Chapter 659: : Advanced Human Potential Development

"Today I will stop here."
Chen Mozhen has some tired temples.
The high speed of the head means that it is very expensive. The current physique, maintaining his super brain, which is two stages higher than the average human being, is a bit reluctant.
It is easy to hypoglycemia when you keep your brain active for a long time.
So in the experiment, Chen Mo will eat a little chocolate to maintain energy.
This is also a firmer idea that he needs to develop his body's potential. Only with strong physical strength can he maintain his brain for a long time to think and run.
"came back."
Looking at the small fishing in the hall of the home, seeing Chen Mo back is a bit strange.
Just seeing Chen Mo’s tired appearance, he is very distressed.
Today, Chen Mo is two hours earlier than before, and usually can't wait to stay in the company's lab for a while.
"Is there something, how can it be listless?"
"It's okay, it's just thinking too much, it's a bit tired."
Chen Moyi sat on the sofa, very comfortable, and saw the information that Xiaoyu was watching, and took it and looked at it.
After a while, it is necessary to go to elementary school and complete the primary school for the unparalleled construction. The information that Xiaoyu sees is the situation of the school and the personal information of the teacher hired.
"Now there is no match, almost completed the elementary school curriculum, she is very smart." Xiao Yu Yang can not help the joy.
All the knowledge courses for unparalleled learning are made by Chen Mo, and the unparalleled intelligence is as good as his father. This is her happiest and most proud thing.
"Do you want to go to rest first?"
"No, eat some fruit and drink something." Chen Mo reached out and picked up an apple, slowly peeling his skin: "I have something to tell you about the ink girl."
"Well, let's talk."
Xiao Yu pinched Chen Mo’s shoulder to help him relieve fatigue.

After the completion of the quantum computer, today I went to the lab and found that there were some changes in the ink girl, like a slight emotion.

"Is there a mood for the ink girl?"
Xiao Yu listened to his face and looked at the ink girl around him. This kind of joy is from the heart.
"I feel like, it should be right. Like a babies who are ignorant, it is not obvious. She doesn't know how it feels. Next, I am going to study to let the ink girl have human consciousness and emotion. If the ink girl is really conscious and Emotion, you..."
Speaking of this, Chen Mo did not continue to talk about it. He knew that Xiao Yu had already understood what he meant.
The ink girl is now a member of the family. This thing can't be a small fisherman. Xiaoyu is the hostess of this family. She still needs her understanding and support, so Chen Mo chose to tell Xiaoyu now.
"Worried about me, will I accept her?"
Xiao Yu naturally understands Chen Mo’s mind.
"From the very beginning, when I accepted the existence of the ink girl, I occasionally thought about it. Don't worry, she is now a member of the family. She is still a member of the family no matter what she is in the future. I don't mind if I don't mind. It must be fake, and it’s okay to eat some vinegar."
As a woman, saying that it doesn't mind another woman beside her man is definitely a lie. But the identity of the ink girl is too special, she has no choice, and the ink girl has a great help to Chen Mo, she can not let Chen Mo destroy the ink girl.
Chen Mo took the small-legged waist and took her into her arms and kissed her.
The support of Xiaoyu is the best help for him.
If there is not much to say about this matter, they can understand each other's feelings.
"Husband, can I ask for an excessive request?" Xiao Yu quietly lay in Chen Mohuai, enjoying the breath that belongs to her.
"Wife's request, no matter what the requirements are reasonable, what requirements are promised to you, and certainly do, you want the stars in the sky, the husband also picks you down." Chen Moxin vowed.
"Don't star."
A greasy love story, but Xiao Yu is very happy to listen.
"What are the requirements? Is there a lot of requirements?"
"Yes, how many will do."
"Then I said, one is enough. I will mention other things later. Can you study an anti-aging medicine or skin care product for me? Otherwise, I will be old and beautiful, and the ink girl is still so young and beautiful, you will not want me. It is."
"How can I not?"
Chen Mo flicked the forehead of Xiao Yu.
This woman is very distressing.
"This request is very simple. My husband will start researching for you tomorrow, and I will be able to make it soon. I will ensure that my family will be fishing forever and always young and beautiful. If there are any requirements in the future, I don't have to be polite with your husband."

Can you really research it?

Xiaoyu had some surprises, and she also said that she could not complete the uncertainty. She did not expect Chen Mo to say yes.
In the science and technology library, there are many anti-aging formulas, the authority of the golden stage, and even the formula for increasing the life-time medicine. The requirement of small fishing is the easiest for him.

Do you want to build a radio telescope matrix on the moon?

Chen Mo was surprised to see Zhang Jianfeng and Nan Tianxing.
Nan Tianxing is the director of the current radio telescope project. It seems to be more than 60 years old. He is much older than Zhang Jianfeng. He has participated in the design of the largest radio telescope in China and has a high status in the domestic astronomical world.
Chen Mo is studying the development of advanced human potential. The two came to him and told him that the National Astronomical Observatory and the lunar exploration team are working together to build a radio telescope on the back of the moon.
Chen Mo is only able to carry out construction projects on the moon today.
Then I found him, I hope he can help build.
The back of the moon has the cleanest electromagnetic environment, and there is no electromagnetic pollution from the earth, which is very helpful for humans to study the original formation and evolution of the universe. This is also one of the reasons why the development of the back of the moon is higher than the positive side of the moon, where there is an ideal space for observation of space.
If Chen Mo does not agree to build, then they do not know how long it will take to build. It may take ten or eight years, maybe longer. But these times are enough to do too much research.
"It's okay to build it." Chen Mo nodded.
Zhang Jianfeng and Nan Tiannan are overjoyed. If you have this sentence, you can talk about it.
"Chen Chen, what are your conditions, even though we try our best to help," said Nan Tianxing.
"This is good to say, where is your radio telescope ready to be built? Is it near my lunar base?" Chen Mo asked.
"There is such an idea."
Nan Tianxing is undecided, and some are embarrassed. They just want to use the convenience of Chen Mo’s base to facilitate their stationing, and the construction site is no more suitable than the location of Chen Mo’s construction base.
It is also convenient to have maintenance support and supply guarantee.
"Is there any way?" Zhang Jianfeng asked.
"No, I can help build it. There are a lot of things to do there. I can even help you build the Moon Observatory at your own expense."
The two could not believe their ears.
Is there such a good thing?
"But the materials and components of the radio telescope, you have to be prepared. And the research data and information obtained are also given to me. I also have the right to use the radio telescope. This is our cooperation project. Scientists other than our country. Going to the station for research, to pay tickets, the ticket price is set by me."
Chen Mo said directly about his own conditions.
Zhang Jianfeng and Nan Tianxing secret road really.
This guy has never let go of the opportunity to do business.
But yes, there are benefits to sponsor, and the marching ants group has no reason not to take any advantage, so they spend so much money and technology to help them build this kind of project.
"This should be no problem."
South Star promised to come down.
Cooperation between them, domestic researchers can use it freely, and researchers from other countries go up, Chen Mo charges, reasonable.
Chen Mo has no reason to provide services to scientists in other countries without compensation.
"How big is the radio telescope?"

The lunar radio telescope has a preliminary design diameter of 20 meters and needs to be built to form a joint matrix. There is also an optical telescope with a main mirror diameter of 2.5 meters and a secondary mirror diameter of 4.7 meters.

"no problem."
Upon hearing Chen Mo confirmed, Nan Tianxing smiled out of the gully with a wrinkled face.
Chen Mo has his thoughts.
After the opening of the lunar base, it is just a lack of passenger activities. It is a good project to observe the universe with radio telescopes. At least the travel of passengers will not be too singular and boring.
If the lunar exploration project is prepared for international cooperation, scientists will go to the station, go to the base tickets and tickets, and earn a profit.
He is not too much money.
Next, we will carry out a planetary transformation project. There will be no more money, and the radio telescope will help his plan.

Can you look at your lunar base?
Zhang Jianfeng asked.
Chen Mo nodded and let the ink girl release the holographic image of the moon base.
On the holographic platform in his office.
The wall of the fort is a 3D printer made of rock and soil of the moon. Insulation is also injected between the walls. The whole wall is integrated and very firm.
The robot has detected the conditions inside the base and now has the environmental conditions required to meet human activities.
"Sighing." South Star said with amazement.
Everyone else is worrying about detecting the moon, and Chen Mo has built an underground base on the moon. This speed is decades ahead of other state-of-the-art technologies.
After sending away two people, Chen Mo returned to the lab.
Since the evolution of the brain, this period of research has made him deeply aware that the need for strong physical fitness can maintain the brain's long-term thinking in research.
Otherwise, the powerful CPu will not carry the old computer equipment.
So he took the formula of the advanced human potential development agent from the technology library to study.
Now that the advanced potential potion is ready, if it is not for the two to visit, he is already developing the body.
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