Chapter 7: :virus?

The people in the dormitory have all gone to class, Chen Mo did not go, because he majored in the course, he has all read and went to the classroom, there is not much use.
After taking a shower, Chen Mo went to the counselor's office.
The counselor and class teacher is a female teacher. The name is Li Hong. It looks like a medium-sized woman. It is not too beautiful, but it is not a ugly category. The best thing is that the character is mild.
Knocking into the office, Chen Mo sat down opposite her.
"Chen Mo, is the body okay?" Li Hong asked. "Isn't it time for class now? Are you here?"
"Teacher, I want to apply for exemption, and apply for a night out." Chen Mo said.
"Are you ready for postgraduate study?"
"No postgraduate research." Chen Mo shook his head: "I have learned all the majors in this semester, and the role in the class is not great."
"No postgraduate study is not exempt, and the internship will start in the second semester." Li Hong said: "You will not be a girlfriend, don't want to go to class? When you are in a coma, I have been to the hospital, your girlfriend is good, Take care of you for a few days, or I will inform your parents."
Chen Mo smiled: "This has nothing to do with the girlfriend, and at that time she is not my girlfriend."
"What does it mean now?"
"Teacher, this is not the point." Chen Mo can't help: "The point is that I want to apply for hearing-free and overnight."

Li Hong said:
The school is very strict with the style of study. If you apply casually, then the other students will draw the gourd as well. This is not enough.

"I am ready to start a business."
Chen Mo can only move one reason.
"Real entrepreneurship?" Li Hong hesitated to look at Chen Mo. This year, under the guise of starting a business, there are many students who do not attend classes. She is a person who comes over.

What are you going to do?

"Internet, software development." Chen Mo said: "There is currently preparation, the major course has been completed, I am learning software development, busy, no time to class."
"If you save people in the library, the college praises you. Yours is no problem." Li Hong said: "The teacher will believe you once, go back and write the application form."
After leaving the counselor's office, Chen Mo went directly to print two application forms, and wrote the application. Please sign the teacher and hand in a Li Hong.
Outing and listening-free have all been done, Chen Mo took the computer and plunged into the library. He grabbed more than a dozen books on computer programming, software engineering and hacking techniques.
He now has only one purpose to see 100 books, get the next technology and make money.
It is the last word to have money.
As time went by, nearly ten days passed, every day I was reading a computer programming book, and more and more knowledge of computers in his mind. Computer technology, from the layman, became a master of proficiency.
The long struggle, the reward, is not just computer technology. It is getting closer and closer to the goal of completing 100 science and engineering books.
During this time, in order to adapt to strength, fitness exercise has become an indispensable thing for him. For the rest of the time, he is accompanying Xiaoyu to the library. In addition to reading, he is practicing computer software programming.
In the self-study area of ​​the library, Chen Mo buried his head and turned the book quickly.
In his mind, countless words flashed. Not long after, Chen Mo closed the book in his hand, revealing a smile.
Successful! 100 books.
Chen Mo wants to enter the technology library to choose technology, but now it is a bit inconvenient. Then turned to look at the small fish next to him: "Small fish, rest early today, come back tomorrow."
"it is good."
Xiao Yu smiled and nodded, not asking, and took the book and followed Chen Mo.
Returning to the dormitory area, bid farewell to Chen Mo, Xiao Yu was able to rush back to the dormitory with a brisk pace. Just entering the door, I was stared at by several roommates.
The news of her love has spread in the dormitory. In the past ten days, Chen Motian took her hand and sent her back to the dormitory. She couldn’t help a few gossip friends.
"Small fish, come back so early, don't accompany your boyfriend?" Li Ruojun showed the smile of the gossip.
"He has something to do, just send me back." Xiaoyu said.
"Your boyfriend is trying to save you, good character, and self-motivation, all in line with the best mate choice conditions." Wang Xiaolan with glasses looked at his body in the full-length mirror: "How can I not be so lucky?" ?"
"You picked up the old-fashioned glasses, changed the pair of refreshing glasses, changed clothes, made a makeup, made a hairstyle, and guaranteed that it would take a few days, and there was a mad bee," Li Ruo said.
"I only care, is the best cabbage in our family, has it been eaten?" Zhou Wei, wearing a nightdress and eating snacks, watched Xiaoyu, and his eyes flashed in the eyes.
The other two women also looked at Xiaoyu and waited for her answer.
Xiao Yu's face was red, and he walked back to his seat to turn on the computer. A few big roommates made her a bit too much to eat.
"What are you asking for?" Li Ruoxuan said: "You little girls."
Li Ruoqi grabbed the u disk, climbed down from the bed, and ran to the back of the small fisherman to hug her. Li Ruoxi’s move made her have a bad feeling.
"Small fish, will you be happy in the future?" Li Ruoxuan smirked: "I have collected an action movie in the u disk, let you open your eyes and learn some skills first."
When Li Ruoxuan’s words came out, the three women almost vomited blood and died.
"Li Ruoxuan, you are a gangster, don't teach bad fishing." Zhou Wei immediately suspended the TV series and ran to the small fisherman and grabbed her: "Let her go, let me come."
"Teach the bad fishing, everyone is responsible." Wang Xiaolan also put on his pajamas and ran to the small fisherman.
"Don't... don't."
Xiao Yu was held in the arms of Zhou Wei and Wang Xiaolan, and the computer was also controlled by Li Ruoxi.
"Copying, it will be there soon."
"Is there a virus?" asked Wang Xiaolan.
"Impossible." Li Ruoxuan said: "This is my u disk. I have seen the action movie once I put it in. Little fish, don't worry, my sister will show you something ‘good-looking.'

"Don't you look at it?"
Thinking of what might happen next, Xiao Yu is blushing like blood. This group of friends is a bit pitted, but can't escape the claws.
"Everyone is an adult, learn these skills and make sure you are happy in the future." Li Ruoxuan said with deep meaning.
"Can you learn later?"
Xiao Yu wants to get rid of the claws, but he is caught by two women and can only sit in the seat.
"It will be the same sooner or later. It just happens to have time today. I didn't ask you to give it to him now. The man now, look at it, think about it. It is best to give it to him after he gets married." Li Ruoxu smirked evilly: "Your computer has Point card, fast."
After one minute, the copy is completed, and Li Ruoxuan directly clicks on the video to play.
"Begin, you two catch the little fish, don't let her run, bring the headphones to her."
"Don't let go."
Xiao Yu's face is almost bleeding.
"What is this FBI? It's all in English, will it be a virus?"
Zhou Wei stayed blind.
"It should be a movie description! I am going in, kitty, don't worry." Li Ruoxi smiled and grabbed the mouse and clicked.
The sound just fell, and then the dormitory was dead.
When Li Ruoxuan looked at the computer screen, Wang Xiaolan and Zhou Wei were also unbelievable.
I found that the headphones didn't move, the three didn't talk, and the small fishing eyes closed their eyes slowly, and they saw the computer screen and looked at them.
"Is this a virus?"
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