Chapter 850: : Traitor

He heard that Lan took over the command and defense system of the weapons of the galaxy.
Who is Lan, but he knows that the strategy master of the great civilization. He admired Chen Mo's courage, and as soon as he stayed, he gave him the command of the weapon of the star, which required a lot of courage.
It seems that Lan has found a master this time.
However, the first instruction issued by Lan subsequently made Tuyun's face unbelievable.
Lan uses the public channel of the universe to issue a signal: there are methods and techniques for leaving the Shigan galaxy in the galaxy, and at the same time, it will provide escape routes and docking places for all the victims. At the same time surrender all the weapons of the Warframe to enter the stellar system to stay, the stellar system will provide safety and protection.
After leaving the space connector such as tolls, it will be counted separately. You only need to prepare enough stars during this time. Star coins are not enough, they need to serve the stellar system for a short period of time during construction, obey the command, and protect the stellar system. At the same time, Lan also announced the long-term employment of various technical personnel and senior Warframe Division news.
"This guy is still so treacherous and shameless, adulterer." Tu Yun heard the news, and his copper-colored skin was pumping.
Enough strategy.
It is simply a bandit with Zhanshan as the king.
Each docked life costs 100,000 stars, there are 100 billion lives outside, and a steady stream of life is coming towards their star system.
With this strategy, they are making a lot of money and robbery is not so scary.
And this no doubt soothes all lives, as long as they have money and can afford to travel, they can leave the Shigan galaxy. If you have no money, you only need to join the Volunteer Defense Force and you can leave the Shigan Galaxy.
Not only make money, but also guarantee the safety of the stellar system, while at the same time differentiation of stranded life and resolution of possible mutiny crisis.
"Uncle Tuyun, who is the person you introduced to Mr. Mo Chen this time?" Shui Ling asked curiously.
With a light instruction, the potential crisis of the galaxy was lifted. Shui Ling had to admire those who had just taken over the command. It was too smart.
"Do you know the Black Maple Leaf Armor Group more than three hundred years ago? The Black Maple Leaf Armor Group destroyed the four main legions of the Dahe civilization, eventually leading to the division of the Dahe civilization and the demise of a top civilization."
"He is the Warframe Division of the Black Maple Leaf?"
"He is the general staff of the Black Maple Leaf Armor Regiment and the mastermind of the main army of ambush of Dahe civilization. It can be said that Dahe civilization is destroyed in his hands. Destroy the main army of Dahe civilization, and then design the surrounding civilization to share the Dahe civilization "Tuyun said.
"Is he, the black maple leaf general staff silver hair?" Shui Ling was extremely surprised.
At that time, the black maple leaf armor group was extremely popular and almost ranked among the top armor groups. Unfortunately, it disappeared and no one knows why. But the "Silver Hair", the chief of staff of the Black Maple Leaf Armor Group, was very popular.
With the strength of a Warframe, killing the four main army of a top civilization, ‘Silver Hair’ that year received invitations from the seven god-level civilizations, but was rejected.
Later, the black maple leaf armor group disappeared, and the identity of ‘Silver Hair’ is still a mystery. No one has ever seen his true face and name. Only he knows that he has long silver hair.
Didi ...
The communicator rang during the conversation between the two.
Lan's holographic image popped up, his narrow eyes stared at Tuyun and Shui Ling, with a smile on his face.
"Have you received all the messages I sent?"
"Received, congratulations." Tuyun nodded.
"Just receive it, congratulations will be avoided. If I remember well, you are in the stellar system and belong to our command. There is something you need to help."
"Before leaving the Shigan galaxy, I did obey Mr. Mo Chen's command. Now I follow your command. If there is anything you need, I will definitely help." Tu Yunlang said.
Shui Ling nodded.
"That's good, I'm afraid you don't talk too much." Lan smiled. "Now there is one thing. Now that the staff is tight, you need two masters who can live there. You go to the stellar system to collect money. Uh? No, go 'maintaining order' outside the stellar system. "
The cloud-colored forehead of the tea cloud leaps black.
He is a grand civilized power leader and a top warframe division. He wants him to ‘maintain order’?
Shui Ling looked at Lan. After learning about his previous identity, Shui Ling was extremely curious about the legendary strategy strategist who destroyed a top civilization in one hand, and now Lan refreshed her cognition.
"Don't want to go? Don't want to go and don't make any promises." Lan Mu muttered, his voice was a little weird, his eyes looking at Tuyun also became scornful, then turned to Shui Ling, and immediately smiled: "What about the little fisher sister? "
"Yes." Shui Ling nodded slightly.
"You see, the mermaid sisters are very faithful. Unlike some people, although I have a little friendship with you, I still despise you ..."
The cloud-shaped brain of Tuyun turned into bronze immediately. He couldn't wait to give the goods two slaps, even if the treacherous merchants, his idea hit him: "Who said I didn't want to go?"
"That's right." Lan smiled successfully: "Trouble you then."
News blew up outside the stellar system.
Most of the people who came by the speed of light spaceship were some rich lives. One hundred thousand stars was drizzle. Staying in the spacecraft was not ordinary stuffiness.
Almost immediately after the news came out, there were countless lives waiting in line to pay into the stars of the galaxy.
"People who pay the money, line up one by one, come in line. Those who don't line up will get me out. Those who cut in line will not be allowed to enter the galaxy. Those who attack the war robots will all be regarded as intruders."
Lan's voice was transmitted to every spacecraft in the galaxy through electromagnetic waves of the public signal channel.
"The entire spacecraft wants to enter the stellar system, and the spacecraft pays one-time coins according to the head of life. Whoever pays first will come first. Special warning: Disarming can only be entered. Once a weapon is found, it will be treated as an invader. Dark forest civilization We all dare to kill the top warframe divisions of yours. Do you think about it, are you better than the warframe divisions of the dark forest civilization?
We are not afraid of the dark forest civilization. In the stellar system, we can provide you with a safe environment space. As long as you follow our rules until the space connector is complete, we guarantee your safety, otherwise roll away. "
In the outer space of the galaxy, teams of war robots flashing signals are maintaining order, allowing life that wants to dock to the galaxy to line up on the prepared spacecraft.
As for the weapons they surrendered, they were all confiscated and transformed by intelligent machines. These machines were transformed into intelligent weapons that defend the stellar system.
Among the armour divisions that maintain order, there are armour divisions of endless sea civilization and armour divisions of Yunzhou civilization. A god-level civilization, a top-level civilization, and the governor of Yunzhou civilization, Tuyun, is present, and there is an endless sea of ​​water lings. If you want to make trouble, you should consider the consequences carefully.
Ten trillion stars.
On the first day, 100 million lives entered the terrestrial planets around the galaxy, and all were rich people.
Chen Mo also stunned, it was too easy to make money.
He was still annoyed by more than a billion people a long time ago, which caused him to be unable to leave the Shigan Galaxy, and now he has a trillion yuan a day directly. This kind of war money and disaster money is not ordinary fast.
There are a steady stream of people who want to stay in the stellar system behind.
Now Chen Mo suddenly felt that it was wise to leave Lan. You Lan manages arming, Chen Mo pulls away, and can focus more on the manufacture of space connectors.
And Shi Ganxing's struggle for god-level civilization, a change is about to come.
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