Chapter 821: : Horror Jingo

Chen Mo feels like a horse cell, and there are three more chasers in addition to the two at the beginning, and the speed is not low, especially the leopard-print women's armor, the speed is far higher than other armor. The level seems to be higher.
There is a warrior on the body, his speed can not be improved, otherwise they can get rid of them very quickly at the speed of [free black ants], after all, there are hundreds of kilometers at the beginning.
It’s really troublesome.
Chen Mo has a headache, seeing the excitement and seeing the trouble, it seems that the trouble is not small.
The original chaser, the later mysterious forces and the Planetary Security Agency, no matter which one, seem to be irritating.
"Friend, I am the captain of the Criminal Security Bureau's Interpol team, An San, and hand over the life in your hands to the Planet Security Agency. I will keep you safe." An San took the lead.
Among the chasing divisions, his distance is almost in the last place, helpless, can only use the public channel of the armor to call.
When the public channel of the Battlegear hears this sentence, the white-eyed look is condensed and does not show weakness: "Friends, give me the life in your hands, I want you to meet any conditions, I can satisfy you and keep you rich and prosperous."
Her voice was distorted and she did not use her real voice to avoid any trouble.
Vijay looked black, he knew that the target was exposed, and the situation went in the direction of losing control: "Friends, give us the life in hand, I will give you 500 million stars, and promise not to find you trouble."
"Catch the thief."
Chen Mo heard the words behind him, looked depressed, and heard various conditions, he wanted to hand over the armored division in his hand.
"Don't hand me over, I can give you a very important thing."
A voice rang from Chen Mo's waist. They are now flying at super high speed. The armor does not use the public channel, but the megaphone with the armor. The distance is too far. He is not afraid of others hearing.
After the last sentence, there is no sound in the armor, it should be faint.
Chen Mo's face is black.
It’s still tangled, whether or not to hand it over.
"Friend, I am the captain of the Criminal Security Department's Interpol team. An San, you hand over the person in your arms and can give you a bonus of 600 million." An San’s call on the public channel reappeared.
"Friends, what I just promised is a lifetime of wealth, wealth is just a number, we can also send you a set of high-level armor." White is not to be outdone.
"I am like a man who lacks armor? I am like a person who lacks money? Although I am really short of money now, I have to pay when I say it, I have no face."
Chen Mo heard the call and did not mean to slow down. The trouble is already in the upper body. He doesn't think that after throwing people, those people will not find him trouble. His speed is not slow, and he will not hide in places where people are crowded.
This level of fighting, for the purpose of unscrupulous means, destroying a city, you are forced to force him out is not a strange thing, completely can be done.
"Jingo." Chen Mo opened the communication with Jingo. According to this speed, the woman could catch up with him in ten minutes.
"What happened?" The holographic projection inside the armor reveals Jingge's cold face.
"Being hunted, hurry to help stop." Chen Mo said.
"You can't beat?" Jinge's voice was a bit confusing.
"Have it, but I won't start."
"Wait." Jing Ge said coldly.
"how long?"
"Change the exterior painting of the armor, there are acquaintances here."
Chen Mo knew that the police officers of the Planetary Security Agency were talking about An San, who was the last time to find his own police officer for the case of Georg, who had seen him and Jingo’s armor, and did not change the exposure of the painting identity. That is a big trouble.
See Chen Mo ignores, the speed of the three parties chasing is improving.
Vijay is extremely anxious, the speed of the leopard female armor is too fast, a higher grade than them. If this continues, I am afraid that it will take a few minutes for the leopard female armor to catch up with Chen Mo.
The goal is in the hands of this mysterious force, but it is not a good thing.
It can only destroy the other side now, but it is very troublesome.
The other party's energy shield is turned on, the laser weapon can't penetrate, the anti-substance bullet of the hot weapon attacks, but the other party is the stealth armor. They track the position of the other party, and the opponent only needs a slight offset trajectory to easily escape the attack.
On the road, Bai Yu is more and more chasing.
She did not expect that the opponent's armor level is so high, the speed is so fast, if not with the burden of a warrior, the other party can speed up
Her leopard armor is known for its speed, and now it is fully accelerated, and it is only slowly approaching, and it takes a little longer to catch up.
The armor on the opponent's body is probably a level armor, and the level is equal to her armor. Shi Ganxing actually appeared in the ranks of armor, which she never imagined.
Are there other forces that are also staring at the magic flame civilization?
Bai Hao had to think about this, and it seems to be getting more and more complicated.
An San was still in a state of ignorance until he saw that both sides were chasing a mysterious visitor carrying a stunned warrior. His ideas were clear.
The three forces are vying for something important, and that thing is on the unconscious warrior.
At the beginning, there were only two parties. The third party that suddenly appeared suddenly was obviously unknown to both parties and took away the goals of both sides, so they would be so nervous.
Shi Ganxing was not as peaceful as he had imagined. He had just entered two masters some time ago. Now, here, he has encountered several masters. The Star Safety Administration can't keep up, and the security of Shijiaxing will be out of control.
He needs to find out exactly why the battle is so that he can solve these things along the source, otherwise the days of Shi Ganxing will not be peaceful.
A cue appears as he prepares to continue working on the mysterious armor. In their radar display, an extremely fast armor is approaching their position from the flank.
The battle armor is white, like a white tiger, with unbearable wildness and bloodthirsty. It seems that you can see the cold eyes of the internal armored division.
I don't know why, An San feels that this white armor is so familiar.
Both Bai Yu and Vijay also found the armor that was approaching quickly. They all determined that they were not the armored divisions on their own. In the guess is the helper of the mysterious warrior in front of him or the helper of the other party, or the fourth party. Admission?
But no matter what, it is not good news.
The calculation of the flight path, the new armor will appear in the position between them and the mysterious armor, and it is not good.
Jing Ge's speed is very fast. This is the first time that Chen Mo has used his full-power speed in real combat after he made the armor.
Speed ​​up again and let the day be surprised.
Her armor, in the level of the armor, the speed is considered to be in the upper level, and then up is the purple armor, and the most powerful god-level armor. The two armor in the god-level civilization, only the most core, the most powerful genius can be obtained.
She thinks that the speed is very fast, but the speed of the other party is a little faster than her.
Another master.
The day is a bit messy. She judges that the mysterious warrior in front of the magical flames of the warrior is a master. I did not expect that there will be another one.
When is the master so cheap, a middle-level Shi Ganxing, there is such a powerful master.
She is concerned that the new armor, approaching them, does not mean to slow down, but the speed is faster.
Soon, the new armor is only a thousand miles away from them, and they are only tens of thousands of kilometers away from the mysterious warrior who fled the armored division. It will take another minute to catch up.
All three can calculate the flight path of the white armor, and to their surprise, even if it is approaching, the white armor does not mean to slow down.
But the next moment, they realized that their ideas were wrong.
The three men are ready to attack the white armor. A sudden sound explosion blasts on the side of the white armor. The original straight flight, instantly turns into a fold line, and the target points directly to the front of the Vijay.
boom! When everyone thought that they would hit Vickers, the white armor stopped in a moment and stopped at two meters on the side of Vijay.
The instantaneous stop of a thousand miles, provokes a horrible sound.
Seeing the warrior in this scene, the look is all the same.
The ultra-high-speed instantaneous stop of a thousand miles, so that the warrior's breath is seen, it seems to suffocate, just one action will express the strength of the white armor.
Since Ziwei Civilization Zijun killed the legendary armored division with the speed of the sub-light speed, and won the Blackrock War, the instant stop became synonymous with strength.
This is a legendary high-level tactical action. The higher the speed of the instantaneous stop, the higher the requirements for physical fitness and reaction, and the performance of the armor and the control of the armor.
Just now they could see clearly that the white armor had a very high speed instantaneous stop, almost a walk, as if it were the most common action.
What is the strength of the division's division?
They can't imagine it.
This is the first time Jinge has used full speed since wearing the armor.
According to Chen Mo, he turned the original black beast into a white paint to hide his identity. At the same time blocking three armored divisions, Jinge felt back to the jungle of the wild mountain star, like an icy hunter, cold and decisive, without a trace of muddy water.
Prey, in his opinion, only one result, that is death.
In the jungle, the prey of death is the safest prey.
The eyes under the armor, as if returning to the wild mountain jungle and the beasts, the familiar feeling.
Jingo and Vijay's line of sight collision was only a moment, less than 0.01 seconds, but only this moment, let Vijay feel the brain solidified, seems to spend a long night.
What he saw was the red eyes of the armor, but the sense of horror was substantial, as if under the armor mask, the cold and ruthless eyes pierced, a sense of reality that the of death was holding his throat.
The next moment, Jing Ge moved.
Like the beast that saw the prey, the main engine of the armor under the feet and behind it broke out, his body instantly deceived behind Vijay, using the simplest and rude action to bring the performance of [The Beast] to the extreme.
Hey! !
Even if Vijas didn't have time to react, he heard a muffled sound, and the stiffened brain was running again, but he only had endless pain, and a weaker consciousness, and eventually fell into the dark.
In the blink of an eye, Vijay died.
The face under the white armor mask is white and his eyes are a bit scary.
She just noticed that although the captain of the Magic Flame Civilization is inferior to her, it is definitely not a soft persimmon, and belongs to the leader in the blue life. It was such a good armored division that was killed only in the moment of confrontation with the other party, and even did not have time to fight back.
Is the enemy's strength so horrible?
Fear is evoked in her heart at this moment and cannot be contained.
Looking at the white armor, she found that the other party turned her head and looked at her. The cold white armor mask, the cold eyes to the blood without any temperature, like a slashing knife on the neck, a cold ice from her tail to the brain.
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