Chapter 962: : The meditation

Ming Tuan sat on the seat and watched the news on the Universe News platform motionlessly. The tea he was greeted by Shen Wei only wet his lips without taking a sip.
The guards who greeted him looked at each other, but it was hard to disturb him.
Seeing Xiaoyu coming out, Ming Tu's gaze stayed on her body for a while, and continued to watch the news quietly, without any intention of speaking or communicating.
"I just notified my husband that he was on his way back." Xiao Yu said.
"Thank you." Ming Tu nodded politely, still without any emotion.
Xiaoyu doesn't know how to communicate with the other party, she can only sit in the position, she can feel whether there is malicious, but she does not feel malicious from Ming Tu.
Both guards guarded Xiaoyu, in case Ming Tu suddenly attacked Xiaoyu.
In the lobby, there is only the news.
The news is all about the news of the Star Festival, the civilization that came to participate in the Star Festival this year, and the process of the Star Festival.
Suddenly, the picture of the news jumped and an urgent live broadcast appeared on the screen.
"I just received the latest major news, this station news, the dark forest civilization Di Nanye launched a coup, hijacked the dark forest star, and declared the dark forest civilization's current patriarch Dinnamiro's guilt. Then, the dark forest civilization military announced that Di The illegal behavior of Nanye is now in war between the two sides. "
Dark forest civilization coup?
The mediterranean sitting on the sofa only recovered with a slight flash of glance, as if nothing was wrong.
This news made Xiaoyu incredible.
A coup in a god-level civilization? Then there must be chaos in the dark forest, which undoubtedly poured oil on the already chaotic universe.
The manor was right in front of me, all the way through, Chen Mo's armor landed on the manor's armor platform and went straight into the manor.
He was a little curious about what happened to Xiaoyu and was anxious to get him back.
As soon as I entered the door, I saw the meditation sitting on the sofa, looking puzzled.
"This is?" Chen Mo asked in doubt.
"He is here to find you." Xiao Yu handed a piece of information to Chen Mo, which was the information of Ming Tu.
"Find me?"
Chen Mo glanced at the information, and soon found the keyword eyes.
The top star of the corpse civilization defection
When Ming Tu saw Chen Mo appearing, he got up from the sofa, looked at Chen Mo expressionlessly, and spoke after a while: "My name is Ming Tu."
"Hello, please sit down."
Chen Mo also looked at Ming Tu, the top star of the corpse civilization defected came to him, even if he thought again, he couldn't figure out what happened.
"I want to chat with you alone." Ming Tu said without expression.
Xiaoyu looked at Chen Mo, and after turning the guard back, she also turned and left.
In the hall, only Chen Mo and Ming Tu are left.
"Speak." Chen Mo said.
"I want to make a deal with you." Ming Tu's voice did not fluctuate, as if to tell an insignificant thing.
"What deal."
"I have worked for you for a thousand years, and you promised me a condition."
As soon as this remark came out, Chen Mo froze in place.
Ming Tu came to trust him? This matter is not trivial. Think big, let the corpse civilization know, I am afraid they will become the enemy of the corpse civilization. To put it bluntly, now Ming Tu is a big trouble.
The exchange of conditions is a technology.
What he lacks most now is technology.
"How are you sure that I will take you in?" Chen Mo shook the information in his hand: "You are in big trouble now."
"I chose you. I bet on it. Do you dare to bet once?" Ming Tu stared directly at Chen Mo.
The atmosphere in the hall fell silent.
Chen Mo put the information in his hand on the table: "Speak, what are your conditions?"
When saying this, Chen Mo made a choice.
A top-level star will add a ready-made top war department to change a big trouble. Anyway, he has offended enough god-level civilizations, white star civilization, thunder civilization, crape myrtle civilization, dark forest civilization, and the black that revealed his alert. Hitomi civilization, the god-level civilization basically offended once, and now do not mind one more corpse civilization.
And he got the news, now in the Sloan Great Wall, they are about to face the corpse civilization, the hatred of both sides is inevitable.
"Help me research a technology." Ming Tu said.
They are all smart people and they know the meaning of each other in one sentence.
A top god-level civilization defected to the star and came to him to study technology in exchange for it, which made Chen Mo somewhat curious.
"What technology?"
The body slowly stretched out his left hand, then grabbed the skin and pulled the machine bones into the air.
Chen Mo's pupils shrank.
He could not have guessed that one of the top stars of the corpse civilization is actually a robot. Has the intelligence of the underworld civilization reached this point?
"My predecessor was a humanoid. In order to study eternal life technology, the corpse civilization used life as an experiment. Let the fear value of life be the largest, and then kill the experiment body at that moment, and record the consciousness of life into the quantum chip.
For this technology, the corpse civilization has killed countless lives in the laboratory and let them die in fear. I am one of the most lucky ones. I have retained my complete consciousness and successfully entered the quantum chip. It is also the only successful life. "
Ming Tu explained that there was crazy hatred and chill in his voice.
Even if the corpse civilization had brainwashed him for hundreds of years, the scene of the laboratory in the beginning was still clearly engraved in his mind.
At first, in the corpse civilization, he dared not show hatred, and could only pretend to have nothing to do, let the corpse civilization believe that he has forgotten, and finally find a chance to escape the corpse civilization.
Having seen various technologies, Chen Mo was surprised at this technology, but was not shocked.
"How do you feel?"
"There is no temperature, no consciousness, no feeling, like being trapped in a dream, everything is digitally synthesized in front of my eyes." Ming Tu said coldly: "I want to make a real life again, even if the life span is limited. This kind of technology, only top-level civilizations and god-level civilizations have the hope to study it. "
"Why not choose a god-level civilization? Their technology is very strong, and they are likely to accept you, not afraid of the corpse civilization."
"I don't like those god-level civilizations, so I chose you and gambled once." Ming Tu's voice was still the same cold.
Chen Mo and Ming Tu looked at each other.
Suddenly, he admired Ming Tu for a few hundred years in the digital space without temperature and consciousness.
Ordinary people must have been crazy for a long time, and Ming Tu not only maintained a calm and sober consciousness, but also endured secretly under the enemy, becoming a top star, showing how strong the will and endurance are.
"You're right, I have the technology to export quantum consciousness to the brain of the living body." Chen Mo said.
Ming Tu froze in place.
The news of the Dinanye coup in the dark forest civilization spread throughout the universe in a short time.
The reorganization of the god-level civilization, which will affect the dark forest area and the star area bordering the dark forest civilization, coupled with the impact of the current cosmic war, it can be said that this is the biggest event after the Hongqiao shock.
It is clear to the outside world that in the eyes of the internal struggles of the dark forest civilization, the seizure of power is a taboo no matter in which civilization.
If the dark forest civilization is not handled well, it may fall apart in a short time.
By then, the strength of the dark forest civilization will be greatly weakened.
Some powerful top civilizations have seen signs of replacing them. As long as the dark forest civilization declines, they may take the place of the dark forest civilization's seventh-largest civilization.
This coup drew the limelight of the Star Festival.
The back of Dinnamiro's hurried departure at the banquet of the Mu Family's Star Family was also put on the universe forum, triggering numerous discussions and reposts of life.
Many public opinion are analyzing this coup, more people think that the internal contradictions of the dark forest civilization have existed for a long time, and the split seems to be a foregone conclusion.
Gou Xuan looked at the status of the Hongqiao in the screen. Now the space fleet is only one light-year away from the Hongqiao. With a simple jump, you can get close to the Hongqiao.
But in the past, it is the identification lock period of the other party. If they approach without notification, they can be regarded as an intruder.
The space inside the Hongqiao is blocked, and it is impossible to jump through the Hongqiao and jump to the other end of the Hongqiao.
At first thought that the marching ant group was just an ordinary big power group, now she had to change her mind.
Space jammers, space interferometers, these space blocking technologies are all complete. Obviously, it is not as simple as the ordinary big forces, but more like a powerful top civilization.
"Sir, get connected."
The communication officer opened the communication video and jumped out of a holographic picture. The characters appearing in the picture were the station of Hongqiao and the communication officer of the Neptune War Department.
"I am Gou Xuan of the White Star Civilization, please speak to your master." Gou Xuan said.
As soon as the words fell, Wang Hai appeared in the holographic video frequency.
"I am Wang Hai of the marching ant group, may I ask what you do?" Wang Hai asked calmly.
White Star Civilization, this unidentified war department is the war department of White Star Civilization. He is the first one in the marching ant group to contact the god-level civilization war department.
He didn't dare to underestimate the war department of god-level civilization.
It is not the first time he heard the power of a divine civilization.
"We need to borrow Hongqiao, I hope your convenience is convenient." Gou Xuan said.
"Sorry, our Hongqiao is not open to the public." Wang Hai said.
"Your Excellency, don't you want to give us a convenience for the White Star civilization?" Gou Xuan looked displeased and moved the White Star civilization out.
Where she went, those civilizations were not respectful, and this was the first time that an excuse was rejected.
"Hongqiao is not open, you can bypass." Wang Hai was unmoved.
Even if the other party is a white star civilization, but the military order is there, he cannot open up an excuse to anyone else, otherwise, once something goes wrong, he cannot explain.
Gou Xuan's expression flickered, and from the tone of the other party's answer, she determined that the other party was not afraid of their god-level civilization.
Is it posture? Or is there really the strength to reject them?
Gou Xuan narrowed his eyes into a gap: "So, then we can only offend."
She decided to test the strength of the other party.
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