Chapter 792: : Second generation virtual reality technology

After the extraterrestrial event, under the strong transformation of the marching ant group, the earth has undergone a comprehensive turbulent dishwashing. The biggest changes are in China and Africa.
The city of China, completely sci-fi, has only appeared in the scenes of science fiction movies, all realized in the city of China. The marching ant group opened its hands and applied technology to renovate the basic science of global technology.
Unmanned driving, smart city, deformable car, aerial cloud track, holographic scene, etc., all popularized, in the medical field, the special effects of human diseases encountered by human beings have been overcome by Haixing Company. Renovation in the fields of life, medical care, entertainment, science, infrastructure, military, materials, etc.
Huaxia official and marching ant group open potential drugs, so that ordinary people can use, and begin to comprehensively improve the physical fitness of ordinary people.
All humans know that they have a common enemy, an unknown alien.
The universe is boundless. If human beings are not united, the final result is to be enslaved or extinct by aliens.
As the leader of human science and technology change, the marching ant group has concentrated on the greatest wealth and the most advanced technology in human history, and has become a superstar group.
After Chen Mo was arrested, Zhao Min’s strength was known to all mankind. Zhao Min replaced Chen Mo as the backbone of the marching ant group and controlled the super group of marching ants. No one objected.
Zhao Min is crazy and generally develops the army ant group without any consequences, so that all the technology of the earth is exploding.
A large number of space-based weapons and quantum radars are scattered throughout the solar system. At the L4 position of Lagrange point, a super-large space jump port with a diameter of 200 kilometers is rapidly being built. On Mars, super-light speed ships and light-speed spacecraft are under construction, and Venus is being transformed.
Everything is preparing for the space to jump into the sea of ​​stars.
Zhao Min looked at Chen Mo's photo on the table in a daze. She didn't know how many times she saw this photo. She told herself many times that this man is still alive, and she firmly believes that Chen Mo is still alive.
Now the marching ant group has become a super group, and she has to face the public opinion and the pressure from all sides.
If she didn't have a big heart, she didn't know how to stick to it.
The universe is too big, she only hopes to hold this home, at least one day they can't find Chen Mo, and Chen Mo can find them when they return.
"Min Min, are you at the company?"
When Zhao Min was in a daze, the unparalleled holographic projection appeared in the office. Seeing the unparalleled, Zhao Min showed a hint of a smile, his eyes became softer, and he did not face the strength of outsiders.
"What are you doing?"
"Come to the 1st building, there is something for you to see." Musou said.
"it is good."
Zhao Min put Chen Mo's photo in a good position and left the office after finishing it.
In the experimental room, wearing a lab robe and wearing goggles, you can see the shadow of Chen Mo.
The unparalleled now, although it is the age of the cardamom, has already grown. The young man is slim, and the mother is quiet, and inherits Zhao Min’s strong character. After Chen Mo’s disappearance, he lost his father’s care and love, and he has grown a lot.
Seeing that Zhao Min came in, Wusou led her to the central area of ​​the experimental area.

Min Min, this is a new product that I developed in cooperation with the ink girl according to the technical information left by my father.

In the center of the experimental area, there is a device similar to a game table and chair. There is also a helmet-like device on the chair, similar to the first-generation virtual reality device she released.
"What equipment?" Zhao Min asked curiously.

This is the second generation of virtual reality devices I developed, and the quantum virtual reality world is fast.

Musou has been conducting technical research on virtual reality, and is very interested in the neural-conscious connection technology that Chen Mo has left. She has been thinking about developing a quantum virtual reality world. This idea has not been abandoned.

Is this device mature?

"Preliminary maturity, can be used normally."
Unparalleled let Zhao Min sit up and experience it.
Although she is not old, she is the most authoritative in the study of neuroconsciousness and virtual world.
Quantum virtual reality is like a dream world. This device is a bridge that communicates the virtual digital world and human consciousness constructed by quantum computing.
Guide human consciousness activities through virtual reality devices, reproduce the quantum virtual digital space in the human brain, communicate neural consciousness, control the changes in the virtual space, make people feel that they are in a dream, not a real dream, but a creation Dreamland.
"It's very powerful." From the virtual reality device chair, Zhao Min's face showed a petite smile: "Would you like to give you a press conference?"
"Don't have to develop a cloth meeting, Dad can't see it, it's useless." Unparalleled touch of virtual reality equipment, thinking of his father, look dim.
Now my father doesn't know where in the universe, nor how it is. The universe is too big, there are countless planets, even if they enter the sea of ​​stars, the probability of finding them is not great, although she is convinced that her father is still alive.
"Min Min, do you want my father?" Unparalleled look up, seriously watching Zhao Min.
"I don't want to be sure to lie to you." Zhao Min bounced his unparalleled head and looked a little sigh.
"When Dad comes back, let Dad compensate you, anyway, you like my father."
Zhao Min smiled and pinched the unparalleled face: "Say this, don't you fear your mother licking your ears? Hit your ass?"
"Mom is clearer than me, she is not stupid. I can see how she might not know. Just before she trusted her father and trusted Min. The universe is so big, after going through so many things, some things are no longer important. Mom is unconditionally handing over all of my father's business to you. She looks better than me. Mother is the smartest person in the family."
"I don't know if you want to break it? Little girl." Zhao Min gently licked his unparalleled ear: "And, don't mention your father, mention the and come to talk about your equipment."
Unspeakable spit tongue, eyes bent into crescents, no mention of this topic, focus on the equipment.

This device is strictly designed for games, but it is not designed for games.

"What do you mean?" asked Zhao Min.
"I asked Mohyun, now we have popularized armor in the armed team, but the training venue is limited, and the actual combat training is very depleted. Our armor is strong, but it does not really enter the battlefield, we need a You can explore the place where the battle armor is fighting.
The power of the armored weapon is great. This training place cannot be the earth. It is also troublesome to train on other planets. Therefore, I want the armed personnel to enter the virtual reality world to train and explore the battle style and skills of the armor.

Unparalleled to tell Zhao Min all his thoughts.
The existence of the armor is indispensable, whether it is human or animal, this is the main weapon against the aliens.
"I want to release a competitive battle game for the armor, let the world's armored enthusiasts enter the game, freely formulate their own armor, let them play the battle armor, we collect their battle data and skills for analysis and learning.
Then put all the data collected and analyzed into the artificial intelligence, let the artificial intelligence learn the combat skills of the armor, and cultivate the artificial intelligence into the battle armor master. At the same time, in the game, continuously optimize and improve the functions required by the armor, we can Continuously design and mass production of various types of armored robots.
The current nerve response rate in humans is too slow, and even after potential development and training, the reaction speed takes 0.1 second. The personnel of advanced potential drug development also have a reaction capacity of only a few milliseconds.
The robot does not have this limitation, and the robot's response speed can reach nanoseconds. As long as the artificial intelligence battle skill database is large enough, the artificial intelligence learning changes enough, its combat power can easily surpass human beings, and the future is the main force against aliens.

Zhao Min stayed and watched the unparalleled talk. At this moment, she saw the shadow of Chen Mo in the unparalleled body, the same self-confidence and cleverness. The unparalleled has grown up, and an inexplicable touch is full of hearts.
"Min, what's wrong? I'm not correct?" Unparalleled to see Zhao Min's eyes flushed, nervous.
"No, you are right, but I suddenly think of him. You are as confident and intelligent as your father." Zhao Min touched the unparalleled head and showed a happy smile.
"How about my idea?" asked the unparalleled.
"Your thoughts are very good, you can implement them tomorrow, and now you can mass-produce virtual reality devices, so that you can develop a competitive game of armor."
It is foreseeable that the idea of ​​unparalleled will greatly accelerate the development of the armor.
Now their armor is no opponent, can only explore on their own, development is a stand-alone game.
If you put the armor into the game, concentrate the wisdom of all mankind to optimize the development of the combat armor function, let the people in the game become opponents of each other, don't worry about the armor's unlimited destructive power, and constantly strengthen the design of the armor. Combat skills, which are historical developments for the armor.
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