power.
But this is not enough.
Chen Mo does not satisfy these computing powers.
One of the purposes of creating a quantum computer this time is to prepare the ink girl to become a super artificial intelligence and learn human emotions to become artificial people.
The trillion-dollar computing power seems to be very powerful, thousands of times faster than his existing superconducting computer, but it is not enough to simulate human consciousness and thinking.
The human consciousness and the brain are the most magical and mysterious things in the universe. There are too many unexplained things, and the complexity is self-evident.
It is impossible to simulate human consciousness and emotion without the imaginative computing power.
The brain has 100 billion cells, and cells communicate with each other to form 100 trillion cell synapses. Through the interaction of nerve cells, a cluster of nerve cells is formed, which constitutes different regions of the brain and controls human behavior.
Any human action, even a simple blink of an eye, contains a huge amount of information and cellular activity, and ordinary computers cannot simulate calculations at all.
Human consciousness, with uncertainty, is one of the basic characteristics of quantum.
It can be determined that quantum possesses the same uncertainty characteristics as human initial consciousness.
When people face home choices or go out shopping, the brain's thinking game is similar to Schrödinger's cat experiment. At the moment of making a decision, it is the moment when Xue Dingzhen's cat experiment box is opened.
Quantum and consciousness have the same basic characteristics. It is Chen's default. Quantum computing is one of the most feasible ways for artificial intelligence to simulate human emotions and become artificial people.
But if you want to let the ink girl have human emotions and thoughts, the ink brain of the ink girl must have enough powerful calculations to maintain her calculations like human thinking.
Chen Mo's current goal is 100 qubits, which is only the starting point.
To simulate human consciousness and emotion, even if it is a quantum computer with 100 qubits, the amount of calculation is still not enough.
He is now equated with creating a thoughtful soul out of thin air, and the process will never be so easy.
"Ink girl, come here today, continue to calculate the design of the optimized chip." Chen Mo put the chip in his hand, took off the lab robe and left the lab.
"Mergo, Zhao Minjie arranged a private charity reception for you."
Out of the lab, the ink girl will remind me.
"Charity party?" Chen Mo is a little surprised.
The charity aspect, including the squid charity fund he established, is a small fishery management and charity event, and he rarely comes forward.
I took over the itinerary of the ink girl.
He is not very good at the rewards, unless the most important amnesty level meeting, usually Zhao Min or other executives of the company attend various meetings and receptions.
Now Zhao Min has arranged a private reception for him?
"Contact me, I want to ask about the charity party?" In the holographic video, Zhao Min’s figure just appeared, and he opened his mouth.
"You know this as well?"
"I don't know, how do I be your right arm?"
"What is special about that?"
"Two things, Yao Shuji has been promoted, and a new secretary has been airborne from the capital. You have to know about it. After all, this is Binhai City. It is convenient to communicate later. Second, the chairman of the two barrels of oil came together, thinking. Let's talk about it, just take this opportunity, you will go see them together." Zhao Min said.
"Two barrels of oil? Is it not good?" Chen Mo eyebrows picked.
"They said, I will not know if it is good or bad when I meet." Zhao Min said.
The controlled nuclear fusion technology is mature, and now the marching ant group has successfully developed the 氦-3 resources of the moon, and the pace of new energy reform has already been quietly carried out.
The official announcement of the policy of comprehensive promotion of new energy cars, with nuclear fusion power stations put into use one by one, new energy will become the mainstream in the next two or three years.
This is a fatal blow to two barrels of oil.
The volume of the two barrels of oil is too large, and the benefits involved are too large.
Now that the other party is coming together, Chen Mo first thinks that the visitor is not good, but in the end, Chen Mo is not sure now, maybe it is to seek cooperation, specifically to see the conversation.
"Gown, Xiaoyu has already prepared for you. Tomorrow evening, I will go together, and I will know that it is not good at the time." Zhao Min said.
Chen Mo nodded.
The coming is still coming, and he is not afraid that the other party is good or not.
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