Chapter 894: : Space Wave Technology

When the attention of the forces around the major leagues of the Universe Alliance and the Pisces-Cetacea super galaxy complex was focused on the origin of the unknown force of the Milky Way, as the protagonist, the marching ant group's transformation of the Milky Way entered the race against time. Incandescence.
With the lesson of the destruction of the Bear Wind War Armor Group, large-scale War Armor Group did not dare to easily enter the Milky Way. However, many forces have dropped their own detectors into the Milky Way through space jumping, and it seems a lot more cautious.
It is this prudence that has given Lan a lot of time for layout.
Soon, various forces in the Milky Way Galaxy were surprised to discover that the density of the life planet in the entire Milky Way galaxy reached an astonishing level.
The Milky Way was originally in the heart of the Rania Kea Super Galaxy, where the number of life planets is scarce. Many life science expeditions have come in the past. However, I don't know when the density of the life planet here will increase thousands of times.
Detectors have even detected pictures of a planet being extensively transformed.
This change clearly reminds them that the Milky Way is undergoing a large-scale transformation by that unknown force.
The Milky Way is indeed being transformed.
This is where they settled down. After Chen Mo returned, they began to transform the Milky Way at any cost. Lan Lan wanted to transform it into the oasis of life paradise of the Rania Kea Super Galaxy.
The planets being transformed are the stronghold planets built by Arashi.
In this remote corner, it is obviously unrealistic to buy all kinds of high-tech equipment of the Universe, and the transportation cost is enough, so Chen Mo chose to do all the research by himself.
From quantum detection radar, various defense weapons, to super-light speed spacecraft, etc., all adopt the technology of the science and technology library.
In the science and technology library, various technologies are inexhaustible, including various space weapons and planet transformation technologies abound. For Chen Mo, who has divine authority in science and technology libraries, all technology is not a problem.
In addition, the monetization ability of the intelligent machine controlled by Mo Nu allows Chen Mo's brain technology to obtain the highest realization speed, which is almost changing with each passing day.
With regard to the survival of the earth, Chen Mo didn't want to be suddenly destroyed by a force in the solar system. Having learned the lesson of three eyes civilization, Chen Mo will not allow another mistake to be made.
Regarding Lan's "space water bubble" and "space cloud layer" technology, Chen Mo also found many similar space technologies in the science and technology library, called "space wave theory".
When he got "The Theory of Space Waves", Chen Mo determined that this was the technique Lan said. A god-level technology theory, very special technology.
After studying, Chen Mo determined what was happening with this technology, which was a kind of barrier for space jumping.
When the galaxy is wrapped by such waves, the outer spaceship wants to jump into the galaxy through space folding, and the spacecraft will naturally stay at a specific space point outside the space waves. Then the speed of light passes through this level of space waves and enters the space surrounded by the waves, in order to continue the space jump.
This is the method used by many top civilizations to control the major galaxies in the realm, for fear that unknown enemies can sneak into the galaxy without their knowledge.
After thoroughly understanding the theory, Chen Mo asked Mo Nu and the R & D team to start manufacturing related equipment and technologies.
Bringing back a million technical lives from Shi Ganxing, and the talents cultivated by Wushuang University over the years, are sufficient to support the current development speed of the marching ant group.
Everyone at the Marching Ant Group knows that time is not waiting for them, and beyond the Milky Way, I don't know how many eyes are paying attention to them.
Because of this pressure, Chen Mo temporarily gave up other technology research and development, and convened a team of space technology experts to develop "Space Waves". Regarding the theory of space wave technology, Chen Mo sent it directly to each researcher, one copy each.
This trick works surprisingly fast.
Most of the space R & D team with thousands of people are senior life recruited from Shi Ganxing, and the rest are talented R & D personnel trained by Wushuang University. They think quickly. In addition, Chen Mo and Mo Nu did not reserve them in terms of the technical understanding of the waves, and showed them the relevant technical principles.
The research of various spatial fluctuation theories has improved the knowledge of the space technology R & D team.
Chen Mo is very clear that if he alone develops the space wave technology, it may take several months. Time did not allow him to develop independently, so Chen Mo adjusted the space research genius of the earth and the space technology experts brought back by Shi Ganxing to establish a space wave technology research and development team.
Gather everyone's strength and develop space wave technology. Joint research and development is an old topic in any civilization, so there is nothing strange about it.
Chen Mo carefully explained the "space wave theory" and related technical principles that he understood to the R & D staff, after everyone thoroughly digested. Mo Nu separated each technology module and sent it to the team's group, a group of people specializing in part of the technology.
Under the auspices of Mo Nu, the development of "Space Waves" technology was several times faster than Chen Mo's independent research and development.
The three tanners beat Zhuge Liang, and Chen Mo led a group of extremely smart space technology researchers.
The space wave technology team has demonstrated unprecedented efficiency, and each technology module group will report the development progress in detail. Whenever an unsolvable technical problem is found, they will be fed back to Chen Mo and Mo Nu, who will solve and explain these problems.
On the fourth day of the formation of the technical team, several important technical problems were jointly solved by Chen Mo and Mo Nu.
Fifth day!
Sixth day!
On the tenth and twenty days ...
In one month, the basic problems of the space wave technology were thoroughly understood. At this speed, even Chen Mo was somewhat surprised.
He also realized that these R & D personnel at his disposal should not be underestimated, but just lacked a leader who allowed them to cooperate sincerely. "The Theory of Space Waves" was thoroughly understood, one by one, the basic principles and techniques were analyzed, and the explanation was concise.
For a long time, Chen Mo mostly researched in the laboratory alone because the technologies he studied were very sensitive. There are very few opportunities to go to the R & D base of the Marching Ant Group. What kind of information or instructions are needed are all through the ink girl or holographic video, which saves time and effort.
Now he finds that he has underestimated the capabilities of these R & D personnel, as long as they are brought in the door and then guided, these teams are a R & D assistance comparable to Momo.
"Space Waves" technology is thoroughly understood, design and manufacturing is much simpler.
No matter how complicated the machine equipment and technology, in the face of Mo Nu's unlimited capabilities, they have become extremely simple.
"The quantum detection radar detected a total of 780 detection spacecraft entering the Milky Way, distributed in all corners of the Milky Way, the nearest Orion." Mo Nu reported the data to Lan.
The shape and painting of each exploration spacecraft are different, and there are many overcoming forces, more than a hundred.
Here comes the trouble.
These greedy guys.
There are countless cosmic alliance warriors and advanced civilizations, and how much anti-matter and dark matter power can be imagined.
Even if they are not sure that there are antimatter and dark matter factories in the galaxy, but the huge amount of antimatter and dark matter hidden here revealed by the Bear Wind Battle Group, the temptation is enough.
The detection spacecraft is used to detect the precise information and deployment in the galaxy for the large troops behind.
This is the defense difficulty of open galaxies.
For galaxies with a range of 100,000 light years, there is no interference from space technology, and external spacecraft can directly jump into the galaxy. For the defense, this form of defense is passive and cumbersome.
If the other party detects the solar system headquarters where they are stationed, the other party will directly attack the solar system and pose a threat to the earth.
"Principle of proximity, send war planets of the stronghold to destroy those detectors, activate the dam system of the Milky Way, turn on all war robots, and enter war mode."
Confirming the news, Lan's instructions were transmitted to all corners of the galaxy through the quantum communication system.
In order not to turn the Milky Way into an iron bucket, Lan reconstructed the planet on the planet of five million stars in the Milky Way, and deployed war robots and space ship manufacturing plants.
These five million galaxies act as network nodes, radiating the surrounding star area. Deploy a quantum radar system on stars in the radiation area.
The radiation area connected by all the stellar network nodes covers the Milky Way's 200 billion stars.
Lan is to keep all the movements of the galaxy in his hands and take full control of the galaxy, so that he can use this as a foundation to resist the revenge of the god-level civilization.
Each node is equivalent to a disguised headquarters, which can better cover the headquarters of the earth. Even if the god-level civilization wants to chase them down, they cannot achieve precise strike, and they have enough time to withdraw into the small universe.
It can be said that, in addition to around the perverted black hole in the center of the galaxy, the Milky Way now has some extremely bad corners. Other places have fallen into the control of the marching ant group.
"Instructor Lan, the boss is here to talk." I gave Lan the holographic communicator.
Lan lowered the tea cup in her hand, and her waist plate instantly straightened.
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