Chapter 854: : Message

Xiaoyu and Zhao Min stared blankly at the starry sky. No one spoke, and they sat quietly.
A few years have passed, and until now, Chen Mo still has no news. The marching ant group is supported by several women.
After searching for a long time in Origin City, they found the three-eyed civilization and werewolf who leased space curvature spacecraft. After this time mixed into the origin city investigation, some clues were also found.
The humanoid who came to Earth at the beginning was a research team of Three Eyes Civilization. After investigation, it was determined that they would trap the human beings in captivity on an oxygen-rich planet of Blue Mercury for an evolutionary study.
However, after a secret investigation, they received a terrible news.
There was a turnaround in Qing Mercury, and a captive life escaped from captive life. There was some escape from Qing Mercury. They could find other humans on Earth, but they did not find Chen Mo.
Chen Mo is missing.
The news almost made Xiaoyu and Zhao Min desperate. They desperately searched, but they did not expect it to be the result.
Now the last hope is the laboratory of the three-eyed civilization they couldn't investigate.
Now it's time to make the final decision, to fight against the Three-Eyed Civilization, conquer the Three-Eyed Civilization, and receive all their laboratories in order to find Chen Mo, but the chaos caused by the war may cause Chen Mo to die in the laboratory. Or continue to investigate secretly and find a way for people to learn about Chen Mo from the laboratory of Three Eyes Civilization.
To this day, they still do not believe that Chen Mo is dead, and even more believe that Chen Mo escaped in the rebellion.
Suddenly, the two heard a little excited voice from Mo Nu.
"Little fisherman, sister Zhao Min, look at something."
The dull eyes of the two women slowly appeared, and they turned to look at Mo Nu.
Mo Nu is considered an intelligent life, but since Chen Mo disappeared, they have not heard Mo Nu's happy tone for a long time, this is the first time. The two turned their heads and the holographic video played by Mo Nu came into view.
At this moment, the two women's breath stagnates and their hearts begin to beat faster.
In the holographic video, there is a wanted order, Chen Mo's [Free Black Ant] Warframe, and a face they have dreamed of numerous times, a familiar face.
Almost without thinking, it can be determined that it is Chen Mo.
The eyes of the two women burst into endless expression, and tears burst into their eyes.
"It's her husband, it's her husband."
Xiao Yu held Zhao Min crying and laughing. She did not expect to see Chen Mo's news again when she was almost desperate. She is not afraid of the wanted order, as long as Chen Mo is alive, she is not afraid of anything.
"It's him." Zhao Min patted Xiao Yu's back and burst into tears. The pressure in these years has been released.
"Husband ... he ... where is he?"
"This is a wanted order from Ziwei civilization a few months ago. I also just saw that Mo Ge killed the messenger of Ziwei civilization in the Shigan galaxy and was wanted by Ziwei civilization." Mo Nu said.
Over the years, they have focused on investigating Chen Mo's news in Origin City, ignoring the All-Universe Alliance. After discovering the Qing Mercury rebellion and having escaped, Mo Nu turned her investigation outside the city of origin, only to discover the news of Chen Mo.
"Lagerstroemia civilization? Is the Shigan galaxy?" Xiaoyu murmured: "Can you go to the Shigan galaxy to find a husband?"
"I'm afraid it's difficult. Now the Shigan Galaxy is experiencing a change. The space is blocked by god-level civilization and all life can't come out. You can only build a space connector in it to leave, or wait for the god-level civilization to solidify the space traps and space. Open it, otherwise the life inside needs to fly at the speed of light for tens of thousands of years to escape. "Mo Nu said.
"Why is this?"
Xiao Yu's hopeful face disappeared.
In these years of development, in order to find the news of Chen Mo, the marching ant group has quietly integrated into the cosmic alliance system and has long understood some issues. The existence of the Ziwei civilization as one of the seven god-level civilizations, they are all clear.
"Don't worry, as long as he is alive, he will definitely be able to leave." Zhao Min stiffened Lou Xiaoyu's shoulder after calming his emotions, comforting softly: "Because he is Chen Mo, the best.
"Well." Xiaoyu slowly stabilized his mood, his eyes became firm: "I believe he can come back."
"When the battle is over, the god-level civilization should release the space blockade, and he will be able to come out at that time." Zhao Min comforted: "What we have to do is not to expose it casually, otherwise the Ziwei civilization keeps an eye on us and he returns to the earth It ’s dangerous. Maybe the Lagerstroemia civilization will be destroyed together.

"What is the best way to think about it now?" After Xiao Yu calmed down, he began to think of a way.
"The best thing is to wait and do nothing. So as not to be caught by Ziwei civilization, and wait for the god-level civilization to let go of space, he will come back by himself. When he doesn't come back, we will go to him again. We will also put some earth When he saw the text on the Universe Network, he knew that the address was back, and the life of the Universe could not understand our text. "
Xiaoyu focused his head, staring gently at Chen Mo's wanted order. This man is everything in her world: "Mom, do you have the latest news of the Shigan Galaxy?"
Tong Qing appeared in the Shigan galaxy, causing a lot of vibration in the Shigan galaxy. However, everyone thought that when Tong Qinghui dealt with the thunder civilization and Dan for the first time, Tong Qing didn't take any action and seemed to be indifferent to Tour's death.
It was just outside the stellar system that the black pupil civilization was furious and announced that it had broken off with the white star civilization and had confrontation and conflict.
The superpowered technical researcher of the magic flame civilization fell into the hands of the thunder civilization and became the focus of this battle.
The cause of the Shigan galaxy chaos is the superpower development technology of the magic flame civilization. Now that Magic Flame King is missing, the R & D personnel of super-capable development technology is the last hope of super-capable development technology.
First arrested by Baixing civilization, now it falls into the hands of Thor's civilization.
The smell of gunpowder is arrogant in the Universe, first the conflict between the endless sea and the dark forest civilization, and now the confrontation between the black pupil civilization and the white star civilization, some lives have asked unusually.
The battle and confrontation of the seven god-level civilizations of the Universe will cause the entire universe to suffer.
The chaos is coming.
The witch came out of the medical cabin, and the serious injury was that his body had recovered without any trace of injuries. After this battle, the evil spirits in the Witch ’s eyes disappeared a lot, they became much more stable, and their temperament changed a lot.
"Sir, we planted this time." Wu Wu stood before a man and pleaded guilty.
"It's not your fault, it's that Toure is too conceited." The man said, his voice thick and calm, without blame.
The man turned around and stared at the star system of the holographic screen. The black pupils had no trace of noise, deeper than the starry sky, and the colored magic lines under his neck were restrained and heavy.
He is Tong Qing, who Dan is looking for, and has been in a galaxy not far from the main star of Shi Ganxing, unknown to the outside world.
"Is the information on the owner of this star system clear?" Hitomi Qing asked in a deep voice.
It is Chen Mo's stellar system.
"Master Tong Qing, currently the identity of the owner of the galaxy is unknown." The artificial intelligence of the holographic screen answered him: "According to the clues returned by investigators, we cannot find each other's ethnic group and specific forces."
Tong Qing's dark eyes stared at Chen Mo's image, not knowing what to think. It was Chen Mo's appearance after disguise, and he could not distinguish his original face at all.
Similarly, after Dan reorganized the main star of Shigan Star, he set his eyes on the star system that is half light moon away from the main star of Shigan Star. Now, apart from Tong Qing, the power of that galaxy is currently the biggest uncertainty factor in the Shigan galaxy.
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