Chapter 909: : Quantum Life Ball

Chen Mo only knows some of the characteristics of quantum life through the science and technology library. The quantum-structured life can be said to surpass the current life form that Chen has known.
That life form is only introduced in the book, and has the ability to surpass everything, but the specific ability, Chen Mo is not clear.
In the dark space, a giant device comparable to the planet floats. Each ring structure is stacked and rotated, the middle is hollow, and the layer-by-layer structure is connected to the central two-meter transparent platform.
Chen Mo gave this machine a name—the Quantum Life Ball, also called the
God's womb
, where God was created.
This quantum life ball is constructed in the virtual reality world using a super quantum computer and is used as the main device of the [quantum life plan]. In reality, there are the same quantum life spheres that are built in the galaxy.
For five years, the quantum life ball has been continuously improved, and now in the final stage, Mo Nu is debugging based on experimental test data in virtual reality.
This is a huge project, and it is also the most complicated and sophisticated machine built by Chen Mo, which uses tens of thousands of new materials and thousands of technologies in science and technology libraries.
The data confirmed that Chen Mo entered the platform in the middle of the instrument and stood up, all his clothes disappeared.
In virtual reality, no matter how you test, the problem is not big.
This kind of experiment has only one chance.
Chen Mo must ensure that the technology is mature and that risks are minimized.
"Beginning the 193023th simulation test." Chen Mo gave an instruction to Mo Nu.
The planet's large mechanical layers are activated, emitting a faint blue light in space, slowly turning. Each layer of ring structure is filled with anti-matter energy, using the energy of anti-matter combustion to maintain the machine's operation and provide the energy to develop quantum life.
All the machines start up, and Chen Mo at the central platform will bear enough energy to destroy the galaxy.
Complete the evolution of quantum life in a flash.
Eternal or eternal.
When Chen Mo focused on the [quantum life] plan, in the center of the Perseus skull system, a celestial body shaped like a glowing donut was suspended, the middle was dark and the surrounding light was surrounded by vortices.
This is a black hole with millions of times the mass of the sun, and is the source of gravity for the skeleton system.
In the middle of the gravitational source, a little luminescent substance is suspended, the light of the luminescent substance is locked by the horrible gravitational force, and a steady stream of particles are sucked into the luminescent substance.
Suddenly, the luminescent substance suddenly disappeared, and the black hole exploded in the middle.
Time and space are penetrated at the moment when the luminous matter disappears, a peculiar crack spreads in space and time, and dark matter scattered in the void and space is attracted and poured into the crack. At the other end of the universe, a white hole exploded, and horrific energy poured out, like Optimus Prime, into space.
For a long time, the energy from the white hole was exhausted, and a strange space hole with a diameter of nearly one billion kilometers floated in space.
Lan looked intently at Yang Siqingyue, with the assistance of the machine, doing a recovery exercise. This time is the most satisfying and happiest day for hundreds of years.
Suddenly, the rapid sound of the communication instrument on his wrist interrupted his silence.
Superlative emergency signal.
Lan's face sank suddenly.
"Father, what's wrong?" Yang Siqingyue noticed Lan's expression change.
She knew the communicator in her father's hand, which was connected to the Supreme War Department. The signal sounds, meaning there is an emergency military situation. In her impression, her father rarely had such an ugly expression.
Seeing Yang Siqingyue noticed that Lan took a deep breath and his face recovered as before.
"The War Department has emergency information. I want to leave first."
"Go." Yang Siqingyue nodded lightly: "I can be alone, your military situation is important, don't make mistakes."
"Father goes first. If you have any questions, please contact me. If I don't have time, you can contact the boss or his wife." Lan Yu said with a long heart that the armor had covered his whole body. .
As the chief commander, in the face of emergency military conditions, he must not have a hint of muddling, even if his daughter is around, this is a principle.
During this time, he spent a lot of time with his daughter. Chen Mo handed over the armed forces of the marching ant group to his daughter and rescued his daughter. All he could not let the marching ant group have problems, otherwise he would not be at ease in his life. .
Yang Siqingyue looked up at the disappearing spacecraft, her eyes slightly fluctuated.
She rarely saw her father so anxious.
Is something wrong with the group?
This possibility appeared in her mind, and a little worry appeared on her face. In her impressions, her father was never in danger when facing major events. The things that can make his father so anxious are certainly not small, and may involve the safety and security of the marching ant group.
When she woke up, she had a thorough understanding of the marching ant group, and also the human beings of the earth.
She still likes it a bit.
From her conversation with her father, she knew that their group's enemies were god-level civilizations, because the boss had offended several god-level civilizations before and after. If it was attacked by a god-level civilization, it is really possible for his father to be so anxious.
God-level civilization can destroy the Milky Way with one finger without much thought.
When the last point of the body reorganized, Chen Mo descended from the platform. The glowing body gradually recovered without seeing anything unusual. The data of the virtual model appears to be much better than the last time.
However, after all, the virtual data is an experimental model. It still needs to be repeatedly verified, and the experiments and data must be improved a little to ensure that no major problems will occur in practice.
Once the plan is successful, the future is unimaginable.
Chen Mo is very confident in completing the tasks of the science and technology library.
Dididi! !! !!
A swift alarm sound appeared in the ear, which surprised Chen Mo, and then Mo Nu appeared beside Chen Mo.
"Mermo, the quantum detector has monitored the movement of the Perseid skull galaxy."
Mo Nu released the picture, a luminous hole of hundreds of millions of kilometers appeared in the middle of the skull galaxy. The quantum detector showed that it was a stable space hole.
"what happened?"
"For unknown reasons, the gravitational source of the skull galaxy suddenly disappeared, and at the position of the gravitational source, time and space were penetrated, leaving a space opening, and the spatial fluctuation of the opening was stable, not a space vortex."
Mo Nu releases the simulated picture of the black hole of the skull galaxy suddenly disappearing.
The gravitational orbit around the black hole disappears, and the entire galaxy's stars will become stray stars. Losing track constraints will be a disaster. But I didn't feel it at once. This is a process. In the next millions of years, there will be more and more 'crash' incidents in the skull galaxy.
Chen Mo was also somewhat surprised.
It is strange that a galaxy's source of gravity suddenly disappeared.
Research on black holes is still early.
For them, the black hole is still in a state of half-face, and the mysterious veil has not been unveiled, but Chen Mo never thought that the black hole would suddenly appear such a change, and it is not clear why.
Leaving the virtual world, Mo Nu is next to him, and the holographic conversations of Lan, Zhao Min, Wang Hai and others also pop up on the screen, and everyone's expression is difficult to hide.
What happened to the Skeleton Galaxy?
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