Chapter 100: Cursed Cult and Dreadlord (2)

Little Annie is sitting on the back of her exclusive mount, the pure-blooded fire eagle lord Celia. At this moment, she is holding her little bear Tibbers, and there are more than a dozen smaller pure-blooded fire eagles behind. What they are doing now is patrolling and investigating this land raged by undead natural disasters, in order to prepare for the expedition after the fire army is gathered in the future.
   Well, the above statement is a bit too high-sounding, maybe no one would believe that a little girl would have this kind of thought.
   Actually, Xiao Anni panicked after her magical power returned to her heyday, and she herself didn't want to stay in a daze in the palace built by the fire demon all day long. So, seeing that there was really nothing to do, she called on her exclusive fire eagle mount Celia, and then brought a group of those big flame birds that also pulled the wind, and they flew out to play like this. As for observing the enemy's situation and investigating intelligence? Well, that's really just incidental, yes, incidental!
Anyway, in the current Flame Canyon, Shanknox is doing a great job. In just a few days, it has summoned more than 3,000 fire elements, and now they are starting to build the larger flame gate. , I don’t need Anne to bother.
   These odds and ends don’t need Little Anne, the Queen of Fire, to dictate, and even Shanknox is not willing to listen to her when she reports on her daily situation! Because when she hears those boring things, she can't help but doze off!
   So, she just wants to wait for them, let the Fire Demon toss and develop the plan by themselves, and then, as soon as possible, she can gather the flame army she needs. As for the others? Little Annie doesn't want to bother about it! Managing that large area, as well as such things as the thousands of fire elements and human refugees, just think of it, I think it will be very troublesome! Where is the comfort of sitting on the fire eagle out to play?
   Like Annie is now, a group of dozens of powerful fire eagles patrol and fly high above the sky. Generally speaking, as long as they are not those who are not long-eyed, most of them will not get up to annoyance by themselves! After all, after the fire eagles spread their wings, they are as huge as young dragons. A dozen of them are grouped together. Even the adult dragons have to weigh them a little when they see it.
   But things are always a bit unexpected. Just now when they flew high above the city that is said to be called Stratholme, there were a few gargoyles flying up to make trouble, but it turned out, I was very happy!
Without Annie's action, several of the current Firehawk Lord Celia's men swooped down on their own. With just a few grabbing movements, they all smashed the evil monsters like large bats. After they died, The high-temperature flames on the fire eagles turned them into a pile of red stone fragments, and then they smashed into the city below...
While Anne’s fire eagles easily solved the troubled gargoyle and continued to fly towards the west at high speed, Stratholme below, a dreadlord standing on the balcony of the castle, had green eyes with bad intentions. Staring at the group of pure blood fire eagles flying past in high school.
   In fact, the gargoyles who went up to death just now were the ones that Banazar deliberately went up in the queue to explore the reality of the other party, and the result, he was very satisfied!
"Hmph! It seems that what the little bug reported yesterday is really not exaggerated. These flame element lives are really not simple. However, the stronger the better, the stronger the more useful! Haha...hahaha... I'm really looking forward to it more and more, and it feels like when I brought them all under my command." Banazar began to smile slyly.
  The kind of powerful fire creatures that just flew by, their body size comparable to ordinary dragons, hot flames all over their body, and sharp beaks and claws. This is simply a natural weapon for air combat! Take a look at the powerful fiery power in their bodies, should they still be capable of scorching and breathing skills? Gee! That's really perfect!
   From a glimpse of the fire eagles, he can roughly estimate the strength of other fire creatures. In this way, he pays more attention to the plan to be implemented next. He felt that he must treat this matter carefully. Once his Banazar's plan achieves the desired effect, then, these powerful fire creatures, maybe they will all take their orders!
   Tirisfal Glades is where Lordaeron used to be. Now there is no more Lordaeron city anymore. What is here is just a piece of Lordaeron ruins raged by the undead! Although the undead have occupied this place for a long time, these brainless undead still controlled by the Lich King, besides destroying and being in a daze, can you expect them to clean up or clean up the city? So, plus the destruction caused by the occupation and massacre at the beginning, it is not surprising that the current King City of Lordaeron looks almost in ruins!
   Speaking of Tirisfal, you have to mention a person, oh, no, he may not be a human, maybe it is more appropriate to call the Guardian of the Titans, he is-Tyr, the full name of the King of Order Tyr.
  He has been silently guarding the order of this world for a long time. He is also a member of the guardians of the Temple of Order, the guardian of the Temple of Order left by the Titans in the world of Azeroth, and one of the six great Ulduar guardians of Azeroth! Of course, that was a long time ago, and now, he has belched.
It is said that when Tyre robbed things and went south, he sacrificed heroically here in order to protect his allies and his followers. In order to commemorate him, later humans named the place where he died as "Tirisfa", which means It was "The Fall of Tyre", and his artifact warhammer is said to be buried somewhere here.
In the northern part of Tirisfal, there was a long coastline. During the Kingdom of Lordaeron, there were many excellent large ports here. They played a vital role in the economic transportation and foreign trade of Lordaeron. effect!
And now, in a small port on a hidden coast that is convenient for landing, after several days of high-speed sailing, the exploration fleet of Malfurion Stormrage, which has never appeared in the eastern continent, finally quietly Land has landed here.
   If it is normal, no matter how remote the place is, no matter how secretive they are, the moment they landed, they would have been watched by a large group of elite soldiers of the Kingdom of Lordaeron! But now, under the sweep of the undead natural disasters, the place where their night elves landed had no living people many days ago, let alone soldiers.
   If you want to ask, why the night elves fleet can reach the eastern continent with only heavenly effort, then I can tell you responsibly: There is a profession called Druids. All of them are the darlings of nature, the sons of Azeroth's world! They are particularly good at farming and things related to farming, such as promoting plants, and have you seen such things as pea shooters? Of course, those who call the wind and call the rain, thunder and lightning are indispensable. If they are in a hurry, they can become eagles, giant bears, or grumbles.
   So, the small thing of slow ship speed is not a big problem for their druids. They just need to summon a strong wind and keep blowing on the sails. As long as there are druids in the fleet, they can make the night elves' delicate wooden boats soar at the speed of modern high-speed sailing ships. The trivial matter of crossing the endless sea is not a big obstacle to them at all!
   Actually, crossing the endless sea for several days is still slow. There is another way to cross the east and west continents faster, that is, reading the article! Whoosh, it's over when the article is full!
   Okay, let’s not talk about it for now, let’s go back and talk about the night elves who are now sneaking in a hidden area in the northern part of Tirisfal, this group of elves with long ears and violet skin!
   "Sure enough! This land is suffering, it is crying, it is wailing, there is something extremely evil that is continuously polluting it! What is this? Why is the land so painful?"
Malfurion Stormrage, who just got off the boat, didn’t care about anything else. He hurried to a small forest that was polluted and blackened. After watching carefully for a while, the Archdruid squatted down, Cautiously grabbed a handful of black and smelly soil from the ground, and from above, he smelled an extremely evil aura.
   He was awakened from the emerald dream mainly because of the huge sound and the scream of the earth, but when he approached the eastern continent to prepare for landing, he could not find the source of the huge sound that awakened him. Therefore, they can only log in here temporarily. What I didn't expect was that this place would make him have some more unexpected discoveries!
   "Your Excellency Archdruid, even I can feel it, the forest here, the land here, they, they seem to be dying..."
Shandris Feathermoon also frowned and looked at the desolate land and withered forests around them. The villages and farmland that were originally here have also begun to become deserted, and even the farmhouses on the side have become Pieces of ruins. On the ground and on the walls, there are still dark coagulated blood stains everywhere... In her opinion, the intelligent creatures here have probably suffered a lot of slaughter by some kind of evil existence, so that this place has become barren!
This time, as Tyrande’s deputy, Shandris Feathermoon was assigned by the Moon God Priest to carry out investigations in the Eastern Continent. He brought thousands of sentry troops to follow Archdruid Malfurion. Come together to investigate the situation on the eastern continent and at the same time be responsible for protecting him.
   After all, the night elves have never set foot on the eastern continent. In order to prevent Malfurion from unexpected danger, it is still necessary to follow the archdruid's basic guarding force.
   "Be careful! Enemy attack!"
When Malfurion Stormrage planned to continue sampling and observing the forest and the ground, Shandris suddenly yelled. At the same time, she bent her bow and set arrows, and together with the other sentries, shot countless sharp wooden arrows far away. On the few ghouls that struck, those specially made arrows penetrated deeply into their bodies.
   However, what makes Shandris Feather Moon, the sentinel general puzzled, is that these monsters don't seem to be affected at all. They are still running towards them with their teeth and claws. How is this possible? Look, they are all shot into hedgehogs, how can they run so fast?
   "The roots are entangled!"
The Archdruid Malfurion, who stood up in silence, instantly cast a Druid-specific natural spell on the ghouls in front of him. Numerous green vines with spikes suddenly fell from the ground. Appeared, and then tied these ghouls tightly in it.
"These... are not creatures! They... are dead! These are... they turned out to be evil undead!" After a closer look, Archdruid Malfurion? Stormrage quickly got caught. Came to a conclusion.
   No wonder these things still look so painless after countless arrows hit their bodies! Because they are not creatures at all, they should be monsters resurrected by evil spells after the intelligent life here is killed!
  This, this is simply a blasphemy against nature! It must be these evil things that polluted the forest and almost destroyed this land!
"Shandis, you must remember that you need to shoot their heads, or use the moon blade to chop off their heads, destroying the vital points of their body control. Only in this way can they be completely eliminated! Because these things, they are not at all Living beings are monsters resurrected by evil spells. They should have died a long time ago..."
While talking, Malfurion drew an arrow from the ghoul, and then flung it, and the arrow plunged deeply into the head of the ghoul who looked savage and wanted to open his mouth to bite someone. Inside, after the feather arrow sank in, it twitched a few times, and soon stopped struggling.
   "There is still such an evil existence? Then I will try!"
Shandris shot another arrow at the other ghoul with a little bit of unbelief. Sure enough, the other ghoul was still struggling. When her second arrow hit its head, it really stopped moving immediately. , And then she fired a few more arrows, and the remaining ghouls quickly stopped struggling.
"I also smelled the smell of fel in it! Shandris, this is not good, maybe the ten thousand years of peace will soon be broken!" With a sigh, Malfurion dissipated the vine spell, Which ghouls collapsed on the ground darkened by the plague.
   Regarding these undeads, Malfurion is not too worried, he is even more worried: He smelled the fel he was familiar with from these contaminated earth and from the resurrected undead! That was their former enemy of the night elves-the Burning Legion! These ten thousand years have passed, are they coming back again?
   "Then Lord Archdruid, what kind of creature is the bird above?" While Malfurion was meditating, Shandris suddenly exclaimed, pointing to the sky.
Because she found that a group of beautiful golden giant eagles flew over from west to east in the high altitude above. Their feathers looked like they were on fire from a distance. This creature seemed to be much more beautiful than horned eagles. She has never seen such a beautiful creature!
", they are not ordinary creatures. They should be fire elemental beings. They shouldn't appear in the world of Azeroth..." When he saw the fire eagle flying overhead, Ma Fario's thoughts became more confused.
   Has this continent become so chaotic? He knew the golden fire eagle above, but he had heard from the Green Dragon Queen. However, isn't these fire elemental beings should have been locked up by the Titans long ago? Why are they now blatantly appearing on this continent?
   If you add here the undead that pollutes the land, creates death, and...the trace of the burning legion behind the undead, Malfurion feels that what happened here is definitely not simple! The undead, the burning legion, but also add the element of fire! He felt that this matter must be treated with caution and the truth of the matter must be investigated as quickly as possible!
   "Sandris, things are very bad here. Let's find a hidden place to establish a camp, and then send out sentries to investigate as quickly as possible. What is going on here?"
After pondering for a while, Archdruid Malfurion? Stormrage quickly made a decision. What happened on this continent was not simple. He was awakened from the emerald dream by no means by accident. There must be something. A terrible thing is about to happen, they must find out the truth as soon as possible! It's a pity there is not even a native creature that can communicate with each other, otherwise, their task might be much easier...
   "Yes! Your Excellency!"
   Annie and a group of fire eagles have already started to return. They have been flying high in the sky for a long time, and it is time to go back. Maybe they can catch up with dinner?
Just now, they also went to the top of the King City of Lordaeron that the refugees said in the doorway for a small circle. In the dead city, Annie once again felt the breath that made her familiar--that is, the one who wanted to kill. Her death knight! Sure enough, he hadn't been killed yet!
   Annie felt that after her flame army was gathered, she must lead the flame elements to stroll around here twice, and tidy up the death knight! Let him chase and chop after himself, let him hurt the little bear, and must not spare him lightly!
   "Huh? What's the matter then? Undead? And humans? Hey! Celia, stop, let's go down and have a look!"
   When flying over a small lake in a remote mountainous area, Annie was surprised to find: In the courtyard outside the cabin below, there is a small group of undead attacking a big sister and a... undead? And that undead, it is actually protecting the living person behind it? what! The undead will protect the living? This matter made Annie feel very strange, so she had to go down to see what happened.
   In Xiao Anni's opinion, aren't the undead beings that only chase the living and eat the living? Why is there one here that will protect the living? This is really an interesting and rare thing, so Annie decided right away. She would postpone the time to go back for a while, and read it later.
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