Chapter 680: : Nano Robot (Supplement)

"The armed forces of the Anzaka tribe and the Xinmen tribe fought to seize the newly discovered copper mine."
Wang Hai put the intelligence in his hand and looked at the holographic map in front of him. Holographic maps are divided into different colors, with complete terrain and village town distribution.
This is a tribal distribution in the Congolese border zone, only a part.
Global energy revolution In the past few years, the worst losses have been in three places, South America, the Middle East and Africa.
The Middle East is still good. The kingdoms in the Middle East have invested in global technology companies in the early years, accelerating domestic industrial languages, and those royal families know about prevention, so the losses are somewhat painful, but they are within acceptable limits. In addition, several royal families began to resolve their grievances and joint development, so that they began to recover quickly.
The most chaotic is South America and Africa.
South America has become the goal of the North American Group. Although there are several South American countries forming a group, some small countries are under the control of the black hand behind them, and the country has fallen into chaos. The situation in South America is not very optimistic.
Africa is also similar here, and some countries rely entirely on resource output as the mainstay of the domestic economy.
Coal is nearing the edge of elimination, oil prices have fallen sharply, causing huge losses here, suddenly unprepared, the economy has been violently fluctuating, and the country has begun to be chaotic. Tribes have begun to new resources as the basis for tribal survival.
The struggle is inevitable.
"Instructor, what are we going to do here?" The source of the call was Hito, very solemn.
"What do you think?" Wang Hai's face is calm and faceless.
"Accept them."
Hetu has a firm voice in his voice.
Wang Hai glanced at the position of the holographic map on which Hetu was located. After a little thought, he promised: "Follow what you want, how to follow your thoughts and report to me in advance. The base will give you a batch of equipment and intelligence. ""
When the communication hangs up, Wang Hai drops the laser pointer in his hand and leaves the war room.
Hehe and Gan Yu put a silver safe on the table and looked serious.
"This is what Rego brought us back. Lei Ge said that a new batch of equipment was produced at the factory, and it could be taken in a week after the old place."
Wang Hai nodded and patted the box.
"Do you want to be stronger? Like me."
Hehe and Gan Yu have a whole expression and a good body.
They can appreciate the power and speed of Wang Haifei.
Although I don't know the reason, it is definitely related to the boss. After returning from the headquarters last time, although Wang Hai rarely did it, but only a few times against them, they are no different from the chicken. Zhong Lei did not move, but it is certain that Zhong Lei is definitely the same as Wang Hai.
"Think." Hehe and Gan Yu focus on the key.
"Come with me and come with me."
Hehe and Gan Yu followed behind Wang Hai and entered the basement of the base.
This is the most important place in the base. The high-level bases of Qihe and Gan Yu are very clear. Even if they are base adjutants, they cannot enter without the authorization of Wang Hai.
In the basement of the base, two hundred human-like war robots arranged neatly are the biggest guarantee of the base.
"Lie down."
Wang Hai pointed to the two chairs next to him.
Hehe and Gan Yu did not hesitate to lie in bed. When they saw Wang Hai taking out two potions from the boxes brought back by the two, the two immediately realized what to do and were a little excited.
They used similar agents and potential agents.
Chen Mo took goggles and looked straight into the test chamber made of pure iron, which was not like liquid, nor solid ‘gray substance’.
Some expectation, some caution.
The 'grey substance' inside is one of the most advanced technologies.
Nano robots.
Chen Mo's latest achievements.
With the help of tunneling microscopes, it is possible to control the independent atoms to form the desired structure, such as several atomic-sized gears and motors, with nano-computer chips of only a few hundred atoms.
Manufacture robots from the atomic level.
The nano-robot designed by Chen Mo is more complex than normal nano-robots, with moving structures, combined structures, capacitors, payloads, micro-electro-mechanical systems and the most important replication systems.
The kinetic structure of the nano-robot and the ‘hands and feet’ of the replica structure are made of carbon nanotubes, the strength is hundreds of times that of steel, and the diameter is only one-five thousandth of the hair. With these ‘hands’, nanobots are free to control the atoms and form the desired structure.
The micro-electro-mechanical system is a nano-scale micro-electromechanical device that integrates functions such as micro-sensors, micro-mechanisms, micro-actuators, and signal processing controls. It is quite a 'brain' of nano-robots.
This research, Chen Mo has been going on for some time, today is the time when technology is mature.
The control of nano-robots is different from conventional control methods.
Chen Mo uses a neural-conscious connection device and brain wave induction technology as a control terminal to create a brain controller for controlling nano-robots.
"Come and experiment once."
After Chen Mo finished, he started a brain-sized instrument like a headset and looked at the nano-robot in the glass box.
The next moment, the 'grey substance' in the iron box began to appear, slowly rising up to form a cube, and then into a sphere, column, teacup, teapot, tableware and so on.
Such as the shape of the slime, as Chen Mo thinks, what structure becomes.
The brain controller can control, indicating that it is mature, but Chen Mo still needs another experiment.
"Take those materials."
Chen Mo said to the ink girl around him.
The ink girl took a bowl of material prepared on the side of the experimental table, which was some waste materials, such as damaged chips, circuit boards, broken ceramics, glass, sand, wood, paper, etc.
"Mergo, let's go in?" asked the ink girl.
"Well, come one by one."
The ink girl would like to pick up a piece of charcoal and put it into the box through the robot. There is no direct contact with the nano robot in the box.
The next moment, Chen Mo controlled the nano-robot and covered it on charcoal.
Start copying.
Under the control of Chen Mo, the nano-robot began to replicate, the charcoal disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally the size of the nano-robot grew.
The ink girl did not stop. After the charcoal disappeared, put a piece of glass, then plastic, paper, ceramics, circuit boards, etc.
After the material in the pot was put out, the ink girl stopped.
And looking at the box, there is only a pile of metal powder mixed in different colors, and the nano-robot is twice as big as it was at the beginning.
The main components of nano-robots are carbon atoms and silicon atoms, which are not needed as much as other atoms, so this happens.
Nano-robots don't dare to be smart, otherwise the program will be out of control and the robot will be copied indefinitely. The consequences are unimaginable.
Under the infinite expansion of exponential growth, it will not be long before the whole earth will become dead, and the biosphere will be eroded by them into riddled holes and become fragile biscuits.
This is why Chen Mo is treated with caution.
Therefore, when designing a nano-robot, a variety of specific password commands are required to enable the copy function, and Chen Mo sets it internally, and after copying a certain number of algebras, it will stop copying to avoid a runaway disaster.
"Get the second piece of material."
Chen Mo carefully removed a small piece of sesame from a new nano-robot powder and placed it in another large iron box container.
The ink girl poured the second prepared material into a metal box.

Begin, record what they are copying.

Chen Mo concentrated his mind and began to give instructions to the nanobots in the iron pipe, and then began to wait quietly.
There was no movement at the beginning. Two minutes later, the movement began to appear in the iron can, becoming a finger-sized nano-robot group wrapped in graphite.
After a while, the graphite disappeared and was replaced by gray powder, like flowing sand, more like a liquid metal. Every time the ink girl drops a piece of graphite, it will melt at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then the size of the gray powder will be a big point.
Five minutes later, when the ink girl dropped a basin-sized charcoal, this time it did not disappear as it did last time, but disappeared halfway. She tried to lose two pieces of graphite and went into it. There was no beginning of the ablation.

The nano-robot has lost its copy function and copied a total of 18 generations, an increase of 262,144 times, which is consistent with the set situation.

Chen Mo looked at the scale of the nano-robot in the iron box and nodded with satisfaction.
The 18th generation is the limit for setting up nano-robot replication. It cannot be copied indefinitely. According to the settings and then copied, these nano-robots will self-destruct.
Only sesame-sized nano-robots, which grew by 260,000 times, made nano-robots that only needed one bracelet-sized nano-robot, enough to use. When necessary, he can modify the replication algebra of the nano-robot to achieve his purpose.
"Try to form a battle armor."
In the brain controller, the data of the armor was entered, and the nano-robot began to pile up. In less than half a minute, a battle armor model was formed in front of his eyes.
Chen Mo took off his brain control instrument and took a deep breath.
"Go here first, go see the asteroid."
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