Chapter 816: : Guild Wars

A purple laser straddles the sky, sweeping the earth, and the long focal line seems to cut the earth.
The light in the air is more dazzling than the ten suns, turning everything in the sky to white. The light group grows at a speed visible to the naked eye. If you want to submerge the heavens and the earth, the terrible sound waves entrain the shock wave, destroy the heavens and destroy the earth, and all the places that pass are scorched earth.
A slightly embarrassed figure rushed out of the light and fled into the sky at an extremely fast speed. Not long after, the light rushed out of the ten people, followed by the fleeing figure, the purple laser in the hand, is escaping the escaping armor, is to run away the armor to die.
Vijay stared at the marked figure on the armored radar, and did not dare to relax for a moment, and looked very serious. The call in the ear is still asking him constantly, what is the current situation.
There is a death order on the head, regardless of the life and death of the target, but the things in his hands must be destroyed, and he should not be allowed to take things out, let alone leave the target alive, otherwise the consequences will be serious.
The goal was to take research products from the lab that should not be taken.
If they complete this task, their rank will rise by one level, otherwise the consequences can be imagined, they have to face huge punishment, that is not everyone is willing to face.
"Block his way forward, his destination is the armor trading city, don't let him into the city." Seeing the radar map shows the city 100,000 kilometers away, Vijay's voice is much lower.
At the current speed, it will take too long to enter the vicinity of the Battlegear Trading City.
The armor trading city is an open super city. The forces and personnel in the city are complicated. If the target flees into the armor trading city, they will be troubled if they want to arrest. The consequences will be very serious. They are not willing to see it. .
In the armor trading city, many civilizations have assets, and some hidden masters may be hidden. They dare not do it inside.
The armor is accelerating, so that the speed of chasing personnel soars.
More than a dozen two-finger-thick missiles were launched, rushing around in all directions.
Jue listened to the missiles reported on the radar and witnessed the crack. When the armor opens the energy shield, he can't use the laser weapon, and does not turn on the energy shield. The laser of the chaser behind can sweep him into pieces of meat. The energy shield only works on energy weapons such as laser and arc, and can't stop the missile.
As the missile approached, the scorpion instantly detonated a smoke bomb to cover the body, and the head fell straight down to the ground.
Boom! !
The explosion was filled with the rear, and several fireballs ranging from one kilometer swallowed the smoke.
Jue can feel the shock wave coming from behind, accelerate the armor to accelerate, such as the arrow geese falling straight to the ground. Suddenly, the armor stretched out two winglets on the side, and saw the falling armor drifting as fast as the Haiyan swept five meters from the ground. The horrible sound explosion and shock wave left a long trace on the ground. At the same time, several smoke bombs were released to cover up the body shape, avoiding being followed by the other party's direct laser and changing direction to escape.
This tactical action is very difficult, and the triumph is very beautiful, even if Vijay did not expect it. He looked at him, his body swooping, sticking to his death, and the bullet in his hand aimed.
The fireball exploded around the Jue, and the fireball was scattered into a large pit with a diameter of 200 meters. The pit became a scorched earth.
A masterpiece of miniature anti-matter bullets, a few milligrams of antimatter, has the effect of destruction. Vijay can't take care of anything else, just want to kill the prince, otherwise he will have trouble himself.
The heat shield destroys the heat of anti-matter bullets. It only sees the small wooden boat in the stormy waves under the shock wave, but still does not stop, quickly penetrates the fireball and flies at the fastest speed.
Vijay squinted and opened the bullet at the other arm, sticking out a small-thick-sized bullet.
"Decelerate upwards and turn on the energy shield."
Remind the players behind, Vijay did not hesitate to fire bullets.
The top of a towering building, decorated in a luxurious room, this position, can look at Shijiaxing's armor trading city, and can see the armor and various aircraft passing outside the building.
There is an aerial platform next to the room, which is the platform that is landed by the armor. There is no need to pass the elevator, wear armor and aircraft, you can land in the platform to enter the room.
The communication device suddenly sounded, sitting on the sofa and drinking a drink to see the scenery of the white 姳 retracted his eyes, seeing the name of the call, her elegant appearance disappeared, turned into a charming appearance.
"Uncle Egret."
What appears in the holographic display is a male life wearing a white battle suit. His body is awkward and looks like a middle-aged man. The 'Wang' word on the forehead is obvious. The armor is also a tiger pattern, and the tail is long. The tiger tail looks very domineering.
Seeing the white pheasant, the tiger-printed man smiled and looked a little bit smug: "White 姳, is it adapted to Shi Ganxing?"
"Fortunately, it is more lively than the main star, and the environment is just like this. But this time, I bought two sets of good green-level armor and went back to Xiaowen as a gift."
"That little place, and the armor into your eyes? Rare." The tiger man said in amazement.
"The main design is a short board that discards the material. Its design can be compared with the training armor design of our main star."
"Oh? The armor designer who can make you praise? Do you want to include each other in us?"
"Let him be wild, it is a little difficult to join us with low-level life, and a designer of the armor has little effect, no need to bother."
With a sweet smile on his lips, the body does not consciously lean forward, completely like a spoiled look, completely disregarding the loose collar, revealing the snow of temptation.
"Uncle, when are you coming over?"
"Soon, it won't be too long." The tiger-patterned man turned a blind eye to the temptation of the white-skinned inadvertently exposed: "Is there any movement in the magical flame civilization?"
"No, it's calm. I sent people to check. They didn't have big moves there, but their defenses were a bit tight. I didn't go deep in order not to expose them." Bai Yan shook his head and rubbed his chin with his hands: "How is the situation at home?"

"It's a bit nervous. After the endless sea civilization prepared for war, the situation changed. The lady asked for full preparation."
The tiger-faced man's expression became extremely serious. In a few short sentences, his solemnity was seen.
"This Shiganxing mission is very important. You must take the thing of the magic flame civilization. The things in their hands are very important. The lady said that it can be done without any means."
When I heard my wife, Bai Hao looked a little surprised and very respectful: "What about the Planetary Security Agency here?"
"Don't care about them, as long as they can get the information of the magic flame civilization project, even if the entire Shigan galaxies are destroyed, it does not matter." The tiger-printed man's voice is extremely firm, showing his determination, the planet's hundreds of billions of lives, for them It doesn't matter at all.
"You let me stare at the movements of the Magic Flame Civilization and Shi Ganxing, but the specific task content did not tell me, what should I do if I miss something?"
"Contacting you this time is to tell you the specific task content." The tiger-printed man sorted out his thoughts a little: "Mrs. got the news, a secret life research project by Magic Flame Civilization made a big breakthrough, is a super-capacity development technology. Super power Don't you explain it? This is one of the status symbols of God's life."
When I heard the super-power development technology, my eyes were round and unbelievable.
In addition to having a small universe as a habitat, the seven god-level civilizations also have an important identity symbol and unique super powers.
In the seven god-level civilizations of the Universe Alliance, each civilization has its own unique special abilities.
This special ability can only be found in the life of the god-level civilization. The life of the lower class will not exist. Its most obvious function is that the life with super power will be stronger and smarter than the life of the same level.
The god-level civilization can survive in the former cosmic war and establish the order of the cosmic alliance. It is because the life level of the god-level civilization is higher than other life, and it is smarter, so the technology develops very rapidly.
Superpower has always been one of the most mysterious forces in the universe. It gives life an incredible ability. Even if it is as strong as a god-level civilization, it cannot make a complete and reliable scientific explanation for the existence of superpower.
Even within the god-level civilization, not every life has super powers. Once awakened, it will be sent to the civilized master.
Numerous high-level civilizations in the universe have done various research on superpower and life evolution, including seven god-level civilizations, research on superpowers, and evolution of higher-level life levels.
Once this technology breaks through, it means that the advanced life in the universe has the potential to evolve into a god-level life. But countless civilizations have been researching for hundreds of millions of years and there has been no major breakthrough in reliability.
Whoever masters the super-power development technology, whoever is likely to become the next god-level life group, and whoever receives this technology in the god-level civilization means that the people's super powers awaken, the strength will far exceed the other six .
For any civilization, this technology has terrible value.
The white cockroaches couldn't help but excite, and the body was shaking and excited. On the loose clothes, the snowy temptation trembled with her trembling.
"The magic flame civilization seems to have a history of 130 million years. Why can they develop super-power development technology?"
Bai Hao did not feel that she was going to go away, and there was a doubt in her heart. She knew the history of the magical flame civilization. She had seen it before she came to Shijiaxing. The Magic Flame Civilization is a blue-level civilization. It can only be regarded as a middle-class civilization in the universe. Even the advanced is not counted.
There is no big breakthrough in the study of the god-level civilization, but the unremarkable civilization of the magic flame civilization has a breakthrough. If not the uncle said, Bai Hao will never believe.
"Technology is a thing that breaks through only one second, no breakthrough, and billions of years are just outside the door, sometimes just a gap in the small idea of ​​inspiration."
The tiger man’s eyes are slightly scattered and no longer focus on the white scorpion. The figure of this girl has been long open, and it is estimated that it can attract a lot of the opposite sex. As a big brother, he should also avoid it. Think about how to avoid this gimmick in the future.
Bai Hao wanted to continue, and the alert of the armor was interrupted by her. The white face changed slightly, and only jumped from the position in an instant, letting the armor automatically cover the body, seeing the body wrapped, the whole process did not exceed one second. Just turning around, a dazzling bright light appeared in the distant sky.
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