Chapter 795: : The ancestral celebration of the Manshan

In the science and technology library, Chen Mo put his hand on the technology ball. With Chen Mo’s thoughts, all the books he needed about the small universe and the different space all came to Chen Mo’s mind.
This is a book on basic theory, not specific data and technology. With the permission of Chen Mo, you can already get all these books.
"Spherical Folding Space"
The Difference between Different Spaces and Parallel Universe
The Form of the Little Universe
"Cosmic Chamber"
Space Abyss
Chen Mo has repeatedly acquired dozens of theories and descriptions of different spaces and small universes. Massive knowledge has entered Chen Mo’s mind. For the existence of the small universe, Chen Mo also has a clearer concept.
The cosmic chamber is a good description.
The small universe is a special deformed space caused by the collapse of the space in the super-extreme environment of the black hole explosion at the beginning and after the formation of the main universe. It belongs to the spatial content of the main universe. The physical rules are the same as the main universe, but they are not compatible with the main space, forming an independent space, like a space chamber of the universe.
The folded space has no thickness and span, and it can't be seen or touched. Its entrance can be anywhere in the universe.
Once the small universe collapses, its space will re-integrate into the main universe. Let the main universe become bigger. The expansion of the universe exceeds the speed of light, and space folding diastolic and distorted spaces are one of the reasons for integration into the main universe.
Looking at the theory of the small universe, Chen Mo basically determined that this space is the so-called 'small universe'. Starry sky, pulsars, cosmic radius, etc., all kinds of signs have shown that this space is not the original space.
Fortunately, the time of the small universe is the same as the absolute time of the main universe. Chen Mo does not need to worry about the small universe one day, the main universe one year.
Basically confirming this fact, Chen Mo did not have time to worry and began to find ways to leave the small universe in the technology library.
Looking for a long time, Chen Mo got more than a thousand books, and finally decided to leave the small universe.
"Cosmic Chamber Key"
"Space-time vibration frequency and ultra-high energy space piercing technology"
Chen Mo acquired the technique of focusing on opening the space barrier of the small universe.
The small universe and the main universe have space to fold, but the two are not completely separated, there is a spatial connection, and the connection point can be any point in the small universe.
Using the space folding vibration technology, when the vibration frequency of time and space is the same, the connection between the small universe and the main universe can be opened, and the size and position of the small universe entrance can be controlled.
In the main universe, only when coincident time, when the small universe is similar to the vibration of the main space, the space-time vibration frequency of the small universe can be detected, but the space-time vibration frequency of the small universe can be detected at any time in the small universe.
This cosmic chamber can be opened from within the small universe as long as the technology is sufficient. Need to build a door to space connection, Chen Mo had to face this reality.
Extension has long been waiting outside, see Chen Mo from the lounge, and immediately greeted him.
"What is it?" Chen Mo asked.
For the extension, he still likes it very, very clever child.
"Grandpa asked me to invite you to our ancestral celebration, and the celebration is about to begin."
"Zhu Qing?"
Chen Mo stunned and followed the extension to leave the spaceship.
I haven't adapted to the gravity of the wild mountain star, and I can't participate in the celebration. So I can only look at Chen Mo and Tuo leaving the spaceship with envy. She and her mother are kneeling in the spaceship window and watching the celebration party of the Manshan people below.
Outside the window, a festive atmosphere.
The Manshan people are carrying out sacrificial activities to worship the ancestors of the Manshan people, and more than 300,000 people of the Manzan Mountains are concentrated in the largest open space of the village.
This is the Manshan people who specially set up open space for the celebrations. Usually, it is also the main place for the activities of the ethnic people.
The ancestral celebration of the Manshan people is the commemoration day of the planet that the ancestors of the ancestors climbed. Once every year, it lasts for more than 700 years. It is the day when the Manshan people celebrate their new life.
Extension left Chen Mo to explain the origins of the celebration.
In the beginning, it was to celebrate the rebirth. This special day passed down and became the most important festival of the Manzan people.
The ceremony was over, and as night fell, the bonfire was already burning.
Ten piles of fires of more than ten meters high illuminate the entire village of Manzan, in addition to other large and small bonfires, all kinds of meat are on the grill, and there are various fruit foods next to them. Fluorescent plants spread throughout the village, and the decoration is full of dreams.
The villages of the Manshan people are not small, and there are more than 300,000 people, old and young, like the town of the earth. This is the beginning of the ruthless land of the ancestors of the ruins of the mountains. For more than 700 years, it is only such a tribe. It can be seen how harsh the living conditions of the wild mountain stars are.
"Sir, you want to dance, do you want to jump?" Tuo pointed to the large bonfire pile in the distance and looked excited.
"No, you go."
Perhaps carbon-based life has a belief in flames from genes. The mountain people here also have the habit of dancing around the campfire. There are drums next to them, not monotonous. Chen Mo asked him to leave his own past and suddenly saw a figure sitting next to a small campfire and walked over.
"Don't you dance?"
Chen Mo sat next to Jing Ge and asked.
Jing Ge gave Chen Mo a good impression. He was very vocal, and he looked very cold. He didn't enter, but he really didn't imagine it was difficult to communicate.
"Not used to it."
Jing Ge quietly looked at the crowd dancing in the distance around the campfire, and occasionally bowed his head and slammed the things in his hand. It was a small black finger-sized bone. I don't know what to engrave.
Chen Mo grabbed the fruit wine at hand and took a bite. This is a fermented fruit wine of Manshan Star. It tastes sweet and sour, not bad, but not wine.
"Do you like carving?"
"Play when you are fine."
After a while, Jing Ge handed the bone carving in his hand to Chen Mo, and the dagger was also put.
"Give it to you."
"Give me?"
Chen Mo surprised Jing Ge, this stuffy gourd, actually sent him something.
After receiving the bone carving, it looks like a pendant. Chen Mo noticed that there is a similar pendant on Jinge's neck, which is also black and the same material.
"This is the hardest bone on the black beast, the black beast you killed." Jing Ge grabbed the fruit wine next to him and took a sip: "The tribe likes to wear the strongest beast bones on the body, representing strength."
"Thank you." Chen Mo was not polite, wearing a bone pendant on his neck. The material of the black bones was a bit cold: "Is the black beast on your body?"
"Well, two years ago." Jing Ge said faintly: "Are you finding a way to leave?"
"Found, but can't leave now."
Chen Mo shook his head.
He needs to build something that can open the door to the small universe, which takes time.
"What is your world like?"
"It's better than here, but it's more cruel than here. It's hard to describe." Chen Mo drank the wine, took the barbecue that Jing Ge handed over, and looked up at the bonfire pile in front.
Another program of celebration has begun between the two.
"What is this program?"
Chen Mo curiously looked at the crowd.
A large group of people began to gather on the set up of the building, all women, and it looks like a girl in the wild mountain, not very old. Tuoshan is making flowers, two per person, and the flowers are blue and fluorescent, which looks very unique.
Under the stage, a group of young people of the Manshan people looked at each other and looked very excited.
Jing Ge took a look and did not say straight.
Extension has already run from the crowd, sitting between Chen Mo and Jing Ge, excited to watch the girl who is constantly leaving the stage with flowers: "Mr., there is a big show to start, very fun."
"What program?"
Chen Mo looked up and watched the show. Soon, when he saw the girl of the Manshan family sending the flowers in his hands to the young people of the Manshan ethnic group, he understood what was going on.
A blind date.
Chen Mo was happy.
"This is Zu Qing's program, called the husband, and is also the most popular program for men. The girls who meet the ages in the family can choose their husbands when they celebrate today. They will send the flowers in their hands to look at them. In the hands of men, then the man handed the flowers to her, the two sides admitted. If she did not look at the man, she could not send flowers."
Tie was afraid that Chen Mo did not understand and excitedly explained to Chen Mo.
"Is there two? Do you choose two husbands?" Chen Mo asked.
"No, every girl has only one husband. The girl sends two out. If two men choose her, the two men will go to Wutai to fight one, who wins, and the girl."
The extension points away from Wutai, which is not far away. The Manzan people compete with nature. The military is advocating here, and fighting is the best solution.
It is conceivable that the two men will fight the Wutai in order to compete for a good girl.
"Every year, men fight for girls and fight in Wutai. It is very intense and is the best-looking link." Tuo added another sentence: "Men can choose multiple girls, up to five."

Hey? Why?
Chen Mo asked.
"Because there are fewer men." Tuo said to the crowd: "The young men in the family are warriors. They want to enter the forest to hunt and resist the beasts attacking the village. Many soldiers are killed by wild beasts. Therefore, there are more women than men, and the stronger the man, the more popular, so the warriors in the family, during the birthday, like to wear the bones of the beasts they hunted."
Chen Mo is clear, two-way choice, excellent genetic inheritance, inferior elimination.
However, there is a bad way. This method is to choose a powerful warrior, but it is not a powerful mountain. It may be because of the limitations of the living environment that they need strong ethnic groups, but in this way, fewer and fewer intellectuals have created the loss of the Hanshan civilization, and it has almost broken down.
"You wear it too, and you want people to choose?" Chen Mo pointed at the animal tooth necklace and bracelet.
"I haven't reached the age yet, I can't pick up flowers. It's just that everyone wears them, and I wear them." Said, and the extension was shy.
"How does Jing Ge not wear?" Chen Mo looked at Jing Ge.
Jing Ge did not answer, quietly watching the show.
"Jingo is the strongest warrior in the family. The girl knows him. He wears a black animal bone pendant, which is the most powerful animal bone." Tuo pointed out the bone pendant on Jinge's neck.
"Wait if there are a lot of girls coming to Jingo?" Chen Moile got up.
After hesitating, he touched Jinge’s eyes and spit out his tongue and did not dare to speak.
Just finished, Chen Mo saw that a large group of girls had asked for a while around Tuoshan, and then ran over to them, vying for the look of the future, so that Chen Mo was a little gloating.
"Hey, look, come on."
Tuo looked at the girls who ran over and looked surprised. Jingo is a bit stunned.
Soon, Chen Mo found himself wrong.
"My name is Ni."
A girl ran to Chen Mo, put the flower in his hand, and then smiled and greeted him, very bold.
Hey! !
Chen Mo’s smile stopped short and stiffened on his face.
"My name is Dina." The second girl also put a flower in his hand in his hand.
"My name is 茼姒."
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