Chapter 720: : President Chen Mo

When Chen Mogang left the lecture hall, a group of reporters had already waited in an orderly manner at the door. When Chen Mo came out, he shouted and asked.
Upon seeing it, Chen Mo also stopped and suppressed the crowd to calm down.
The scene was quiet and calm down.
A recent reporter hurriedly said: "President Chen Mo, why do you want to create a unique forum?"
Black Hawk and others blocked in front of Chen Mo, maintaining the order of the scene, and took a small microphone and handed it to Chen Mo.
"Ordinary people need a better platform and channel to understand the progress of science and technology, and to bring technology closer to the lives of ordinary people, so that technology can develop faster.
Let technology be closer to ordinary people, not to ordinary people. In the future, let ordinary students chase science with the attitude of chasing stars, then science will win.

After Chen Mogang answered, another reporter began to rush to ask.

President Chen Mo, what do you think of the students who have often been admitted to Wushu University to take some partial courses, low scores and some special skills?

Chen Mo looked at the reporter who asked the question and smiled politely.
"I have thought about this problem. In my school, there is no bad student. The students admitted to our school, even if the grades are not good, but there must be a talented skill on the one hand, which is appreciated by the school, so the students who enter the Wushu University are in me. None of the eyes are ordinary students.
Even if a few or two rely on luck to enter the University, it is part of their strength. Today, the school is their luck, maybe tomorrow they are the luck of the school.

"You don't worry about the poor grades and quality of students, can't keep up with learning, and thus affect the quality of students at the university?"

If a school only relies on the best students to maintain the school’s strength, it’s not that the school is strong, but the students are excellent. Because her students are the best performers before entering the school, the school is strong. Of course, of course.
If you are afraid that some students have low scores, not good enough, and fear that losing a good student will make the school ordinary, and even have confidence in making their students better, this school is not really strong.
I believe in the education and teaching ability of Wushu University. Even if the students are ordinary, Wushuang University has the confidence to make the students excellent. As a university, we are not looking at whether students themselves are excellent, but to make students better. This is our task.

Some reporters on the field were so bright that they fell into thought.
The students at the University of Wushu, who were on the scene, began to applaud and scream with pride. This is their school, this is their principal.

How do you see some unfair problems in education today?

"The only thing in the world is absolutely fair, and that is death."

You mentioned conscious super artificial intelligence in your speech. You developed super artificial intelligence. Are you afraid that artificial intelligence will get out of control? Does super artificial intelligence cause a crisis for humans?

"There is no absolute good in the world, and there is no absolutely bad tool. The quality depends on the person who uses the tool. The energy equation is used. It is a nuclear power plant. If it is not used well, it is a nuclear weapon that destroys human beings. Artificial intelligence is used properly. It is the greatest boost to the rapid development of mankind. The key is the person who uses it, not its own good or bad."

But super artificial intelligence is conscious? Will it actively betray humans?

"No, the process of creating quantum consciousness is very special. It cuts off this possibility from the source. It is a kind intelligent life and is very friendly to us."
Chen Mo does not worry that the super artificial intelligence in his hands will destroy humanity.
At present, only he masters the methods and techniques for creating quantum consciousness, and the popularity of super artificial intelligence technology. In the future, quantum computers have been widely used. In the future, quantum encryption, network and information will be very safe, and artificial intelligence can not control the network and create large-scale network intrusion.
"Why are you so sure?"
"Because it was created by me."
"Your lecture is over, some people have already opposed super artificial intelligence on the Internet. What is your thought?"
Chen Mo smiled and said without a thought: "Everyone has the right to accept and reject. If you are worried about the sun exploding and destroying the sun, it is no different from the end of the world. In the future, the marching ant group will develop a research standard for super artificial intelligence for research. Use the reference."

How was Super Artificial Intelligence created?

"This is a technical secret."
Chen Mo stretched his finger to his mouth and made a squeaking gesture. He smiled politely at the many reporters and turned away. The ink girl followed him.
I left a group of questions that I didn’t ask, and I was still asking the reporter.
There are too many questions. If Chen Mo is standing here to answer, I am afraid that tomorrow, there will be questions that cannot be answered.
The forum process of the unparalleled forum includes the opening ceremony of the forum, the award-winning awards, themed lectures, the awards dinner, the unparalleled dialogue, the release of scientific and technological achievements, the science and technology exhibition, the debate of young scientists, the future prospects and the closing ceremony of the forum.
The forum is three days long and has different content arrangements every day.
However, Chen Mo just held the first unparalleled forum, just announced the establishment of the unparalleled award, and has not yet selected the results of the unparalleled award, so there is no award-winning awards and dinners.
In the future, Chen Mo does not appear in the theme lectures. This session will be won by the unparalleled winners and will be given to the general audience for their own research topics.
The subject does not have to have a lot of formulas, mainly for ordinary people to understand.
Chen Mo just used the popular language to tell the webcast of peaceful and accessible people, which is to make these sciences close to ordinary people.
The purpose of the forum is to promote science.
The most eye-catching forum for this unparalleled forum is the Science and Technology Exhibition Area.
Because the world is in the midst of war, companies in other countries are inconvenient to send high-tech products to the exhibition. Therefore, at the site of the unparalleled forum, only the marching ants group and several top domestic companies will send the products to the exhibition.
There are exhibition areas of physics, chemical materials, biology, medicine, mathematics, computers, robots, energy, etc., all of which are filled with top-notch technology products.
Large-scale steel armor and super-light quantum communication equipment, as small as a cubic centimeter of new materials, nail-sized chips.
It contains almost all of the leading technologies of the marching ant group leading the world.
Wushu University has a full-time school holiday today. The students from the various colleges of Wushu University are gathered in the exhibition area to watch the latest technology products.
In the position of the steel armor, almost no water is leaking, everyone is competing for a photo.
"The principal is here."
"The principal is here."
Excited shouts resounded throughout the exhibition area.
For a moment, students who were still watching various science and technology, all turned back, and came to Chen Mowei.
Chen Mo, the principal who rarely appeared, was in their eyes a god-like figure.
Chen Mo said that Black Hawk and others do not need to block these students: "Students, I am not a giant panda, don't be on the lookout, what to do."
"President, we want to take a photo with you." A courageous boy shouted.
"this is okay."
Chen Mo took the selfie stick of a girl next to him, and the students at the back rushed over and stuffed himself into the camera.
After ten minutes, I took a few photos and signed the name. Chen Mocai successfully got out and came to the front of the steel armor.
"That classmate wants to put on the armor to try?" Chen Mo asked the armor.
"I, I, I."
"President, I am..."
Crazy screams, shaking the entire exhibition area.
When Chen Mo left Wushuang University with Wushuang and Xiaoyu, it was already night.
The first day of the unparalleled forum ended, and everything that Chen Mo needs to say has been fully expressed. Then there will be other people presiding over the forum to continue, and then come back to the end of the speech.
When I returned to the villa, the ink girl and Chen Mo said a good news: the oxygen generator that captured the decomposition of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide was completed.
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