Chapter 826: :Tracked

Inside the Warframe Company, three sets of warframes are on display, which are two sets of blue-level warframes designed and manufactured by Chen Mo. His only money is enough to make three sets of blue-level armor, so the armor designer is a profession that can spend money, but this profession can also make money.
At present, the market price of the blue-level battle armor is an average of 250 million star coins, and if it is sold, it is still not enough space for the spacecraft's "oil" money.
Chen Mo wanted to make enough money quickly to add anti-material energy back to the earth, but he still needed to roll it out. This time, the blue-grade armor was sold. Then, using the money as a cost, several sets of blue-grade armor were sold. Almost enough money.
Back at the top floor of the building, Chen Mo saw Gray Twenty-one in training, and Jing Ge was responsible for training him.
During this time, Gray Twenty-One was tormented by Jing Ge. Every time he got tired and passed out, he would let him go, and then let him rest and continue to toss training.
When Chen Mo saw it, he couldn't help but mourn for him.
Jing Ge's training is really hell-style training.
But Grey Twenty-one is not bad, at least he can carry Jing Ge's devil training without saying a word. Even strict Jing Ge is satisfied with Grey Twenty-one. Seeing that Grey Twenty-one was fainted again, Chen Mo twitched and walked over.
"So it won't happen, right?"
"He's okay." Jing Ge glanced casually at Gray 21, who passed out: "He's suitable to be an assassin."
Chen Mo thought for a while that Grey Twenty-one's ability is indeed suitable for being an assassin. The ability to miss a single shot and walk away instantly is very difficult to entangle with his opponent.
Coupled with Jinge's perverted training, Gray 21 will definitely not be too weak.
"I went out and sold the armor."
When handing over the twenty-one to Jinge, Chen Mo didn't care about it. Chen Mo's own training must obey Jinge's coming.
This is the last time I visited the Warframe Trading Center building. This is the best place to sell warframes. The traffic and potential buyers are concentrated here.
Most of the basic armors and green armors sold here, and there are a lot of blue armors, but the armor divisions who can afford the blue armor are more willing to customize according to their own style than to buy Those systems are mass produced.
This is the last Warframe Trading Center. Chen Mofei landed on the 320-layer Warframe platform and carried the three Warframe chests into the trading center.
This floor is where the Blue Warframes are consigned. Many second-hand Blue Warframes, or some ordinary Blue Warframes, will be sold here. In addition, there are some armored company pavilions on the floor, which specialize in providing customized services for blue armor.
Chen Mo set the consignment price at 280 million. He made reference to the prices of other warframes and made this pricing, which is not too high. When Chen Mo stepped out of the building, he didn't notice. There was a life at the door of the building staring at him with surprise.
"It's him!"
Zeqi stared at Chen Mo's armor with certain eyes.
He was assigned to Shi Ganxing, as a representative of Ziwei Civilization, to discuss cooperation with the Moyan civilization, came to Shi Ganxing, idle and bored, he went out to visit the Warframe Trading City.
I did not expect to encounter this Warframe Division here.
Chen Mo's armor is no stranger to him.
Three-eye civilization gave him the image of Qingshui's life defection, and the leader's armor was exactly the same as Chen Mo's.
He once suspected that the Warframe Division was with the Catheads who destroyed their small universe plan, because such a high-level Warframe Division appeared on a captive planet, and was similar in style to the Cathead's Warframe. Similarly, there should be a connection between the two.
Because the catheads caused the small universe they tracked to close, Ziyun accepted the most terrifying black hole punishment, and so far life and death are unknown.
He traced the news of the senior Warframe Division and determined that he disappeared in a turbulent space, and there was no trace after that.
Unexpectedly, he was encountered in Shi Ganxing.
He didn't know whether to sigh that the universe was too big or too small.
Zeqi didn't jump up to shock the other side. When the superpower development potion of the magic flame civilization appeared, the Warframe Division appeared here. He didn't believe that the universe was so big and there were so many coincidences.
The opponent's organization may have developed technology for the superpower's superpowers.
Zeqi is now almost certain that Chen Mo has a strong organization behind him and may have a relationship with Maotou.
If they can investigate the organization behind the cathead who caused them to lose a small universe, then the other party must bear the anger from their divine civilization.
Seeing Chen Mo take off and leave the trading center, Zeqi slowly urged the armor to follow.
The Warframe Trading City is already in the dark, and there are many lives to go out for shopping, various aircraft in the air, rushing traffic, and the roaring Warframe. The colorful holographic projection advertisements depict the Warframe Trading City full of fantasy colors. Under the glory of the city, the beauty is like a city that never sleeps.
Alternating night and Guanghua, coupled with the crowded Warframe Trading City, gave Zeqi the best cover.
He flew at a different height from Chen Mo. With the cover of the flying vehicle and surrounding buildings, he carefully followed Chen Mo and kept a short distance.
He wanted to figure out where the other party was in Shi Ganxing's old nest, and which party it belonged to. Determine which force was behind the origin galaxy last time.
If they can find the forces behind them, maybe the host star will reduce the punishment for Zi Yun, and Zi Yun also hopes to come back alive from the black hole punishment.
This time in Shi Ganxing, they were in the dark and the other was in the bright.
There is a big difference between high-altitude flight and intra-city flight. High-altitude flight outside the city's high-rise buildings has relatively few obstacles and aircraft, and the flight speed is very fast. However, in the city, there are many high-rise buildings and flying machines. If you want to keep flying at high speed, the flight will be more difficult, and some places have limited speed. Of course, Zeqi will not manage any speed limit.
What he wants most now is to track the other person back to where he left off without revealing himself.
The radar noticed that the other party was accelerating at a high altitude, and Zecchi looked anxious.
If you continue this way, you may lose it, but if the fire control radar detection and tracking is turned on, the other party will find it as soon as possible.
In desperation, Zeqi can only increase the flying height and adopt irregular flight routes to reduce the possibility of being detected by the opponent's radar.
After flying at high speed for about 20 minutes, Zeqi felt that the building in front of him was a lot shorter and sparse. It didn't take long to reach out of the Warframe Trading City.
Suddenly, the armor in the sky turned suddenly, shaking Zeqi's spirit, hesitating.
He wasn't sure if the other party had found his follow-up, hesitated, or controlled the armor, and kept up to close.
Chen Mo did find nothing wrong.
The radar showed that a set of advanced armor was always within his radar range. He reproduced the flight trajectory through radar and finally determined the flight trajectory of the opponent. The opponent started from the Warframe Trading Center and followed him all the way, like tracking, but not tracking.
Now that god-level civilizations gather in Shi Ganxing, it is an eventful autumn, and he has to be careful. Seeing that the other party also turned and followed not far and near, Chen Mo was almost sure that he was being followed.
Do not want to, Chen Mo slowly turned the direction, the destination is the trading city.
Who is the other person? Why follow him? ...
Almost all kinds of questions flashed in his mind, and he even wondered whether the rescue of Grey Twenty-One was exposed. It seems that Shi Ganxing is not a place to stay for a long time.
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