Chapter 964: ?Elune's Light?

It was late at night. In the auditorium of Hogwarts Castle, although almost the entire school was gathered at the moment, it was quiet, because everyone held their breath. It can almost be said that the needle drop can be heard or heard. Time has frozen in general...
   Almost all the students had their eyes rounded, raised their heads slightly and opened their mouths wide, with unbelievable expressions in their eyes, as if they were seeing something extremely terrifying? And some timid girls even directly covered their eyes, then whispered and turned their heads away, obviously not having the heart to see more.
Soon, with the passage of time, above the auditorium, the'screen' of Krum, who originally represented one of the four warriors, gradually dimmed at this time, and finally only one remained. That huge gray-and-white portrait of a handsome boy with gray and short hair seems to be used in that form to foretell that self-evident thing?
   And now,
All the professors also subconsciously stood up from their seats, staring at the terrible picture they just saw in surprise and a little disbelief...Some even drew out their wands and watched. It looked like they wanted to do something, but in the end, they found that they seemed to be unable to do anything. In the end, they could only cast their eyes on a little girl professor in vain, as if waiting for the other's answer?
They can already see that at this time, their principal Dumbledore of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, principal Karkaroff of Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, some officials of the Ministry of Magic, Mr. Bagman and McGonagall The professor, Professor Snape, and others have gathered around the little girl and are arguing anxiously about something.
'Do not……'
'right now we……'
  ‘Dumbledore, look at...’
  ‘We are now arguing about these...’
'To shut up! ’
  '? ? ’
The voice over there is very noisy, and people in the distance can’t hear what Mr. Headmaster is saying, but if they can do something for the Krum Warrior, they will definitely give Everyone has a final answer, right?
   "Okay! You guys don't make a noise!"
   "His fellow is not really'dead' anymore, what are you in anxious for? No one is in anxious yet!!"
   "Go away, go away! People are going to get him out now, don't get in the way!!"
  ? (??3?)?
At this time, the impatience voice of a certain little girl professor sounded, and after angrily blasted away the principals and professors who were endless but could only stare Under the gaze of people, the spell was started.
   "I blind you! I blind you~!"
Then, a little girl started to recite a spell that didn't exist at all, and directly hit a group of shiny blue arcane energy on the clearing surrounded by everyone, making it like a flash bomb. The strong light instantly blinded everyone.
So, when Alsace, Harry, Hermione, Fleur and Jaina evacuated the Firestone farm under the cover of flames, in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, a little girl was also She used a strong light spell to cover some of her ulterior actions, and finally, when the bursts of strong blue light gradually dissipated, when everyone’s eyes gradually recovered, she was surrounded by Principal Dumbledore and others. In the middle of the clearing area, not far from Xiao Annie's side, the familiar figure that made everyone sad and heart-wrenching finally appeared.
   That's right, that's Krum! !
And now it seems that the other party seems to be okay. At a glance, there is no blood, no long sword, and no coke... It seems that it was completely when the opponent entered the'Lordaeron' two days ago. Is it different?
   "Okay! Look, he died, is there nothing at all?!"
   Seeing that they were anxious, didn’t they just die once? Little Annie didn’t think that was a big deal!
Anyway, this kind of little thing is definitely not difficult for her omnipotent Professor Anne. Although, she rarely does the natural rule that interferes with the cycle of life and death in life, but as long as She thought that she could do whatever she wanted to do, and she must have no choice but to do things like death.
After a while, when Dumbledore and the others were about to surround themselves with anxiety, and were about to bend down to check on each other, that Krum actually screamed and sat up in shock, and immediately , In a panic and miserable cry, he firmly covered his own chest, as if there was an invisible long sword pierced through?
"OK OK……"
"My child, everything is over, it’s okay, it’s really’s just an illusion created by Professor Anne, don’t be afraid, you can check it yourself first, you don’t have any at all now Thing, isn't it?"
   "Viktor, relax, exhale... Yes, look at me, listen to me, kid, you are indeed fine, those are not real..."
   "Yes, relax..."
   Sure enough, seeing each other well, Dumbledore and Karkaroff looked at each other, then stepped forward and cooperated with each other to comfort the player who was eliminated for the first time in the second event.
And Principal Karkaroff squatted directly in front of the opponent, stretched out his hand to hug the opponent's cheek, and then let his sharp eyes stare at the opponent's miserable eyes, staring at the same time while comforting. Then, until the opponent's eyes gradually calmed down, he felt relieved and struck the opponent's head and patted the opponent's shoulder.
   "This... is Hogwarts?"
   "Principal Dumbledore, why... I was just... was I dreaming just now?!"
Realizing that I was really okay, look at Dumbledore, then look at the principal Karkaroff who stood up in front of him and the people around him looking worriedly at him. There are countless toes and stretches in the auditorium of the University of Applied Sciences. The students who were looking at them with their necks toward their side were full of worry or other surprises. After a while, Krum asked with some uncertainty.
He still couldn't believe what happened to him. After all, he felt it. He and Harry seemed to have indeed stayed in the kingdom of Lordaeron for two full days and participated twice. During the battle, I also met the Prince Arthas and the Mage Jaina. That should definitely not be a dream, it should be that it is really too real!
   There is, he remembers, he seems to be really dead...
At that time, he really did not expect that the corpse would stand up so quickly, so he could only watch the long sword pierce his heart in an instant... He could feel it, at that time, he felt it. All the pain, coldness, and the sense of horror that life is gradually leaving oneself...
He even felt that his soul had left his body, and watched his own body being swallowed and burned by flames... Finally, he saw a white transparent phantom in the winged man. Before the presence of an angel summoned herself, the little girl's face suddenly appeared, and she slammed her!
   Then, when he came here, he found himself already at Hogwarts Castle...
   "Or, you can say that..."
   "However, Krum, there may be a little trouble explaining this matter. I think you should look up at that first?"
  Dumbledore, who didn't even understand how much he himself, could explain more to him?
   So, after thinking about it, he pointed directly to the four screens above the auditorium and said to each other. It's just that, now there are only three ‘screens’ on the top that are still on, and the one that originally belonged to Krum just shows his gray profile picture, and a scarlet ‘LOSE’ logo is displayed below the profile picture?
The three of Potter, Fleur, and Miss Granger are still on, and all of them can clearly see that they are sadly following Prince Arthas, Master Jaina, and the others riding on the saddles of those horses. On the upper side, being guarded by the knights driving towards the direction of the army station overnight, and after the moonlight shone on the armors of the knights, icy cold light was reflected from time to time.
"That is……"
   Suddenly, Krum seemed to understand something...
However, he didn't know why, he always felt that something was wrong...because the kingdom of Lordaeron, the world of Azeroth, those undead natural disasters, and the feeling when he died were really too real. Too real...
   Is it possible that everything is really fake, it's just a fantasy? !
   "Well, Krum, don't think about it..."
"Miss Pomfrey, please take our current warrior to the school infirmary and check it carefully. Remember, I will pour him a cup of hot chocolate to warm up his body later, and let him relax later. I think it should be very You can recover soon."
Seeing the other party seemed to really be fine, Dumbledore thought for a while, and then ordered the school doctor at his school to look at the warrior who was eliminated from Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by Madam Pomfrey After Rum took a quick walk to the school infirmary, he glanced at the relaxed Principal Karkaroff, and then quickly walked back to their previous seats as if there was no problem.
   Now, since it has been determined that the warriors will be fine even if they die in the battle of ‘Lordaeron’, then their principals have nothing to worry about.
   "Principal Karkaroff, your warrior is great and brave, really!"
  Mrs. Maxim smiled and comforted Karkaroff who came back, but her smile seemed to have a little bit of schadenfreude?
   Karkaroff didn't speak, but just nodded slightly towards the other party.
   Of course, everyone can tell, the other party must be a little unhappy! After all, the warriors of their Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were eliminated first in the second session so quickly, even faster than the previous Fleur who wanted to retreat. Presumably... when the time comes to score, score It must not be too high, and I don't know how certain they can win the Triwizard Tournament?
However, Karkaroff has already decided that when the scoring is time, regardless of what others think or think, he must give Krum at least nine points, and then he will try to suppress the scores of the other warriors. At that time, There must be a little hope for the last project.
However, Dumbledore didn’t care what Mrs. Maxim and Principal Karkaroff were thinking about. He walked back to his position and quickly stood with his brows frowning while looking at his pocket watch. Up.
   "Classmates, it's already late, I think, you should almost go back to sleep now!"
   In fact, it is not the same, but the time has exceeded the usual rest time! It's just that the terrible thing that just happened, everyone's attention was attracted by Krum, and they forgot to urge the students to leave.
"no doubt!"
"Tonight, we all enjoyed another real and cruel battle... We have all seen it. Our Mr. Krum is a well-deserved brave warrior. His spells and all aspects of performance are very good. Excellent! But, unfortunately... his'death' is also real, it was the most real battle, because you never know what terrible things will happen in the next second on the battlefield..."
   "That is what none of us can do to prevent in advance!"
   "So, classmates, to deal with the evil, there is always only one thing you have to do, and that is: be vigilant?"
   "Because, you can't be like our four warriors. After a mistake, there will be another chance..."
   Before persuading the students to go back, Dumbledore, who felt that tonight’s ‘movie’ was very enjoyable and should be inspiring for the students, started his conclusion in a rare way.
Although he still has some doubts in his mind, now that Krum is really fine, and since the little girl Annie promised that the project is indeed safe and reliable, he has no other ideas now, so he can only comfort one. Fan's students, let them not be scared or have nightmares because they just saw some terrible things.
"It's getting late. What you just saw isn't all true... Oh! Those girls, please wipe your tears before you leave. We have nothing to grieve for now. Our warriors are safe. , None of them suffered any harm, did they?"
"In short, there must be no more exciting videos to watch tonight. Everyone should go back to bed with the prefect... Go back and sleep well and forget all those terrible scenes. If you are not afraid of tooth decay, Maybe you can eat a few cockroach piles or chocolate frogs before going to bed?"
   After finishing speaking, Dumbledore smiled and waved to the students, motioning the prefects of the various colleges to lead their students back to the common room of their respective colleges, because it was indeed late.
   "Go back, children, obedient..."
   Seeing those girls who just cried so much that it was raining with pears, now they turned into a smiley and excited look, watching the little guys with wet eyelashes, Dumbledore couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.
  Actually, he is not as relaxed as he himself was just now, but there are certain things that he will definitely not tell others, whether they are students or professors.
After a while, Dumbledore was waiting for the students to leave. He looked at the long tables and chairs in the empty auditorium, and then looked at a little girl who was patting her as if she was about to go out. He thought about it. After feeling that it would be worthwhile to stay here, he also followed the other party out.
  Because, it doesn't seem to be a thing to stay here now, so he might as well follow the little girl out quickly and find an opportunity to ask some things that he has always doubted.
   (Report to the little master that there is a bad guy behind you who is sneakingly following you. Suggest that you burn him directly?
Not long after leaving the auditorium, Tibbers suddenly reminded and persuaded his own bad little owner, because it had long seen a bad old man not pleasing to his eyes, if his little owner wanted If it wants to burn the opponent, Tibbers will definitely do it for him. )
   "Shut up! Tibbers!"
Annie ignored the words of a certain bad bear, but continued to move forward humming a little tune and leaping forward, because she knew who was following her now, so she wouldn’t just follow what the bear said. The other party will burn it!
   "Professor Anne, can you wait first, don't go so fast?"
   Outside the auditorium, after following the council, and when he reached the unmanned corridor of Hogwarts Castle, Dumbledore shouted out a certain little girl carrying that hideous teddy bear.
   He came out of the auditorium and hurriedly hurried, and finally had to call the other person here...So, he couldn't help but feel a little resentful, the other person looked like he had small arms and legs, why did he jump so fast?
   "But, Dumbledore blames the old man. If you don't continue watching your TV series, what do you come to see me for at night?!"
   Xiao Anni is going to go back to sleep now, she doesn't want to stay here to talk to the bad old man in front of her!
The reason why she used it instead of directly teleporting it to her own little room on the top floor of Hogwarts Castle was just to drop by to see the Pepy Ghost who had been cleaned up by her. Is it true or not?
   That nasty ghost ‘spoke rumors’ for this clever, well-behaved little girl, and charged her with so many ‘unnecessary’ charges, it’s really damning!
   "Annie, I just want to ask you, the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the illusion, is it really just an illusion?"
   Regardless of whether the other party was impatient or not, Dumbledore tentatively asked softly after walking not far in front of the other party.
   "Of course! Is there any problem?"
   Whatever the other party says is what, anyway, Annie will definitely not explain, and will not argue with the other party too much, especially at this time of the night.
"you sure?"
   Dumbledore obviously didn't believe it, so he stared at the other's small face with his piercing eyes, as if he wanted to see more from above.
"You're right!!"
  ? (?˙︶˙?)??
   Since Professor Anne said it was a fantasy world before, it is a fantasy world, it is not! Anyway, no one else could prove anything except herself.
   Dumbledore did not speak, but shook his head dumbly, because he knew the other person would say so, so he was going to show him a little bit of evidence.
   "Excuse me, what is this again?"
Suddenly, Dumbledore didn’t hold his magic wand, and a blue circle on his right hand stretched out and started to light up and spin. Then, as the magic power surged, a prismatic shape as big as a head and exuding bursts of chill The ice cube quickly appeared on the palm of his hand.
   This is what he learned ‘accidentally’ today, and only recently determined that it is a real spell and a valid spell!
   "Of course this is Frost Arrow..."
  (? ̄? ̄?) Hey!
Little Annie secretly said a terrible cry in her heart. Obviously, a certain thief and thief old man is a bit uneasy to fool, and the other party has found something, so she also began to rack her brain and urgently think of countermeasures. .
   "Professor Anne, do you still say that it is an illusion?"
   The magic power was slowly constricted, and soon, the ice cube in Dumbledore's hand dissipated little by little, turned into magical energy and dissipated in the air.
I don’t know what the little girl in front of me did, but fortunately, Krum was okay. Otherwise, Dumbledore would not be very good at explaining to the Ministry... After all, the Triwizard Tournament has been The Daily Prophet broadcasts on time every day, and it is no longer a matter for Hogwarts and the other two schools.
   "You just learned a magic secretly, what can that explain?!"
  (? ̄?^ ̄??)
   did not come up with a reasonable excuse to fool the other party's little Annie, so she simply played a rogue, planning to not admit it, let the other party guess.
   Dumbledore still stared at him with that inexplicable expression, obviously, he was not very satisfied with the little girl's reaction.
  (((┏(; ̄▽ ̄)┛
   Finally, after looking at each other for a while, he felt that he might not get any satisfactory results, so he had to sigh and shook his head.
   After all, the other party didn’t admit it, and he didn’t seem to have any good solutions. What's more, he did not have much evidence...
   "Then, goodbye, Old Dumbledore!"
   "I am going back to sleep now..."
   After that, Xiao Anni quickly turned her head and ran!
Now she doesn’t want to see that Pepi ghost anymore, so she is ready to go back to sleep. As for Pepi ghost or something, she will continue to hang the other person on the wall, and wait until she wakes up tomorrow, if she still remembers If so, go and put the other party down?
  (● ̄(?) ̄●)
  Behind her, the Principal Dumbledore, who didn’t know whether it was a smile or some other expression, was still standing in the dark castle corridor, not knowing what he was thinking...
   It was late at night, and it was quiet outside the corridor of the Hogwarts Auditorium, there was no one...
   Even in the auditorium, there are not many people. Except for the two professors on duty, the officials of the Ministry of Magic and the writer of the Daily Prophet, the students and professors of the school are no longer here at this time.
   At this time, in the corridor outside the hall of the auditorium, there was a rustling sound...
'Hey! Ron, are you sure that your method really works? ’
  ‘I’m always a little worried, if we get caught...’
'Do not worry! I have used it with Har many times before, and even the powerful dark wizard Snape couldn't find it! ’
  ‘But only if you don’t make any noises? Because it can’t stop the sound from spreading...’
  ‘Ron, and Fred, we borrowed his invisibility cloak and ran out without Harry’s approval. Isn’t that a bit bad? ’
  ‘Let’s not pay it back, what are you afraid of? ’
  ‘I’m not afraid, I’m just...well, you have the final say, I don’t care about it! ’
"Don’t worry, I know Harry. Even if he knew it, he wouldn’t be angry with us. But, George and Fred, you have to remember what you said. Now I’ll take you out to see. I do homework, a total of eight parchment formulas for the potions lesson! ’
  ‘You can’t fool around! ! ’
  ‘We never cheat! ’
  ‘That’s right! Ron, you still underestimate us, but we have always talked about credibility. This is the basic rule of our business! ’
  ‘That’s right, George! ’
  ‘Okay, don’t say anything, we’ve already arrived, if we make a sound later, we will definitely be caught! ! ’
  ‘Also, watch out Filch’s cat! ! ’
  ‘I hate cats...’
'me too……'
  ‘George! Fred, stop making trouble, and be quiet! ! ’
In the hallway outside the Hogwarts auditorium, in this empty aisle, there were bursts of words struggling to suppress the voice suddenly, but it was still empty here, there was no one, just like Those who speak do not exist in general?
   Not long after, the luxurious wooden door in the foyer of the auditorium gently opened a gap that can accommodate one person to walk through, as if a gust of wind had blown them away...
The professors on duty in the auditorium just glanced at them from a distance. They didn't notice anything and didn't manage to do anything. They continued to sit comfortably in their respective positions, looking up at those'screens'. After all, night work is very tiring, but fortunately, there are enough pastimes to attract their attention so that they will not be too boring and difficult during the long night.
at this time,
   In those "screens", the remaining three warriors have returned to the station and entered their tent.
Hermione didn’t speak, she just stared at the tent floor in a daze. She didn’t know what she was thinking. She didn’t even cast the Unmarking Expansion Charm on the tent, but just continued to squeeze with Harry and Fleur. Inside the small marching tent.
However, at this time, the spot where Krum used to sleep last night is now empty...The soldiers of Lordaeron did not lay quilts and animal skins on that spot, only a standard one. Only the beds.
   "You said, Krum, did he really die, or did he go back to Hogwarts Castle?"
   For a long time, after the three of them were silent for a while, Furong asked weakly.
At this time, her eyes did not look directly at Harry, but as she asked, she opened her eyes round and looked at the dimly fluorescent flashing ball floating in the tent, and it took a while after the questioning. , She used that look with a trace of pleading, as if she hoped to hear a little bit of content that made her less sad from the other’s mouth, and looked at the boy with glasses three years younger than herself. .
She would love to hear some news that made her feel less sad, such as: Krum didn’t really die, he just went back, returned to Hogwarts Castle, and now, maybe Looking pitifully at the professors giving him a very low score of three or four points?
   "Sorry, Furong, I really don't know..."
   looked up at Fleur, and then at the Hermione who was still sitting with her knees in a daze, Harry shook his head.
   Then, he subconsciously looked at his palm...
Although he had washed his hands several times before, the faint smell of blood still lingered on the tip of his nose at this time, and it clearly warned him of what happened to Krum. Terrible!
   The terrible facts lay before his eyes, making Harry couldn’t help thinking, that Krum, the other party is probably really dead...
  Because the other party died in his arms, Harry and Hermione, in front of Fleur!
The hands that were holding each other’s chest clearly felt the power and the terrifying warm touch when the blood was constantly pouring out, and saw the other’s eyes widening and the body twitching little by little... Then, in their I get stiff and cold in my gaze, and quickly become motionless...
   If possible, Harry really hopes that the other party is really fine, really hope that the other party is just back in Hogwarts Castle... But he can't deceive himself, he can't deceive Fleur or Hermione.
From all the facts they saw, touched, and felt, it was clear to them that Krum might really be gone... the other party died under the sneak attack of the'corpse' of the knight who turned into an undead. It was so abrupt that all of them felt a little caught off guard!
   And at this time, the empty bed that originally belonged to Krum is the best proof...
The opponent is already at the Firestone farm, and together with the undead, the evil necromancer, and a dozen Lordaeron warriors who died at the same time, they are all turned into ashes, and they are completely asleep in that terrible area. I can never return to my land.
   "Hermione, what do you think?"
   Seeing that Harry could not give him a satisfactory answer, Fleur had to look timidly at the Hermione who was sitting on her own bed with her knees hugging her and wondering what she was thinking.
Although, Fleur is three years older than Harry and Hermione, but at this moment, she is a little weaker than both...Perhaps, she really is no better than these two fourth grade students Have the so-called courage even more?
   After all, the other party is a student from Gryffindor College, which is known as the most courageous, and Fleur is just an ordinary girl from Boothbatten School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She is not the best.
Hermione raised her head, but she did not speak immediately, because at this time, the brown pupils in her eyes seemed to have no focus. After reality glanced at Harry and Fleur, she froze towards the bed that belonged to Krum. Look.
   But there is no one there now, a living companion, who said that if he didn’t, he was gone, and he was still in front of all of them...
   So, at this time, Hermione really blamed their Professor Anne in my heart!
She felt that the other party shouldn't bring the four of them into this dangerous Kingdom of Lordaeron. After all, they are just a group of students, and this world is full of blood, death, corpses, battle, sacrifice, and evil plague. For them, the terrible world still seems too cruel?
   "Sorry, Furong..."
   "I really don't know, my heart is messed up now..."
   Suddenly, without knowing what she was thinking, Hermione gritted her teeth and stood up abruptly, and then her originally hesitant and sad face gradually became firmer.
   "But Fleur, and Harry!"
   "We must cheer up, we can't sink down, this is bad!!"
   "We must assure each other: We must do our best to live in this world! We must remember to protect ourselves and all of us at all times!"
"From now on, we are no longer a competitor in the Triwizard Tournament. Forget about that. We must now unite and live together in this terrible world until we are teleported away. , Or find a way to get out of here!!"
   After walking in front of Harry and Fleur, Hermione who had finished speaking first took a deep breath, and then resolutely stretched out her right hand towards the two.
"You are right! Hermione, let the Triwizard Tournament go to hell, now, we must try to survive in this world, and someday, we must bring Krum's deeds back to Hogg Watts!"
"We will tell everyone aloud: Victor Krum was killed in the battle against evil. He is not only the best Quidditch seeker in the world, but also a true warrior. !!!"
Harry was stunned, and jumped up abruptly. He first helped his nearsighted glasses on the bridge of his nose, then gritted his teeth and pressed his hand to the back of Hermione's hand, and then looked towards Hermione with excitement in his nose. Hibiscus on the other side.
   "I...I will try my best not to hold back everyone, sure!!"
   pursed her mouth and wiped the tears that had been there for me in the corner of her eyes. After a sigh of relief, Furong seemed to have finally figured out something, or was she infected by their actions? Therefore, she also stood up and put her hands on those two hands.
'Let us work together! ’
   Hermione's other hand reached up.
  ‘That’s right! ! ’
   Harry’s other hand also pressed hard...
"I promise!!"
   Furong nodded vigorously, and put her other hand on the back of Harry's hand again. The three of them put their hands and palms on the backs of their hands and held them firmly together!
  The night is getting deeper and deeper...
  In this barracks of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the white battle flag with the emblem of Lordaeron's royal family was flying slightly with the wind under the moonlight of Elune.
At this time, the entire military camp was quiet, and most of the soldiers had fallen asleep. Except for the patrolling sergeants who walked gently by and the light and dark whistle outside the camp, the tents of the camp made the sound of simulated animals. There was no sound or anyone walking around randomly.
   "It's really interesting! It seems that those children don't need me to comfort them..."
Not far from the tent of Hermione, Harry, and Fleur, Jaina wearing a blue wizard robe with a hood, when she saw the lighted tent, she saw the shadows of the three , Especially after seeing the other's hands touching each other, she was relieved, and showed a relieved smile.
   Originally, she had just thought about going in and comforting the three children, but now that she wants to come, it seems that she doesn’t need it anymore?
   "It seems that I have to go back to rest soon..."
   With a sigh of relief, Jaina thought for a while, then quietly turned around and walked towards the largest tent in the middle of the camp.
   That seems to be...
   The tent of His Royal Highness Prince Alsace?
   However, Jaina has decided that she is going to rest there tonight instead of going to her little tent to squeeze...
As for the keywords she just heard outside the tent of the three children, such as'Hogwarts' Triwizard Tournament, Warriors' Go Back' and so She didn't overdo it. Mind!
   After all, everyone has a little secret of their own, and her Jaina is no exception, so she only needs to know that those children are not their enemies. As for other things, she does not intend to struggle too much.
  Because, now their focus should be on the plague and those necromancers, especially the Kel'Thuzad! However, Jaina is still considering whether she should return to Dalaran, and then report to her mentor Antonidas Chief Archmage about what happened here?
Thinking that Alsace still needs herself, thinking that the troops will move into the more dangerous Andorhal tomorrow, she thought about it, and decided to wait and see before talking...Because she is now facing the plague and the plague and those necromancers Our relationship is still only half-knowledge. If you can't investigate clearly and report back, I am afraid it will affect the judgment of the Archmage and Dalaran?
   But that kind of thing should be considered tomorrow. Now, she is going to find her Arthas when there is no one. I only hope that the other party has not fallen asleep yet?
In the sky, Elune’s moonlight filled every inch of land in this land of Lordaeron, illuminating this place poisoned by the plague... And in the sky, not far from Elune, the blue child It also appeared quietly, but compared to'Elune', it was still a little too small and its radiance was far inferior.
  O(?????)o? Ask for a ticket?o(?????)o
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