Chapter 798: : Thirty-one years of spiders

In the village of the Manshan people, a large group of wild people surrounded the cave where the patriarch was located. Everyone looked very cautious and the atmosphere in the air was very tense.
On the ground is the body of a sable, the brain and abdomen are wide open, and the brain and internal organs are empty and look very strange.
This is the horned antelope that Donghe Bleu brought back from the mountain forest. It was sent to Tuoshan here for the first time.
"They have appeared again." Tuoshan looked the most dignified, staring at the sacred corpse on the ground: "Let the people prepare, immediately move away from here, and prepare now."
The fear in the voice of Tuoshan is lingering.
"The patriarch, why do you want to migrate?" asked an unknown young man who was unclear.
"Thirty-one years ago, the spider appeared."
Tuoshan cautiously said a name, this name is the fear and shadow of the Manshan people. The age of the field is a little longer. I have heard of this name, it is extremely shocking, and even some fear.
"Thirty-one years of spiders?" The young Manshan people heard the name, still do not understand.
"You are still young, have never heard of it. Thirty-one years of spiders are a kind of dormant hunting beasts. They sleep for thirty-one years, wake up every thirty-one years, and wake up on a large scale. They After hunting the prey, the body's acid will melt the brain and internal organs of the prey, and then suck."
Some young mountain people on the field couldn't help but retching a few times, thinking that the picture was a bit scary.
"Do you know why our barbarians have been here for seven hundred years, or is it only 300,000 people?"
Tuoshan still couldn't help but open the heavy history of the Manshan people.

The ancestors lived on the planet and combined with the indigenous people. In the following hundred years, the size of the Manzan people once reached 4 million people. The ancestors established a large-scale mountain town. When the ethnic civilization can be passed down slowly, a terrible thing appears, that is, thirty-one years of spiders.
Six hundred years ago, thirty-one years ago, the spiders attacked our ethnic group for the first time. The disaster caused three million deaths and the ancestors chose to migrate. Losing the blessing of the original town, the population on the way to migration is getting less and less, which is the first large-scale loss of the Manshan civilization.
Later, the second habitat was found, and the population gradually increased. After 217 years, the number of habitats reached more than 8 million. Near the habitat, there was another large-scale thirty-one-year-old spider. The people were slaughtered. The population has dropped sharply to 1.5 million. After the disaster, the remaining ethnic groups were divided into five parts and migrated in different directions, which was the second large-scale loss of the Manshan civilization.
Later, our branch group encountered another 31-year-old spider, and the ancestors combined the books to record and finally found the characteristics of this species. Sleep for thirty-one years, then in a season of moderate temperature, wake up on a large scale, kill enough food, they will mate, then grow wings, disappear overnight, fly to the bottom of a river in this land Sleep.
Their offspring slowly developed in the belly of the female spider, until 31 years later, they broke out of the egg, feed on the body of the female spider, and even eat other twins to grow rapidly, and finally leave the bottom of the water to hunt for food, the beast The brain and internal organs are their food.

As the top of the mountain said, the voice was a little trembling.
Every 31 years, the emergence of a spider, is the arrival of a catastrophe.
He did not know how the branch communities that migrated to other places ended up, but this group of people, after suffering disasters more than three hundred years ago, later migrated several times because of other disasters.
When they left the original place and settled in this land because of a drought, the population was only tens of thousands of people. Now it has grown to a scale of 300,000. Blade spider.
"Can't you kill them all?" asked Tuan Curious.
"Difficult, they are very dangerous, the number is huge, the blade is very poisonous, it is stabbed in it, it will die if it takes too long, and it will be large, once, and life will disappear. Until they are full, they will not eat again. Something." Tuoshan sighed.
The words of Tuoshan just fell, the horn of the tower in the village sounded, and the people of the mountain were all discolored.
The tower in the village is to prevent the tower of the large beast attack. This horn sounds, which means the village is in a state of emergency.
"The patriarch, the thirty-one-year-old spider on the left side of the village, is coming in our direction." A wild mountain rushed over and stopped in front of Tuoshan, with a voice of fear.
Tuoshan’s hands and feet were cold and coming too fast.
"Immediately let the people in the family leave behind the village and extend to inform the gentleman."
Chen Mo is commanding the robot to repair the light speed engine. The radar of the spacecraft suddenly alarms. He knows that there is an invasion. He just left the spacecraft and the extension has already arrived outside the spacecraft.
"What's the matter?" Chen Mo looked at the anxious extension.
"Grandpa said that the emergence of the blade spider in thirty-one years." Tuo said with a panting.
"Thirty-one years of spiders? What?"
"A very dangerous beast." Tuo said anxiously: "Grandpa lets you leave soon, the village is dangerous, and the tribes are fleeing."
Chen Moyi, what danger can the planet have against him? However, it may be dangerous for the Manzan people.
"You go inside the spaceship first, I will go see it."
"Mr., it's really dangerous, can't go." Extension left anxiously pulling Chen Mo.
"Forgot I will fly? It is still very powerful." Chen Mo said.
Seeing the armor covered by Chen Mo, Tuo suddenly remembered the scene when he first saw Chen Mo, and finally released Chen Mo.
"You go to the spaceship to hide, inside is safe." Chen Mo let the extension into the spaceship, the battle armor floated up, flew to the left of the village where the radar prompted a large red dot.
Countless monsters are coming out of the forest and approaching the village.
This is the extension of the thirty-one-year-old spider, a kind of alien.
Thirty-one years ago, the spider looks like a spider, and it is a bit like an octopus, but the legs are not soft. The six long-legged limbs are more than one-meter-high. The ruler is serrated with a black luster. The claws are the origin of their names. In the head of the bucket, the four eyes are cold and bloody, and the mouth is short.
The soldiers in the village are resisting the approach of the blade spiders. Jinge is also in the escort, while the villages behind are fleeing quickly toward the back hills. The scene is a bit confusing.
The people in the village are braving the escape and resisting the blade of the 31-year-old spider, and have not noticed the arrival of Chen Mo.
Chen Mo’s height rose again.
This height can be seen, the distant spider blade is emerging from the big lake not far from the village, and extends to the forest near the village.
And not only in this direction, but also in other directions in the Great Lakes, but by the screaming of the blade spiders, many blade spiders are coming in the direction of the village, with hundreds of thousands.
"Do you have a nest?"
Chen Mo stared at the distant lake and glanced.
At this distance, an atomic bomb is thrown, and the whole village will be destroyed. But the bombs and the powerful explosives, which are too small, are not, and they may not be able to kill these aliens. They can only use other methods.
"The patriarch, let the soldiers in the family go back to the village, and give it to me." Chen Mochao shouted under the mountain.
"Do you have a way?"
Tuoshan only noticed Chen Mo in the air and looked very happy. He knew that Chen Mo’s machinery was very powerful. If Chen Mo had a way, he would definitely help them solve this problem. Maybe the Shanshan people are no longer afraid of the 31-year-old spider. Threat.
"It's a very simple matter," Chen Mo said.
During this period of contact, Chen Mo’s impression of the alien race of the Manshan ethnic group was good. Although it was militant, it was very simple and friendly. At least it was not because Chen Mo was an outsider, but he was also very enthusiastic.
"You guard the village and prevent the entry of the order into the village."

Is there really a way?
Tuoshan was hesitant.
"Well, it's a simple matter to do as I said."
"it is good."
Tuoshan promised that Chen Mo is a stranger, with incredible spaceships and machinery, like God, he chose to believe Chen Mo.
Chen Mo took out a small thumb-sized container with a little gray powder from the armor.
"it has started."
Chen Mo opened the small container and dropped it directly, a very simple matter. Gray powder is a nano-robot. For this planet, this is a dimensional reduction blow.
Tuoshan and Jing Ge and others did not expect that Chen Mo just lost a small thing and at the same time. The small container fell to the ground, and there was no movement, so the barbarian warriors who saw this scene were all a glimpse, and did not understand what Chen Mo was doing.
Diligence, two interest... After the break, there is still no movement.
Thirty-one years ago, the spiders are climbing up the fence of their village. This is their last line of defense. If they enter the village, the massacre will begin. Not everyone in the family is so strong. Old and weak women are under these monsters. There is no possibility of surviving at all.
"Sir, this is not a joke." Tuoshan is already in a hurry.
Chen Mo used the laser to sweep the spider that climbed the fence, and said faintly: "Begin."
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