Chapter 847: : Space Village

Chen Mo is in a production workshop, where robots are fully automated, and large circular instruments are printed out, with a diameter of more than forty meters.
These instruments are space amplifiers and are the most important components of space connectors.
While in the small universe, Chen Mo developed space connector technology, and he now has a complete technical reserve. Only materials are needed to complete the manufacturing. Therefore, the construction of the space connector is not slow, the main structure is completed, and the rest is to install these special components.
The use of space connectors requires two spaces with different frequencies to connect, like the connection between the small universe and the main universe. The space trap semi-closed the Shigan galaxy, changing the frequency and amplitude of the space. The internal space of the galaxy cannot be folded, which is different from the main universe.
Without space traps, the space connector can only be used to communicate between the main universe and the small universe, but not the channels between the two galaxies, because the space of all galaxies in the main universe is the same frequency.
Chen Mo has seen some history and major events of the Universe Alliance.
One hundred and sixty million years ago, there was a humanoid life called Eisenroll, who proposed the bold concept of the "Cosmic Village": using space traps, closing some inanimate and desolate galaxies, changing the space frequency of galaxies, A large number of space connectors are manufactured at the edges. As the hub of cosmic traffic, the space connectors in the galaxy are used to connect all corners of the universe, which can greatly reduce the risk and time of long-distance space jumps in the universe. In the shortest time, shuttle to all corners of the universe.
Once this concept spread, it once caused a stir in the Universe, and until now, there are still lives praising this imaginary concept.
Because with the technology of god-level civilization, the concept of 'Universal Village' can be realized. This means that any ordinary life can travel around the universe without spending too many stars.
But the ideal is full and the reality is skinny.
The seven god-level civilizations rejected this idea and suppressed it in parallel. The reason is simple.
Divine civilization does not want to make the space connection technology public, because the space connection technology can find small universes and can connect the small universes of civilizations. In case the spatial frequency of the god-level civilization small universe is leaked, the top civilizations that control the technology of space destruction use space connections to connect the god-level civilization's small universe and throw space-destruction weapons into it, which can threaten the status and security of the god-level civilization.
Therefore, space connection technology has not been controlled by other civilizations. Even the top civilizations do not dare to take it out brazenly, for fear of being annexed by the divine civilization.
When it was determined that the Shigan galaxy was blocked by a space trap, Chen Mo first thought of using the space connector technology to leave the Shigan galaxy. This predicament now should be considered for escape, not for the suppression of divine civilization.
The most critical part of the connector is these spatial amplitude meters in front of him.
The spatial amplitude device can adjust the amplitude of the spatial frequency back to the same spatial frequency as the main universe, thereby opening up the barriers of blocking space.
Because the space amplitude device needs to withstand the compression and pulling of space, a dark matter synthetic material is necessary.
Today, the dark matter extraction factory has been mass-produced, and the space amplitude device is being produced and assembled. After that, it will be tested and tested to be OK before it is installed on the space connector.
That space connector in space now requires at least two million amplituders.
"How high is the output now?" Chen Mo asked Mo Nu.
"The average daily output is 22,000 and 570,000 have been produced. It will take about 65 days to reach the target number." Mo Nu gave an answer. There are 300 workshops on this planet, all of which are used to service the parts of space connectors.
"65 days?"
Two and a half months, this time is fairly fast, but also a little nervous.
Since the news that the endless sea civilization is stationed here has been spread, more and more spaceships and lives around the star system have been used as a hope for escape.
After killing Ode in the dark forest, life outside was deterred for a short time, and he dared not act lightly, but there was also a potential threat. No one knows whether there are other Warframe Divisions or other ulterior motives lurking in the dark forest civilization in their lives.
In the back there are a steady stream of non-light speed spacecraft and warframes coming. In the event that outside life mutates during these 60 days, it will be troublesome. Hundreds of billions of lives are mutinous, and unless this galaxy is destroyed, it is impossible to stop them from coming in.
Life is irrational in the face of the threat of death and insecurity.
Now we must find a way to deal with the crowd of people gathered outside.
"Mo brother." During thinking, Mo Nu interrupted him: "Shui Ling is looking for you. She brought a humanoid to want to enter Saturn."
"Uh? Let them in."
Chen Mo turned and left the workshop.
Shui Ling entered Chen Mo's base with a humanoid who looked very big. The copper-colored skin looked very majestic. The face had a knife-like face, with sharp edges and two long bones on the forehead angle.
Judging from his temperament, Chen Mo determined that this person was not an ordinary life and should be a superior person.
When Shui Ling introduced, Chen Mo knew that her guess was correct.
"This is the ruler of Yunzhou civilization. Yunzhou civilization is an indigo-level civilization. Mr. Tuyun's mediocrity has shaped Yunzhou civilization in one hand, and built Yunzhou civilization into an indigo-level civilization. He is a close friend with his teacher. .This time I came over to visit my friends and made a lot of fun, but I was stuck here. "
Shui Ling introduced them.
"This is Mr. Mo Chen, currently the owner of the galaxy."
"Hello." Chen Mo first stretched out his hand, using the Earth's handshake.
Tuyun also extended his hand and Chen Mo shook hands. There are countless civilizations in the Universe Alliance, and all the ceremonies he has seen will not be accidental. Handshake rituals are one of the rituals commonly used in universe civilization.
"Hello, Mr. Mo Chen is really young." Tu Yun looked at Chen Mo, and exaggerated, he was really boastful.
According to the average life of the top civilization for thousands of years, Chen Mo's age is only the first stage for them. You know, the students of top civilized education only need 50 years at school.
It is difficult to imagine that such a young life dared to challenge the authority of the dark forest civilization and was treated with support and equality.
The Jing Ge beside Chen Mo is the Warframe Division who defeated Aude. Tu Yun couldn't help but take a high look. He had seen the battle picture. There was no doubt that he was a master. Even he was not sure that he would beat Jinge.
"Hello." Tu Yun also reached out to Jinge.
"Um." Jing Ge also reached out, but looked at Tuyun. The man felt a little dangerous to him. He should be a master. Out of habit, he was instinctively guarded and his eyes were still cold.
"What's wrong with Mr. Tu Yun this time?" Chen Mo interrupted the two of them.
"Let's do it." Shui Ling took the lead in speaking: "Mr. Tu Yun hopes to be able to bring in his men, and he can promise that the 500 high-level Warframe Divisions and other weapons that followed him will be handed to you. To command, including Mr. Tu Yun himself. Mr. Tu Yun himself is also a top battle division. "
"Oh?" Chen Mo glanced at Tuyun in surprise, "Yes, one more person and more strength."
Tuyun smiled lightly, and then said, "Mr. Mo Chen now has a headache with the spacecraft gathered outside the galaxy?"
"It's really annoying." Chen Mo nodded.
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