Chapter 672: : The world is going to change

Villa in the incense burner bay.
Xiao Yu wears a pink brain wave induction hat, holding a book sitting on the sofa, sitting next to her is the ink girl, holding a book like her, the page number is the same as Xiao Yu.
The consciousness of the ink girl is very fast. After she took a few trips, she now has a preliminary sense of consciousness to the outside world.
Chen Mo needs the balanced development of all aspects of the Mexican women in order to cultivate the diversity and creativity of her thinking. This task falls on the shoulders of Xiaoyu. She is now a 'neural bridge' that the ink woman touches the outside world. So what the ink girl needs to learn, the small fishermen must go to learn the experience and pass the sense of consciousness to the ink girl.
During this time, the ink girl is curious about everything, like a child in a curiosity period, and wants to experience everything.
However, Xiaoyu did not have any complaints. Instead, he was very patient. He repeatedly asked the ink women to experience those things and what problems they touched.
Under the limited ability of Xiaoyu, she will be satisfied.
Her main task now is to let go of the trivial matter and teach the ink girl. The ink girl is Chen Mo's biggest assistant. To teach the ink girl is the best help for Chen Mo.
"Little fisher sister, what is the feeling of love?" The ink woman looked up and asked curiously.
Xiaoyu glimpsed a little, and some surprised that the ink woman raised this question, a little back, and a smile on her lips.
"This feeling is very complicated, and the language description can't be perfect. It is the feeling that I am with me every day. I will be happy when I see him. I will think about him when I see it. Sometimes I worry about him, I feel bad, trust. He, tolerate him, understand him. Sometimes emotions are joyful because of one sentence, one thing, sadness, it seems that he is the center of your world."
When talking about these words, Xiao Yu remembered the process of meeting and knowing Chen Mo, and the corner of his mouth did not consciously reveal a sweet smile.
A smile from the heart, beautiful and thrilling.
Xiao Yu said on the side of her and Chen Mo's story, the ink girl quietly felt the feeling of the small fishing consciousness, and unconsciously revealed the same happy smile as Xiao Yu, seems to be immersed.
Everything is changing smoothly.
first building.
Wang Hai and Zhong Lei followed behind Zhao Min, and his eyes did not consciously look around.
Even with Chen Mo as long as this building is the first time they come in.
Because this building, non-special circumstances, only four people have the right to enter, Chen Mo, Zhao Min, Xiao Yu, and ink women.
In the outside world, here is the most mysterious laboratory, and the most advanced place in the world, and the epoch-making technology of the marching ant group, all of which emerged from here.
Today, they finally stepped into here.
But what makes them regret is that each laboratory is large and independent. They pass through the corridors, and the doors of the labs are closed and not in the way. There are not many things that can be seen.
However, it can be confirmed that this is all intelligent, all security guards, all responsible for the robot.
Zhao Min brought them here, and it must have been authorized by Chen Mo. This time, the big probability is to see the boss.
When the elevator was delivered to the floor, Zhao Min led the two to a rest room outside the laboratory.
Black eagle is also, white pearls, muscle man Anan, fire hibiscus Zhu He, short hair heroic Luo Yu, humanoid tower Taishan, short and fine Wu Qiang and apathetic Cheng Chuanqi.
They have teams of their own missions.
Wu Qiang and Cheng Chuanqi, responsible for the security team of Chen Mo's family, Wang Hai, Zhong Lei and Zhu He are in charge of the military industry, Baizhu, Luoyu and Taishan, responsible for the small fishing and unparalleled security team, Black Hawk and Anan are Chen Mo's bodyguards.
They are the strongest human force team around Chen Mo.
The ten people are familiar with each other. Seeing that Zhao Min brought Wang Hai and Zhong Lei to come in, they said hello to each other and they waited patiently.
Come here, they all know what it means.
In less than half a minute, Chen Mo and Mo Yun came out of the lab. The new body of the ink girl is learning with Xiao Yu, and Chen Mo has to re-enable the old body of the ink girl to follow him.
"You know, you just know. You are my most trusted team, so it will appear here. Now you have the last chance to decide, do you decide your choice?" Chen Mo asked.
The ten people did not hesitate, and they were very unanimous.
If it is not Chen Mo, they will retreat from the army. Perhaps a single instructor officer, or enter the police system, can only pass the ordinary life, and now have the opportunity to make themselves better, they will not hesitate.
Chen Mo led ten people into the medical laboratory.
"I have more advanced potential development here, can give you more self-protection ability, do not do?"
When Chen Mo’s words fell, the ten people had a waist, and they were surprised and determined in the eyes.
"I am afraid we need to seek cooperation from China."
In the palace of the Arab kingdom, Muhammad saw the news and spoke to his father.
Huaxia officially allowed the export of controlled nuclear fusion power stations, which is a signal. The signal of the universal popularity of unlimited clean energy, even if they are major oil producers, have to pay attention to the trend of world technology.
If you don’t introduce it, I’m afraid that when the oil is being eliminated, I’m afraid to fall behind the world.
Once Western countries were leading the world, this time, perhaps a chance to overtake.
"Huaxia is now the leader of the world, and they are right with them. You should deal with these things. Cough..." The old king nodded slightly and coughed twice, apparently the body had begun to weaken.
"The world is going to change."
Johnson seriously looked at the two people in the video, the German New Iron Maiden Lenkabauer and the French President Macaron.
Both of them agreed to nod to him.
"We are falling behind in this technical competition."
Macaron has some regrets.
In the science and technology competitions of China, the United States, Russia, Europe, the island and India, they are clearly in the countdown position.
The United States announced that the successful nuclear fusion experiment means that it has won the second ticket to the era of clean energy, and the controlled nuclear fusion feast of China has already begun. They do not have any card advantage.
"Enjoy the long time, the capitalist and the aristocratic interests are consolidated, and there is always a price."
Lenkabauer pointed out the pain without any mercy.
Over the past two decades, more than half of the world's new unicorn technology innovation companies and Internet companies have been in China. Although the market competition is also very strong, there are still the most basic corporate living environment and opportunities.
On the other hand, their status in Europe, the aristocracy and the capital class is consolidated. It is the monopoly of the old-fashioned enterprises, eating the old, and trying to squeeze and kill the living space of other enterprises. Germany is better. Other countries have begun to sell equity in corporate assets and are controlled by others.
Insufficient technological innovation in these years has led them to be in a countdown ranking in this technology competition.
Will Europe, which once opened the era of great navigation and the center of the first industrial revolution, be eliminated in the energy revolution of the new era?
"Perhaps we still have a way to cooperate with India in artificial intelligence. Their software technology research and development capabilities are strong, hardware is not good, and at the same time facing the same dilemma as us, we learn from each other."
Macaron's proposal made Lunkabauer and Johnson look great.
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