Chapter 896: : People of God?

"They leave it to you."
Lan stared at the image on the screen and said to Da Mazu, with a smile, but this smile was very insidious, even when Da Mazu and others who knew Lan, were shivering when they saw the smile.
Da Mazu rubbed his hands and grinned. "Instructor, would you be better if you went up in person? With your genius command, those magpies are a dish."
Da Mazu quietly patted the fart, causing Yan and others to roll their eyes. Da Mazu seems to be three big and five thick, but his mind is thick and thin, and he doesn't want to look so honest and honest.
"You know it's Xiaoyao, do you still use me? If you can't figure out even these Xiaoyao, you know the consequences." Lan grinned and smiled at Da Mazu.
Grunt ...
Da Mazu's throat moved and his body shook.
The pervert of the instructor, who has been taught, definitely does not want to be targeted again.
"Can you do it?"
"Guaranteed to complete the task." Da Mazu saluted, leaving the war room.
Outside space is like a red-burning stove, filled with gorgeous explosions. The radiation range here, in the absence of armor protection, the radiation energy at that location can instantly kill ordinary life.
Li Yao's face was extremely ugly, just like outer space.
So far, he has organized three attacks, but he has not yet captured one of the other's galaxies.
There are so many war machines and weapons in the stellar system. The number of war robots, anti-material weapons, ultra-high-energy laser pulse weapons, space-based weapons, and space weapons has reached an abnormal level.
Any of his offenses will be annihilated in this star system, like bubbles one by one near the flames.
Even more numb his scalp, this is just one of the galaxies, not the other's headquarters. Not the star of the other party's headquarters, the defense forces are so horrible. They have detected that there are millions of such life-reactive star systems in the Milky Way.
Even if it is an immortal civilization, it has not been so horrible to prepare for its long-term operation and deployment here in Pisces-Whale.
If it is consumed in this way, the war robots of their fleet will not be able to break through the defense of the opponent at all. If the war power is exhausted, they will be passive.
He a little regretted accepting this vanguard mission.
Bortosh's holographic video has arrived, obviously a little impatient: "How long will it take?"
Li Yao moved his throat hard: "It's unclear for the moment, the opponent's defense is very strong. This star system is like a fortress. War machines are constantly being transported from the planet, and the defense is carefully deployed. Kind of deployment ... "
Bordo's expression was gloomy.
The whole team is paying attention to the situation of the battle. Continue this, it will be a blow to their morale, and the situation will be passive. If he goes back this time, his status will plummet in Yingxian civilization, and he may face ridicule from other opponents.
"Is it impossible to attack?"
"No, throw in a stellar destruction weapon, destroy the entire stellar system, and you can take it down," Li said hesitantly.
"Destroy the galaxy, I use you to say? What about the antimatter and dark matter inside it? Destroy the galaxy, and it makes sense to us to come over?" Boldo's holographic video roared at Liou if it was a real person In front of him, he would immediately swipe across.
After snarling, Bordius turned his attention to the space battlefield and immediately ordered: "You back, I will go up in person and prepare to storm."
Suddenly the surrounding minions suddenly sounded.
Numerous battleships appeared around the Lisong fleet. Each fleet was separated by thousands of miles, and the battleships opened. The war robots gathered in space like a bee colony breaking the nest.
The stellar galaxy is very strong. It takes a lot of time to break through, but what they lack now is time. Many external forces are staring at the unknown force of the galaxy, and the galaxy has detected a lot of similar stars, which takes a long time Attack, I don't know when it will be big.
So the easiest way to break the defense is to attack. As long as the weapons and equipment are large enough, the number of war machines is enough to completely break this stellar fortress.
In a short time, war machines staying out of space swarmed into the galaxy.
Bitter Star.
The bitter sky and bitter dragon looked up at the four high-meter statues on the square, their expressions were full of reverence and fascination.
Headed by the statue of Chen Mo, wearing a battle armor, carrying a big sword, looks smart and handsome. The other three are the statues of the three daughters of Xiao Yu. Behind the statue of Chen Mo, they have different looks and temperaments, all of which are like fairies.
That is the King of God and the Queen of God.
They are all God's [rural novels] people.
Around the two, the eyes of each bitter man, and the statue of Chen Mo, were revered.
The civilization of Bitter Star has not taken shape. In order to conquer these bitter people as quickly as possible, Lan brought faith into the bitter stars, and shaped the gods and saviors in the early stages of civilization, which is Chen Mo.
Because of changes in life, they live in warm buildings that they have never seen before, wear good-looking clothes, and have a variety of previously unimaginable aircraft, and they can learn all kinds of knowledge. They even saw with their own eyes a huge city that quickly took shape under their noses.
To the bitter man, all this is a miracle.
Coupled with the promotion of holographic images, the construction of the belief of the bitter people is very smooth. After propaganda and popularization of stories, today Chen Mo is the in the eyes of the bitter people.
And this image is ingrained.
About Chen Mo's deeds, as well as the various legendary stories of Chen Mo and the three daughters, are deeply imprinted in the foundation of the culture and civilization that the bitter man has just taken shape.
God King Chen Mo sent soldiers to kill the devil who enslaved them, saved them from fire and water, built culture for them, developed wisdom, built cities, and gave them their present lives.
Chen Mo knew that when he became a stick, he couldn't laugh or cry. However, Lan's method is really easy to use. The cohesiveness and centripetal force of the bitters are formed in a short time, allowing them to quickly recruit bitters.
These bitter people are also very smart. They are quick to develop literacy and instill instrumental knowledge. Now they are accepting the new world they know.
Today is a special day. The ‘God King’ recruits soldiers. Those who are selected will become war soldiers to enter the starry sky, open up territory for the God King, and defend against foreign enemies.
This opportunity is very rare. Almost every young and bitter man signed up for the selection. If they were selected, it would be an honor to be loyal to the King of God.
Gu Yao glanced at the crowd below, with a very serious look. He is a leader of the bitter tribe, witnessing the Warframe Division killing the orcs who enslaved them and releasing them from captivity.
He was fortunate to be chosen to learn knowledge and writing and to be one of the messengers of the King of God. This time, through selection, he became an ambassador. In the future, he will lead a army of bitter soldiers and loyal to the King of God.
This glory fell on him, making him happy and worried, worrying that he would not do well in the future with the God King.
Now selecting soldiers, he has made sufficient preparations with the help of artificial intelligence and Wang Hai and others.
"Now everyone is standing up, and the selection rules are clear to everyone, right?"
All the bitter people in the square nodded together.
"Can you be selected? It depends on everyone's luck. If you are not selected, don't be discouraged and try to be selected next time. In addition to becoming a soldier, you can also learn about knowledge and become a researcher to work for the King of God. Select now Start."
This selection was transferred to all corners of Kuxing through a live video, in order to increase the Kuxing people's sense of honor for this selection.
With the announcement of Kuyao, countless cabins landed from the high-altitude spacecraft to the square.
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