Chapter 678: : Greek

The answer given by the marching ant group is to mine asteroid mines. Such a large-scale launch is in line with the mining of asteroid mines. The universe is so big that the scale of launch is not eye-catching.

"According to intelligence, the marching ant group in Africa and South America, through the acquisition and nuclear fusion power station, a company has mastered more than 30 large and small veins, they are not lacking mineral resources."

There is no conflict between the lack of mineral resources and the mining of asteroids.

In the conference room, you said a word, chaos, Pu Jin had some headaches, and finally knocked on the table, the meeting room immediately quieted down.
As president, he has been in this position for too long, and now he is old, this is not a good thing.
Over the years, he has always wanted to train a successor, but he could not find a suitable successor. Nowadays, at the most critical moment of the global strategy, if the people with insufficient capacity take over the country, and if they fail to make the same mistakes, their country will be completely abolished.
He is daring and can only continue to rely on this position.
"The matter of the marching ant group is not important, the important thing is the future layout." Pu Jin said: "We are now concerned that the marching ant group does not have much effect."
Many think tanks in the conference room face each other.
Energy changes, changes in the pattern, have caused a deadlock today and entered a delicate balance.
Anyone with a strategic vision knows that this balance cannot last long. Once the deadlock breaks, the next war will sweep the world.
Russia has a vast territory.
To the east is North America across the strait. There are also ambitious island nations below. The South is currently the most powerful China, and the West is the European Union.
It is also that he is strong enough to maintain Russia's current situation and switch to other people. This country may have already collapsed.
"Next, for the time being, you don't have to worry about the marching ant group. Now, set up the highest strategic center." Pujin's voice is unprecedented.
All the strategic think tanks in the conference room were shrunk and full of doubts.
"Deducting the Third World War."
In the conference room, everyone was stunned and looked stunned.
"The tenth batch."
Wang Hai stood on the high platform and overlooked the soldiers below.
Just one hundred, each soldier's clothes are made of special camouflage uniforms, neat and uniform, with a solemn expression, and the scent of the body, you can see that all of them have received the most professional training.
Five years ago, he was ordered to form an armed group. He has not slackened in these years.
This is the tenth batch of soldiers.
These fighters have been selected through layers, through loyalty assessment, and have also developed potential. They themselves do not know that they have received potential development, and only think that they are training.
There are not many soldiers at the base. Except for the damage, the team size is about 1,000 people, but each one is an elite, and it is a special force of any country.
And they have the most sophisticated and advanced equipment.
The tasks they perform are simple, secretly protecting the interests of the marching ant group, and using some unusual means to deal with those who want to deal with them, just like the mercenary group.
Every time it starts, we really need some abnormal means.
"How is the Greek map?" Wang Hai looked at the congratulations around him.
"Now, Hitu has become the armed leader, everything is normal." Hehe answered seriously and was meticulous.
"It seems that the progress is good, continue to sweep the road to him, send some potential drugs to him in the past, he needs to raise some strong confidants." Wang Hai thought about making a decision.
"General, they are coming." The man entered the war room report and looked at the back in front of the sand table, with a strong awe.
"Is it all arranged?" The man's low voice sounded.
"All arranged." The reporters who came to report quickly nodded and swallowed.
"Let's go."
The man standing in front of the sand table turned around and had a pair of sky blue eyes, which made people forget and couldn't forget it. The clear blue, feeling the gaze from the deep sea, but no one feels the eyes are very beautiful, but cold, as if the ghost is staring at the bones.
Seeing these eyes, the body trembled and did not dare to look straight.
Hitu glanced at the man who reported it, grabbed his hat and put it on, and left the war room.
In five years, he stepped forward to today and took the current position. The story is only known to him.
Five years ago, he was still a tribe of ordinary youth. Because of these blue eyes, he was regarded as an unknown and cursed by the tribe, and his family was blinded and bullied.
The instructor recruited him, healed his illness, trained him, taught him strategy, and made him a powerful warrior and became a commander. After the training is completed, he chooses the task that the instructor gives him, mixes him into an armed group, then controls the armed forces and becomes the leader himself.
He completed the task a month ago.
In the eyes of the subordinates, Hito is very powerful and terrible. Whether it is shooting, fighting, tactics and combat command, everything is proficient.
Strong ability, hot style, let him stand out in the team quickly, valued by the former leader of the army, selected as a confidant. In the past few years, their armed forces have continued to grow and their prestige has continued to accumulate.
His prestige also threatened the status of the leader. The rabbit died and the dog was cooked, but the leader was ready to get rid of the Greek figure and was killed.
Hetu seized power by means of Thunder, cleared the confidant of the former leader of the armed forces, completed the blood wash, became the new leader, and his fierce name spread.
Now in this small country, he is also a strong man, and the general armed forces dare not touch his mold.
In these years, the forces have continued to expand and become strong, and he hopes to rarely contact outsiders. Someone came to see them today, but he was very surprised and very curious.
Behind Hitu is a middle-aged man in a suit who doesn’t seem to be as fierce as other people, but is one of the armed high-ranking tops, called Abu She, who is the first to follow Hito, smart and has Business mind, specializing in the management of armed internal affairs and logistics.
After Hitus seized power, the armed logistics was well managed under the management of Abhse.
Normally, Hito is not in contact with people. He is training soldiers and expanding the territory. Now someone suddenly finds him, but it surprises him. He has always guessed that he hopes to have a backstage. Now this speculation is more certain.
"I am a bit curious, who is coming?" Abhssa spoke.
Just as the words just asked, Abhisha felt a stiff body. The cold guy behind Hittus turned and stared at him.
The meaning is very clear, you ask too much.
"Eminem, I am curious to ask, purely curious, no other thoughts, are you not curious?" Abhish scared a cold sweat.
Eminem is the loyal follower of Hitto. The people inside the armed forces call him a hyena, because his character is as crazy and cold-blooded as a hyena, and he is a warrior that Hitto has saved. He is loyal to Hetu. He will not hesitate to execute any of Hetu’s orders.
There are even rumors that the former leader was assassinated and the dog may be involved.
If he wants to make a sound, Eminem will definitely not hesitate to kill him. There is no extra sentence.
"Don't make trouble." A female voice rang, a woman dressed in clothes came, and she happened to be behind Hito.
The woman is the right arm of Hitu, called Kaya, although it is a black pearl, but it is a poisonous black pearl, extremely dangerous, no one dares to provoke.
When the woman appeared, Eminem’s original killings disappeared and she returned to her usual indifferent face.
"Scared the baby." Abhishe wiped a cold sweat, and he was embarrassed: "I am so ruthless, I am curious to ask."
"Let's say a few words."
Keya opened, and Abshashe closed his mouth.
However, in the eyes of Kaya, there was also a hint of curiosity.
In this chaotic and hunger-ridden land, conspiracy and blood never disappear, people worship the strong, and Hitu is the kind of person.
As they follow Hitu, they understand a lot of things, and Hitu's personal ability is at the top, his eyes and means are very decisive, and the management team is disciplined, making people feel like real soldiers.
The impression that Hitu gave them was that they were born to be generals.
Such a person, who was born in ordinary armed forces, guessed that the general must have a story that was unknown, but they did not dare to ask. Normally, the generals will not be in contact with people. Now they suddenly come and let him pay so much attention and have to make them curious.
In a relatively well-decorated house, the heavily guarded, armed high-rises were all present.
Hitu is headed, waiting quietly, and others are afraid to speak even if they are curious. It’s rare to see that Hito is so grand, it’s not easy to come.
Not long after, a helicopter landed.
The group of people came down from the helicopter and waited for other people to react. He hoped to take a step and quickly greeted him.
This scene, let Abu She and Kaya and other people shrink, face each other, some surprised, it seems that coming, more important than they think.
Seeing the coming people, many armed high-level look.
The players who came down from the helicopters were equipped with horror that was beyond imagination. Compared with the people who came here, they were self-proclaimed in the armed forces of the tribes. It was simply garbage in the garbage.
Really armed to the teeth, they have seen the most well-equipped US special forces, not so horrible. Every player has a strong breath and a serious look. From the pace to the formation, it is much higher than the regular military.
The actions of the pedestrians gave them an illusion.
Is this a regular special elite force?
"Mr. Gan, prepared a banquet, please here." Hetu personally led the way, his expression was dull, and he could not see the anger.
"General Hitu, very polite." Gan Yu looked around and gave a slight tribute.
He was the one who was sent to send potential potions. When Wang Hai and Zhong Lei came to Africa for development, he and He He were among the selected people. They first followed Wang Hai into African development.
Zhong Lei manages the arsenal, Wang Hai takes him and he celebrates the development of a secret base. He is the deputy of the base.
Now Gan Yu has been dressed and camouflaged, his skin is dark and his beard is a mustache. Even if an acquaintance is here, he will never recognize him.
Entering the house, Gan Yu looked around.
The decoration is simple, there is no luxury of some warlords, and there are many dishes on the table. Here, this kind of wine is very good.
"This time I brought what you need." Gan Yu looked around, it goes without saying.
"Please inside." Hitu's eyes lit up, leading Gan Yu into a room, indicating that others should not follow.
"This one."
A root agent appeared in the vision of Hito, even if it was tempered in the rain of bullets to a very calm hope, at this moment, I couldn't help but breathe the air and reveal the excitement.
This pharmacy, he knows.
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