Chapter 803: : Location of the construction space connecting machine

"Your fighting consciousness is born by nature, or is it that they have been hunting in the mountains for a long time?" Chen Mo is very interested in the fighting consciousness that Jing Ge said.
If he can also have this kind of combat consciousness to see through the enemy's movements in advance, his personal strength can be greatly improved.
"Be born, there are also children in the family. As they grow up, this awareness will become stronger and stronger."
Jing Ge picked up a stone and threw it at the side of the watch. The speed was very fast. He didn't see the trajectory of the stone. He instinctively measured the body and avoided the stone.
"Theirs are weaker and they can't hide faster."
Chen Mo was amazed at the moment. He had not found it before. It is estimated that he was watching the battle between the ethnic minorities, so he could not see it. Now he feels very special.
"Take off, fight with me." Chen Mo said.
"Okay, sir." Extension immediately opened the way, without too much nonsense, coming straight to Chen Mo.
Hey! !
In an instant, the extension will block Chen Mo’s two punches, and it seems that it is not difficult. Chen Mo speeds up and fights together. Soon, Chen Mo stopped and began to test other extensions.
For half an hour, Chen Mo stopped testing.
He found that the fighting consciousness that Jing Ge said was indeed born of the Barbarian, similar to Spider-Man's 'perceived' ability, a special 'super power'.
The Man Shan people are born with a sense of danger in advance.
It is this kind of consciousness that allows them to survive and grow stronger in this extremely harsh environment. The Manshan is a natural warrior.
Knowing that this is the innate advantage of the Manshan people, Chen Mo does not want to be able to learn this skill, in vain.
This natural ability, like electricity, will generate electricity. It requires a unique combination of gene combinations, cellular metabolism, brain structure and body structure that is unique, unless they are genetically altered or develop superpowers.
Two hours later, Chen Mocai completed the training. Just returned to the house to have breakfast, and Tuoshan came over.
"Sir, the people in the family have gathered in the square."
"Well, let's go."
Chen Mo drank the beast milk in the cup and left with Tuoshan.
The people of the Manshan ethnic group have gathered in the square of the city, 300,000 people. This is the first time that they have gathered in the square after they moved into their new home. Everyone has joy on their faces.
They never thought that there would be such a good life one day.
They eat artificial meat. They are no longer worried about food. They are no longer afraid of beasts and poisonous insects in the mountains. There are electric lights in the night, and there are mechanical cars carrying them out. Compared with before, this kind of life only exists in their ancestors. The legend.
And it is Chen Mo who gives them all this.
When Chen Mo appeared in the square, the cheers were already overwhelming, and Chen Mo was treated as a to admire.
Seeing the excited crowd below, Chen Mo sighed. He thinks of the believers on earth, and the devout believers seeing the image of God is just such a gaze.

Today, everyone has to change their way of life.

The first sentence of Chen Mo’s opening.
For the Manshan people, they are now more excited, and when the excitement period is over, they will fall into a confused stage.
They used to hunt all the time, look for food, and then guard against the dangers of the mountains and survive. Now the dangers of hunting and preparedness are lifted. If they are allowed to idle and do nothing, it will not be long before this group will be chaotic.
Being lazy is the source of extinction.
"In the future, everyone in the family, especially young people and children, must be educated and learn. The soldiers in the group form team training, guard against crisis and defend their homes. I will set up some rules, and you must follow the rules. Only then Our people will become stronger and stronger. Do you understand?"
More than 300,000 people shouted and shook the clouds.
Chen Mo saved the Manshan people and used incredible means to build a city. Now, for them, Chen Mo said that everything is right. In the hearts of the people of the Manchus, Chen Mo’s prestige has surpassed their patriarchs, almost faith-like. presence.
In the past, the barbarian family lived on this planet by unity, but after coming out of the interstellar and out of the universe, unity alone was unbelief.
Chen Mo had to put a set of civilized world here first, and prepare for the development of the Manshan people.
"Now, I send each of you a machine, you put it on your hand, write your name, and later it will represent you."
Chen Mo asked the robot to send the prepared bracelet to the people of the Manshan.
The Man Shan people have had the ancestors of civilization. They have the concept and saying of money. They are usually used to exchange some foods and goods that are needed. As with civilized society, the status of money is so high.
Civilization must have civilized rules and management, which is a must. Chen Mo only taught all the rules of the civilized system to the barbarian family at one time.
"In the future, you have to work, you have money at work, and you have money to change what you want."
After a bunch of basic rules, Chen Mocai stopped.
"Now, to participate in the armed soldiers of the ethnic group, click on your bracelet and confirm the registration on the bracelet. The soldiers in the family will be responsible for guarding the homeland and the armor can wear."
Chen Moliang appeared in the armor.
This time, everyone is surging.
They have seen the armor, Chen Mo flew through the air into the air, as a warrior, they actually have a mechanical armor, it must be very powerful.
In less than half a minute, all the soldiers in the family chose to sign up.
They have been hunting in the mountains some time ago, and they are fighting against the sky. The nature is still intact. In the view of the Manzan people, becoming a soldier is a kind of glory.
"If you are younger, you don't have to worry. If you are old enough, you can sign up as a warrior. This kind of armor will enter the school as your course. You all can train and use this kind of armor." Chen Mo said.
Schools and courses are not known to the people of the mountain. The concept is not big, but Chen Mo’s last sentence makes the entire barbarian people fall into the crazy cheers.
Tuoshan and Mudu are full of tears, as if living in a dream. This kind of life, they never dreamed before, and now it is real.
"The patriarch, you will manage the affairs of the family in the future, you can find someone in the family to help you manage. According to the rules I gave you, the prize was awarded, and the penalty was wrong."
"Okay, sir." Tuoshan solemnly said.
He knows that the gentleman has given them the best conditions. If the Hanshan people can prosper, they can only rely on themselves.
"Mr. Muxi, you will be the principal of the school in the future, supervising the children to study." Chen Mo said to Muxi.
"Yes, sir."
Mudu nodded very seriously. As a knowledge inheritor of the Manshan people, he naturally knew how important knowledge was. In order to survive, the tribes valued the force, the knowledge could not be transmitted, and now there is no threat of survival. Later knowledge is the most important.
叮嘱 Necessary things, and the determined rules and regulations will be given to Tuoshan and Chen Mochao.
The study will continue, the first city will be formed, and then he will develop the entire wild mountain star, ready to build a space connection machine.
"Mo Mo Mo..."
As soon as he entered the spaceship, Chen Mo was pointed by the little beast, and his face was covered with a slap in the face. It was obvious that he had left it silent, leaving it and squatting on the spaceship.
Chen Mo directly put the little beast on his shoulders and calmed it down. The little guy calmed down and greeted him and went to the spaceship's research room.
In the experimental room, Chen Mo adjusted the star map of the star system in the wild mountain.
This stellar system, a total of twelve planets, the fifth planet of the wild mountain, is located in the livable zone, the other eleven, one in the early days of the evolution of the terrestrial planet, can be developed into a livable planet, another ten The environment is extreme and no large life is found.
Space is the best construction point for space connection technology, and gravitational interference is not that big.
"Ink, release all the data from all the planets in this star system."
As soon as the words fall, there are various data on the screen. Twelve planets are marked with numbers 1 to 12. All the states of the planet are clear on the screen, involving the orbit, gravity, rotation, orbital angle of the planet. All specific data such as volume, radius, and quality.
Just looking at the data, Chen Mo’s mind emerged from the position of five Lagrangian points between the wild star and the star.
The Lagrange point is the five special solutions to the restrictive three-body problem.
Any binary system has five Lagrangian points. To build any large space machine, these five Lagrangian solutions are very good choices. Here is the gravitational singularity. You don't have to worry a lot about machine maintenance. problem.
"Sir, what are you going to do next?" he asked cautiously.

The technology to get out of the small universe is now looking for a place to build space to connect the machine.
Chen Mo pointed out the location of the Lagrange L1 point between the wild star and the star.
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