Chapter 980: ? Salvation of Alsace (2)?

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When the noise and noise in the Great Hall of Hogwarts Castle gradually subsided, and when a certain "white devil" did not intend to continue to be nosy and calm down to watch the movie, about an hour later, the teacher was present. When the students looked a little impatient, the paladins of Uther’s Knights of the Silver Hand, including the last two warriors, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter, finally rode Arrived outside of Stratholme, the magnificent city of Lordaeron, and successfully joined a group of troops camped here, and the Prince Alsace who had not seen him for many days.
Arthas did not care about Jaina's act of rushing toward the little witch Hermione to welcome her. Although he knew the price and contributions the little wizards had paid for Lordaeron, he was now affected by others. He was worrying about things, so he didn't care about them, but directly looked at the old paladin who jumped off the horse and walked toward him with a cold face.
When the battle in Hearthglen was over and Uther rescued Alsace and smashed the undead attack, he led his infantry and Jaina to take a shortcut to Stratholme, and in Stratholme. I have stayed here for a long time.
"I'm glad you chose to come to Stratholme as soon as possible, Uther, I thought you might not be here..."
However, I don’t know why, Alsace’s current mood seems a bit wrong, not only his expression is cold, but also his tone of voice is armed with guns. It seems that he feels the late behavior of Uther and others. Dissatisfied? Of course, it may be because of other things, but no matter what it is, everyone present, including the generals of the Silver Hand, can hear:
It seems that their crown prince of Lordaeron, that His Royal Highness Arthas is very dissatisfied with Lord Uther, or with all of them?
"Pay attention to your tone, boy, even though you are a prince, as a paladin, I am also your elder and your teacher. That's how you talked to me?"
Uther didn't understand Alsace's attitude towards him now, so after he was stunned, he directly dispelled the thought of saluting the other party that he had just planned, and instead stood in place, just a few steps away. Distance, staring at each other with consternation and anger.
He didn't understand that they had rushed to Hearthglen from Dahlone County before, and marched thousands of miles from Hearthglen through Andorhal and Corin intersection, and walked through most of the East Tirisfal woodlands before finally reaching Stratholme, marching back and forth. It took more than a month, and neither Uther nor the Paladins under the Silver Hand complained. What qualifications did the other party have to talk to him in that manner?
Besides, let alone the other party, this little boy, even King Terenas has always respected him. Therefore, he doesn't understand. I don't know what the other party is making.
"Sorry! Uther, I'm the one who lost my mind. Forget what I just said..."
Stunned, Alsace realized that his speech just now was indeed a bit inappropriate, and Alsace quickly reacted, and then had to sigh heavily, then turned and silently turned towards the towering city wall of Stanthor. Look at Mucheng head.
Now, even though the city was still flying over the city’s Lordaeron’s blue-bottomed golden lion flag and the emblem flag representing the royal family, he knew that it might not be long before Stratholme would no longer belong to them. Lordaeron.
"What the is going on here? I found out. You seem to have sent troops to block the main city gate to the south to prevent citizens from entering or exiting. What is going on here?!"
Taking a few steps forward, walking to Alsace's side and standing still not far away, and after looking in the direction of Stratholme for a while, Uther discovered a surprising fact, that is:
Alsace seems to have sent a large number of soldiers to block the city gate, and there are many soldiers on the wall, and he can see that the soldiers are not outside the defensive wall, but mostly facing the city? And if you think about it again, if the other party didn't drive the soldiers into the military camp in the city, but set up camp here outside the city gate, it seems that something terrible really happened here? !
"Listen, Uther, there are a few things you may not know about this plague..."
Looking at the magnificent city with each other in silence, after looking at Stratholme for a while, finally, Arthas spoke:
"do you know?"
"Uther, you are late... In fact, I am like you, all of us are late..."
"After my investigation over the past few days, those grains contaminated by the undead plague in Andorhal have already been shipped to Stratholme, sold and distributed. The soldiers who guarded the city and at least most of the citizens here , They are all infected..."
"Even though they don't seem to have changed anymore now, they can't find out...but, trust me, you must have seen Hearthglen's battle report, so I'm pretty sure it's only a matter of time before they turn into undead. "
Thinking of this, Arthas's expression turned gloomy again.
You know, Stratholme is called the northern pearl of Lordaeron, enough to prove how huge it is! And here, even without statistics, the number of the original residents plus the refugees who fled in around them is at least two to three million or more! With so many people in Stratholme, once the undead plague broke out and spread, Arthas could hardly imagine the terrifying scene!
All of them know very well. Not only will those infected with the plague become undead when they die, but those killed by the undead will also become undead, and now they are here, together with the people Uther brought. , There are only less than 6,000 troops in total. When the time comes, what will they use to fight against those hundreds of thousands of undead?
At that time, everything will be irreversible...
Under that terrifying number of undead invaded, ordinary local troops and farmers will not be the opponents of the evil undead at all. I am afraid that the situation in the entire East Tirisfal Forest will be out of control, and the Western Tirisfal Forest will also be out of control. It is difficult to defend. Most of the kingdom of Lordaeron will fall completely, and even the capital of Lordaeron, and even the Hinterlands, Alterac and Silverpine Forest, will be invaded by that terrible undead plague. By then, I am afraid that everything here will be over!
"How can this be... Alsace, do you have any idea?"
Hearing such terrible things, Uther was so scared that he asked in a gaffe.
On the way to Stratholme, he saw the environment around the road and the deserted farms. He thought that the situation here would not be too good, but he never thought that the situation here would be so bad. To that extent?
At the same time, many people around who heard the conversation between the two, the paladin generals of the Knights of the Silver Hand, Hermione and Harry, who looked gloomy and didn't know what they were thinking, all looked at them. Both want to know what else the two of them can say next.
Arthas shook his head in pain, and then clenched the war hammer of justice in his hand, staring in Stratholme's direction in a daze.
for a long time,
As if he had decided, he turned around resolutely and looked at the Uther Lightbringer next to him...
In the past few days, he has thought a lot and thought for a long time. If there is plenty of time and troops, there are indeed many ways to do it, such as: screening, isolation, and admission?
However, in this situation where Lordaeron has no time and opportunity to react, what he can think of can successfully prevent the situation from developing in the worst direction, save his kingdom, and save Lordaeron's numbers. There is only one solution left by millions of people:
"The whole city must be purified!!"
at last,
Arthas resolutely said in that tone with a hint of tremor that he had only been circling in his mind, and had never dared to say it, that is-Tucheng!
This is the fastest, most efficient, and the only way he can think of in the past few days to stop the terrible undead plague from continuing to spread on the land of Lordaeron! !
"Are you crazy? Alsace?!"
"How did you think of doing this? No! I oppose your decision, there must be other ways!"
Not unexpectedly at all, the upright Paladin Uther Lightbringer refuted his decision loudly without even thinking about it, and attracted more generals to watch here. come.
"Crazy? Maybe..."
"So Uther, that's why I was angry with you just now! Because you are late, I am too late, we are all late!!"
"Now, we probably don't have time to think of a solution!"
"Based on the time when the food from Andorhal arrived in Stratholme, it is not difficult to calculate based on what happened in Hearthglen. Those terrible undead plagues should have erupted within these two days! This place may have Within Stratholme of hundreds of thousands!"
"We have to do that, we have no choice!!"
Arthas snarled hysterically, and this was the reason why he was not only unhappy after seeing Uther's arrival, but also lost control of his emotions, and couldn't help but directly ridicule the other party.
Because he is angry with Uther, angry with himself, angry with everyone!
Of course, more are the boundless righteous indignation against the evil undead, the cursed cult spreading the plague, and the dreadlord Malganis mentioned in the Corin Junction Intelligence! !
"Do not!"
"Absolutely not! We can think about it again, believe me, Alsace, we must have other ways!!"
Obviously, Uther is also a little eager, but it must be impossible to let an upright Paladin go to slaughter the city. What's more, it is still in his own kingdom and city. The slaughter is still his own. Compatriots?
Therefore, although subconsciously knowing that the situation is not good, Uther, who was upset and irritable, firmly rejected Alsace's proposal, saying that he would not do such crazy things.
"Damn it!"
"Uther! I, Arthas, in the name of the future king, I order you to lead troops to follow me into the city, kill all the residents of Stratholme, burn the bodies and prevent them from becoming undead!!!"
The original temper has become more and more irritable. After hearing Uther’s two rejections, Arthas, who was originally anxious, finally broke out, directly in front of countless people, and gave that kind of look. It seems crazy, but you have to do that.
"In the name of the country, the king?"
"No! Arthas, you are not the king yet, even if you are, I will not follow such a crazy order!!"
After a moment of stunned, Uther finally shook his head firmly and refused the other party's order.
It’s just like what he said, Arthas is just a prince without real power. All the other party can command is the other party’s leadership and the two thousand troops from Hearthglen and come to Stratholme. Only the defenders controlled by the latter, and Uther and the Paladin of the Silver Hand only obey the orders of King Terenas!
In Stratholme, the Paladins of the Silver Hand only listen to him, and whether he wants to listen to Alsace’s orders is his personal choice. He can choose to obey or refuse, no matter what No one can single out the fault from legal principles or military regulations.
"Are you sure what you are talking about?"
"Uther, based on the behavior you just did, I can even regard it as treason!!"
Gritting his teeth and staring at the opponent, seeing that the opponent also stared at him fearlessly for a long time, there was no way, and I felt that it was a bit unrealistic to order the opponent to be arrested, because the army brought by the opponent was far more powerful , And he seemed to be unable to beat the opponent's Arthas, so he could only threaten Tao with words again.
"Alsace, are you crazy, do you know what you are doing?"
Also treason...
That kind of accusation, it's not something that a prince from the other side can impose on himself without justification! Moreover, Uther knew that King Terenas Menethil would definitely have his own judgment and would know the right or wrong of what he, the leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand, is doing right now, so he was not worried. The kind of unwarranted crime the other party said.
"You are now on a very dangerous road. It is not what I want to see, nor is it what your father King Terenas Menethil wants to see. I hope that before you decide what to do, the most Be cautious?"
If the plague in Stratholme has begun to break out and the people inside have become undead zombies, then there is nothing to say, as long as the other party orders, he Uther will directly take the hammer into the city and do it, even with the tens of thousands inside. Even hundreds of thousands of the undead would never say nothing for ten days and nights.
But, not yet...
Because, Stratholme is fine now, at least it looks fine for now! Before the plague erupts completely, before the citizens inside become undead, any sane leader who has not been dazzled by anger should not give the terrible and crazy order to kill the city, even if the order seems to be. The same is true for Lordaeron the most!
Especially when Arthas is still the crown prince of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, then he shouldn't give such crazy orders! However, what needs to be paid attention to in governing the country and governing the people? Uther should not explain to the other party about the kind of government affairs. That is where King Terenas has the right to get involved. Uther will definitely not interfere. Too many went in, he was just the paladin instructor of the opponent, not the court teacher.
"Really? Since Uther, you made your decision, then..."
"Listen, everyone, I now declare in the name of the inheritance of Lordaeron: In view of the treason of Uther Lightbringer who disobeyed the order, I now relieve Lord Uther including the leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand. Power and all duties, and deprive him of the title of'Paladin'!!"
Standing on that hill, Arthas ignored the stunned teacher Uther beside him, and turned directly, and first looked around at the generals of all levels who were looking at him and the Paladins who had just arrived. Later, he read his decision aloud.
Then, he paused, and forced himself to endure a certain thought in his heart, squinting, watching everyone present, and waiting for their response.
", how can you do this?!"
The situation changed a bit too quickly. Jaina, who had just recounted her past with Hermione in surprise, turned her head and found that the situation had begun to take a turn for the worse. She couldn't help but exclaim.
She couldn't believe it. Now things were so bad that, for that crazy decision, Arthas would not hesitate to turn his face with Uther? You know, before Uther comes, she still expects that old knight, the Alsace teacher can persuade each other, but it turns out...
'what? ! ’
'Is he crazy? ’
"Prince Alsace..."
'This this……'
‘He can’t do this, how can he give this order, that’s the Lightbringer, that’s Uther, how can he? ’
‘His Majesty the King will not be happy to see all this...’
‘It’s crazy, he really decided to slaughter the city at this time? ! ’
‘I won’t be with him, I can’t do it...’
'me too! ’
'Humph! ! ’
Arthas had just finished speaking, not only Jaina exclaimed, those Paladin generals who had just arrived at Stratholme from Corin’s junction to reinforce, including Davy Crowford and other Paladin leaders and The generals also argued loudly, and soon pointed the finger at Arthas.
Obviously, their paladins of the Silver Hand Knights have the same idea as Uther, and they, who are upright and believe in the Holy Light, can't accept the other party's crazy slaughter order!
"is it?"
"It seems that you have already made your own decision... so be it: those who still hope to save the Kingdom of Lordaeron and save this land that is about to be ravaged by the plague and the undead, please stay and follow me!"
"The rest... please disappear from my eyes, Stratholme doesn't need you!!"
After taking a deep breath, he tried to grasp the Menethil power in his hand, and after grasping the grip of the hammer of justice, Arthas gritted his teeth and finally tried to endure the boundless anger and anger from his heart. A certain heartstring that was about to break because it was not understood by most people, gave his last command.
To be honest, Arthas himself did not want to go to the city, nor did he want to mention his butcher knife to the hundreds of thousands of Stratholme citizens... It was indeed a crazy and heavy decision, but he had to do that. Because Lordaeron has no better way, and no more time...
If someone must bear the heavy burden and pressure, and someone must announce the crazy order, then, Arthas hopes it is himself! Because he is the crown prince of Lordaeron, he loves his people deeply and is willing to give everything for them!
And now, here in Stratholme, the outbreak of the undead plague is inevitable. If a country can be saved by slaughtering a city, or even all the creatures in the entire continent of Lordaeron, then he is willing to do that, and is willing to go. Bear the heavy infamy that can crush him at any time just thinking about it!
Yes, Alsace felt that after thinking about it for many days, he had really thought about it, and he was ready to bear all that!
Although, his hand holding the handle of the warhammer is still faintly trembling, but...
"You may not know that you just made a terrible decision and crossed a dangerous threshold... Although I can't stop you, but I will choose to leave, I won't do that crazy with you Thing!"
There was a silence for a while, watching the captain of the guard, Captain Farrick and the dwarves who did not know where the other party had recruited, who stood silently behind Alsace. In the end, Uther could only sigh heavily and hang down. Head, silently turned and walked in the direction where he came.
And the paladins and generals of the Silver Hand Knights, after looking at the Prince Arthas standing on the hill with all kinds of inexplicable eyes, they also turned around and followed firmly. Behind Uther.
Although Arthas has just relieved Lord Uther from all the powers and duties, for the Paladins of the Silver Hand, the title of "Bright Messenger" is enough to lead them, and the other is not important. ! Moreover, they really did not agree with Prince Alsace’s decision, nor did they think that the order the other party had just announced as the prince to relieve Lord Uther from all duties was legal, so what they could do now is to follow Uther. Lord Thor leaves here.
Arthas couldn’t care about others leaving, and didn’t want to care about it, because it was their freedom. However, at this time, if he could, Arthas eagerly hoped that his Jaina could stand beside him. On the one hand, even if his decision is really wrong, but he hopes to have a warm embrace for himself when he confessed later...
So, with a trembling sound, he looked at the figure who was still lingering with him last night with a trembling gaze, hoping that the other party could turn around and return to his side firmly. He didn't need any words from the other party at this moment. , Even if it's just a supportive look.
"Sorry, Arthas, Uther is right, I can't just watch you go astray..."
I paused for a moment, and I thought a lot in my mind for a moment, remembering the good time I had with Alsace... I remembered the prophet I met when I was in the mountains on Stratholme Road... I remembered Stanthor. The hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Mu... remembered the words of Your Excellency Uther just now...
In the end, Jaina shook her head bitterly, and then followed Uther and others who were leaving slowly and lonely without looking back, preparing to leave Stratholme, who was about to become purgatory.
With a self-deprecating laugh, Arthas closed his eyes in pain, with a string in his heart tightening a little bit, and didn't intend to keep him.
Because, he has already said what he should say, and his last affectionate call was only the other's merciless betrayal, nothing more...
"Wait! Wait, everyone!"
"Prince Arthas, it is wrong for you to do this. How could you slaughter the city because they were infected with the plague? That is wrong! Maybe, if we all think about it together, we will always come up with a treatment plan!! "
At this moment, Hermione suddenly rushed out from the team next to her, and shouted at Uther, Jaina and others who were planning to leave.
"It's you……"
"Sorceress Hermione, I am very pleased to see that you are safe, and I am also very sorry for the departure of Wizard Furong..."
Arthas heard Jaina’s report when she was in Hearthglen. She accidentally ran into Hermione and the others in Uther’s army. He was very pleased that they were not killed by the stone men. They also helped the people of Lordaeron many times later, and he was also honored, but...
"Why, Hermione, are you going to oppose me too?"
No matter what the other party has done, and whether the other party is his friend or not, Alsace is not prepared to change certain decisions, because his heart has gradually become colder now, and that is not because he is very close to him. Can be shaken by a shallow little wizard.
"No! I didn't want to oppose you!"
"It’s just that, Arthas, it’s wrong for you to do that! The people in the city are contaminated with the plague, and we should try to treat them, not like now, when they are still living humans, you have to They killed it cruelly!"
"Furthermore, I believe that not everyone is infected with the plague. Those innocent people are definitely still saved. We cannot decide the fate of others casually. Everyone’s right to life is fair and equal!!"
In a hurry, there was no good words to persuade Hermione on the other side, and in a hurry, she had no choice but to move out of their earth-style set.
"Shut up! Little wizard, I understand. You are also on Uther's side, right?"
Of course Arthas knew that there would be many innocents, and he also knew that not all infected people would become undead, but he had no other way... Now, for his people, for the great Kingdom of Lordaeron, for The plague will no longer spread. In order to completely end everything here and in order not to have more people die, he must bear everything!
He knows that once he chooses to do that, he will definitely make him bear the eternal reputation, but if someone has to bear all that, he hopes that person is himself...
"Do not!"
"I am not on anyone's side, I will only be on the side that I think is right! But, Prince Arthas, please believe me, slaughter the city indiscriminately, that is really a very terrible order!"
"We may be able to identify and isolate first..."
Hermione knew a little about the way to deal with infectious diseases, but before she could finish her words, Arthas interrupted arbitrarily.
"Shut up!!"
"Little wizard, you don't have the right to speak here!"
With a wave of his hand, Arthas, who knew what the other party wanted to say, interrupted the other party directly, but when he was about to let the guards drive away the chattering little witch, a small head appeared behind the other party scared him. Jump.
‘His Royal Highness Prince Arthas? ’
With a timid expression, a little boy stood up hesitantly from behind the little witch Hermione Granger.
"you are……"
"Little Timmy? But, you, why are you here?!"
Seeing that the person was the first little boy he accidentally rescued when he was investigating the orc incident, Arthas couldn't help being a little stunned, because he did not expect that he would still be able to meet him here... He passed by the other party's village, and there, it has become a ruin, leaving nothing, he even thought that the other party had been killed.
"Great! It's really the brother of Prince Alsace!!"
Seeing the shocked expression of the other party and feeling that the aura on the other party was no longer so terrible, Xiao Timmy, who didn't know anything, tilted his head for a moment, and made sure that the other party really recognized the prince brother. , He cheered, and directly stepped forward to pounce on the opponent's feet, firmly held the opponent's armor and rubbed it hard.
Alsace's body stiffened for a while, and then soon he relaxed, and what followed was involuntarily remembering the various situations when he was getting along with each other:
‘Your name is Timmy, right? ’
'Ok! ’
‘Prince Alsace, why are these people wearing armor? ’
The little boy held by him replied tremblingly.
‘Because they are all knights, guardians of our Lordaeron. ’
"Then you are the leader of the knights?"
The curiosity of the little boy rescued from the hands of the Jackal gradually overshadowed part of his fear. At least, he finally believed that Arthas and the others were protecting him.
'Do not! I am Arthas, the prince of Lordaeron. ’
Arthas said proudly that he successfully protected and saved a citizen on his first mission, which made him very proud! Maybe after he goes back, he can talk to his father and his elder sister for several days?
‘His Royal Highness, will you always protect us? ’
‘Of course, I will always guard by your side...’
"Is the prince afraid of eating chili too?" Are you also afraid of being spanked by your mother? ’
‘I’m not afraid to eat chili and I won’t be spanked! ’
‘Brother Prince, you’re so lucky, I’m often spanked! ’
‘Brother Prince, do you like to eat stinky dishes? ’
‘Smelly dish, what is that? ’
‘It looks like you haven’t eaten it, it’s so pitiful! ! ’
‘What about those who are captured by the orcs?’
‘Don’t worry, kid, I will take them home...’
‘Just like me? ’
‘Yes! ’
But now, seeing the familiar child again, thinking of the promise he made to this little guy in the past and his later inability to do anything, Arthas couldn't help being a little stunned, and his tight body gradually relaxed.
It wasn't until the little boy kept shaking his legs that he recovered, and dullly looked down at the little guy who was still hugging his thigh like before.
"His Royal Highness, my village was burned down, and my mother and the others were gone. Sister Hermione and the others have still refused to help me find..."
"Will you help me find them?"
"Also, not only is my mother gone, but Danielle and everyone are also gone..."
"Danielle also said that if I see you again, I will definitely help you make the most beautiful wreath again, because you are our most powerful prince, and you will always protect us..."
Timmy didn’t know what was going on with the other party now. He just raised his head and kept talking with his slightly whimpering voice, as if he wanted to hear from the face of the prince who saved him. The kind of affirmative answer he wanted to hear, because he really wanted to ask the other person to help him find his mother.
This is also no way. Since Sister Hermione and the others do not count, then he has to come to ask Brother Prince.
Arthas was stunned. Although he wanted to say, "I will always be by your side" as before, but thinking about what he was just about to do, he couldn't answer a word in the end. Know how to answer...
‘Brother Prince, if you find Danielle, will you still let her sit on your shoulder? ’
Xiao Timmy didn't care what the other party was thinking at all, he just continued to ask for himself, and with his innocent eyes looked at the face of the prince's brother that was beginning to grow beard.
Finally, a string that was already tense in his heart quietly broke, and then, Arthas, who had loosened his strength in his hand, let go of the Menethil Power of Justice in his hand, letting him fall to the ground. There was a muffled noise on the ground, and after the little Timmy had a big jump, he knelt down in frustration.
"I don't know, boy, I really don't know..."
"Sorry, I don't know, I have tried my best, I can't save everyone, I can't save Danielle and others, I'm useless, I can't save anyone..."
The sound of the armor colliding with the ground sounded, and the part with the knee pad slammed into the ground...
Arthas hung his head and knelt down, reaching out and shaking to hug Timmy's small body, and then his long blond hair directly covered his face, and his voice was a little faint. Sobbed.
"His Royal Highness, what's wrong with you?"
Xiao Timmy didn't understand why the powerful Prince Alsace suddenly became like this, and he seemed to see something gleaming on the handsome cheeks hanging down from the other party?
"Sorry Timmy, I can't protect everyone, I have tried my best, but things are still getting worse..."
"I'm sorry, really sorry..."
As a protector, Alsace has failed too many times...
He couldn't save Uther's messenger, he could only watch the two war horses return... He couldn't save the hostages taken by the orcs, and watched them being slaughtered by the bloodthirsty orcs in front of him... You can’t save the lovely Danielle, nor can you save Timmy’s mother, you can only watch the villages fall into ruins under the ravages of the undead... And now, he can’t save the hundreds of thousands of Stratholme. Zimin, he has no way...
What he can do now seems to be just sitting and watching the death and transformation of the people, and the strong sense of frustration and guilt has polished off his self-conceived noble identity and sense of honor, as a first-time knowledge of the world. The young man in, as a crown prince, he doesn't even know whether some things should be decided like that...
Therefore, when he saw Xiao Timmy again, and remembered all the past, he was stunned to discover that it turned out that Arthas would be so useless and helpless?
Timmy found out that Prince Arthas seemed to be crying?
However, his little head didn't understand why such a powerful big brother who defeated the jackal, rescued himself, and defeated the terrible orc hero, why did he cry?
Seeing this kind of thing, Xiao Timmy was a little at a loss, thinking that he had just accidentally done something wrong.
Cang~! Cang~!
Finally, there were waves of metal plate armor rubbing and the sound of landing, Uther Lightbringer came over and patted Alsace's shoulder with relief. He almost thought that the other party would really take a step. of.
It now seems that a stubborn kid who shouldn't be in his army unexpectedly did something that all of them couldn't do? However, Uther quickly calmed his thoughts, because now is not the time to sigh.
"Child, you are just a prince, not my king!"
"So, let go of your things that shouldn't be borne by you, I declare: Now this old guy has taken over this place, including you! I am the head of the Knights of the Silver Hand and the Eastern Epidemic of the Kingdom. District Marshal, in the name of the Messenger of Light!!"
"Now, soldiers, listen to my order: immediately block Stratholme, send priests and paladins into the city to begin screening and evacuate uninfected citizens out of the city, and send people to them from the safer mountain path to Hearthglen! "
"As for those who have not passed the holy light screening, order them to stay at home temporarily, we will find a way!"
Thinking of a solution is just an excuse. Now their so-called ‘finding a solution’ is equivalent to ‘no solution’ for the time being, because they don’t know how to cure the people of Stratholme who were infected by the plague! But now he can only do it like this, he can't think of more effective ways.
"Immediately dispatch the Griffin Riders to report the incident to Lordaeron and tell His Majesty King Terenas that we need support, more support!!"
He took the master, and directly deprived Alsace of his military power. When he saw that the soldiers who originally supported Alsace were relieved, Uther looked at him again after no one came out to oppose him. Kneeling on the ground, holding Xiao Timmy and whimpering, his Royal Highness like an older prince.
"Jaina, take your prince back to rest first!"
‘! ! ’
‘Okay, Your Excellency Uther, I’m happy to help you! ’
However, Arthas gently pushed Jaina's hand away and stood up silently. After exhaling, he reached out and touched Timmy's head before turning around sullenly, and followed him with some worry. His adjutant, Captain Farrick, left.
Jaina suddenly became a little at a loss, her hand outstretched didn't know where to put it.
However, Arthas didn't say anything, but silently took the hand of the little Timmy who continued to follow him, and followed his adjutant towards the direction of the barracks...
That's right, Arthas was starting to have a grudge against Jaina.
Because the other party just chose to abandon him when he needed him most, even if his decision was really crazy and wrong! You know, he didn't actually need much before, just the other side was on his side?

????)?????? Hello? It's added, do you still have tickets?
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