Chapter 940: : Mushi Tianxing

The Ziyun model walks on the streets of the Star City, surrounded by high-rise buildings, but she is very comfortable and calm. On her face, she can't see a little mood swings, and the cold, noble, independent of her life.
Here is her favorite. You don't have to wear the armor at all times to relax and enjoy life.
Dididi ...
The sound of the communicator made her footsteps pause. Seeing the caller ID, Zi Yun hesitated and connected.
"Ziyun, where are you?" Zimu's holographic video was cast out.
"what's wrong?"
"The Star Lord asks you to represent you to participate in the grand event of the Star Monument."
"I'm looking for super power to develop technology, and I don't have time." Zi Yun said coldly.
"Zi Yun, you can't do this."
Zimu was a little helpless to hear her answer. He knew that Ziyun was in the sky and star monument, and he never went to find the life of 'Chen Mo' because there was no way to start. The universe is too big and there are countless lives. Needle in a haystack.
So he also understands Zi Yun, he is avoiding, in fact, it is more like escaping.
"The star owner knows that you are in the Star Monument, so you are allowed to participate. Some time ago, the technology at home seemed to be a bit breakthrough. The problem of super-power development technology is not so urgent." Zimu said.
Both sides fell silent.
After a while, Zi Yun sighed.
"I'm on the nightless street in the city of stars. Give me your address. I will find you tomorrow."
Hanging up the communication, Zi Yun's expression returned to a cold, speechless for a long time.
Xiong Ming was very excited along the way, and determined that Chen Mo was not an ordinary identity. His attitude became more respectful, and he seriously introduced the events of the Star Festival to Chen Mo and others.
If you can make a single order, the income will be better than his previous hard year.
"The lives of top-level civilizations and god-level civilizations will go to the main star to converge and wait for the event to begin. Teams like adults can rent a manor to settle in."
Chen Mo immediately became interested: "It's okay, what manor is recommended?"
"Yes." Xiong Ming was overjoyed, and brought out the holographic picture to introduce it carefully: "Does Mr. prefer that kind of manor? Relying on mountains? Relying on water? Or grassland?"
"Prairie." Chen Mo said.
"A manor like thousands of people living under a thousand lives is a medium-sized group. According to the environment, decoration and specifications, only a medium-sized manor is needed. Now the main star and the surrounding planets, and the manor, if it is on the main star In other words, the price of the manor is ten times more expensive, because many top civilizations and god-level civilizations will choose the main star, other civilizations and individuals, prefer to live on the planet around the main star. "
"What's the price?" Chen Mo thought and asked, "The main star."
Xiong Ming was overjoyed and expressed a bit in his face: "Medium-sized manor, 10 million star coins a day, the star festival is a total of two months, plus now there are a few days before the start of the star festival, all need at least 200 million. "
"It seems not cheap." Chen Mo was also a little surprised at the price.
"Usually only one million is needed, but during the Star Festival, there are many foreign civilizations on the main star, and the demand for the manor is very large. If it is a few days later, it may not even have medium-sized ones. "
Chen Mo didn't care, looking up at Xiaoyu: "Xiaoyu, is the money enough?"
"Then go to the main star, and I also want to see what this legendary planet looks like."
Xiong Ming was ecstatic, and this commission was enough for the income he had worked for half a year.
With the input of space coordinates, the people began to fix their bodies, and then, the spaceship jumped and appeared in a new space.
Based on the images displayed by the radar, it is determined that they have reached the outer periphery of the star system where Mushitian star is located.
A spaceship quickly flew over and stopped in front of Chen Mo's spacecraft. Various instruments began to scan Chen Mo's spacecraft to check whether anti-material bombs and other weapons of mass destruction were found.
Any life that wants to enter Mu Shi Tian Xing needs to go through inspections, especially during the star festival, this inspection is more stringent.
A war armor division entered through the hatch and glanced at Chen Mo and others with a stern expression. From the life he has seen, this group of life is definitely a life of great civilization.
"This is your identity card on Mu Shi Tianxing. You can enter your pupil information, face information and fingerprint information into your ID card to facilitate your actions on Mu Shi Tian."
The armored division handed the small box to a guard.
The Xiong Ming around me hurriedly explained: "Every life that enters Mu's Star needs this, and the life of the god-level civilization is no exception. This is to facilitate the administration of the Security Department to prevent life from chaos on the planet and cannot be traced. After the event, the Security Department will delete all the information and will not stay. "
Chen Mo felt the strictness of the Star Festival for the first time, and he signaled that many guards sent down to enter identity information, and he was no exception.
After entering the information, Chen Mo's spacecraft passed the inspection smoothly.
Mushitian star is not large, only five Earths in size, gravity is three times that of the Earth, in the universe, it belongs to an asteroid. Blue, green and purple, there are various other colors, together with white clouds wiped, overlooking in space, very beautiful.
Under the guidance of Xiong Ming, the spacecraft went to the manor where they were stationed.
A manor built on flat grass has a broad view.
The other guards were stationed and resting in the manor, while Chen Mo, Xiaoyu, Jing Ge and Ku Yao led the five best guards to leave the manor.
In Mu Shi Tianxing, there are no weapons of mass destruction, no laser weapons, fighting armor with bare hands and ‘cold weapons’ fighting. They are not afraid of anyone, and there are no security issues.
"The city of the star is the most prosperous city of the main star and the largest city, covering an area of ​​5 million square kilometers. The entire city is owned by the descendant family of Mushitianxing.
The descendant family of Mushi Tianxing is the most prestigious family in the Tianxing monument. They obey the legacy of Mu Shi Tianxing, are permanently neutral, and permanently open all the monuments to the life of the universe. They will not be biased towards any party. Each Star Festival is hosted by their family. "Xiong Mingdao.
Chen Zhenzhen really listened to the news about Mushi Tianxing.
"Every event, they will invite the top civilization and god-level civilization representatives who come to Mu Shi Tianxing to go to the manor of Mu Shi Tianxing family to participate in a banquet."
Xiong Ming could see that Chen Mo was very interested in the news in this regard, so he continued to introduce it.
"They can make friends extensively, gain friendship of great civilizations, and provide a platform for communication. However, that requires a sufficiently high status, a life with enough reputation, or a great civilization to be invited by them."
What he said was very detailed, and Chen Mo was listening carefully.
Soon, the party entered the range of the Star City, a magnificent city in front of them.
"This is the nightless street of the Star City. It is a pedestrian street without war armor. No life can enter it through the armor. It is a special place here." Xiong Ming pointed to the huge commercial city and the aircraft docking station at the top of the building. .
"Then go into the countryside and follow the customs."
A group of people landed from the sky to the aircraft dock.
Entering the City of Stars, all kinds of life are strange, no matter which rare race, many lives are accustomed to, so Chen Mo and his party are not abrupt.
Jing Ge's face was cold, and no one was close to him. He looked like a tall cold man. However, she encountered several humanoid female lives on the road and was very interested in Jing Ge. He followed the party and looked back from time to time, watching Jing Ge whispering and discussing.
Jing Ge's ruthless face also became stiff, and a few female humans beside him began to have fun.
Chen Mo sat in a wheelchair, looked up at Jing Ge, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face. This ten thousand-year-old ruthless man, with a fierce style and looking cold and ruthless, Jing Ge, will be laughed at by several female classmates with unnatural expression.
For a moment, a petite female ran with courage and stopped beside Jing Ge with her big eyes.
"Brother, what is your name?" The female voice is delicate and sweet.
Jing Ge's expression stiffened and he was at a loss.
Chen Mohe laughed and laughed, Xiao Yu pursed his lips and chuckled.
Ku Yao and several guards have smiles on their faces, but they dare not laugh. They are professionally trained and generally do n’t laugh unless ...
Several females not far away saw this, all laughed loudly.
Jing Ge heard laughter, a few black lines appeared in his forehead, and he was still at a loss when faced with this petite female.
Seeing Jing Ge not speaking, the female class blinked and blinked her big eyes, stretched out a palm like a beluga skin, and continued to speak: "Brother, my name is Bai Yun, I want to make a friend with you."
At this moment, Jing Ge panicked, and the palm of his hand did not know where to put it, and the whole person became unnatural.
"Hahahahaha ..."
Chen Mo was sitting in a wheelchair, laughing unscrupulously.
"Brother, are you shy? You are so handsome and so shy." The female stared at Jing Ge with a happy face.
Seeing Jing Ge, who hadn't dodged by the top armored division, he didn't dare to look directly at the petite female person in front of him.
"Little sister, my friend is shy, he is not very good at communication, he is single, I give you his phone number and address, you remember to come and play often." Chen Mo passed Jing Ge's phone number and address to the female class The communication device ignored Jing Ge's murderous gaze.
After all, the head of the Manshan clan was also very worried about Jing Ge ’s family, and Chen Mo smiled.
"Thank you." After getting Jing Ge's communication number, the female face was surprised: "Brother, I'm going to go shopping with some sisters. I'll contact you again when I get home. Don't ignore me."
The female person waved at Jing Ge, excitedly running back towards several sisters.
Chen Mo concealed his face and laughed uncontrollably. In the past, when facing the beast with bare hands, even the siege of several top armored divisions did not make Jing Ge so disoriented.
"Jing Ge, seriously I think that girl is good, active and lively, enthusiastic and cheerful, with a personality complementary to you and suitable for you."
Jing Ge gave Chen Mo a blind eye.
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