Chapter 88: : Little thief?

Chen Mo is sleeping and wakes up by the sound of his mobile phone. After the phone was connected, the voice of the ink girl was heard: "Momgo, two people want to sneak into the villa and climb up the balcony on the second floor."
sneak into?
Chen Mo’s sleepiness instantly disappeared by a large part.
His villa is equipped with hidden surveillance, and this monitoring system is monitored by the ink girl. Once the ink girl decides to be illegally invaded, he will be alerted.
Installed until now, there has never been an early warning, I did not expect to be alert in the middle of the night.

Can you confirm the identity of the other party?
Chen Mo asked immediately.
"The face of the other party is camouflaged, the light is too dark, there is no frontal photo, it is not recognized, and it can be confirmed as a foreigner." The ink girl said.
"Foreigners? Disguise? Invade the villa? Immediately notify the community security department." Chen Mo looked down, leaned down, hugged the sleeping little fish and left the room.
"What's wrong? Chen Mo?"
Was picked up by Chen Mo, Xiao Yu also woke up in confusion.
"Nothing, don't ask this first." Chen Mo holding a small fishing, smeared toward the basement.
The disguised foreigner thinks with the and knows that the other party is definitely not as simple as burglary. He is now unable to determine the identity of the other party, but must confirm the small fishing and his safety.
"Is there something happening?" Xiao Yu was held by Chen Mo, and he didn't sleep at all.
"Someone sneaked into the villa, don't talk." Chen Mo whispered, holding a small fishing into the basement, locked the door.
The basement is an iron gate. He believes that before the community security comes, the other party will never open this door.
"Oh..." After entering the basement, Chen Mo’s cell phone shook.
"Mr. Chen, just received an alert from your villa, is there something happening?" Just after it was connected, there was a rushing voice.
Zhuang Ji, with a group of security guards, is rushing to Chen Mo’s villa at full speed. Living in this community, not rich and expensive, has never had any problems, and now suddenly received an alarm, awakened people in their entire security department.
If something went wrong, the reputation of the community was ruined, and they were all finished.
"There are two unidentified people entering my villa. My situation is safe, I will surround the villa and catch them." Chen Mo said with a calm face.
If it wasn't for him to install a layer of surveillance alone, there was an early warning from the ink girl, and he really didn't know what would happen next.
"Okay." Zhuang Ji's face sank: "Hurry up, surround the villa, don't let go of a person, let people inform the boss."
"Hell, no one in the room."
In Chen Mo’s room, Jack and Boer had guns and their faces were very strange. Be careful enough, why are you still found?
"The quilt is still warm, go to other places to see, don't let them run."
Already discovered, Jack did not intend to hide, began to look for a room.
"I went to the basement to see." Jack grimaced and walked toward the basement.
"Damn." Looking at the locked iron door in the basement, Jack's face was black. This anti-theft iron door is not so easy to open, it is obvious that their goal is inside.
"Jack, there is a situation." Just as Jack was ready to shoot and open the iron gate, there was a shout from Bor.
When I couldn't think too much, Jack rushed up.
"It was discovered."
Borla opened the gap in the curtains and looked at the security guards outside the door.
"Damn, leave here, go from behind."
Jack blackened his face and quickly ran to the second floor. The sneak failure means that the action failed and can only wait for the next time. He only hopes that Chen Mo will think that this time is just an ordinary burglary, otherwise he will be in trouble later.
The two just ran up the stairs and the door to the villa was opened.
"Upstairs, grab them."
A group of security guards ran upstairs, no way, in this community, there are some people who have identity, non-rich is expensive. So if they are sneaked in and not caught, all of them will be punished and even lose their jobs.
"Damn yellow-skinned monkey." Born ran out of the balcony and jumped directly to the grass below.
Jack is not slow, hurriedly jumped, grabbed a patrol car, and rushed toward the gate of the villa community. Now I don't have to worry about the problem of not being exposed, but the problem that I can't run away.
"Where, grab them." A group of security guards immediately chased them up.
"Goodbye, yellow-skinned monkeys."
The two drove the patrol car and slammed the railings of the community gates.
In the villa, Chen Mo calmed his face and looked around the villa. At this time, Xiao Yu, there is still a face, just holding the arm of Chen Mo, there is a hint of peace.
"What about people?" Chen Mo looked at Zhuang Ji of the community.
"Running, it may be two small thieves, we have already called the police." Zhuang said.
"Little thief?"
Chen Mo does not believe at all, the thief can easily sneak into this community, until he enters his villa, was discovered?
"The little thief can come and go in your community. I need to doubt the security ability of your community." Chen Mo's face is very bad. He is fortunate to have the warning of the ink girl, otherwise I still don't know what it is.
Zhuang Ji’s face changed slightly. Chen Mo said so, he really did not know how to return.
Here is a high-end villa area, many rich people, just seek peace of mind, will live here. If it is no longer safe, I am afraid that their reputation will plummet.
"Mr. Chen, we are investigating this matter and will give you an explanation." Zhuang Ji said: "You see it is already early in the morning, or sleep first. We will give you a statement tomorrow morning."
"Do you think I can sleep peacefully now?"
"Mr. Chen, I will arrange special defense for you here tonight. You should sleep with peace of mind. We will give you a statement tomorrow morning." Zhuang Ji can only say with a hard scalp.
"Chen Mo, it's too late, sleep first." Xiao Yu said, shaking Chen Mo's arm.
"I hope that you can give me a statement tomorrow." Chen Mo took a deep breath and said.
"Thank you Mr. Chen, thank you Mrs. Chen. You have peace of mind to rest tonight, we will send someone to look at it." Zhuang Ji sighed and let the security guards leave the villa.
After returning to the room, Chen Mo was lying in bed with a small fisherman: "Go sleep first, just two small thieves, don't worry too much, go to work tomorrow."
"Yeah." Xiaoyu nodded lightly, and did not ask much. He closed his eyes in his arms.
Kelly International Hotel.
Jack and Bor are not very good-looking, they can't figure out how they were discovered in advance. Almost, they can catch the target person.
"Jack, what do you do now?" Bor asked.
"I'll call you." Jack, who made a satellite phone, dialed a number.
"Is the mission complete?"
Just turned on, there was a heavy voice on it.
"No, I am afraid I was noticed by him. Is the task still going on?" Jack asked.
"Waste, this little thing can't be done well. The mission continues, no means, if the mission is not completed, you don't have to come back."
After that, I don’t wait for Jack to say anything, the phone hangs up.
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