Chapter 818: : Destroy the corpse

A series of explosions, as if they were not exploding at high altitude, made it a sea of ​​heat waves.
At the time of chasing, I saw Vijay's extremely fast drifting down, avoiding the attack from the rear, and the high-speed movement under the speed, so that Vijay had a sense of chest tightness, coupled with the clear danger of the rear, he I dare not let go.
I walked across the mountains and hoped to use it as a cover.
The opponent's speed is faster than him, and the armor is higher than him. The only hope is that Nawu and Sinan can hurry to find Jue, so that he can escape.
I thought that the other party was a female warrior, and even if they had a higher level, they could handle it. Now he found that he was wrong and wrong. This leopard woman is extremely flexible and obviously a master, giving him a sense of danger of death.
He can almost certainly determine that if the other person is close, he can easily kill himself.
A series of difficult dodging actions for Vijay, the white singer is slightly different, although the other party reacts slowly, but it is the congenital limitation of the physical condition of the life, but the other tactical actions of the other party are very good, in the same level of life. It is definitely a leader.
Since it is an enemy, she naturally cannot let the other party achieve her purpose. It is her purpose to get the information and news of the project from the magic flame civilization.
After thinking clearly, the white armor of the armor was pulled up, and an anti-matter bullet was shot at the Wiggs. There was no reluctance to turn around and turn to the position of the two people who were looking for.
Upon seeing it, Vijay turned his head and did not hesitate to turn his hand and raised a laser at the position of the radar. The antimatter bullets were burned by lasers and blasted between the mountains and mountains. A mountain was in the explosion and was instantly evaporated and flattened.
The shock wave caused Vijay's armor to shake slightly. There was no extra stop. He turned and chased the white scorpion and fired several antimatter bullets. The enemy entered me and the enemy retreated. It is weaker than the other side and cannot be strangled. What he has to do now is to drag the other side and find more time for Nawu and Sinan.
To determine the death of Jue, he can be completely reassured.
Eight lasers, plus antimatter bullets from all directions, it is obviously impossible to resist by the energy shield alone.
After the brain flashed his own situation, Bai Hao took out a nail-sized smoke bomb without hesitation, and a huge amount of interference smoke exploded in the air, covering her two kilometers.
She did not choose to stay in the smoke, mobilize the temporary stealth mode of the armor, let their armor disappear from the other's radar aiming, and then eight anti-matter bullets, speeding in the direction of Nawu and Sinan.
When she left, the disturbance of the smoke emitted by her was shattered by the explosion and turned into a group of fire.
When a few people thought that the leopard warfare division had to deal with Nawu and Sinan, they only saw the white high-speed momentary stop, and turned back to the left. The difficult 'V' word flew, so that all the eyes following the white stagnation, Even thinking has been stagnant for a moment. The laser that followed the illumination lost its target, and only saw the energy shield of the leopard armor to take up the laser burst, pointing to the armored division.
The extremely powerful purple pulsed laser, like the chain of death, penetrates a member's armor and cuts straight down. The slain armored division did not even have time to react, and consciousness fell into the dark.
Smoke interference, stealth, attack, V-fold fly, put up the energy shield, laser irradiation, a set of counter-attack tactics in one go, without a trace of muddy water, completed in a very short time, successfully strangled a warrior.
Such high-level tactical action made Vijay's body stiff, saw the slain players, and witnessed the splitting of the other side. The strength of the other side was beyond imagination, and it was no wonder that they dared to fight them eight people.
Is the other party a Planetary Security Agency? Is the Planet Security Agency so powerful? I underestimated the strength of the Planet Security Agency?
"Nawu, Sinan, have you found it?" Vijay's voice was gloomy.
Seeing that the radar showed more and more than two armored divisions, Vijay had a glimpse of his mind and made a determination. Now I don’t want to know that Jue is dead or alive. If they are dragged, they can’t escape today.
"Nawu, Sinan, immediately leave your position and destroy it."
As soon as the words fell, Vijay opened the antimatter bullets in the other arm.
The other seven people were ordered, and they did not hesitate to activate the antimatter bullets. They fired around the deep pit that was blasted at the beginning, and there was no delay in the movement. Whether he is dead or alive, everything is evaporated, and there are no traces left.
Seeing that the powerful energy group displayed by the armored radar was activated, the white scorpion did not dare to neglect, immediately activated the energy shield, and the speed slowed down and turned to the sky.
Boom! ! !
The seven devastating explosions exploded in the original five-kilometer deep pit. The lit fireball surpassed the sun by a thousand times, shrouded the sky in white light, and felt glaring far away tens of thousands of kilometers away. Hundreds of millions of degrees of high-temperature space have a slight fluctuation, and everything in the center of the explosion is instantaneously evaporated.
The shock wave blasted again with the thunder, pointing straight into the distance along the plain. In the city where the first shock wave damage was small, the horrific disaster was once again ushered in. The building is like a fallen leaf, and it is destroyed by the horrible shock wave. The bustling city only leaves the broken wall.
The fire was exhausted. In the center of the explosion, a deep pit with a diameter of more than 20 kilometers was left. The surrounding 100 kilometers was turned into nothingness. The surrounding area was left with scorched earth. The mountain was plowed again, and a mountain was flattened.
As long as the prince was in the position of the explosion, the chance of finding the body was also embarrassing. Other armored divisions have been around and will not be late.
"Go." Vickers decisively ordered.
"It’s not so easy to go." White smashed the deep pit caused by the explosion and turned to Vijay.
She has already determined the purpose of the other party's destruction of the body. At this time, it is impossible to let go of the other party. Since it is exposed, it does not matter. Maybe one can be caught, and some information can be set out from the other side.
"Block them, don't let them escape." Bai Hao issued instructions to the players who were around.
"Captain, it seems that the War Division of the Planetary Security Agency has also come." One member of the team channel said.
"It doesn't matter, if you can catch a living, try to catch it. Otherwise, the battle will be stopped on the spot. The War Division of the Planetary Safety Agency will stop it and kill it together." Bai Yan said coldly. The first time I felt very wrong, I was actually destroyed by the other party.
Seeing the terrible white light shrouded the sky, An San’s mood immediately sank, which was a horrible explosion than before.
"Mom, are the guys crazy?"
"A group of neuropathies, this is war."
In the team channel of the Planetary Safety Agency, a group of players were scared by the horrific explosion in the distance. As a member of the Planetary Security Agency, they have experienced various battles and arrested various wicked people, but for the first time experienced such a terrible explosion.
This energy group is a hundred times stronger than it was just now. The fierce battle between the two sides is more terrible than imagined. What kind of hatred is in the end, let the two sides fought to this point. In their impression, only civilized wars will reach this point.
"Head, a few armored divisions there seem to want to escape."
"Disperse, stop them."
"Hey, many of the people who are close, are not our people, will they be the support of the other side?"
"The other support of the Security Department is on the road. Regardless of the other person, all arrests, regardless of life or death, can use any means without restriction." Ansan did not hesitate to order.
As a person who maintains the law and order of the planet, he must catch the initiator of this terrorist explosion, otherwise it is a kind of face to the Planetary Security Administration.
Chen Mo and Jing Ge hovered over the ruins of the city and landed on a wreck. The city that was in the last minute is now in ruins and can’t help but make people feel embarrassed.
They just saw the distant battle through the radar and witnessed the whole process of the explosion. One party seems to be destroying something by any means.
There are millions of people in the city under his feet. I am afraid that at least hundreds of thousands of people have not had time to escape and are buried under the rubble. This is the battle between the divisions. Once they are out of control, the entire planet can be destroyed and life is worthless.
Chen Mo did not mourn for the life under the rubble. Jing Ge was as cold as ever and turned a blind eye to everything.
"I am leaving." Jinge felt a little and left in one direction.
Chen Mo is not worried about the safety of Jing Ge. If Jing Ge meets, the other party can safely leave, even if it is good luck. The radar probed the life buried in the ruins not far away. Chen Mo slowly walked over and reached for the wreckage.
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