Chapter 841: : Black City Auction

The magic flame civilization released the news. Sixteen days later, the super-capacity development technology will be put on the Black City auction for technology exchange technology auction. The technologies exchanged include indigo-class warframe technology, dark matter extraction technology, material technology, super-light speed space curvature spacecraft technology, and constellation-level weapon technology.
Any top technology is within the scope of the exchange.
Whoever has the best technology and the best conditions, the magic flame civilization will use super power development technology to exchange with whom.
Indigo Warframe technology, including the full set of Warframe technology, is the Warframe technology only mastered by Indigo Civilization, and it is also a technology that can be upgraded to Indid Civilization.
Although some civilizations in the universe will sell indigo-grade armor, many blue-level civilizations do not master the design technology of indigo-grade armor. If you want to indigo-grade armor, you need to buy it from the big forces. However, many indigo-class civilizations will never sell indigo-level armor to advanced civilizations, because indigo-level armor is also the most advanced technology in indigo-level civilization.
In addition, dark matter extraction technology is also a technology blocked by the monopoly of large civilizations, it is impossible for middle-level civilization to possess, let alone other technologies.
The development of cosmic civilization has put many civilizations ahead, and technology has also been developed.
The Cosmos Alliance has management of intellectual property protection, and it is very strict. Many special advanced technologies have long been monopolized by large civilizations and forces. Even the blue-level civilizations do not have the technology of indigo warframes. If it is misappropriated, it will face the joint sanctions of top civilization and divine civilization.
As soon as the exchange conditions of the Demon Flame civilization appeared, it again caused a lot of shock.
Want technology rather than territory and star coins, in this regard, many people admire the wisdom of the magic flame civilization.
To gain a foothold in the universe, territories and sterling coins are all imaginary. Technology is the hardest-core wealth that cannot be bought with money, and these technologies can be taken away at any time. As long as the magic flame civilization has the top technology he needs, then it can be determined that the rise of a new indigo civilization is inevitable.
The magic trick of the magic flame civilization almost disrupted the plans of all god-level civilizations.
Push the god-level civilization that was secretly stronger in the dark to the bright surface at once, like in turbid water, and drop a big rock again.
The auction half a month later became the focus of the All-Cosmic Alliance.
The exchanged objects no longer include god-level civilizations. Other top civilizations can also offer exchange conditions at the auction. As long as the conditions meet the requirements of the magic flame civilization, any civilization can obtain super-power development technology.
The dark tide in Shi Ganxing is raging again. Some top civilizations who secretly pay attention to the magic flame civilization also want to join the auction exchange in an unknown way. As long as the identity of the transaction is kept secret, the identity will not cause trouble.
Black City Research Base.
Chen Mo carefully examined the two sets of holographic projection designs.
A set of thin battle armors with soft lines and no more flamboyant designs, this is customized for Grey Twenty-one. The other is an adaptive armor, which is adjustable in size and body.
He has rich experience in designing warframes and masters top-level warframe engine technology, so manufacturing warframes is not difficult for Chen Mo now.
His main consideration is the positioning of the Warframe, and the required materials and weapons are synthesized according to the positioning.
After contact during this period of time, Chen Mo found that Grey Twenty-one was very clever. Maybe because of his long-term use as a test body by the demonic civilization, he was able to endure hardships. He received Jing Ge's super-intensive training. He never complained. Strong. And with less contact with the outside world, the character is relatively simple.
In this regard, he satisfied both Chen Mo and Jing Ge.
Gray twenty-one's super power has been figured out, which is instantaneous movement.
This ability is very special and requires a lot of mental energy, so Gray Twenty-One cannot move too far in an instant, only in a certain range, and the number of uses is limited, otherwise it will cause brain fatigue.
This is the characteristic of every super-powered person, so is Chen Mo. Overloading can also cause brain fatigue.
But as an assassin, proper use of teleportation can achieve unexpected results. Chen Mo plans to build a special armor for him based on the ability of Gray Twenty-one.
[God] After the permissions are turned on, open technology has reached a very high level, and more advanced technologies are readily available. But now Chen Mo only wants to go back to the earth, and hasn't concentrated on the development of those technologies.
However, some materials technology and other necessary simple technologies, Chen Mo can be manufactured at any time.
[God] Authority is the task of creating [quantum life].
This task is highly technical and targets itself. Chen Mo must be fully prepared to confirm that after returning to the earth, there will be a stable environment and security before Chen Mo dares to launch this plan.
The task of using yourself as an experimental subject is, in the eyes of the Earthlings, simply heartbroken. But after experiencing the vastness of the universe, Chen Mo has turned aside many things.
Some of the moral standards of humans on Earth do not apply to the rules of the universe.
If human beings undergo natural evolution, they need billions of years of natural selection, and the universe will not give life so comfortable and smooth evolutionary conditions. Many lives and civilizations in the universe use technology to accelerate and assist the evolution of living organisms, and superpower development technology is the most typical representative.
Back to the study of Warframes, Chen Mo admired the Warframes in front of him as he appreciated his art works.
Grey Twenty-one Warframe is a set of Warframe comparable to Jinge [Beast], which belongs to two different areas.
Top-level battle armor, dark material materials are standard. At this level, space weapons may be used in the battle of some top-level armors. Dark-material war armor can withstand the squeeze of space, so it is a unique choice.
Similarly, assassin-type armor, the material must be stealth and camouflage material.
Positioning is a special armor of the Assassin's Armor. Stealth and camouflage are standard, and can be detected by the opponent's radar. The armor's sneak attack ability will be weakened. Chen Mo found better stealth camouflage material than his [Free Black Ant] in the science and technology library.
Dynamic positioning is fast and flexible.
Warframe must have the function of missing a shot and turning away.
"Why dog ​​fight?"
"Because I have quantum stealth, camouflage mode, super flexible maneuver, super fast flying speed, super melee skills ..."
"Wrong! Because you are stupid!"
The positioning of the Assassin Warframe is not a dog fight, but an unexpected assassination operation. Assassination is unsuccessful. Escape is the best choice, so escape speed is a very important condition. Chen Mo changed the engine he mastered. The main functions were speed. As for steering, it was only necessary to rely on the auxiliary engine.
As for weapons, far laser weapons and short laser pulse melee weapons are standard. Other weapons are not required for assassins. The focus is on weapons that assist in assassination and escape.
"Mu Nu, start to manufacture the parts needed for the Warframe." Confirming that the design of the Warframe is okay, Chen Mo gave Momo 2 a command.
"Okay, Moe."
Because of the black city auction, Dong now says he is busy. The magic flame civilization put the super power development technology on the Black City auction, which made them the center of the universe's attention.
In order to raise the popularity of the Black City, the group behind the Black City chose to undertake this unprecedented auction, so now the entire Black City is preparing for the auction.
However, Chen Mo came to him for consultation, and he still took a moment to come out. During this time, he basically determined that Chen Mo was a senior armor designer, and senior armor designers were everywhere.
"Mr. Mo Chen, what can I do for you?" Dong asked Chen Mo when he saw it. Mo Chen is the name Chen Mo told him.
"Do you have any good sales channels here?" Chen Mo asked.
"There are many channels. Shi Ganxing's War Armor Trading City is everywhere. Mr. Mo Chen was made from War Armor?" Dong was curious. War Armor is the most popular thing. As long as the War Armor parameters and Good technology, never worry about selling, and Chen Mo chose to ask him.
"It is being assembled and manufactured, and it will be ready soon. Ask in advance." Chen Mo said.
"Mr. Mochen's Warframe, what level is it? I can help you take a look and estimate the price." Dong was curious, Chen Mo, the level of the Warframe designer.
"The top battle armor, the parameter is probably this." Chen Mo released the set of armor to be sold through holographic projection.
"Top ... Top Warframe?"
East's eyes burst, his eyes almost fell out of his eyes.
I thought it was a high-level warframe, and the result was a top-level warframe. There was a big technical gap between them.
There are very few top-level armors that have been circulated. Most of them are in the hands of big civilizations and powers. A team can design top-level armors, and any one of the top powers can get the best treatment. Even if it is a divine civilization, these teams will be accepted, which shows how precious such teams are.
"This is a self-adaptive top-level warframe. As long as human and beast-like life within two meters and five meters, and the body size is not particularly large, it can be used, and its size can be adjusted to adapt."
Chen Mo began to deform the projected hologram.
After a while, I stopped.
"Director Dong, are there any good buyers?" Chen Mo asked after he demonstrated.
"There are a lot of buyers. If you want to maximize the profit, there is a special place."
Dong Pingfu was shocked before introducing Chen Mo.
"Seven days later, we will hold an auction in Heicheng. Have you heard about the magic flame civilization? They will also sell superpower development technology at the early auction. At that time, there will be all gods and top civilizations from the universe. Life. Their demand for top-tier armor is high, and you can maximize the benefits of this suit. If you can make the armor in 7 days and complete the test, we can help you put it on the auction floor. "
Chen Mo nodded for a moment before thinking: "Just five days later, it can be almost completed."
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