Chapter 936: :massacre

The ultra-high-energy laser cannon, antimatter, and energy shield are all ready, and the seemingly docile and harmless transport spaceship becomes a fierce beast at this moment.
Intelligent machines and violent warfare continue to fall into space, and Shenwei is closely followed, falling into space in an orderly manner.
The situation was tense, and all the violent violent wars passed over the battlefield.
Everything was silent, but fierce.
The seemingly docile transport spaceship turned into a fierce beast, and life on the field changed greatly.
Elite Legion!
Formally the first word that came out of their heads.
A strong legion, even a top-level civilization, cannot be so strict.
Whether it is an interstellar pirate, or Aoki Luo's group, can not help but a chill. Murderous, murderous and oppressive that can be felt across space.
"Let your armored division retreat." Chen Mo said in an overbearing way on the public channel, no doubt.
Aoki Luo wakes up like a dream.
"All retreat and leave the battlefield."
He was still angry at Chen Mo's request just now, and now he completely forgot.
A terrorist army that has reached this point may not have even the top civilization, and the most terrifying thing is the anti-matter energy response.
Only in an instant, the anti-matter energy reaction reached an unprecedented level.
The densely activated anti-matter bombs, as if they don't want money, are coming towards the battlefield. If you do n’t flee here, there is only one consequence, which is death.
Is this the Legion of Civilization?
This legion surpassed his knowledge of the legion.
Gilam was chilling, and he was still angry about the intervention of this fleet of unknown transporters. Now, it seems that he poured a pot of ice water on his angry head.
Terrorist large warships, ultra-high-energy pulsed lasers, dense anti-matter bombs, and powerful intelligent machinery, strict to terrible armored divisions.
The top legion?
Gilam's scalp is numb.
As interstellar pirates, they have never seen such a densely activated anti-matter bomb, this is a top regular army.
He suddenly remembered a video frequency circulating in the interstellar pirate circle some time ago, a video frequency of a medium-sized interstellar pirate group being instantly destroyed by an unknown war armor group.
Each light group exploded like a star, and the fire group flooded the intelligent machinery and the battlefield.
In the wide space, Ji Lam suddenly felt a little small, terrifyingly small, they had nowhere to escape, too late to think, he was overwhelmed by the light of the light group. More and more light clusters are splitting, occupying space, fear, death, explosion, and light become the main melody, playing the prelude from hell.
The light was gone, and the status of the battlefield was once again exposed to everyone's eyes.
Intelligent machinery is like fallen leaves that have been swept away. The few remaining wreckages float in space, emitting a little spark from time to time. The spaceship shattered, and the flying debris was like sand in the wind.
The only armored division of the interstellar pirate is sparsely scattered in space, and there is still the fear of a terrorist explosion.
Their armor has an energy shield that can withstand ultra-high-energy explosive energy. Except for the armored divisions hit by antimatter bullets, the rest are safe.
Damn it.
Gilam's eyes shattered.
Seeing the fast guardian flying, Jilam's anger overwhelmed his fear, and he was furious.
He worked so hard to manage the pirate regiment for half his life, and destroyed most of them. Now it is almost time to seize Joel Nanro, they can get unimaginable wealth and expand the team.
Now, because of the intervention of this unknown force, everything about him is gone.
"Kill me." Gilam urged the armor and rushed toward Ku Yao, headed.
Big charge.
The sound of the big charge, all pirates flew to the nearest guardian. Even though the pirates still have the fear of just exploding, they can't help themselves.
The regiment ’s armor has the highest temporary control of all armor, which is the same in each armor and regiment. This command can only be used once.
The command of the big charge sounded, and the built-in artificial intelligence of the war armor did not allow them to stand back, otherwise they would be judged to be deserters, and the armor intelligence abolished the power of human control, controlled by artificial intelligence.
Aimed by the anti-matter bullet, Ku Yao is not afraid, avoiding a laser attack, and immediately starting the laser of the war armor.
In just an instant, the giant light ball in space lights up.
The light shrouded in a day, and the picture synthesized by quantum radar was faithfully displayed in front of Ku Yao.
Facing Ji Lam rushing over at a high speed, Ku Yao looked at him and his speed became faster.
At the moment of the collision, Kuyao's spear pierced his head straight into Jiram's head, as if a long needle pierced the tofu, and hung his body and armor on top of the spear.
The curtain of the massacre opened.
There is no sound, only pulse lasers that appear from time to time, and the light masses of antimatter bombs, the dead space is like a deep hell, and the distant planets are like the quiet pupils overlooking the death.
From start to finish, no more than two hours.
More than two million interstellar pirates, all buried in this icy space.
Gilam died, and the elite senior armor division did not even take a round in the opponent's hands. The scared pirates can't even lift a trace of resistance, no matter how big the space is, they flee desperately from the battlefield.
Aoki Luo is cold all over.
The shot that Ku Yao killed Ji Lam just now, he can see clearly, it is too fast, it is completely like pre-judging the movement of Ji Lam, he solves it with one shot, there is no muddy water, no more gorgeous movements, It's all killing skills.
The top armor division.
He also paid attention to the actions of other guards, which were also one or two moves. There is absolutely no second time to kill an opponent with one move.
The interstellar pirate who had just dealt with him just now and made him die hard was slaughtered like a pig at this moment.
Because even for him, in the face of such unreasonable absolute power crushing, he could n’t think of any way to deal with it. It was unreasonable, just like a person was killed by someone with money, they did n’t even resist at all ability.
All-in-one top armor division, top war robot.
The identity of this battle armored fleet is infinitely elevated here in Aoki Luo.
Divine civilization? It seems that without this team, it is not this sign.
Top civilization?
Aoki Luo used the method of elimination to think of all the top civilizations he could think of, but in the end he couldn't think of any top civilization with such a terrible army.
What if this team wants to fight their idea?
He could not think of any possible way to escape safely.
"What do you think?" Joel Nanro changed from a shock at the beginning to a marvel.
"The teacher of a hundred battles." Aoki Luo smiled bitterly.
"Do you know which forces?"
"It's not clear, compared to the Black Eyed Legion of the Black Eyed Civilization, the Thor Thundered Legion of the Thunder God Civilization, but they are not god-level civilizations. [新 笔 趣 阁]" Aoki Luo definitely said.
"Not a god-level civilization, but a team comparable to the god-level civilization legion."
Just now I was still angry at the Warrior Division of the Guard Group. This time no one abused it. The Guard Group murmured collectively and dared not yell again.
The number of their armored divisions was originally small, and the Interstellar Pirates can force them to step backwards, not to mention the unknown forces that slaughtered the Interstellar Pirates in these two hours. Annoying each other, even killing them, and then grabbing the professor is very simple.
"Professor, the goods have arrived, let's pay." Chen Mo's bland voice came from the Universe Public Communication Channel.
Joel Nanro is now very curious about Chen Mo's identity: "Friends, would you like to see me, thank you in person."
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