Chapter 102: The Queen of Lordaeron (2)

   Kalia sighed slightly, she looked at the former Archbishop Faor who stood in front of her. He is now leaning against his undead body, holding a small logging axe in her hand. Presumably, he must be prepared to use this weapon to stop the ghouls that are about to attack for himself?
   But, with the small axe in his hand, how could he stop those ferocious undead? Besides, he is not a powerful warrior. Before he became like this, he was just a dying old man. Now, you, Lordaeron's sinner, don't drag him down anymore...
"Forget it, Archbishop Faor, thank you for your kindness. You have been sheltering me here for a long time. In the past month or so, I have also thought very clearly. Today, maybe it is time for me to meet my destiny. ."
   "Anyway, I am the only one left at home... My brother has committed too many sins against Lordaeron. Now, let me accept a little punishment."
Kalya stepped forward and pressed Faor’s shoulders, his body has become thinner and thinner, and now he feels thin and hard with his hands, maybe, he is only skinny. Right?
   Do you still protect yourself after all this? The guards who used to desperately protect themselves are like this, and the current Bishop Fao is like this. Actually, they are not worth it.
  The Menethil royal family is the sinners of Lordaeron. Why do they desperately protect themselves as sinners? Thinking about it, Kalia's eyes almost couldn't help tears.
Because of this, she can no longer drag him down. She doesn't know how he used his broken and weak undead body to hug himself from the barnir farm hut to the location Came from this place deep in the mountains. At that time, I would definitely be heavier than him, right?
   Really deserves to be Archbishop Fao, he is really a good man, even if he is dead now, he is still an upright and kind undead, look, the evil wizard on the opposite side can't control him.
   "You take me away, I only have one request, please don't hurt Bishop Faor again." Kalia stepped forward two steps, and said to the wizard in a black robe opposite.
   "What? Bishop Faor? This is the undead? Ha! This is really good news! No wonder, I'm wondering why I can't control him. That's how it is."
   This breaking news really shocked the member of the cursed cult. The dignified Archbishop of the Holy Light turned into an undead?
   "No! Your Royal Highness, I will fight to protect you! Even if I die again!" Faor desperately tried to come forward and stopped the princess Kalia again.
   "Huh, hum, it's ridiculous! Protection? What are you using to protect her now?" The cursed cult wizard in the black robe opposite began to laugh suspiciously.
"But, speaking of it, I'm really surprised! Why, the great Alonthos? Lord Faor, the archbishop of the dignified Holy Light Church, now, has fallen into a lowly undead? Guess, if... , If I take you out, then, your paladins, what kind of expressions will they look like when they see you? It must be wonderful, right? Ahaha~!"
   This cursed cultist suddenly laughed wildly, he had already thought of a brilliant idea.
If..., if he captures the archbishop of the Holy Light Church and the founder of the Paladins and the Knights of the Silver Hand, Alonthos Faor, captures Hearthglen, captures Spider Canyon, captures If we go to the Holy Light’s Hope Chapel, it will surely dissolve the resistance will of those stubborn opponents?
   Look, what a wonderful negative textbook this is! The mentor of their Paladins, the founder of the Knights of the Silver Hand, and the former archbishop of the Church of the Holy Light: Alonthos Faor, have fallen voluntarily and become a member of the undead natural disaster!
   At that time, what reason do they have to resist the Scourge? Even if the other party does not disarm or surrender, it can at least cause a great blow to their morale and beliefs?
   In this way, then, I will definitely make a great contribution to this, and then get the above recognition and praise? Get the chance to transform into an immortal lich in advance? what! This is really great!
"No! You are wrong! I have never fallen. I never did before, neither now nor in the future!" Looking at the triumphant cursed sect member in front, Alonthos Faor went directly. In the previous step, he firmly refuted the other party's statement.
   "Oh? You still have a stiff mouth at this point? If you haven't fallen, what's the matter with you like this?"
"Tsk tusk, look at yourself, you have achieved the immortality that even I dream of. It not only retains the independence of your own consciousness and is not controlled, but also the undead body that will never die. Seriously, I have a little Envy you! Honorable Alonthos? Archbishop Faor Sacred Light?"
This cursed sect member intends to play with the two people in front of him. Anyway, one of them is a woman who has no power to bind a chicken, the other is a low-level and incompetent zombie, and the only weapon to resist is only a broken little It's just an axe, it's impossible to slip out of his palm anymore, right? In this case, now there is still time, so you might as well have fun with them for a while.
"No matter what you say, and no matter what I have become, I, Alonthos Faor, I have never fallen! I am still me, I still hold my heart, I still hold on to my own Belief! This has never changed!"
"On the contrary, unbelievers like you, may never understand what true faith is! What are the virtues of respect, perseverance, and compassion! You will only blindly pursue power, and you will not understand that power comes from Where; you never know what respect is, you don’t cherish what you have, but instead hurt others; you..."
Alonthos Faor wanted to stand up straight and say these righteous words. However, his undead body could no longer perform such upright difficult movements, so he had to give up and continue to squat himself. Waist. After he became this undead, many actions couldn't be like when he was alive.
   "Ahaha~!" Before Faol finished speaking, he was interrupted by the laughter of the cursed sect member opposite. He laughed so presumptuously, so hysterically...
   "Stop it! Don't say it, let me take a break."
"Ha~! This is probably the funniest joke I've ever heard in my life! An undead, look! Am I right? You are an undead! Now, you are in front of me who is still alive, Talking about the belief in the so-called holy light, don't you think that you are very unconvincing like this?"
   The cursed sect member laughed for a long time before stopping, and then he began to look amused, looking at the opposite Alonthos Faor with a smile on his face.
"Look at the bones of your present body. If you want to convince me... Then, why don't you try to summon the Holy Light? I'm very curious about this! A person with firm will and faith The... undead? What kind of situation will it be like when he summons the Holy Light? Or, you try? Don't worry, I will never take the opportunity to attack you."
He raised his hand with a joking expression and motioned to Alonthos Faor to try it now. He eagerly wanted to know whether this former archbishop who is said to have a firm belief in the light would summon the light. ? Or, when the Holy Light is summoned, will it directly burn it to ashes?
   Alonthos? Faor was silent, and then he dropped the small axe in his hand, and looked at his hands that had almost become skeletons.
   The words of the other party did remind him that from the moment when Faor became a zombie and crawled out of the grave and slowly awakened his consciousness, he himself had never tried to summon the Holy Light...
   "Thank you for reminding me, then, let me use my actions to prove it now..."
   "I firmly believe: No matter who it is, whether it is a human or any other race, whether he is a living person or an undead, as long as he upholds the faith of the Holy Light, the Holy Light will eventually respond to him!"
"Holy light is not just a belief, it is also a virtue, a positive attitude towards life, a power from the heart... It is everywhere; it is omnipotent; it is Holy Light..." Faao took a deep breath. In fact, he didn't need to breathe anymore, but he was still used to this action.
"Okay! Okay! Hurry up, you have to summon the Holy Light to show me!" The member of the cursed sect waved his hand in disdain. He became a little impatient, saying it sounds better than singing, what's the use? ? You should practice quickly!
Alonthos Faor ignored the opponent's ridicule. He used his bone-like hands together and clenched his fists, then slowly placed it in front of his forehead. He was about to start summoning the Holy Light for the first time as an undead. .
   At this moment, he didn't have the slightest worry, his faith was extremely firm, whether it was the self who was alive before or the body of the undead now, he has never changed his belief in the Holy Light!
   "Archbishop Fao..."
Kalia behind    was also a little worried. She opened her mouth to say something, but immediately gave up. She didn't know much about the Holy Light, so she could only look at the undead old man who was praying in front.
   "The supreme light, please bless me, please give me strength!"
   was silent for several seconds, and when Kaliya and the opposite member of the cursed sect thought he had failed, Alonthos Fao suddenly opened his hands and shouted firmly.
   "Ah ah!!!"
   At the same time, Alonthos Faor's undead body suddenly levitated, and endless golden light spewed out of his body, like a small golden sun!
Under the blazing golden light, the surrounding ghouls that had surrounded Faor and Kalia immediately screamed and rolled on the ground. They wanted to turn around and run out, however, Before I had time to run two steps away, I was purified by the golden flame and burned to ashes...
And the member of the cursed sect with evil power also knelt to the ground at the same time. He also screamed and wailed. Those holy light flames were burning his body. At the moment before being purified, his heart felt Three last thoughts flashed in an instant:
  The first one is: This undead named Fao actually summoned the Holy Light? How can this be?
   The second one is: Isn’t he also an undead? Why didn't the Holy Light hurt him? This is not magic!
   The third one is: make Nima's mouth cheap! This is all right, let's take it off?
   Kalia, who was standing behind Bishop Cao, also half-opened her mouth, looking at Archbishop Alonthos Fao, who was suspended in mid-air, still radiating golden light from her body.
   Originally, Kalia was just an ordinary girl except for the royal coat. At this moment, she quietly planted a seed of faith in the Holy Light in her heart.
   "Archbishop Faor, you..."
"Wow~! This is amazing! Look what I see? A sacred power er... good undead?" Somehow, Xiao Annie always felt that the word "good undead" seemed to be particularly twisted. It also feels a bit weird.
   When Archbishop Alonthos Fawau finally began to converge the power of the Holy Light in his body, and fell from the suspended mid-air, a crisp voice of a naughty little girl suddenly sounded above the sides of their heads.
"who is it?!"
When he found someone with unknown motives nearby, Alonthos Faor immediately became vigilant, and at the same time inspired the holy light on his body, he began to guard with all his strength. At this moment, he turned into a righteous and shining gold... Dead like.
   "Oh, don't be too nervous, I actually wanted to help you just now, but I didn't think you could solve it by yourself!"
After Annie dispelled her invisibility spell, Alonthos Faor and Kalya finally saw them. Not far above them, a strange little girl riding on the back of a huge fire eagle, they were hanging. Stopped in mid-air.
   Annie actually came down early in the morning, she just lurked with her invisibility technique. Originally, she wanted to directly help them solve these dead spirits and then leave quietly, but when she heard the last dialogue between the two sides, she decided to watch the play first. In the end, as expected, she really saw something amazing-the undead who can summon powerful sacred power!
   "Formidable mage, what do you do?"
   Archbishop Alonthos? Fawr had a good vision. After Annie dissipated the hidden spell, he immediately discovered the strength of the other party, whether it was the little girl herself or her huge fire eagle.
"Oh, you really don't need to be nervous, in fact, I really have no ill intentions! I originally wanted to help you, but I shouldn't use it now." After seeing the other party still keeping the light on her body, Annie quickly comforted A few words from the other party, now that the excitement is over, she wants to go back.
"By the way, to remind you, you just broke out such a powerful sacred power, that is, those golden lights! A large wave of undead around is about to search for Are you going to follow me? I can Open a portal for you for free! There are thousands of refugees like you in my place!"
From this day on, in the human refugee camp in Flame Canyon, there was an extra father and daughter. One is a very ordinary young woman called Lily, and the other is hiding herself all day long. The priest of the Holy Light in the tight robe and hood...
   The second more recommended ticket
   The protagonist of this book is an eight-year-old little Lolita, and she is not a rebirth, not a traverser, or some earthling!
Up to now, although I want to write a different Azeroth as much as possible, it still feels difficult to write. If I am not careful, I will write the rhythm of the collapse. After all, a protagonist in the second grade of elementary school cannot write with the mind of an adult. What is she going to do, it is really too difficult to write.
   Next, Azeroth has to write a few more volumes. Write it slowly. As for the number of water characters, there is no such thing. After all, many things must be explained clearly.
For example, in these two chapters, many things have no specific information. The information on 7.0 says Faor's resurrection, awakening consciousness, and then finds Kalia and protects it. It did not appear until 7.0, but what happened in the middle , The official did not say, you can only burn your brain to make up
   If you don’t explain clearly, you might as well just write: Little Annie played in Azeroth for a year and a half, and then this volume ends. Will anyone read such a book of a few words?
  PS: The above paragraph is the real number of water words, a few hundred words came out like this, but it is not a VIP chapter anyway
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