Chapter 95: : Charity Night

Zhao Min was staring at the robot that was pouring water on her face, with an incredible face. She did not enter Chen Mo's lab, nor did she know what was being studied. Usually, according to Chen Mo’s request, he arranged some things for him.
Now when I first came to Chen Mo’s office, Chen Mo called out such a robot. The robot in the sci-fi movie appeared in front of her eyes.
She wondered if it was crossed, and now her mind is a little bit too sharp.
"This is the little toy you said?" Zhao Min took the water cup that the robot handed over and looked surprised.
"It's a small toy, it was completed yesterday. It will just walk today. Let the small fish come up in the morning, it is the future collection of human exercise data." Chen Mo said.
"Your toy is really strange, is the technology mature?" Zhao Min looked at the robot with amazement.
"Not mature, it is still in the data testing phase." Chen Mo said: "It is now my lab assistant, robot assistant."

After the technology is mature, how much is the estimated cost?

"It's not easy to estimate, but from the beginning of research, it is not a smart core. It costs 20 million. The most important thing is to spend a lot of brain cells. If mass production, the cost will be about 1 million." Chen Mo said.

Is there any interest in getting it listed?
said Zhao Min.
"The technology is not mature. Its accessories and parameters have no specific data. The service life is unknown. If it is just sold out, there is a problem. It is not a signboard."
"Well, the technology is mature, tell me when I am ready to go public. If the cost is really only 1 million, I will make you the richest man in the world." Zhao Min looked at the robot and thought about it: "But you are becoming the richest man."

"What do you mean?" Chen Mo said.
"Now the company's market value, I can not be valued, but at present your value, squeeze into the top ten of the domestic wealth list is no problem." Zhao Min said: "You will be able to climb to the top soon."
"How do you say that?" Chen Mo said.
He doesn't have any idea about money now. He only knows that there is a lot of money, and he hasn't seen it. With a technology library, money has become meaningless.
"After two days, I will go to Europe and talk to European telecom operators to let the butterfly eye enter the international market. The butterfly eye enters the international market, the money is faster than the printing machine. Because I want to go out, so there is I want you to do it for you."
"What is it?" Chen Mo asked.
"Heisa Charity Night."
Zhao Min put the invitation letter in front of Chen Mo.
"This year's party is just held in Binhai. Our company is a big company in Binhai. It is also invited. At that time, many domestic business people, stars and other elites will be present. I will go to Europe, can't go, Only you can go."
"I am not good at communication, I am estimated to go there, but also sitting in the corner to eat." Chen Mo said.
This kind of charity party is a platform for some people to improve their resources. In a circle, networking resources are important, especially in the business world.
Many people don't donate money and go to charity evenings. They just don't want to let go of such an opportunity to expand their network.
When the army ants company was first established, it was also based on the connections of Zhao Min.
However, Chen Mo did not want to be intrigued, so the company's affairs were handled by Zhao Min.
"The science man doesn't like the excuse of communication. He said that he is not good at it. I used to go to various entertainments. Your chairman, you should also make a debut. You can't do it behind closed doors. The weight of your chairman's speech is heavier than me. And this is to do charity, to enhance the company's reputation and image." Zhao Min said.
"I really want me to go?" Chen Mo said.
"You can't promise it." Zhao Min said, "I am going to find a small fisherman, let her take her boyfriend in the past and represent the company."
Chen Mo was teased by Zhao Min and understood the curve to save the country. Let Xiaoyu come to him, he really doesn't know how to refuse.
"Well, I will go." Chen Mo said.

After a week of charity evenings, I went to let people give you custom dresses.

"Do you know my size?"
"Xiaoyu knows." Zhao Min finished, stood up from the position, and specially looked at the robot in the corner: "If the robot wants to go public, let me know in advance."
"it is good."
For entertainment, Chen Mo does not like it. But since it is charity, he does not mind participating.
Poor is the only one, and the best is the world. This is not just an empty talk, but the method of charity should be appropriate, not blindly to help.
Although some charity scandals have made some people less convinced of charity, they cannot be ruined. On the night of Haisha Charity, he heard that donating is a real thing, instead of giving money to a charity, such charity is more practical.
After Zhao Min left, Chen Mo put the invitation letter of the charity party aside and continued to read the book.
The night before the start of the charity night.
When Chen Mo and Xiao Yu were watching the movie on the sofa, the door bells remembered. As soon as he opened the door, Wang Hai walked in with two boxes.
"Chairman, this is the dress that Mr. Zhao asked me to send, tomorrow evening party."
After Wang Hai put the dress on the table, he turned and left.
Chen Mo opened the box and handed the dress to Xiao Yu: "This is yours, try it. If you don't fit, you can change it now."
"My?" Xiao Yu looked at Chen Mo.
"You don't know? I thought Zhao Min told you, so I haven't told you that. Tonight, Haisha Charity Night, you accompany me to participate."
"Zhao Jie just said that you are going to the party, didn't say I went."
"I want to go, don't want a female companion? If you want your boyfriend to find other female companions in the past, I don't mind." Chen Mo laughed.
"you dare?"
Xiao Yu snorted and walked into the room with a dress.
It didn't take long for Xiao Yu to come out.
When I saw Xiao Yu, Chen Mo looked amazed and appreciated it. He discovered that Xiao Yu is simply a hanger, different clothes, can wear different temperament.
Silk long dress, V-neck just exposed the collarbone, with the silk white, temperament gentle, pure, like a female fairy, let people take a look, can not help but look at the second eye.
The appearance of Xiaoyu is not considered to be a beautiful country, but it is also a beauty level, and the temperament is outstanding.
"Sure enough, people rely on clothes." Chen Mo said with amazement.
"Stupid, is it enough? Seeing enough to help me see if I don't fit." Xiao Yu took the skirt and walked to Chen Mo.
"The clothes are very suitable, but I feel that I owe something." Chen Mo looked at Xiao Yu.
"What are you owing?" asked Xiao Yu.
"High heels." Chen Mo woke up, went to the shoe cabinet, looked for it, and then came back: "I found that you do not have high heels, to change the dress, I will accompany you out to buy a few pairs of high heels."
"Don't you?" said Xiao Yu.
"Little fisher classmate, I found that you are very close to me. You are my girlfriend now, if you don't change it, then I will help you change it." Chen Mo said nothing, hug Xiaoyu and walked into the room. .
"Ah, let me down, I will change it myself."
Ten minutes later, Xiao Yu came out behind Chen Mo, his face was ruddy and his eyes were like water.
"Bad bad."
"This is broken? Calculate the time, I will be able to dry up you soon." Chen Mo's face with a faint smile.
"Stupid." Xiao Yu said not angry.
The two mixed their mouths and left the villa.
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