Chapter 688: : The sky is changing

If the night sky vision of the end, let the carnival become panic.
Soon, they got news that the world was hit by meteorites and unidentified falling objects. At the same time, the wreckage of alien ships and the bodies of aliens from all over the world also appeared on the Internet.
Alien? what does this mean?
The Internet is completely boiling, the news is simply unstoppable, and the falling spaceships are ruined and found all over the world. Through the network, the first time spread throughout the world.
At the beginning, countless people scoffed at the news. Alien? A little funny. Now the computer synthesis picture technology is developed, just a few pictures are aliens? Space ship wreck? This kind of rumor has been too much before, and it is not credible at all.
However, with the increasing number of photos of the wreckage of the spacecraft exposed on the Internet, until the end, a dormant bin with an alien body crashed into the downtown area, causing a huge casualties, and the doubters began to doubt.
Even if governments want to hide, they can't hide it.
The global government remained silent and the news was confirmed.
The panic is spreading, and the news of the presence of aliens makes everyone feel uneasy.
Soon, all kinds of speculations surfaced, and the most reliable guess was that an alien spaceship wandering in Orion was hit by the huge meteorite stream of Orion, the spacecraft was destroyed, and all the aliens inside. Death, eventually, part of the wreckage of the spacecraft was brought into the journey to the solar system by the meteorite stream.
It’s good news that all the aliens found are dead, but everyone is not happy.
The biggest impact of the news is that the world is in chaos.
Intensive spacecraft wreckage and meteorite rain fell into densely populated areas, causing huge casualties, and all countries have news of falling objects. In the beginning, people only care about the casualties, but soon, the nature becomes different.
Alien technology and alien weapons.
At the beginning, everyone looked at the casualties and the panic of aliens until a wreck with alien weapons fell on the border between two small countries in South America. The two small countries that were already confused were fighting for this. Star weapons wreckage, directly into the war.
When the wars broke out in the two countries, many talents suddenly realized.
The alien technology and materials on the wreckage of the spacecraft are much more advanced than the current technology of the Earth.
The fight begins.
In one day, in order to compete for the wreckage of alien spaceships, six countries in South America have entered a state of war, but all countries that have discovered the wreckage of spaceships have been targeted by the surrounding countries.
In just two days, the world is discolored.
The countries fought fiercely for the wreckage of alien spaceships, the wreckage of spacecraft that fell into the high seas, dispatched warships to escort, and rushed to salvage. Alien spacecraft wreckage occurs in different parts of the world, varying in size and location. But the materials that have been identified are indeed much more advanced than the Earth.
No one has ever been aware of why this alien spacecraft was destroyed, but those who remain rational are aware of an unquestionable fact.
The world is in chaos.
After the energy revolution, the delicate balance of the world's major groups was broken.
The wreckage of the alien spacecraft became the last straw to crush the camel, and the world was really chaotic.
The wars in South America and Africa have not stopped, but have become more intense. China, the United States, Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Arab region, the East-European border zone, various wars have also started, all kinds of excuses, various contradictions broke out, the death knell of the war.
The long-standing contradiction between various countries and various alliance groups, with the emergence of the fuse of looting alien wreckage, broke out completely, dragging the world into this unavoidable war mud.
This is a disaster and the Third World War opened.
The sky is changing.
Chen Mo learned the news at the first time. Compared with other horror, he seemed to be much calmer. He has experienced the wars and changes of various civilizations in the science and technology library, and he knows the world. He knows more than any other person what alien technology means.
Zhao Min, Xiao Yu, Li Lingfeng, Zhu Li, Wang Hai, Zhong Lei, etc., all of them got this news, and their moods were different.
The conference room where the needle is audible, or the real person is present, and Wang Haizhong Lei and other important overseas tops are holographic projections.
Wang Hai calmly calmed down. He glanced at the holographic projection of a conference room. He looked calm: "The Congo fell into a huge spaceship wreck, five meters in diameter, and now it is in our hands. In order not to be exposed, it is now kept by Hitto. The Congolese official wants us. What should I do if I hand over the wreckage to them?"
Seeing that Chen Mo did not speak, Wang Hai continued to add, and with a wave of his hand, he projected the photo of the wreckage.
"The debris in our hands is one of the largest debris fragments of the African continent, like fragments of a certain weapon. Now several countries are staring, including the adjacent Angola and Zambia."
Wang Hai did not stop, waving his hand to release the map of the local forces.
"If you don't hand over the wreckage, Hito will suffer an attack from the Congolese official, next to Angola's robbing, Zambia will also start here, surrounded by three. They are asking us to hand over the pieces, and hope to face it. A lot of pressure, no matter who you give it, will offend the other two parties. The outside world does not know now, and Hetu is our armor."
After all the people listened, their eyes turned to Chen Mo. In this matter, Chen Mo also needs to be the master.
Chen Mo thought for a while, then slowly opened his mouth.
"Now there are no smokes, no strong country in Africa, there is a backward country, but the resources are rich, we need the resources there, and we need a weapon to protect the strategic deployment of our group. The things that fall in our hands, the soft delivery, is impossible. In times of trouble, the battle for contention.
The three weak countries have no threat to us. Since the contradiction between them and Hitto is open, they will help each other on the bright side. You and Hito send the alien wreckage to the junction of Tanzanyi. Zhong Lei, you transport the debris of the alien wreckage back to the factory where the ants are equipped, and transport it back to China. On the bright side, it was announced that he wanted to sell the wreckage of the alien spaceship to us. We ‘trade’ the war robot and other weapons and equipment to him and let him expand.

In the conference room, everyone swallowed, and they were all mad by Chen Mo’s crazy decision, which was a factor.
It’s impossible to get them in their hands and want them to be soft. They have the most powerful technology in the world, what is terrible? Even in the world's top powers, they are not empty.
"Don't kill them." Wang Sijia's voice seemed to be a horn. This shouted out and the entire conference room was shocked. I found that everyone's eyes were on her own, and she did not forget to show a shy smile, and the lady sat down.
Usually a technical goddess, lively and outgoing Wang Sijia, actually has such a scary side. Wei Zhe and Lin Shu, who were sitting next to each other, saw that Wang Sijia’s shy smile could not tolerate a chill, and subconsciously moved her away from her. This girl is definitely a dangerous person.
Zhong Lei’s hands clasped his chest and agreed to nod.
It’s true, we are doing business in a bright and straight way. If the ship’s wreckage is changing weapons, what can’t it be? If it’s bright, if they’re welcoming us, we can be enthusiastic.

"Yes." Zhu He also spoke, licking the lips like flames. She used to be a soldier, and it was a troubled world, which undoubtedly aroused her militant factors.
Chen Mo looked at Zhao Min, Zhao Min, who was thinking about his chin, was still calm, or the taste of Gao Leng Yujie, but she looked up at Chen Mo and showed a smile. Seeing Zhao Min’s smile, the people in the conference room were a bit chilly, and Chen Mo felt terrified.
Chen Mo looked at Wang Hai, and now Wang Hai’s temperament is calm and calm, and he is a talented person. Wang Hai also saw Chen Mo’s gaze, and did not hide the excitement in his spirit. Wang Hai has always been calm and steady, and it is rare to show such a keen war.
"This matter is handed over to you, as much as possible to collect more wreckage."
"Must complete the mission." Wang Hai warfare shot.
With the authorization and order of Chen Mo, the huge machine of the marching ant group began to run wildly.
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