Chapter 970: : Chen Mo seated

The special waiter of the organizer appeared in the senior VIP area, attracting the attention of the surrounding life.
Because the status of special waiters is very special, they generally only serve forces and lives on the podium. Even in the premium VIP area, only ordinary waiters greet you. There is no waiter in the senior VIP area.
The appearance of the special waiter means that there is life in the rostrum to send him down.
Soon, the surrounding life recognized Chen Mo's identity.
Chen Mo's appearance of mankind was known to the outside world when he changed twice in the Star Forest.
The genius of Tianzong was wanted by the Ziwei civilization. Many lives and forces were a pity for him, and he was also impressed.
"I don't know what to do with him on this podium this time?" The next life began to mutter in a low voice.
"Don't you know? I heard that at the family banquet of Mu Shi Tianxing, the black pupil exposed a huge news that Chen Mo has the ability to develop technology in his hands." A friend said next to the life that spoke.
"Isn't it? Such shocking news, why don't I know?"
"All of the participating forces are top powers. Which one does not want to win him? Spread it out to the outside world. Isn't that adding a competitor to yourself? And things will get complicated.
"I was found to have super ability to develop technology, but still dare to come to the Star Festival, are you afraid to go back?"
"If I were, I would have escaped."
Hearing some gossip, a lot of discussion broke out around.
I was very surprised at Chen Mo's ability to develop technology.
Buck looked at Chen Mo. He didn't understand why those on the rostrum wanted to invite Chen Mo up. He has heard of Chen Mo, but he has only seen it in the news, the earliest genius figure in this star festival.
But it is impossible to sit on the rostrum just by the name of a genius.
But he is also just a little hello. Those things should be considered by those on the rostrum. All he needs to do is complete the things that the rostrum has explained.
"Mr. Chen Mo, the rostrum invites you to go to the rostrum." Buck said respectfully.
"Invite me to the podium?" Chen Mo looked puzzled. For him, it was a bit weird, but soon he thought of some possibilities, but he was not sure which one: "What does the podium invite me to do?"
"The delegation of the Dark Forest Civilization left, and there was a vacancy on the rostrum. Several adults on the rostrum jointly elected and hoped that Mr. Chen Mo would take the seat." Buck said.
"Invite me to take the chair?" This answer surprised Chen Mo.
Xiaoyu and Zhao Min's third daughter also looked at each other, wondering why this happened.
But it must have been bad.
The others on the stage, except for the water hyacinth, were somewhat more or less at odds with Chen Mo. Inviting Chen Mo to go up, how does it feel wrong, because in the premium VIP area, which life is not as prestigious and qualified as Chen Mo?
Chen Mo just wanted to say no, he was caught by Zhao Min.
"Wait a moment." Zhao Min said politely to Buck.
Buck looked at Zhao Min and Chen Mo again. He was slightly puzzled and nodded.
Chen Mo looked at Zhao Min in doubt.
Based on Zhao Min's understanding of him, he should know that he will refuse at this time.
"I know that although there may be fraud, your strength should be self-confident. Your current position and identity are different. You are under the entire army ant group. We are not a army ant group on the earth, nor is the Taifo system." Zhao Min solemnly said: "High-profile once, to fight,"
Chen Mo froze for a moment, thinking about it.
On the rostrum, several people are paying attention to Chen Mo's position.
No one spoke, because Chen Mo couldn't get up, it was related to what they should do next. Seeing Chen Mo and his party follow up with Buck, the expressions of several people were different.
"Student Tong Qing, you seem to have wished." Hu Bing smiled heartily.
Tong Qing smiled and shook his head, looking at Chen Mo, not knowing what he was thinking.
Seeing Chen Mochao on the rostrum in the past, countless concerns about his life and doubts.
"You said, what did Chen Mo do on the podium?" Emperor Wu looked at Chen Mo's back with interest.
"Unclear." Emperor Wei shook his head.
Emperor Yu was also surprised: "Tu Qing seems to be very concerned about this life."
"Not very concerned, but very concerned. The god-level civilizations are all concerned about this life." Emperor Wu looked at the podium intently, drinking all the wine in his hand.
The life of the premium VIP area is all concerned about the area on the podium.
The civilization in the special VIP area is the most promising group to be a god-level civilization. Unfortunately, the seven seats of the universe alliance are occupied by god-level civilizations. If you want to enter the ranks of god-level civilization, you must have a god-level civilization exit, or the universe The pattern disrupted reorganization.
Now when I see Chen Mo going to the rostrum, I am puzzled.
Reaching the rostrum, Buck took the lead in front of Tong Qing and several people. He respectfully replied: "Several adults, Lord Chen Mo has come up."
After successfully completing the task, Buck stepped aside.
On the rostrum, in addition to the lives of the seven god-level civilizations, that is, the life of the Mu Family Star Family, the life of the Mu Family Star Family has never been in charge of the disputes between the major civilizations.
"Brother Chen Mo, welcome." Tong Qing said with a smile.
"It's an honor to be here." Chen Mo nodded slightly to several people.
"Please sit down." Tong Qing's palms led to the empty seat of the dark forest civilization podium, and he gestured towards Chen Mo, his expression was indifferent, making people see what he was thinking.
Shui Ling frowned, and now she couldn't persuade Chen Mo.
She did not know whether it was lucky or unfortunate this time, but from now on, Chen Mo will undoubtedly become one of the focus of the audience and will face continuous troubles.
The position vacated by the dark forest civilization on the podium will be taken over by Chen Mo.
This position is not just as simple as a seat. Once Chen Mo sits down, it will not only completely offend the dark forest civilization, but also arouse the disapproval of many top civilizations.
Looking at Tong Qing, Chen Mo slowly walked towards the podium and sat up.
Several other actions that did not hesitate to Chen Mo were stunned. They are all smart people, Chen Mo is not stupid, it is impossible not to know what this means, but he still sat down calmly.
Wow! !
When Chen Mo was sitting on the rostrum, in the dark forest civilization position, he paid close attention to the life of the rostrum and was in an uproar.
Is he trying to take the place of dark forest civilization?
"Why did he sit in that position? What qualifications do he have?"
"Is it possible for him to sit in that position by defeating a famous teacher with his two limelights? The podium is too authoritative?"
"Will a Maotou sit on the podium at such a serious occasion as the opening ceremony of the Star Festival?"
"Don't think that a little talent is great."
"Let him roll down, my first disapproval."
When Chen Mo took the next position, he aroused countless indignation. On the rostrum, only the identity and authority of a god-level civilization can sit on it. In addition, it is the sponsor of the Mu Family Star Family.
But Chen Mo, a young and unknown life sitting there, is not a representative of a god-level civilization, and naturally dissatisfied.
There are too many lives that want to sit in that position. There are countless others who think they are stronger and better than Chen Mo.
"Even if there is no dark forest civilization at that location, you are more qualified to sit up in Tuyun?" said a blue-skinned, life-like blue orangutan in the premium VIP area. Next to him was Tuyun.
"Ah!" Tuyun sitting in the premium VIP area sighed.
"Brother Tuyun, don't be angry. This kind of hairy boy is not worth mentioning. I think that with a little achievement, I am arrogant and dared to sit in any position." The life of a blue orangutan is extremely puzzled.
"I'm not angry. I'm worried. I'm afraid he will have a lot of trouble."
"What does that mean, brother?" the friends around him asked indifferently.
"He is my friend and the relationship is not bad. I'm not angry that he took that position. In many ways, he is much stronger than me. I am also convinced when he sits." Tu Yun said.
His friends suddenly realized that he remembered that Tu Yun and Chen Mo had talked with each other yesterday, and they looked familiar.
"How much does that brother worry?"
Tu Yun looked at Chen Mo on the chair and sighed: "I'm afraid that he will fall into Tong Qing's calculations. Have you forgotten the special program at each opening ceremony?"
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