Chapter 951: Guests from afar and the little girl in anger o(`…

"Very well, finally we are all here..."
The professors and students are finally here now, and Albus Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, expressed his great satisfaction.
Because, this means that their school is ready at this moment, ready to welcome those who are about to come from afar, and it is guaranteed that they will not lose the face and reputation of the greatest magic school on the British island!
He believes that this time the Triwizard Tournament, led by the British Ministry of Magic and ordered Hogwarts to provide venues and related facilities, will surely start and end smoothly as scheduled, and it will definitely be!
Seeing a little girl who couldn’t call her after casting spells many times, even the magical communication gloves she released before were burned by the opponent, and she almost didn’t burn her own hand along the magic link, Deng Bu Lido had no idea what to say to the other party.
Just think of the other party's similar tactics to'Phantom Shift' at Hogwarts, and then think of the three students Hermione, Ron and Harry who appeared on the stage in the same way as the other party and caused a tumult... Dumbledore suddenly felt that it seemed that his own face, and the function of his old face, seemed really not as useful as his three students?
Otherwise, why can't I invite this little guy who doesn't know what I'm thinking or doing so many times, but after the three of Hermione and the others went, they invited him all at once? !
What makes Dumbledore feel a little bit strange is: why the little girl in front of him, after Professor Anne arrived in the hall of Hogwarts and sat down in the auditorium of Hogwarts, was not exactly what he expected, but rather She looks aggressive, anyone knows she is upset, as if someone or something accidentally provokes her?
"That, Professor Anne?"
Although I don’t know what happened, looking at the weather now, you don’t need to look at the pocket watch to know that there should be a little bit of time. Therefore, Dumbledore felt that taking advantage of Boothbarton’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Demster The people from Lang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry haven't come yet, so he could have a chat with the little guy beside him, and try to ask what happened.
Otherwise, after the contestants and representatives of those two schools arrive, this little girl who is sitting so close to herself and still has such a stinky face, it must be Not so good.
"Don't bother! People are in a bad mood right now, very angry! Please go away!!"
o(??^`)o hum!
Yes, Annie is indeed very angry now, so she doesn't want to talk to this bad old man Dumbledore in front of her at all!
The other party agreed to let her kill the Phoenix Fox hiding in a certain principal's office to make soup?
However, Annie also knew that the strange old man in front of her would definitely not agree to that kind of thing! And if it weren't for the fact that there might be a lot of delicious food here later, and it is said that the recipes are still very rich, she would not come here to join in the fun when she was angry!
Even if it’s the opening ceremony of the "Triwizard Tournament" by Lao Shizi! !
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"Professor Anne..."
"Why are you in a bad mood? I think everything is fine now...Look, the students are so happy, they are almost as good as the Christmas dinner."
Dumbledore had no idea what was going on with the little girl in front of him, so he thought about it, and while asking, he grinned and pointed at the chattering students in the hall of the auditorium, and tried Use this to persuade a little girl.
No matter what it is, you can let it go for now, because their school will soon welcome visiting friends and hold a small celebration dinner. This is something that all teachers and students should celebrate.
And, starting today, the Goblet of Fire will be officially lit! Soon, when the list of Warriors was selected, the Triwizard Tournament is about to be in the next semester. After everyone’s attention, they will once again be in Hogwarts, a school with more than a thousand years of history. It is an incredible honor to be launched and held!
"Because my flesh is gone, it was let go! Do you think I can be in a good mood?!"
Annie glared at Dumbledore before turning her head.
Obviously, she didn’t intend to talk to this bad old man when she was angry, and she came here just to have a meal. Later, she had to prepare to turn her grief and anger into appetite so that she wouldn’t waste time with someone. What a bad old man!
"But, Professor Anne, meat... how can he run?!"
In this regard, Dumbledore was puzzled... Even he was still wondering if he had just heard something wrong?
"Huh! I won't tell you!!"
That's not something worthy of joy and recollection. Therefore, the little Annie, who is still in a state of grief and anger, looked directly to the side, pouting her mouth, not planning to talk to herself with a stubborn face. The old man said more.
Seeing that he couldn't ask why he was coming, Dumbledore turned his head back in a little embarrassment.
Of course, now there are other more important things, so he didn’t ask too much, because, counting the time, the people from the two magic schools, the players from Boothbatten and Durmstrang schools and The representative should be coming soon.
He believed that on this important matter of honor, the old friends of the two schools and the two principals would definitely not be late at will.
Seeing that Headmaster Dumbledore stopped talking to the little girl, Professor Pomona Sprout, a herbalist, approached.
"Professor Anne?"
"That's it, Hagrid has protested with me many times...So, starting tomorrow, I may not be able to provide you with any more medicinal materials for non-‘normal’ uses. I’m really sorry for that?"
Professor Pomona Sprout from the herbal medicine class said that Hagrid was already intolerable and unable to bear the abuse of potions to stew magical animals, especially those precious magical animals in the Forbidden Forest. Don't bear it... So, given the pressure from all sides in the school, even if she still likes and wants to take care of this little girl, but now she has to warn the other party when they are angry. .
After all, it is always wrong to eat magical animals at will...
"Huh! If you don't give it, don't give it! People don't care about those herbs!!"
In response to this, Xiao Annie said that she had bought a lot of ‘ingredient’ potion raw materials, enough for her to use for a long time! Moreover, she also specially spent money to order many magical animals from Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, the sea and North America from the profiteers in Knockdown Alley. After spending a lot of Jin Jialong, there is no need to go to the Forbidden Forest. Yes, the big Hagrid can rest assured for a while.
Of course, at most, you can only rest assured for a period of time without worrying about guarding her fearfully, just a short period of time, really can't be more! Anyway, that big guy must not be able to prevent her omnipotent Professor Anne, even if he ran to an old man's principal to cry and complain, it would be useless, because those animals are not his big guy's! !
Seeing that the other party hadn't been upset because of this, Professor Pomona Sprout thought that the other party had already'returned to justice', so he smiled kindly at the other party and nodded, and withdrew to her position.
She felt that for this matter, she could find Hagrid for a drink later, and convey the tone she had just heard from the little girl?
Snape on the side snorted coldly in his heart after silently ‘eavesdropping’ a little girl and Dumbledore and Professor Pomona Sprout’s words.
Then, he didn't make any comments, and directly squinted his eyes, closed his eyes and calmed down, no longer paying attention to the surrounding movement and the conversations of other professors.
While the professors were talking individually or sitting and waiting, as time passed, the students at Hogwarts also began to become a little impatient, and their originally quiet arguments and noise became louder and louder. I got up... even soon, even the school leaders who were responsible for maintaining order no longer planned to restrain them.
‘It’s been so long, why haven’t you come? Look, it’s almost six o’clock in the afternoon...’
'Very hungry……'
'Hey! Do you guys say that the people from Boothbatten and Durmstrand will come by train? ’
'train? Do not! Certainly not! ’
'why? ’
'Boothbaton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is in France, and although no one knows where they are at Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, it is said that the place where their school is located is very cold and lacks light in winter. It is likely that it is very north of Europe near the Arctic Circle. Places... like Norway, Sweden or Finland? ’
‘The two schools are far away from our Hogwarts in the UK, so it’s absolutely impossible to take a train, and neither the Ministry of Magic nor the Muggle world has a train that can go directly to Europe! ’
‘But they can go to the UK first and then transfer to the train...’
‘Then you said, would it be a flying broomstick? ’
"Not even so! Coming from such a far place, if they really take the flying broomstick to fly, they will definitely be frozen. No one can use the flying broomstick for that kind of long-distance travel, even if they don’t have one. Not even the best seeker in the world!!"
‘What about the door key or apparition? ’
‘Oh no! Apparitions are not allowed in the Hogwarts school grounds. It is protected by ancient magic. How many times do you want me to tell you? ’
‘But... Didn’t Professor Anne also bring Hermione, Ron, and Harry to Phantom just now? ! ’
'what? Do not! That is the exception! ’
‘Narbus Barton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are no exceptions? ’
‘That’s different! ’
‘Where is it different? ’
"It's different anyway..."
A group of students argued about the way the Boothbarton Witchcraft and Wizardry School and Durmstrang Witchcraft and Witchcraft School came to Hogwarts. Obviously, they were very interested in it.
‘! ! ’
'Look! They are here, over there! ! ’
'where is it? ’
'Over there! ’
'what! I saw it too! ! ’
At this moment, in the distance, above the blue sky and white clouds nearing dusk to the east of Hogwarts, a huge monster is slowly appearing from the horizon, and many curious Hogwarts students have left their own The seat, leaned to the east window of the auditorium, squinted their eyes towards the distant horizon and exclaimed.
For the students of Hogwarts, the other two magic schools in Europe are indeed too rare and mysterious to them, so now that they have the opportunity, they must see clearly, even if only The same goes for the opponent to play.
‘Merlin’s beard! What the is that! ?’
‘Is it the plane of the Muggle World? ’
'Certainly not! I think that might be a dragon! ! ’
‘Dragon? No way? ’
‘There has been no dragon in the world. The biggest is the Ukrainian iron belly. It is said that the fairies once tamed one and let it guard the Gringotts Wizarding Bank...’
Speaking of this, the student couldn’t go on, because he remembered it, it seemed that the huge Ukrainian iron belly was burned by fire by their little girl professor at Hogwarts two years ago. Up?
‘! ! ’
'idiot! That's not an airplane! Nor is it a dragon! That was... it was a carriage and a golden flying horse with wings! ! ’
Although, as a Slytherin seeker, he has repeatedly lost to the hateful Harry Potter of Gryffindor, but Draco Malfoy said: his eyes are actually very good!
Isn't this?
While the other classmates were still squeezing on the windowsill and looking at the objects that were approaching in the distant sky and guessing, he could see clearly what it was at a glance, and he proudly rebuked those who were just being messy. Griffind Gryffindor fools.
'what! ’
'you guys! ! ’
It’s just that no one cares about his defiant attitude now, because as more and more students approach the window, he hasn’t had time to linger for a few seconds or enjoy the admiration of others. , The noisy crowd squeezed out directly.
‘Merlin’s beard is really a carriage...’
Soon, the huge carriage flying in the sky flew lower and lower...It was landing frantically towards the huge lawn in front of Hogwarts Castle at an unparalleled speed...
The terrifying impact and the wind and abnormal noises caused the big Hagrid, who was planning to command the carriage to land safely, rushed to the side in a hurry, and rolled directly onto the grass before he was dangerously frightened. Avoided the tragic fate of being hit by those golden horses and roaring carriages.
With the sound of huge horse hooves and the trembling groaning of the carriage hitting the ground, it didn’t take long for those golden and beautiful giant flying horses to shake their huge golden mane heads with fiery eyes. Sweeping around, the huge hooves stepped on the lawn and the carriage steadily stopped in front of Hogwarts Castle, the huge carriage finally opened the escalator and door controlled by magic, and then took the lead. A burly woman with a physique comparable to Hagrid's body is behind her. There are a large group of Yingyingyanyan, wearing beautiful skirts, school uniforms and light blue shawls, and wearing a light blue cute little hat on her head. Surrounded by the girls, the line was slowly walking towards the direction of Hogwarts Castle under the direction of the funny administrator Filch.
'Ouch! Merlin’s fat! ’
‘Which school is it? Is it the girls from Boothbatten School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, or from Durmstrand School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? ’
‘I don’t know, but they are so beautiful...’
‘It’s so beautiful, it must be from Boothbat’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, right? You look at their school badge, you must be right...’
‘Why are all girls? Is it true that their school is all a group of beautiful witches, is it a school for girls? ! ’
'Do not! There is no magic school for girls. Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a mixed unisex French magic school! I have a distant cousin who studies magic over there, he is now in sixth grade! ’
‘But why are all the students they represent to participate in the competition are women, and they are so beautiful and charming? ’
'I do not know! ! ’
A certain girl muttered in a grumpy tone and answered...
‘That’s a conspiracy! ’
‘The principal of Boothbarton’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry must have wanted to use those beautiful seniors from their school to dig the outstanding boys from our Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to their school. It must be that way! ’
‘Yes, George! And I dare to swear to Merlin that the two of us are good enough, that vicious big woman, her conspiracy has now succeeded! ’
‘Yes, Fred, although we understand their sinister intentions, we definitely won’t refuse! ’
‘Yes! ’
‘Fred and George, shut up! ! ’
‘We also think that George and Fred are right! ’
Soon, the twins at the Weasley family, amidst the ridicule of George and Fred and the reprimands of the prefects, the students, especially the senior boys, soon burst into laughter.
"Ha ha……"
Dumbledore was not annoyed when he saw the students clamoring together. He just laughed cheerfully. Then, he turned his head and looked at the one beside him who suddenly became energetic. He jumped on the table just now. Then the little girl who stepped on tiptoes and looked on asked:
"It seems that the people from Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are here, Professor Anne, what do you think of them?"
Dumbledore saw the emblem of Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and the iconic Pegasus, so he didn't need to guess and watch the other side get off the wagon like his students before to know which one it was. The people from school are here.
"It looks so delicious..."
Anne subconsciously said something unreasonable, because she obviously hadn’t seen the golden flying horse in this magical world. As for the griffon dragon or something, she saw a lot in Azeroth. So she was so excited just now?
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"Professor Anne, what did you just say?"
Dumbledore was shocked. He couldn't help wondering whether he had auditory hallucinations, or the question he had just asked caused some ambiguity in the little girl?
"No, nothing!"
"I want to go and take a look again, you don't have to pay attention to it, really!!"
After speaking, Xiao Anni jumped directly from the teacher’s seat, and then ran towards the window sill on the teacher’s seat...because she wanted to look at the beautiful golden horses again, just look That's it, there really is no other meaning!
"Ha ha……"
Dumbledore didn’t know what the little girl was up to, but he smiled after seeing the other person’s face changed and turned into a little excited look, no longer the stinking face he had before. Without a trace, he lightly tapped the long table of the teacher's seat with his magic wand, and instantly removed the two dirty little footprints on it.
‘! ! ’
'what! Come and see! ’
‘There are also here, maybe the Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is here! ! ’
I just ran to the east window and watched the beautiful horses and carriages of Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and watched the beautiful foreign schoolgirls arrive, and watched them leave the carriage and enter the gate of the castle. Some reluctant Hogwarts boys, before they had time to carefully aftertaste and talk, they were quickly surprised by the exclamation of some students who had not just squeezed into a good position by the window.
'what? ’
'where? where? ! ’
'Step aside! Let me see too! ! ’
"Don't squeeze..."
‘Yeah! it hurts……'
‘! ! ’
‘Is that the transportation for Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? A sailboat? I saw the flags and badges on their sailboats! ! ’
‘But... how did their boat come to our lake at Hogwarts? That's an inland lake, there is no river that can pass big boats...’
‘I don’t know, maybe it’s some kind of magic? ’
When the Hogwarts students rushed to the south window again, the sailboat of Durmstrand School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had already docked on the shore, and then, those with long walking sticks Wearing fur cloaks of various colors, the burly Durmstrang students jumped directly from the boat to the low trestle bridge, and followed the one with a goatee in front of them imposingly. The guy who didn't know if it was the professor or the principal walked quickly in the direction of the castle.
'so hot……'
‘They are really burly and tall! ! ’
‘It’s over! We at Hogwarts must be out of play this time, how can anyone beat a guy like a barbarian? Their bodies must be full of the power of German giant bears! ’
‘Look! That was the legendary Seeker Victor Krum of the Bulgarian team! ! ’
‘Which one? ’
'what! It really is him! ! ’
‘He’s so cool! Look, his cloak looks like a lion...’
‘I wish I could take a photo with him! ’
'I want it too……'
Soon, it was Hogwarts’s girls’ turn to chat with their male and legendary Seeker Krum and fantasize about it, and they soon attracted a lot of boys from Hogwarts. Their hostile eyes.
Finally, some Dumbledore who couldn't stand the mess of his students went crazy!
After he used his wand against his throat and roared towards the auditorium, the students who had planned to continue discussing something on the spot covered their ears, and some even squatted with their heads. On the ground, you can see how powerful the sonic magic is.
"right now!"
"Get back to your seats immediately, because our guests are coming up soon!!"
Before long, under the deterrence of President Dumbledore’s roar and the leadership and screaming of the deans and prefects of the colleges, the students of Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff He reluctantly left the windowsills on both sides, returned to the long tables of their respective colleges and sat down, and began to wait patiently for the two students from Boothbaton and Durmstrang to get ready to enter. Field so that they can see the woman or handsome guy they want to see up close?
‘When will they come up? ’
‘It’s very fast, I think they definitely didn’t have dinner. I wonder if they would like this place next to me? ’
‘Dream, don’t you see those two long tables over there? ’
The students started talking quietly, never daring to make a loud noise anymore...
However, few people noticed that by the window of the teacher’s seat, a certain little girl was still on tiptoe, still lying in front of the east window sill, completely disregarding Professor Dumbledore’s orders just now, and continued to watch there. Some what?
However, almost all the teachers and students at Hogwarts knew that little figure, and when they knew who the other party was, it was obvious that no one would dare to scold him.
"Those golden horses seem to be taken away by that fool Hagrid to feed them? So..."
??(ψ??????ˇ????)?? Hehehe...
Finally, a murmur like a mumbling floated from Xiao Annie’s mouth, and accompanied by the thief of low laughter, it floated directly towards the vast sky outside the window... and Zai was still a little noisy In the school hall where she was whispering, it was obvious that no one noticed or listened to what she had just said.
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
(Don’t guess too much. With the thief laugh of his own horrible little master, Tibbers knows: Those big golden flying horses must be out of luck! either today or tomorrow, in short, it will definitely not exceed tomorrow night! Because, it never believed that its bad little master would have that kind of patience, even those golden horses would stay at Hogwarts for an entire school year! )
"Classmates! Professors!!"
"This is an exciting time. Our guest from afar will come to us soon and will spend an unforgettable semester with everyone..."
"From today, this castle is more than just your home..."
"Yes, it's the Triwizard Tournament we talked about when school started!"
"Now, I invite Olim Maxim and her students from Boothbatten School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!!"
Following Dumbledore’s short speech and a wave of his hand to cast a spell toward the gate of the school’s auditorium, the heavy wooden door slowly opened automatically, and a group of young female students resembling velas With a confident smile and a neatly arranged formation, dancing charming dance, twisting big and small buttocks, and carrying the flying colorful magic butterflies, rushed into the auditorium like a dream... ...
"Wow~! ’
'awesome! ! ’
Wow! !
Soon, the Hogwarts students, whether male or female, were directly shocked by the fascinating admission performance of Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and began to noisy again and whistled...

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