Chapter 959: ? Epic missions of the 3 Strong Contest?

‘Dear students, professors and principals...’
'People are now preparing for Subject Two of the Triwizard Tournament. I don’t know when I will come back, so I will definitely come back within a month or two because the time flow between the planes is not the same. …Anyway, one person will not participate in that subject. I hope those brave warriors will not be burned to death or killed by fire dragons! ’
‘However, I believe that with Dumbledore and the other super horrible old men staring at the scene, it’s certainly not useless to easily kill people, right? ’
‘Speaking of which you may not believe it, people suddenly thought of a super fun event, but it’s kept secret for now. When that happens, everyone will be surprised! But I won’t tell you now! ! ’
"You must remember, everyone, please be sure to gather in this auditorium at 9 am on February 24th next year. At that time, you will definitely know what the second event of the competition is. Because, people must be ready and come back then. ’
(??︶??).. .:??
'During my absence, I temporarily taught everyone the second harmless defense against the dark magic spell that was originally intended to be taught in the third public class. That is-Mordenkain’s Great Splitting (Annie Professor improved version)! ’
Mordenkain's lysis (modified)
Protection Department
Requirement level: None (as long as they can learn, everyone can use)
Spell components:
Action-Raise the wand high, start chanting the spell, gather enough magic power at the head of the wand, shake the wand at a frequency of ten times per second and the vertical angle is not more than ten degrees, not less than eight degrees, and after one second, At the end of the spell, it emits a low-frequency magic shock wave, achieving the purpose of shaking the wands of the enemy and the enemy within a certain range and causing resonance and destruction.
Casting time: two seconds!
Affected area: All Ollivander or similar wand products within one hundred meters (smaller or larger) with the caster himself as the center.
Spell effective time: immediately!
Exemption check: 100% effective within the range, no protection, no exemption!
Spell resistance: No!
The great Professor Anne reminded all classmates or professors: Don't study or use in Hogwarts, otherwise, it's not just you alone! At that time, I'm afraid everyone will have to cry and buy a new magic wand...
Of course, if anyone has an opinion on Ollivander's black-hearted old man, don't go to Diagon Alley to use it!
"Professor Anne, why isn't she back, Ron, what time is it now?"
Looking at the notice and the wall on which the spell about the ‘Mordenkain’s Breakup’ was hung for a while, Harry turned his head reluctantly to look at his friend Ron.
It is the morning of February 24th, and Harry is not too clear about what time it is. Anyway, they gathered here after getting up in the morning, and amidst excitement and anxiety, they waited for Professor Anne, who had been missing for many months. The appearance of and the announcement of the second event of the Triwizard Tournament where the opponent is responsible for setting the title.
In the first event of the Triwizard Tournament held on November 24, there is no doubt that it was Hermione who got the highest score and was temporarily ranked first...
Because, she used a strange transformation spell to successfully turn the Swedish short-nosed dragon into a sheep, and then easily got her golden egg, and made all the referees have to treat her flawlessly. His Transfiguration Curse scored full marks, even if it was the abominable Headmaster Karkaroff who deliberately protected his shortcomings and gave him 4 points, making him tied for second place with Krum.
So, Harry is looking forward to the upcoming Professor Anne and the other's subject two, because they are the last two chances for him, Krum and the last named Fleur, to surpass Hermione and win the first place, they said Nothing will let Hermione lead them so many points again!
But now, it has been quite a few months since Professor Anne left, and the other party's notice and spell technique have been hung on the walls of the auditorium for many months. He really can't wait! However, it is a pity that until now, the Professor Anne they were expecting did not appear. He even wondered if the little girl Professor had forgotten this matter?
"I do not know……"
Ron first glanced at the Hermione next to Harry, and when he found that the other person was looking at him with Harry, his face suddenly changed and he turned his face away.
"Oh! Please..."
"Ron, haven't we already said it, haven't we been completely reconciled?!"
Harry couldn't figure it out for Ron's cold and hot attitude for a long time, completely wondering what the other party was thinking.
You know, before the Christmas ball, he spent a lot of Jin Jialong to mail-order a brand new party dress to the other party as a Christmas gift, and then let the other party successfully reconcile with him (be bought), but now, he Why did it suddenly become that attitude again?
"Ron! Do you still have an opinion on me? If you still have any comments, just say it, and I will consider working hard to correct it, as long as the reasons you say are reasonable!"
Hermione never imagined that a boy would be so careful to look at this level... However, she didn't want her good friend to keep fighting with herself, so she asked patiently and cheerfully.
After all, the relationship between them has been cold for almost half a school year. She also hopes that she can get comfort from her friends or share the joy of victory with each other after the end of any competition? So, if possible, she really didn't want to continue the cold war with Ron.
"How dare I have an opinion with Miss Granger, the best at Hogwarts? You are the famous'strongest warrior' and you are Krum's dancing partner. I have no opinion at all!!"
Although Ron said that on his lips, I am afraid that even a somewhat dull Harry could clearly hear it: Ron still has some opinions on Hermione, especially because of the Christmas ball?
So, apart from embarrassingly holding his glasses frame, Harry turned his head to look at Hermione on his left, and then at Ron on the right, he didn't know what to say. it is good.
What Harry can hear, Hermione, the clever know-it-all lady, must be able to immediately understand, so besides sighing helplessly in her heart and shaking her head at the other party, what else can she do? What?
"The reason I agreed to be Krum's dance partner is because you and Harry have never invited me!"
"Also, I told you more than once!"
"The reason why I went out with him that night was because he asked me about Mordenkain’s cleavage technique. I also ruined his wand and had to give him a new one. It’s definitely not what happened to you. The kind of thing you imagine!"
"Oh! My God, what do I explain so much to you?"
"Well, think about it as you like, but Ron, I must remind you: If you continue the cold war with me because of this kind of thing, I will be very, very disappointed in you!"
After speaking, Hermione, who was unwilling to explain too much, turned her face down and turned to look at Harry beside her:
"It's 8:45 in the morning, and it's still fifteen minutes from the nine o'clock that Professor Anne said. You can see that, even Professor Dumbledore is not in a hurry, what good is your hurry? So I persuade You should adjust your state first and wait patiently. Professor Anne will definitely show up on time!"
"And, Harry..."
"I have a hunch that the projects that Professor Anne is responsible for are definitely not ordinary. If you don't adjust your own state quickly, it will definitely not be so easy to beat me in scores, because I will definitely go all out. I will never give you any chance to surpass me easily!"
Seeing that Ron was still tantrums and he was still mad at himself, Hermione was ashamed, so she looked at the watch on her wrist directly, and then directly told Harry an accurate time, saying After that, she turned her head, looked at the direction of the professor's seat, and waited patiently and expectantly for their Professor Anne's figure to appear.
"At Christmas, Harry gave me a gift, but you didn't give me a new magic wand..."
Ron, who was unwilling to confess easily, murmured bitterly beside him. He was full of resentment for the behavior of a friend who would rather give someone a new wand instead of giving one to himself. It's been more than two months.
Because Ron had to use a wand that was broken and repaired for more than two months...
"You should be thankful, if it wasn't for you secretly tried the'Mordenkain's cleavage' in the common room of Gryffindor and made a little mistake, resulting in only destroying your own wand. I am, now you are definitely more than just a yelling letter from your mother!"
"You asked for this, and I don't have the money to buy you a second new wand. Unless I won the first place in the Triwizard Tournament, don't think about it!!"
After finishing speaking, she looked at her watch again and felt that the time was almost up. She hummed and turned her head again. She didn't intend to be particularly bad-tempered with a little boy, just like a big boy who didn't grow up. Ron's continued on that meaningless topic.
Seeing that I can't say that she can't say that she can't speak about her debating skills, Hermione blushed. I didn't know if it was Ron, who was angry or ashamed, and turned her head after a cold snort Go, prepare to continue the cold war with that nasty friend.
forget it……
Harry, who was caught in the middle, turned his head and looked at the left, then at the right, and then he didn't say anything in the end, just sighed slightly, and hurriedly adjusted his own as Hermione ordered. Status in order to cope with the second subject that Professor Anne and the other party are responsible for.
Because this time, they can't be like the last project, they can know the content of the game in advance and prepare for those dragons!
He had asked Hermione before, and she didn't even know anything about it! Because ah, that Professor Anne has disappeared for a long time, so the four of their warriors now have nothing but to do their own preparations in panic.
Time passed by minute by minute, without anyone's will...
Soon, when the scheduled time of'February 24th at nine o'clock in the morning' was about to arrive, the unreliable and eccentric Karkaroff who was in the professor's seat scoring the Warriors finally endured. Can't help it.
"Dumbledore, it’s almost time now. I think that Professor Anne will definitely not be able to come, so I suggest: immediately follow the backup plan we prepared in advance for the second event of the Triwizard Tournament, do you think What?"
It was already this time now, and Professor Anne, who had said that he would come back on time, had no information at all. This could not help but make Headmaster Karkaroff of Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry a little anxious secretly.
So, after hesitating for a while, he couldn't help but approached Dumbledore's side, persuading him.
Regarding the disappearance of Professor Anne who was in charge of Subject Two and the delay in returning to Hogwarts, the judges of their competition had actually discussed and made a backup plan last month...because, The important things like the Triwizard Tournament and the important major events that lead the whole of Europe will definitely not be pinned on a little girl! After all, once the opponent does not come back, which causes the delay of the game, it will make a big joke!
Therefore, at this moment, Principal Karkaroff felt that it was time to start the backup plan. Under the ancient contractual power of the Goblet of Fire, they must not easily postpone the time of the second event! Moreover, after all, he Karkaroff still feels that, compared with an elusive little girl, their backup plan will obviously give his student Krum a certain advantage?
Dumbledore couldn't help taking out his pocket watch, and then checked the time.
It's already 8:59 in the morning, and the scheduled 9 o'clock in half a minute, and now, the little girl Annie still shows no signs of showing up, which makes him feel a little embarrassed... He didn't know, should he announce the backup plan, or should he analyze it to the gradually agitated students and ask them to wait?
"Principal Dumbledore!"
"I also think Mr. Karkaroff's suggestion is reasonable. We really shouldn't wait forever, because no one knows whether Professor Anne will come back..."
At this time, Mrs. Maxim who was on the side also began to help.
Because she knows the backup plan for the second project. If that plan is enabled, she feels that she can give her student Furong more guidance. Then, they must be able to reverse the disadvantaged situation at Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Going forward from the lowest scorer, trying to surpass Porter and Krum who tied for second, and catch up with the difficult Hermione Granger, right?
"This one……"
He groaned for a while, and looked at the big face of Mrs. Maxim, then turned his head and consulted Crouch, the commissioner of the Ministry of Magic with his eyes, and found that the other party didn't have any objections. Blido could only look at the pocket watch in his hand again, and saw that the second hand was moving non-stop for more than ten seconds, and the time was about to reach nine o'clock in the morning, so he nodded and stood up.
Now the time is about to come, and the little Annie has never appeared. It is impossible to wait any longer. She is worried that the other party may not show up for as long as two years ago. Apart from standing up and preparing to announce the start of the game, he What else can I do?
However, Dumbledore who had just stood up unexpectedly exclaimed, because he found that when the second hand just reached the top of the pocket watch, when the time just arrived at nine o'clock in the morning, all of them were in front of them. , In front of the extinguished goblet of fire, a blue light flashed suddenly, and the little figure that made everyone wait for a long time appeared?
"Mrs. Maxim, and Principal Karkaroff, see? It seems that our backup plan may not be used."
Dumbledore was relieved to see that the Lord appeared without any difference in one second before he sat back in his seat with a smile and smiled at the slightly unsightly face of Karkaroff and looked at him. Madame Maxim nodded, who was a little confused.
Now, since that little guy is going to come back, there is nothing to do with Dumbledore! Moreover, he is also looking forward to the project that the little guy has been preparing for a long time since the little guy has been mysteriously missing! Of course, besides anticipation, maybe there is a little bit of anxiety?
After all, if the other party is chaotic, he still feels a little worried about the safety of the four warriors...
"Long time no see, do you remember to miss me?!"
As soon as the teleportation appeared, Little Annie raised her small hand for the first time, and said hello to the students and professors who were quiet in the auditorium.
However, anyone can see that her expression seems to be a little rushed, as if she was busy with something important before she came here?
"Don’t say anything, let’s talk about the second event of the Triwizard Tournament. It’s been a long time since I prepared for some guy in that world. Now, I announce the subject of the Triwizard Tournament. The second is..."
( ̄▽ ̄)o─═≡※:☆
Obviously, a certain little girl seems to have not forgotten the important Triwizard Tournament at all, and seems to have been working hard to prepare for the second event two?
So, after saying hello to the teachers and students, she stretched out her hand impatiently and waved to the sky in the auditorium behind her. Then, the ones she had left on the wall behind the professors’ seats existed for a long time. The messages and spells that even Professor Dumbledore could not clean up were cleared up, and replaced with the description of the second event of the Triwizard Tournament:
The second round of the Triwizard Tournament: The Twilight of Lordaeron in the real illusion!
In the far away world of Azeroth, there is one of the most powerful human kingdoms in the north of Azeroth. Its name is Lordaeron!
At this time, a major accident completely broke the tranquility of the kingdom.
A large number of orcs escaped from the asylum under the leadership of Orgrim Doomhammer, Grom Hellscream and Thrall, and what followed was a mysterious plague that broke out in the kingdom-Undead Scourge!
Although there was a mysterious wizard who warned the aging King Terenas, the stubborn Terenas did not accept the mysterious wizard’s persuasion, instead arbitrarily expelled the well-meaning wizard... In the next few months, the plague problem became more and more difficult.
And the mysterious power behind the plague gradually surfaced. Under the crisis, Terenus finally had to send his beloved only son to let the young kingdom prince Alsace Menethil and his most trusted The Paladin Uther Lightbringer went to investigate the truth! At the same time, Dalaran, the capital of magic, also extended a helping hand to Lordaeron, sending a young but powerful mage Jaina Proudmoore to jointly solve this sudden disaster.
However, it is a pity that this land has gradually entered a terrifying situation, and more and more people of Lordaeron who have been infected with the plague have become zombies and undead, and it has brought more urban destruction. For the city of death...
So, warriors, are you ready?
Soon, you will be sent to the distant kingdom of Lordaeron in the name of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to face the terrifying things with that young prince and wizards! And your efforts may change the tragic fate of that kingdom...
Of course, it is also possible to sink into the dusk of Lordaeron together? Now, the epic mission-"Lordaeron's Twilight" officially begins! !
With a wave of a little girl, when the mission description of the second stage of the entire Triwizard Tournament clearly appeared on the wall of the Hogwarts Auditorium, four consecutive blue lights flashed, and then he Min Granger, Harry Potter, Fleur Delacour, and Victor Krum all disappeared from their seats!
At the same time, in the sky above the auditorium, four huge holographic curtains appeared at the same time, and within the curtains were Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Fleur Delacour and A third-person visual film and television scene with the four protagonists of Victor Krum?
Wow~! !
‘! ! ’
'what is that? What did Professor Anne do to the warriors? ’
'I do not know! do not ask me! ! ’
‘It looks so funny! Where were they teleported to? ! ’
"Should be in the illusion called Lordaeron? ’
'Oh! Look, they were actually surrounded by those heavy armored soldiers, and that beautiful mage, her wand was so big! ’
‘It’s funny, what the is that? ’
‘I said, don’t ask me, I don’t know anything! ! ’
Soon, when the four warriors were teleported away together, when four huge circular holographic curtains appeared above the auditorium, Hogwarts and the students from the other two schools underneath began to coax. There was a commotion, and began to chat with each other while discussing something, and excitedly looked up at the real-time'movie' with different warriors at the top of the auditorium.
"What the is this? They are..."
First, I understood the descriptions of the tasks behind me and others at a glance, and then looked at the four pictures above the auditorium at this time, watching the soldiers wearing heavy armor, holding shields and broadswords facing the four warriors The scene of the siege, Dumbledore's heart tightened, he faintly felt that the scene was too real, so he couldn't help but hurriedly questioned a little girl with some worry.
"Don't worry, Dumbledore, it's just a super-real illusion. If they die, they will be teleported back, and they are guaranteed to be alive and well. There is no problem at all! Just watch it. , This is live broadcast in real time, you may understand it in two days!"
However, Little Annie didn't explain more to Dumbledore, but just signaled him and more worried professors to take a closer look.
You know, this task was hardly thought of and perfected by her. For this reason, she even occupied a timeline and cleaned up any guys who might get into trouble, so now they just watch it. Now, she promised that she would not let any of the four of them really die!
Of course, as to whether it is an illusion or reality, I am afraid only she knows...
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"I can rest assured that……."
Hearing the little girl's answer, Dumbledore nodded first, then shook his head, and then sat back in his seat with a little relief, intending to look at it first.
At this time, the soldiers in the four scenes in the sky had surrounded the four young wizards, Hermione, Harry, Fleur, and Krum, who were holding magic wands and seemed to be at a loss.
'stop! ’
‘I am Arthas Menethil, the Prince of Lordaeron! ’
‘Strangers, who on earth are you and why did you suddenly appear in our barracks? ! ’
When the soldiers were about to start their hands, suddenly, in the picture, a loud shout sounded, and then a knight riding a tall horse screamed, and after the soldiers stepped aside, they rode straight to the four. In front of you.
Behind him is a witch who is also riding on a tall white horse and holding a thick magic wand in her hand.
Krum in the picture didn't speak at all, just gritted his teeth and clenched his wand in his hand, staring vigilantly at the heavy armored soldiers who threatened him greatly.
Obviously, he didn't seem to be able to react yet. He didn't know what Professor Anne did to them... After all, he had just read the inexplicable task description, and before he had time to consider it, he shook his eyes and opened his eyes. , They found themselves surrounded by a large group of terrifying soldiers.
And the Furong from the Boothbarton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry also reacted similarly. At this time, she was so scared that she paled and looked pale. She seemed to be frightened and confused?
‘! ! ’
And that Harry Potter was turning his wand quietly, looking like he was about to cast a spell that could be resisted by a spell attack or a physical attack?
‘Stop Harry! ’
However, before the Harry Potter spell could be cast, it was held by the Hermione Granger.
Then, all the teachers and students in the auditorium saw that although she was also a little overwhelmed by the fright, she still resisted the anxiety and walked openly in front of the prince and acted. A gift:
‘His Royal Highness Prince Arthas! ’
‘Hello, my name is Hermione, Hermione Granger! We have no malice, because we are students from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After hearing that terrible things have happened here, we were sent here by our professor and prepared to investigate. We have no malice! ’
Everyone could see that Hermione in that picture was very scared, but she still saluted the prince calmly and spoke generously.
Seeing this, Dumbledore nodded in satisfaction. Based on this alone, he felt that when this magical project was over, he could give the little girl a high score! Of course, Harry's performance is also good, after all, he is ready to cast the "barrier" spell for the first time. Although it is a bit rash, it is also good!
‘Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? ’
The prince in the picture frowned and looked directly at the witch holding a large magic wand next to him. He seemed to be asking him for confirmation?
And this point made the teachers and students who were watching a great addiction, because they found that the "illusion" is really too real, even the characters inside are made lifelike, just like the four warriors were Is it really teleported to that distant world called Azeroth?
‘Strange apprentice, I’m sorry, I’ve never heard of that magic school called Hogwarts! ’
At this moment, the beautiful young witch finally spoke. After taking a glance at the prince, she continued to ask calmly:
‘Excuse me, who is your teacher? Who sent you suddenly to our barracks? ’
Obviously, what the witch is more concerned about is the incident that the other party suddenly appeared in their barracks during the spells that were transmitted.
‘You must be Lord Jaina Proudmoore from Dalaran, right? ’
'Our teacher is Anne Hasta, the most powerful arcane archmage in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and She told us about you and Lordaeron and sent us I'm here to help you investigate the truth...'
At this time, Hermione Granger, who had gradually recovered and remembered those mission descriptions, took a deep breath, and finally put away the previously worried expression and turned to confidently Said to the'powerful mage' who looked only a few years older than her.
‘Arcane Archmage Anne Hasta? ’
'Unfortunately, I have never heard of the name of such an archmage, nor can I confirm whether your school of magic called Hogwarts exists... But it is strange that I faintly obeyed your teacher. I felt a powerful magic power in my real name...'
"But, should I believe you? I think our prince will make a decision."
After speaking, the Jaina Proudmoore was secretly wary, and turned to look at the young prince beside her, waiting for the other party's decision.
Seeing the attitude of the witch in the picture, the teachers and students in the Hogwarts Auditorium, who had just been put into the state, couldn't help but raise their hearts, for fear that the young and handsome prince might overreact. Then let the soldiers come forward and capture or hack to death their four warriors alive.
In that case, except for some warriors who can use Apparition flexibly, everyone else will definitely be easily subdued or chopped into meat sauce by that large group of soldiers?

(????╰╯`??)?? Ask for a ticket?? (????╰╯`??)
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