Chapter 948: The first potions class of the new school year (?·?·?)?

Ding Ding Dong~! ??
After the Hogwarts administrator, the dumb gun Argus Filch rang the bell for the end of get out of class, soon, the thirty or forty fourth grade students at Hogwarts finally felt relieved. The weight was average, and he rushed out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom in a hurry, as if there was some terrible monster in the classroom driving away and frightening them?
And when the rest of the students in the same grade were almost gone, the three final combinations of Harry, Hermione, and Ron squeezed out of them with their own textbooks with a hint of haste. .
After the three people left, the classroom was already empty, except for which one was still sitting, with a cane leaning on the podium, an old white hair, an old face full of scars, and a blue magic The sloppy old man with alchemy eyes was facing a silver arc-shaped wine bottle and drinking something, there was no one else.
And the sloppy old man appeared at the last moment on the day of the opening ceremony, and then scared the teachers and students present. He was appointed by Dumbledore as the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts for the school year. The crazy-eyed man who taught hundreds of students in the school to defend against the dark arts-Aristo Moody!
"Hermione! And Ron!"
"What do you think of this Defense Against the Dark Arts class, isn't it great? I have never met a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor like Professor Aristo Moody, who actually taught us to fight and identify Those three terrible spells, and even handed over those three spells to us in their entirety. That is really awesome!"
Just after coming out of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and preparing to walk towards the potions class, Harry couldn't help but cheered to the two companions next to him, feeling excited and impatient.
It's just that, unlike the excitement of him alone, Ron next to him seemed to be a little frightened, and Hermione frowned silently, holding her own textbook behind them. , Looked bored, and didn't know what she was thinking.
"Those three spells are unforgivable spells. Professor Moody will show us it, because he is a retired Auror or a school professor, and the target of casting the spell is always a spider..."
"However, he also directly taught us the spell, which is very bad, very bad!!"
Hermione felt that those kind of spells shouldn't have been touched by their fourth-grade students, and that Professor Moody shouldn't use that kind of spell to teach them to the lower grades!
Or, at least, it is necessary for students in grades 6 and 7 who have completed the .LS exam in grade 5 to selectively approach them?
"That's an unforgivable curse!"
Hermione repeated it to the comrade who looked careless in front of her again.
"If anyone uses any of them, it will have serious consequences and be arrested by the Ministry of Magic and locked up in Azkaban! Harry, I know you secretly jotted down those three spells in your notebook , But I must warn you, you must not be foolish!"
"The way Moody taught him is really terrible. If he continues to teach like that, he will definitely be complained by students or parents!!"
Surprisingly, this is the first time Hermione has said in private that a certain professor is not...
Because, in her opinion, the teaching method of Professor Moody is a bit too radical. Even she was frightened by the fact that the other party controlled, tortured and killed the poisonous spider, let alone other things. My classmates.
And this is the reason why the students hurriedly left when the bell rang just after class, and they were reluctant to stay with that Professor Moody for one minute! And if it hadn't been for Harry to go to ask the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for advice, she and Ron would have left with the others.
"Oh no! I didn't say I'm going to be crazy!"
"But, Hermione, you know, he is the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor that Professor Dumbledore invited this year. Since Professor Dumbledore did not intervene, it proves that Professor Moody's actions are correct and allowed! I think he should teach that way, and it's better to teach more instead of following the textbook?"
"Only then can we learn more and more useful things!!"
Finally came a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor that he liked and was interested in. Harry wouldn't let Hermione say that the other party was wrong, so he spontaneously argued for the other party the first time.
Anyway, in his opinion, that Professor Moody is indeed very good. He said that Harry was very satisfied and hoped that in the next year, the other party could teach them more and more practical spells and techniques. The best is the unique experience and spells of the opponent when he was an Auror?
You know, Harry is determined to choose to be an Auror after graduation, and then participate in the glorious cause of fighting against the Death Eaters, the mysterious man and the dark wizard, and fighting on the front line of defending the wizard! And now, the knowledge that Professor Moody taught them is what he most wants to learn right now.
"you are wrong!"
"Harry, I think it may not necessarily be Professor Dumbledore’s instruction. Those nine are just that Professor Moody’s was too messy himself. He shouldn’t do that, at least not to us. Grade students teach that kind of spell!"
After speaking, Hermione also subconsciously looked at the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom behind the three of them.
She lowered her voice when she saw that Professor Moody, who was still drinking that unpleasant and strange thing in the classroom now, was far enough away, did not follow him, and certainly did not hear her. Said with a trace of complaint.
Because, two years ago, she had come into contact with some extremely deep and terrifying spells from that magic book, but she knew better than the two companions in front of her that the harm of easily touching that kind of thing!
"Do not!"
"Hermione! Now the Death Eaters have begun to move out. You have seen the Quidditch World Cup that night. They burned the entire camp and released the Dark Mark! Now we have reason to believe, The mysterious man will be back soon, and we must learn in advance how to fight against those Death Eaters who are good at using the Unforgivable Curse!"
"So, Hermione...I think Professor Moody did nothing wrong!"
"And Professor Dumbledore invited a retired former Auror back to the school to teach. There must be a reason why he must do that?"
Harry was still very sure that he was right, and he firmly defended the Professor Moody.
Because he now feels that the other party must be the best defense against the Dark Arts professor he has encountered during his four years of study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. No one! Compared with the current Professor Moody, the three previous terms, in addition to Professor Lupin taught them important skills to deal with dementors, whether it was Quirrell who was possessed by Voldemort, or the only bragging Ji Dro Lockhart must be unqualified.
Originally, Harry thought that it would be a good idea if any Professor Anne could serve as their Defense Against the Dark Arts class. However, now, he suddenly changed his mind. He insisted that Professor Moody Is it really a good candidate?
"That one……"
"Harry, I also don't think it is good for Professor Moody to do that... Didn't you just see? Neville was almost frightened, how could he mess around like that..."
"That Professor Moody must be crazy!"
"I've heard of it. It seems...that crazy-eyed man Moody liked to mess around when he was an Auror. He was crazy and had many quirks. Anyway, few people in the Ministry of Magic liked him... "
In fact, Ron was also a little frightened in class just now. He never thought that their new Defense Against the Dark Arts class professor would even dare to face a little boy in the first class of the new semester. The spider publicly demonstrated the three unforgivable spells!
Sure enough, the other party was called "Mad-Eye Moody" by others, and was privately pointed out by people from the Ministry of Magic. The popularity was not good, so it was definitely not unreasonable.
"Well, don't talk about the Defense Against the Dark Arts class for now!"
"Harry, there is the potions classroom in front. Let's hurry up. There is not much time. If we are accidentally late, I think Professor Snape will not let us off easily. Yes, especially... won't let you go?"
If you are late, it is certain that Gryffindor College will be deducted from the three!
Of course, in addition to deducting points, thinking about the potions class scenes in the past three years, Hermione felt that this poor friend Harry next to her would definitely receive the extra from Professor Snape' Take care of, for example, after a public ridicule, then penalize the copying of twenty pages of the formula and the properties of the potion?
That kind of scene is definitely not what she and Ron, who are friends, want to see, because that kind of scene is really too bad for them.
"Huh? Merlin's beard!"
"Hurry up! Hurry up Harry! We must hurry up, never be late!!"
Soon, the original spirit was still a little unwell, as if he was frightened, Ron was suddenly excited, and then suddenly recalled what Snape's "dark wizard" had done to him before. After the incident, he didn't want to be grabbed and reprimanded by the other party again in class, and then laughed at by the Slytherin little snakes, he slammed Harry's hand, shook off his arm and ran forward.
Today is the first potion class of this semester. If he is really punished for being late, his two twin brothers will definitely complain to the family!
"Wait for me..."
Unexpectedly, the two of them would have left themselves and ran first. There was no way, Hermione shook her head helplessly, sighed, and then speeded up her pace, just walking along the Hogwarts alone. The complicated and dim staircase corridor, hurriedly chased in the direction of the potions classroom below the castle.

The potions classroom is not big, nor is it very dark, because there are a lot of candles lit in the classroom, and the kerosene lamps used to heat the crucible on the experimental table are also lit... But, I don’t know why. None of the students who entered the classroom dared to play or make loud noises. They all sat in their respective positions for the first time.
Perhaps it was because the professor on the podium who was standing there with his hands crossed in a black robe, with straight hair, cold eyes and pale skin, had too strong aura?
‘Hey, look! ’
‘Professor Annie, why is she here? Will she be the helper invited by Professor Snape today? ’
‘I don’t know, Professor Snape never needed an assistant, right? ’
'Not always……'
‘Is it that Professor Anne wants to learn potions herself? Look, there seems to be a lot of potions and a crucible in front of her? ’
‘But she’s a professor now, and she’s also very good. Does she need to come and learn potions with us? ’
‘Her spells and magic are really powerful, maybe, her potions class is very poor, not as good as ours? ’
‘It’s really possible! ! ’
‘Don’t she need to go to class today? ’
‘She is an honorary professor. If she wants to start a class, there will be a notice in the auditorium...’
‘I’m telling you that Professor Anne may be the most leisurely professor at Hogwarts. If she wants to, she can skip classes for a whole semester, and she is not afraid of Principal Dumbledore making trouble for her! ’
‘She’s coming to the potions class today, she shouldn’t have to do homework like us, right? ’
‘It’s definitely not necessary! ’
'why? ’
‘Because Professor Snape must not be able to beat her, he can’t ask her to do homework! ’
‘! ! ’
‘You’re miserable, I think Professor Snape must have heard you, he just saw it! ’
'what? ? ’
When they came to the potions classroom, the Gryffindor students and the Slytherin students who were preparing for class in two groups, when they saw that in the corner on the right side of the podium, that one was sitting on the small table that had been empty before. The little girl, after the Professor Anne, they whispered to each other in whispers.
However, they did not dare to speak too much...
Because, although the class has not yet officially started, their potions professor, that Severus Snape dressed in black, is standing on the podium at this time, with his fingers folded and slightly Squinting, the terrible man who closed his eyes and looked at him was standing there and exuding some terrible majesty toward them!
"Please be quiet, classmates!!"
Seeing that the time was about to arrive at the class, and seeing that everyone was there, no one dared to be late the first day, Snape finally had to speak.
"Although this is a new semester, you are now in the fourth grade..."
"However, I still want to repeat the sentence when I saw you for the first time before: You are here to learn the precise science and rigorous craftsmanship of making potions. This is not just a foolish wave of a magic wand. What is done... So, many of you may find it hard to believe that this is magic. I don’t expect you to really understand the beauty of the simmering crucible with white smoke and scents. You too I don’t really understand the liquid that flows into people’s blood vessels, the kind of magical power that makes people's hearts excited and confused..."
"Some of you are destined to be hopeless idiots, but fortunately, there will be two more years. After the exam next year, except for those students who got excellent grades in the potions exams, all others are I am not eligible to enter my classroom again!"
After speaking, Snape glanced at the two of Harry and Ron in Gryffindor College with cold eyes. Obviously, among the things the students were talking about, what those two guys said was He heard part of it!
However, now he didn't want to teach those two people, because he still had to do other things...
"I think, I'm afraid you have all seen it?"
"Professor Anne Hasta next to me... Some of you just guessed right. She is not my assistant. I never need an assistant, especially in class four who are just getting started with potions. As a student!"
Snape turned slightly to the side and looked at the little the right side of his podium who was sitting there seriously playing with his precious potion raw materials, and the muscles on his cheeks twitched slightly.
"Professor Anne was just here to observe us in class. It is said that she also wants to refine some potions by herself, so she'borrowed' one of my new cauldrons and some medicinal materials?"
"Although I don't know exactly what she wants to do, you can just treat her as if she doesn't exist. If you get distracted because of her and make a mistake..."
When Snape said this, he glanced at the little girl in the corner who had to come to his class to join in the fun, without giving any face.
As for the consequences of the students making mistakes, he didn't say much, because he knew that his students must know his style.
In fact, if possible, he does not want such an irrelevant person to appear in his class at all, even if the other party is also a professor at Hogwarts, even if the other party is strong! And if it wasn't for the other party to stay there without leaving, and forcibly took his own potion, and had to follow the students in class, and he really couldn't help each other, if he changed the person, he would have directly blasted the other party. gone.
"Hello everyone!!"
There is actually a reason for Annie to come here to attend class together. Of course, the specific reason is that she doesn't want to say it now, and she has no time to say it, because ah, they will know soon.
The students did not dare to speak, even Hermione, who was very familiar with the little girl, did not dare, because they all could see that Professor Snape seemed to be in a bad mood right now, and they would not touch each other at this time. Then he will incur unnecessary punishment for himself or his academy.
After all, whether it is the deduction of college points or the penalty for copying texts, it is not what they want to see.
"right now!"
"Pick up your textbook and turn to the first page! Today, we will learn new potion refining techniques and learn new herbs..."
"I just hope that in which semester last year, the herbal medicine knowledge you learned from Professor Pomona Sprout did not disappoint me too much?"
Herbal medicine and potions can actually be combined into the same course, but since the Hogwarts tradition is divided into two courses, Snape doesn’t have much to say. After all, it really made him do that. A lot easier, save the time to teach some idiots to identify those complicated herbs?
"Before I begin to explain the potions that need to be experimented and refined today, I must remind you of the following points..."
"'Bai Xian' needs to remove the mud, sand and coarse bark, only peel off the root bark, but also slice it, bake and dry it, use it directly, not roasting!"
"The roots of narcissus should be ground into powder, the finer the better!"
"The last is absinthe..."
"I only ask you to leave its leaves and flower branches, and then soak the juice!!"
Having said this, Snape stopped, because he found that Professor Anne next to him was already busy in her own place at this time. As for what the other party was messing up with. , He didn't know.
"Now, who can tell me, I want you to prepare these potions, what exactly are you going to do? Has anyone previewed the textbook?"
Snape, who was not going to be distracted by a little girl, thought for a while, and stepped forward, while pacing in his class, while monitoring the students who had already begun to prepare in a hurry according to his request. He asked in that gloomy tone.
Then, of course, he stopped next to Ron Weasley and Harry Potter's team, watching them with mocking eyes, drying the white fresh with fine sand, and then talking with those Absinthe sneered with the ingredients that were chopped up together with the roots and ready to dip.
He was already thinking about it. Maybe, after waiting for the finished products of these two guys to come out, he could try to let them drink a small cup each, and let them know what it would be like without listening to his explanation. Terrible consequences?
However, after thinking about it, Snape looked around and found that only the Gryffindor master and Miss Hermione Granger among all the students raised his hands high, and he was upset in his heart. Glancing at the unsuspecting guys in their college.
"Miss Hermione Granger, please tell me?"
There was no way, the whole class was the only one who raised his hands. Even if Snape wanted to personally name the students of his college, it was impossible. Therefore, he had to look at the one who was obviously excellent, but he liked it no matter what. Children from other people’s colleges who can’t get up.
"According to the formula, white fresh + narcissus + wormwood, I think, what you want us to refine today should be a dose of'super healing potion' water!!"
Hermione proudly said what she knew, she had memorized all the potions courses and formulas for the entire fourth grade, so this kind of small problem must be difficult for her.
"Gryffindor adds five points..."
"Now, what are you waiting for? Don’t hurry up and start your potion work? The production method is written on the fifth page of your textbook. It is a very simple two paragraph. Do you want me to teach you how to recognize it? Word?"
Following Snape’s habitual reprimand, soon, the students of Slytherin and Gryffindor hurriedly started their potions class experiments, and began to busily treat the herbs on their respective test benches. , The crucible gets busy.
"Daffodil root, slices, mandela grass, Abyssinian shrunken figs, puffed bean pods, cinnamon bark, and spring water from the beating willow..."

"Tibbs, this should be almost the same, right?!"
When the Snape at the front just watched the students and checked the situation, and yelled at some students who had made mistakes from time to time, Little Annie was not busy, and soon a lot of her The washed potion was thrown into the cauldron soaked in pieces of red stuff.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Tibbers didn’t speak, because it didn’t want to toss with the messy little master of its family, nor did it want to be angered by the other party after the mess up later, so now it’s wisest thing is to do nothing. Say, no matter what!)
"This should be enough, right?"
Little Annie, who felt it was almost done, thought for a while, and then continued to add a few pieces of slices to the pot, she resolutely stretched out her hand, and added a magical flame to the crucible underground, making her start thinking about her. The stuff stuffed into the cauldron began to simmer.
That’s right, her Professor Anne’s potion is to be stewed. It’s not as
simmering slowly
as the fierce Professor Snape said, even if the other party just turned her head and stared at her. It's useless, she just has to stew it with fierce fire, and only then can she taste it, and she doesn't have to wait too long.
ε=(????`●))) alas
Snape turned his head and stared at the teacher-only seat on the side of the podium, where he was simmering in a potion cauldron where he did not know what it was.
When he found that the little girl had added some messy things such as daffodil roots, puffed pods, cinnamon barks, etc. floating on the water, he had no idea what potion the other party was doing. In a few minutes, until the excessively heavy soup began to roll, and felt a little magical power during the period, he thought that the other party's potion had completely failed, so he coldly snorted and turned his head directly.
Undoubtedly, from the perspective of his master of potions, it doesn’t matter what potions the other party makes, when those magic powers and potions are diluted by too much water, when those magic powers are involuntarily emitted rather than retained While in the liquid medicine, the potion that didn't know what it was had already declared a complete failure.
Regarding this point, especially in the skill of potion refining, Snape is very confident, even if his own magical strength is far inferior to the opponent! Obviously, that Professor Anne doesn't seem to have any talent for refining potions, because the other party really added too much water...
No longer paying attention to the little girl who was wasting his potion materials, Snape began to concentrate on patrolling the class again, because now his students' potions were almost finished, and then Later, the professor of his potions class was about to start grading and recording their results.
The first thing Snape saw was the Gryffindor’s Neville. Obviously, the other party’s super-powered healing medicine was perfect, and the fragrance was wafting... I didn’t say anything, the other party was definitely on the textbook. Some of his formulas have been improved, resulting in a result that even he is a little surprised?
However, Snape did not praise this'idiot' who he had been reprimanded in the first grade. He just didn't expect that in addition to his amazing talent in herbal medicine, he could occasionally use potions. Surprised myself? Maybe, after the other party's fifth grade exam is finished, he chooses to come here to participate in the improvement class, can he teach the other party some secret insights and experiences?
Of course, the premise is that the opponent can get excellent results, otherwise...
Then soon, when Snape turned to Harry and Ron’s desks, he looked at the potions in the cauldron that were red in the dark and exuding bursts of bitterness. He didn’t know what it was. He became more determined to wait for the two of them to have a drink.
Of course, for safety's sake, he could just let them drink only a small cup, let them pull their stomachs a few times and realize the terrible consequences of not making the potion seriously.
When he reached the stage of Hermione's group, Snape frowned involuntarily, and then gave a noncommittal ‘um’.
That's not because the other party did a bad job, but because the other party did too...too dogmatic!
He can even guess that this lady of knowledge must be a completely copied textbook. All the steps, time and the size of the medicine block are exactly the same as those in the book. There is no change or thought about what to do. Improve according to the actual situation, so the result is a very standard level, nothing more!
Of course, that doesn’t mean that the other party’s doing something wrong or bad. If his Slytherin College students and other students can do the same as this Miss Know-How, then Snape would be too Don't worry. Anyway, the medicines of the Neville Longbottom and the Miss Know-it-all will definitely be bottled for recycling, and then sent to Ms. Poppy Pomfrey's place in the school infirmary. After all, it is an excellent level of super treatment. medicine.
Seeing the Slytherin student who he took care of in front of him, Snape shook his head regretfully and left. Because he saw that the other party did very poorly. Anyway, it was worse than that of Neville and Miss Master. This made him very unhappy. Compared with Neville and Master of everything, it was far inferior to him. The idea of ​​finding a way to give Slytherin College a little bit fell through.
Sniff! Sniff!
Suddenly, Snape seemed to have noticed something, and he began to sniff twice, and then swept around the classroom in doubt. He didn't find the source of the strange smell in any student's cauldron. Suddenly remembering something, he turned his head and looked in the direction beside the classroom platform.
Obviously, the crucible of Professor Anne, which he thought had completely failed in refining medicine, had unexpected changes at this time?
"It smells so good..."
"What kind of potion is that?"
'do not know……'
"But, it smells so delicious..."
‘Why does the potion smell like food? ’
‘Anyway, it’s definitely different from what we’re doing. It looks so advanced. It must be an incredible potion! ’
"It smells so good, I really want to eat..."
'Hey! Ron, your mouth dripped on my robe! ! ’
'what! ’
As the fragrance became stronger and stronger, the students stopped working in their hands, whether they were completed or not, they threw their noses vigorously, and craned their necks to roll towards the person. I don't know what medicine is being boiled in the direction of the crucible.
Never imagined that I had missed it just now?
"Professor Anne, what kind of potion is this? Why have I never heard of a formula for this fragrance?"
Thinking that the opponent did not fail the refining but succeeded, Snape stared at the boiling crucible in doubt for a while, and found that although the magic contained in it was not too much, it could not be said to be a failure based on the fragrance alone. When he couldn't understand how he could not understand the medicine, he humbly asked a little girl who was standing on a chair, staring at the pot through the steam, and inhaling hard. .
∑(??△`)? !
"Who told you that this is a potion, it is not a potion!!"
Fortunately, how could her Professor Anne waste a class time making all the messy potions here? Obviously, that kind of thing is absolutely impossible to happen to her.
"Then what are you doing?"
Snape froze for a moment, then got closer, smelling the strong and magical fragrance that floated for a while before asking again.
Regarding this, he was very puzzled. He didn't know what the little girl was doing, let alone what the other party was matching.
"You are so stupid! Of course this is stew!"
"However, they added a little bit of medicinal materials in, and now it smells really good. Would you like to come and eat?"
o(??????????????)o─?? Here!
After speaking, the little Annie who swallowed her saliva thought for a while, and generously inserted a piece of meat from the pot with a long bamboo stick, and then passed it directly to the other party.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Tibbers won’t tell the big black-haired Snape in front of him that the reason why the little master of his family is so generous is actually because she doesn’t know if it’s good or whether it’s good or not, and doesn’t know how Will the messy potions be eaten to death, so now there is always a need to try it?)
Snape took it, stared at it, sniffed, and then his throat moved involuntarily.
After a long time, after the piece of meat that I don’t know what it was was not so hot, and it was really unable to resist the temptation of the fragrance, then he frowned again, gritted his teeth, and tentatively raised the bamboo stick, The piece of meat was carefully put into his mouth.
"It's delicious, you should also put cinnamon peel..."
His eyes lit up, and he felt that this pot of meat was very different from the ones he had eaten in the past. Snape, who had a different flavor, thought about it, and then took a step forward and directly inserted a piece of meat and rolled it accurately with a bamboo stick. With the floating meat.
"Haha, not bad, right?"
?? (??`▽????)o
Seeing that the other party didn't seem to have an accident after eating two pieces at a time, Xiao Anni smiled in relief. Thinking about it this way, her potions class must be a success today.
"Professor Anne, what kind of animal meat is this?"
Snape, who said he had never eaten this animal, said that when he was free, he seemed to be able to buy some of his extra Jin Jialong, and then cook it himself?
Anyway, after eating two pieces, he already knows the ingredients used by the other party. There must be daffodil root, slices, mandrake, abyssinian shrunken figs, puffed bean pods, cinnamon, and Yes... there is another thing he didn't understand, but it doesn't matter, he can figure it out after eating a few more pieces!
After all, for potions, Snape was professional!
"I won't eat it for you!!"
However, before Snape reached out the bamboo stick in his hand for the third time, Annie hurriedly reached out to protect her cauldron.
"I'm telling you, that is the meat of the ball escape bird, but I finally caught it!"
ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Goodbye~!
After that, Annie was not afraid of the hot crucible. After she reached out and hugged her, a flash of light flashed and disappeared.
After discovering that the other party disappeared in an instant, leaving only the slightly charred table, Snape was stunned for a while before suddenly regaining his senses, it seemed...this was his classroom, and his students were on him. Looked at him behind him and swallowed?
"What are you looking at? Are your potions completed? Huh! Anything that is not completed or is inconsistent with the description in the textbook, before the next class, be sure to hand me in a recipe homework filled with ten sheets of parchment. !"
After putting away the bamboo stick a little embarrassingly, Snape didn't even wipe the oil from his mouth. He turned to the students who could only smell it but couldn't eat it. Face.
"Now, who will tell me, what kind of animal is the ball escape bird?"
"Miss Hermione Granger?"
As soon as the question was asked, Snape, who was eager to know what animal it was, was discovered that it was the lady knows who raised his hand again, so he nodded to him.
"The ball escape bird is a fat, fluffy bird that can't fly but can move instantaneously. It is native to Mauritius... but it is difficult to catch because the spells of our wizards cannot easily hit her and traps are also trapped. Can't help it!"
"It is said that the long blue hair on their heads is very precious and can be made into extremely expensive sketch quill pens. They claim to be able to memorize at least 10,000 words in an hour. It is amazing!!"
Soon, Hermione, who had seen the ball escape from miscellaneous books like "Where are the Fantastic Beasts", spoke clearly in a few words, and proudly raised her chest, and waited. The professor’s praise adds points and the students’ envy.
"Very good! What you said is probably correct, but there is no bonus, because it has nothing to do with the content of the potions class!"
Snape stared at the little girl coldly, then motioned to the flushed and seemingly angry Miss Know-How to sit down quickly. It's a pity that the other party is Gryffindor, and if the student who gave out is their Slytherin, he will definitely add ten points to the other party's answer to that question.
"right now!"
"Everyone stands up, tidy up your tables, collect the unused materials and finished potions, sort them and install them, I will give you points!"
"Also, remember what I just said, what was not completed, please hand in your homework next class?"
After speaking, before the end of get out of class bell rang, Snape snorted and turned to the medicinal material room behind the classroom platform.
He believes that his students will definitely handle everything, because anyone who does not have that kind of ‘good habits’ has been cleaned up by him many times in the past three years!
"A pen with ten thousand words an hour?!"
"Hey! Is that true? Hermione, where can I sell it?!"
Ron suddenly felt that if he had a quill like that, he would surely write homework quickly and well, so he would definitely not always go to the tail of the crane and when the class was about to go. I borrowed Hermione's notes to copy.
Harry, who was in the team with Ron, obviously had the same idea as Ron, so he also leaned towards Hermione, because he also wanted to know where such pens were sold, and he could choose to order one by mail. ?
Hermione didn't speak, but just rolled her eyes to the two of them, and then hurriedly packed her desk, carefully filling her perfect potion into a clean bottle. Because, now Professor Snape is staring here in the medicinal material room behind the podium. They dare to talk before get out of class is over. Are they crazy?
Besides, she doesn't know whether the thing she just said is true or not, because it was only written in a book, so she just used the word ‘it is said’.
For a long time When the bell of the get out of class bell finally rang, when the students cheered the get out of class and left under Snape's eyes, when the black-haired Snape quickly graded the students and held them. After the Hermione and Neville's potions left, a forgotten stuffed bear patted his and jumped off the table next to the podium.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(There is no way, a certain horrible little master left Tibbers here when he had something to eat, so now he can only walk back to the room at the top of the castle by himself... Fortunately, this Hogwarts Castle is a magic school. There are many messy spells such as Transfiguration or Transfiguration. Even if Tibbers is seen by others, there is no need to worry about attracting spectators.)

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