Chapter 984: : Within range, truth everywhere

Gai Luo appeared on the battlefield with the masters of the Planetary Security Agency, but the situation in front of him made him stunned.
More than three hundred armor.
The information given back to him, including the sneak attackers of the corpse civilization, is less than fifty. How come there are 300 more armor divisions suddenly, and looking at the armor, it is a uniform standard armor coating.
"What's going on? Where did these armor come from?" Gai Luo asked the intelligence personnel who had been watching the battle from the outside.
"The Director is a female person beside Chen Mo. She has the special ability to connect the space and sent Chen Mo's bodyguard." The intelligence personnel hurriedly replied and passed the image of Mo Nu to Gai Luo.
"Three hundred armored divisions besieged the armored divisions of the corpse civilization, and hunters became prey." Gai Luo shook his heart.
"Head, shall we intervene? The armored division of the corpse civilization seems to be in danger." a subordinate said.
"Send a warning signal to stop them all."
A red warning signal lights up over the battlefield, staining half of the sky red.
"Stop it now."
A warning sound sounded on the public channel.
Chen Mo glanced at the people, and from the signs, he was a police officer of the Planetary Security Agency.
"Don't ignore them."
Chen Mo’s words fell, and the guard’s attack was even sharper. It was completely a wound-for-strike attack. In just a few seconds, five armored divisions of the corpse civilization died under the deadly siege.
"I am Ming Qiyu, the messenger of the corpse civilization. They attacked us and rescued us immediately."
Ming Qiyu spoke on the public channel, apparently speaking to the officers of the Planetary Security Agency. All the officers of the Planetary Security Agency are waiting for Gai Luo's order. As long as he orders, he will act according to his order.
Now Ming Qiyu is a little shameless, and he clearly attacked others, but said that others attacked him.
But after all, he was the messenger of the celestial civilization coming to the star festival, and the Planetary Security Agency had to manage it.
"I advise you not to participate. It's them who break the rules. It has nothing to do with you." As Gai Luo prepared to give orders, Chen Mo warned.
Gai Luogang's breath was ready to stagnate. It was indeed the corpse civilization's first ambush, but the messenger of the corpse civilization died here, and he could not explain to the corpse civilization.
And listening to Chen Mo's tone is warning them.
"He is the messenger of the corpse civilization and can't die on Mu Shi Tian." Gai Luo said in a low voice.
"Then I can just let him not die on Mu Shi Tianxing."
"Stop your subordinates, they can't have an accident."
Gai Luo activated the anti-matter bullet in his hand, the meaning was obvious, and they would start without stopping.
When entering the Starfield, the coming life cannot carry anti-matter bullets. Only the officers of the Planetary Security Agency have anti-matter bullets. Now the officers of the Planetary Security Agency are quite pointed at a group of gangs fighting with bare hands.
"Are you sure you want to shoot?" Chen Mo said lightly.
"We are sorry for your being attacked, but they are messengers of the corpse civilization after all, and we have an obligation to protect." Gai Luo said.
Suddenly, Gai Luo's face changed.
In the air not far away, a three-meter-high space opening appeared, and a steady stream of armor flew out of the opening, with a clear display on their radar.
It is a standard armor.
How did these three hundred guards appear?
At the next moment, the warning from the Warframe Radar changed Gai Luo's face.
Signal reaction of activated antimatter.
These warframes carry a large number of antimatter bullets.
At this time, the barrels of the armor were all aimed at the scene.
"They are called war violent madmen, armor for space wars, and anti-matter bombs equipped on them. It should be simple to destroy the planet. If you can escape the blast of thousands of smart bullets, you can do it." Chen Mo said.
Gai Luo turned black.
This strange space transmission ability is simply against the sky.
He has been in contact with the outside world for so long, and he has never heard of this ability.
"The first truce, if you have anything to say, let them compensate you. They are messengers of the corpse civilization. If they are killed, the corpse civilization will not be willing to give up." Gai Luo warned.
"You may not know, we just ended the battle of the Sloan Great Wall, we destroyed an army of corpses civilization."
Gai Luo's pupils shrank.
He once thought that Chen Mo's power was an ordinary top civilization, but after seeing the war video, Gai Luo froze.
No wonder the six god-level civilizations want to invite Chen Mo to the podium.
Speaking on the public channel, all the armor can be received, and for a time, the public channel becomes dead.
The news that Chen Mo said was too shocking.
"We are dying here, the Star Monument will bear the wrath of our corpse civilization. Director Gai Luo, stop them immediately." Seeing Gai Luo didn't start, the call of Ming Qiyu became more and more anxious.
The voice of Ming Qiyu was threatened and commanded, and the disgust on Gai Luo's face flashed away.
Now he rides a tiger.
To stop it, they all have to take it in. Chen Mo's army strength does not allow them to organize. Do not stop, the messenger of the corpse civilization will die here.
The second batch of guards at the entrance of the space is still entering, and there are nearly a hundred people who have surrounded the battlefield.
Once thought that the security work of Mushi Tianxing reached the highest level, now under a special ability, it is fragile like paper paste.
At this moment, Gai Luo's communication instrument rang, and the head of the Mu Family Star family came in contact.
Just connected to the video, I saw Mu Shi's dignified face.
Planetary radar shows that there is a large amount of antimatter on the east side, which is enough to destroy Mu's star. As the owner of Mu's star, he got the news in the first time.
"Director, why are there so many antimatter excitation signals on the east side of the planet?"
"Underworld civilization is here to ambush Chen Mo, and Chen Mo's men use special space abilities to send armor carrying antimatter bombs into the planet. Now they are anti-siegeing underworld division armour division."
Gai Luo's voice was low, and he had never suffered such suffocation since he took the position. In the face of war, he could only watch.
Seeing the video on the scene, Mu's scalp was numb.
On one side is the corpse civilization, on the other side is Chen Mo with an antimatter.
"I'm connected to Chen Mo's newsletter, please don't act lightly."
Everything in the Mu Family Star family is on this planet. If Chen Mo is angry, destroying Mu Family Star, then their family's hundreds of millions of years of accumulation will all be lost.
Putting down the communicator, Mu's head was sitting in a chair with great depression, and he had a headache.
The sudden activation of the antimatter reaction, which can be scanned by the advanced armor, makes this signal tense the entire planet.
Now during the Star Festival, there are a large number of elites from all over the universe on the planet, and the impact is not trivial.
Soon, Chen Mo's communication was connected, Mu Shi rearranged his expression and sat up.
"Mr. Chen Mo, is there anything you did on the east side of the planet?"
Mu Shizhong's tone is very gentle, for fear that the tone is too heavy, and was misunderstood by Chen Mo to come to trouble, then their trouble will be great.
"Yes." Chen Mo said without evasion.
"Is there any misunderstanding? Can you stop using anti-matter bombs on Mu's star? Now, in a special period, once it is used, the consequences will be unimaginable." Mu asked carefully.
"I don't want to move either. Out of defense, I won't move as long as the police officer of the Security Department doesn't move the anti-matter bomb. I only need the armored division of the corpse civilization. If they move, don't blame me."
Chen Mo no longer ignored Mu Shizhong.
Fists are the basis of reasoning in this universe.
"Head, what now?" The policeman at the scene was a little nervous.
They have seen big scenes, but for the first time they have experienced the atmosphere of near war.
"Don't act rashly first."
Receiving a communication from Mu Shizhong, Gai Luo felt helpless. Weighing the pros and cons, they dare not mess up at this time, otherwise they will anger Chen Mo, and the entire planet will suffer.
Who gives him that special ability, provokes him, opens a hole in the space, and throws the destruction weapon into Mu Shi Tianxing, no one feels bad.
All police officers can only watch the battle on the field.
The armored divisions of the corpse civilization were killed one by one in the siege, making their eyelids jump straight. The elite civilization-level elite, so unscrupulously killed, they had to admire Chen Mo's fierceness.
Five minutes later, more and more police officers were on the scene, but no one dared to act rashly.
On the other side, Mu Shi re-ordered, closed the channel of the corpse civilization team into Mu Shi tianxing, and no longer allowed the corpse civilization team to get close to Mu Shi tian, lest the situation develop more and more crazy.
Ming Tu received a message from Chen Mo, it was a video, a video of fighting on Mu Shi Tianxing. At the moment when watching the video clearly, the corpse's eyes narrowed, staring at the armor of the corpse civilization on the field, indifferent and indifferent.
Also sent with the video, there is a Chen Mo command and a coordinate.
This is a letter of submission.
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