Chapter 753: : Small fisherman

The small fish was lying on the bed, his face was painful and sweaty.
Next to Zhao Min holding her hand tightly, her eyes were red, and her eyes were anxious. It had been three hours passed, and she did not dare to disturb the doctor. She could only comfort herself in the small fisherman's ear.
Chen Mo has been missing for more than nine months, and Xiaoyu has reached the delivery period.
"Husband, husband."
Xiao Yu is a little tired and his voice is hoarse.
When he heard the name of the little fisherman, Zhao Min’s eyes were red:
Nothing, you will be back when you give birth to your baby.

Xiao Yu’s tears could not stop falling and his face was more painful.
"The husband will come back."
"It will definitely come back." Zhao Min nodded.
An hour passed, accompanied by a baby crying sound, Xiao Yu's painful face was loose, relieved, and the tense atmosphere in the delivery room turned into joy.
Suddenly, a scream, everyone looked at the doctor who delivered the baby. I saw that the female doctor who was responsible for the delivery was a little flustered. The nurse who was giving the baby was not calm.
They delivered hundreds of times and saw this strange thing for the first time.
"what happened?"
Zhao Min looked cold and let the ink girl take over the baby. Some vigilance looked at the doctor.
"The cord blood is red gold." Some of the doctors who gave birth were not calm.
Zhao Min’s hole shrinks, and a heart is lifted up in an instant:
What is going on?

"Ink girl, the child showed me."
Xiao Yu’s eyes are red, so that the ink girl will hold the child. Seeing the child's stretched skin, surprise, tears can't stop, the voice is crying.
"The blood of her husband is like this."
The death in the delivery room was generally silent. The doctors and nurses who delivered the baby squinted and looked at each other with incredible thoughts, as if they had discovered a big secret.
Zhao Min was also a little shocked, but immediately returned to God.
Shi Wei was a little nervous, sitting quietly in the room, surrounded by robots, not allowing them to contact the outside world.
After giving birth for more than ten years, she had never had any problems in the delivery room where she was delivered. Today, I heard the secret inadvertently. Chen Mo’s night is different from ordinary people.
But it is also relieved that the genius of Chen Mo is special.
Only now, Zhao Min let them come here, not allowing them to leave, nor allowing them to contact the outside world, which has to make them nervous.
Since Chen Mo’s disappearance, Zhao Min has exposed unprecedented iron and blood means.
The current marching ant group, but it is very horrible, it controls the African continent, technology is unique, and it is also sitting on Mars. It can be said that it is powerful. If you want them to keep secrets forever, it is only a matter of words.
After a while, the door to the room opened and Zhao Min walked in.
Shi Wei was tense, and the three doctors and nurses next to him were nervous.
"Today is a big day, I won't be like it, don't be nervous."
Zhao Min’s voice did not waver, and they handed them an agreement.
"You have heard some secrets just now, but I hope that you will smother this secret in your heart. At least I don't want it. This secret leaks out of your mouth. This is a confidentiality agreement."
"I signed." Shi Wei did not hesitate to pick up the pen, signed his name, and did not read the terms.
Originally, she did not want to talk about it. If this incident was offended by Zhao Min and Chen Jia, they could not escape because they could not escape the earth. Another doctor and two nurses did not hesitate to sign the name and press their fingerprints.
Seeing their decisive appearance, Zhao Min nodded slightly and was a person of interest. She was not worried that they would talk nonsense.
"The four cards, each with five million, are your secrets and the rewards for the birth of the students today. The password is six after the bank card. You are just an ordinary delivery, and Xiaoyu has a healthy birth. The son will do, forget the blood." Zhao Min gave each person a card.
"it is good."
Shi Wei nodded and promised that the other three also hurriedly nodded and hesitated. The four still accepted the bank card.
Let people leave them, Zhao Min turned and went to the small fishing room.
Xiao Yu is leaning on the bed, holding a squat, looking a little tired, but very gentle, his eyes are still red. It was a male treasure, and the old man at home remembered Chen Mo and cried for a while.
After Zhao Min came in, his family had already gone out and left the space for her and Zhao Min.
"Zhao Min sister, remember that every time her husband will vomit and suffer in his sleep?" Xiao Yu gently touched the baby's face without stretching.
"Yeah." Zhao Min nodded gently.
"He also told me last time."
Xiao Yu thinks of Chen Mo, and his eyes are wet again.
"At the end of the Mars transformation, he had another incident in his study at home. He told me. He said that every time, his body and brain showed almost a change, similar to evolution, and it changed every time. It’s smarter. The last time it was a bit serious, his blood changed and it became golden.

"No wonder he will be more and more smart." Zhao Min is a lot easier.
"So before he said his new new human beings, I have never been pregnant, I thought that the reproductive isolation, the baby's appearance, is also a kind of luck." Xiaoyu said, tears fell down.
"Nothing, he will come back, we are still waiting for him here, he will definitely come back."
Xiao Yu wiped his tears and said with a certainty: "Well, my husband must still be alive, the baby is the bridge between me and him, I can feel it."
"Ink is developing a light speed spacecraft and a super-light speed spacecraft. When the time comes, if Merle does not return, go out and look for him."
The ink girl who has been standing quietly has been interrupted.
"Now the machines on Mars have discovered dark matter and antimatter, and are trying to capture and extract. As long as the extraction is successful, the materials of the spacecraft and the energy that drives the engine will be there."
In order to develop super-light speed spacecraft faster, Chen Mo’s theory of space-light spacecraft, space curvature engine theory, design theory of light-speed spacecraft, space jump theory, light speed engine technology and extraction technology of anti-matter and dark matter all tell the ink girl.
At the same time, there are a variety of technologies and super-capacity development techniques, which allow the ink and female's enormous computing power and special quantum consciousness to assist in research and development.
Information on technology and direction, all in Mexico.
Chen Mo was arrested before passing the ink girl, let her develop according to the original direction and plan.
Dark matter is an essential material for spacecraft hull and engine materials. Antimatter is an essential energy source for curvature engines and light speed engines. As soon as the dark matter and antimatter are successfully extracted, the construction of the superluminal spacecraft and the speed of light spacecraft can begin.
After Chen Mo was arrested, Zhao Min let the armed forces quickly rule Africa, and then let the ink girl do her best to develop the experimental equipment needed for construction.
Under the super artificial intelligence and fully mechanized blessing, despite all the development, the earth has been beyond recognition for more than nine months, and the level of development has reached another height.

How long will it take to develop successfully?
Xiao Yu asked.
"It's hard to say that at the current development speed, it can be done within a year or two. My consciousness will not be tired, there is no limit, and the calculation is very fast, but the current conditions can only be so fast." The ink girl said.
After listening to the words of the ink girl, Xiao Yu and Zhao Min looked at each other with a firm look in their eyes and a quiet return in the room.
"Little fisher sister, what is the name of the baby?"
The ink girl broke the silence again, she didn't know the baby's name.
"Now there is no name, wait for her husband to come back and give him a name." Xiao Yu looked at the baby in his arms, and his eyes were infinitely gentle.
Chen Mo, who is far away from the other side of the universe, is dismantling the armor, and suddenly feels a sense of heart.
An inexplicable incitement.
After the incitement, Chen Mo’s mood seemed to be comfortable, and he couldn’t tell why, it was an inexplicable joy.
Is it that Xiaoyu has been successfully produced?
Chen Mo’s mind came up with an idea.
Waking up from the dormant cabin, he did not know how long he had been arrested. If the joy of the joy was due to the small fishing production of the distant earth, then he was only nine months old.
He slept for nine months in the dormant cabin.
Time flies not long. If you escape, return to Earth, your loved ones are there.
After the incitement, Chen Mo was more determined to escape as soon as possible.
"Do you have a heart?" Jia found Chen Mo's daze and asked.
"No, just suddenly remembered a little trifle." Chen Mo shook his head and continued to dismantle the armor.
"I want to kiss my family?" Jia turned his head and said with a slight emotion: "I used to do this. When I came to the planet, it was so small."
Ka's hand stroked a bit, probably only as high as Chen Mo's thigh.
"I didn't want to, I was vague, I can't remember what they looked like."
"Cay, how long have you been here?" A few days after coming here, Chen Mo also touched Jia's temper and compared an easy-going old man.
"Three hundred origin years." Jia looked at the sky, with endless thoughts: "I remember, when I was arrested, my mother looked at me with her eyes. She cried very painfully, but could do nothing, I can't remember now. She looks like."
"How long is your life?" Chen Mo asked.
"More than three hundred years of origin, now it's almost the same, and I have come almost the same time." Kag's voice was relieved, and there was a faint relief: "What about you?"
"About fifty origin years."
"Then you still have the chance, if you have the opportunity to leave, take my ashes, even if you are in space, it is better than here." Jia joked.
"Yes." Chen Mo nodded.
Gai smiled and continued to lie on the chair, rubbing the wrist of the wrist, no one to repair the armor, he is this bored look.
As for the jokes that escaped, he didn't take it seriously, even if he was the one who monitored them, he wouldn't care if they said this.
Chen Mo continued to dismantle the armor in his hands and was familiar with the technology.
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