Chapter 814: : Chen Mo's super power

The small universe came to communicate.
Not long after Chen Mo returned to the New Star company, he received communication from the small universe. When the communication device was connected, the holographic projection of the extension and others was ejected.
"Sir, are you going back to your hometown now?" Tuo Li saw Chen Mo and Jing Ge, and looked very happy.
"Not yet." Chen Mo nodded.
Quantum entanglement is not disturbed by space and distance, so they can talk to the small universe.
"Mr. How far is your current position from your hometown?"
"Very far, there are more than 10 billion light years. Now the spacecraft's antimatter energy is exhausted, and it is staying on the planet to supplement antimatter energy." Chen Mo said.
"Sir, the fleet just arrived at a new life planet, where there is a sulfur-based life."
The extension began to introduce the situation inside the planet, and it is endless.
The Manshan people restored a complete education system, showing a strong talent, learning technology and knowledge quickly, and even Chen Mo was somewhat surprised. Coupled with the special ability of the savage mountain to have a 'combat consciousness', Chen Mo can almost certainly determine that the Manshan is a high-level life, but the harsh environment and incomplete knowledge system of the mountain star has curbed their growth.
"I followed the fleet to the planet, the planet is beautiful, but poisonous."
"What is your recent training score? Show me." Jing Ge, who has been quiet, suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted the excitement.
Tuo is very afraid of Jinge. He heard Jing Ge want his training results. The face that was just excited was immediately stunned. He did not dare to disobey Jing Ge and reluctantly released his training results.
Jing Ge is only three words, so that Tuo is crying and mourning.
After the extension of the extension of the mountain and the raft, the look is loose, Jinge and Chen Mo left, Tuoshan to manage the affairs of the family, constrained the number of people who have been removed, and recently relaxed a lot, and now finally have personal management .
Even if Tuoshan did not say much, Jing Ge taught him to leave, he acquiesced.
Chen Mo and Jing Ge set a training standard for the Warring Academy of the Manshan. The extension was Chen Mo’s student. He used to learn Jingo and had higher natural standards.
When Jing Ge was in the process of personal training, the other students only had gloating, but they did not dare to follow the standard of extension. Some students tried it and described it as terror. I didn't expect Jinge to leave, and when I left it, I was discovered.
"The training doubled, and Teng Na overtook him." Jing Ge said coldly.
Yan and Teng Na were given to Chen Mo by Tuoshan. The two were naturally taught by Chen Mo to be managers and help him deal with some trivial matters. Now there is no small prestige in the family, like Chen Mo’s spokesperson.
Chen Mochao and Teng Na nodded: "The supervision is not good, I am fined you."
"Okay, sir." He and Teng Na Zheng focused on the head.
Seeing Chen Mo also promised, Tuo almost did not cry out, just contacted Chen Mo, too proud of it, now tragedy.
"The speed of small space development, according to your plans and steps, is developing planets, the people are slowly becoming stronger. Also, Momei No. 2 follows the technology you left behind, and research on super-capacity medicine has begun... ..."
He gave Chen Mo a report on the recent small universe, and everything went well. As long as there was enough time, they could control the entire small universe.
"Sir, do you want us to send soldiers out to help you."
"No need to."
Chen Mo refused.
"You develop a small universe according to plan. The space connector is not authorized by me and cannot be opened. You can't mess it out. If you find a small universe by high-level civilization, it will be very troublesome."
"Understood." He nodded and promised.
"When I get back to my hometown, I will build a space connector and connect the small universe. I don't have to worry about other issues until then. You should concentrate on developing the small universe first."
Knowing the specifics of the small universe, Chen Mo put away the communicator.
Jing Ge led Chen Mo into a training room, which is the training room for Jinge transformation.
Training is already a normal state for both of them.
Since the identity of Chen Mo Technology Administrator has risen to the authority of [God], the development of the brain domain, his body has once again evolved, awakening a special ability.
When the special ability first appeared, Chen Mo was extremely surprised.
His magical understanding of life, at that moment, goes one step further.
Consciousness affects the state of existence of matter. That is the first time that Chen Mo has determined that at the macro level, consciousness affects the state of existence of matter.
In the past two years, Chen Mo has learned a lot about his ability. The special ability of his awakening is related to consciousness and the ability to read. The power of reading is the expression of willpower.
Control objects.
This is Chen Mo's ability to determine himself.
Chen Mo has tested it many times and determined that he can control almost all inanimate active substances and energy visible to the naked eye.
Knowing this special ability, Chen Mo began to worry very much, for fear of being careless. This special ability caused a serious and irreversible serious consequence with him.
Therefore, Chen Mo sought the help of Jing Ge. Based on Jinge's experience in controlling ‘combat consciousness,’ he learned how to use his special ability to control and understand himself in the books on the super-capability record of the Science and Technology Library.
At the beginning, Jing Ge was amazed at the special ability of Chen Mo's awakening. After thorough understanding, Jing Ge only said a word to Chen Mo: very terrible ability.
After that, Jing Ge has been helping Chen Mo to practice super power control.
Putting 10 solid football of different sizes and different materials, Jing Ge will return to Chen Mo.
In the two years of development training, according to the definition given by Jing Ge, Chen Mo's current super power is in the first stage of the primary state.
Jing Ge divides the super power into three stages according to the growth experience of his own 'combat consciousness'. Each stage has three different states. Although Jinge's classification is still very vague, it does have a little prototype.
Jing Ge found in his ‘fighting consciousness’ ability of the Man and the ethnic minorities that this ability can continue to grow and develop. His own powerful ‘combat consciousness’ is grown in the danger of hunting in the mountains and forests.
And to a certain extent, the ability will change qualitatively and enter the second stage. Jing Ge’s sense of fighting changed qualitatively, making him the best fighter in the family, so he knew that special abilities would be staged.
Chen Mo's ability is very special. Even Jinge, a warrior who grew up on the edge of life and death, feels that Chen Mo's ability is terrible. As for the qualitative change, this ability will become stronger, and Jinge is not sure.
To use this special ability in combat, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the specificity of the ability, otherwise it will easily hurt yourself or even get out of control.
After two years of training and exploration, they still have a lot of gains.
Chen Mo has made rapid progress. With the development of their abilities, they have explored that Chen Mo’s own power will affect the strength of special abilities and will be affected by the distance, quality and speed of objects.
To determine this characteristic, they are specifically developed for Chen Mo's mind.
When he first acquired his ability, Chen Mo's subconscious mind could not control the kind of power to activate special abilities. Later, after groping and training, Chen Mo had been able to control his freedom to enter that state and thus freely control this special ability.
Chen Mo called the ability to activate the state, which is called the 'super' state.
When Jinge’s words fell, Chen Mo raised his hand and entered the ‘super’ state. Raising your hand to help concentrate on your mind, now that he is in control of the power of mind, has not yet reached the point of being particularly proficient.
In the next moment, I saw the training room, and ten solid of different materials slowly floated.
"1.7 seconds."
When the solid ball floats, the stopwatch freezes, which reflects the time when Chen Mo entered the 'super' state.
The shorter the time, the better, which is good for the battle.
This time, it was 0.2 seconds faster than the last time. The more difficult it is to progress, the Jinge’s request is that Chen Mo can enter the state of ‘super’ in an instant.
"Fold according to this."
Jing Ge took out a carved wood carving, the shape of the black beast, and let Chen Mo wood carving to shape the shape of the solid ball. The shape of the woodcarving is very delicate, and each hair and detail is clear. It is a huge challenge to control the silence of ten different material objects.
I saw ten solid and started to lengthen slowly...
Two hours later, Chen Mozhen fell to the ground, his face pale, and he gasped.
He feels that the brain is as painful as acupuncture.
The training of this ability is very burdensome on the brain, and it is a huge temper for the body and the willpower.
On the ground is a broken piece of solid ball. At the last moment, Chen Mo’s limit is reached, consciousness is fluctuating, and almost the model is exploded.
"Come back." Jing Ge said lightly.
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