Chapter 994: ?? I am Cataclysm??

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Here in Lordaeron Continent, everyone feels that something unexpected has happened...
It was only a short period of one month, and the situation suddenly changed. The Alliance of Lordaeron, which had gained breathing time and gradually began to counterattack and suppress the space for the undead and natural disasters, was now suppressed again. Within the King City of Lordaeron, and seeing that it was about to be defeated, or even defeated in a mess, there is no such bad situation that there is no possibility of turning over the country and the species?
This is indeed beyond everyone's expectation, and it seems a little unbelievable, but, yes, it is the case right now!
Now, on the entire continent of Lordaeron, except for the small strongholds in the Eastern and Western Plaguelands, such as Hearthglen, Darrowshire, and the Hand of Tyre, small places are still struggling to resist those that flowed from Stratholme. In addition to the onslaught of the undead, struggling to survive under their tide-like offensive, only two lakeside cities, Dalaran and Lordaeron, were left on the two sides of Lordamere Lake.
In other places, except for Quel'Thalas, who is still guarding the gate of the elves to the north, and the Hinterlands, where the undead is far from the mountain and the population density is low in the east, have not been missed by the undead for the time being. Places, including the Arathi Highlands and the wetlands opposite the Saldo Bridge, are now fully or partially occupied.
It can be said that half of the land of the entire Eastern Kingdom has almost fallen into the hands of the undead and natural disasters.
And all of this, we have to talk about that one month ago...
At that time, in a calm sea area between Nanhai Town and Dun Morogh, starting from Stormwind City, he originally planned to travel north to assist Lord Varian of the Stormwind Kingdom, King Varian Wrynn and his number nearly 10,000 Yes, it can be said to be the most elite main force in the Kingdom of Stormwind. Their fleet encountered ambushes and surprise attacks by the cunning and evil undead army at sea, which caused the entire fleet of nearly 30 sea ships to be almost annihilated... ...And this is the fuse of everything!
Soon afterwards, Stormwind City and the entire Alliance of Lordaeron soon learned the truth, and learned that in addition to the two army wizards and the original three griffon riders who had been patrolling the sky in the distance were lucky. After fleeing, all the soldiers, including King Varian Wrynn, were killed in battle or drowned on the vast sea!
In addition to grief, most people feel that this incident may have ended in this way.
After all, the dead are dead, and the living still need to struggle in this tragic world and fight the evil and terrible undeads, and do their best to obtain the right to continue living in this land. This is all Luo The cruel facts that Dan Lun knew very well.
Moreover, now, except for the Kingdom of Stormwind and Khaz Modan, which are relatively peaceful and have not yet been attacked by the undead, people in other places are fighting desperately with the undead and trying to survive. There is not much time to go. To mourn or mourn the heroic king from the Kingdom of Stormwind.
Varian Wrynn was indeed dead. He died on the sea. He couldn't even find the body. Like countless other people who have died, he died in the hands of evil undead natural disasters. Here, things are that simple.
Immediately afterwards, something shocking and terrifying to everyone happened:
The king Varian Wrynn, who was thought to have died and had no bones, and the thousands of elite Lordaeron soldiers under his command who had been fed fish, were wearing them again less than half a month later. The slightly blackened or rusted armor landed in Nanhai Town, and it took the remaining half a month to sweep Arathi Highlands, Hillsbrad Hills, Alterac Mountains and Silver Pine forest!
Finally, after a month, they led an even more terrifying army of undead, which is said to have reached almost two or three million, and once again besieged the two cities of Lordaeron and Dalaran. stand up?
That’s right, the current Varian Wrynn is no longer the heroic King of Stormwind. He died in the ocean, but he and his men may have died heroically. , Or the soldiers who drowned aggrievedly, but most of them were salvaged by the undead, and resurrected as an undead, and let them stand back to all the living Lordaeron people Opposing positions!
Things have developed to this day, almost everyone has learned of the terrible force of the undead forces in Stormwind, and has accepted that there is no King Varian Wrynn of Stormwind in this world for a long time. Yes, just It's just an undead who came back from the dead, cruel and evil, released the plague and killed countless living people, and cruelly resurrected the dead and enslaved them to attack more living people, and his name is
Death knight Varian Wrynn, the new owner of the magic sword Frostmourne and the new commander-in-chief of the Undead Scourge!
Up to now, the King City of Lordaeron, which is filled with a heavy and sad atmosphere, is besieged by the undead and is ready to attack. There are almost 100,000 troops and hundreds of thousands of armed refugees. They come from various places in the northern continent of Lordaeron, from Arathi Highlands to Alterac Mountains...
Of course, besides that, there are also different numbers of troops from Dalaran, the Hinterlands or Khaz Modan!
In fact, most of the refugees, including the original residents of Lordaeron, the nearly one million refugees who fled to Lordaeron or Dalaran from various places, have been transferred to the safer island of Fenris. . Because, the undead seem to have no plans to build ships to attack the big island in the center of Lordamere Lake? And that extremely deterrent floating fortress, the Naxxramas is now hovering in front of Lordaeron King City, far away, obviously preparing for the final finals on the largest city of mankind. The bombardment is definitely not planned for the time being to attack those refugees who have little ability to fight back.
Therefore, the island of the lake and Lordaeron and Dalaran became the last safe place for the living people of the Alliance of Lordaeron. Once Dalaran and Lordaeron were captured, the people hiding on the island of the lake would be It will definitely become a turtle in the urn, and there will be no possibility of escape!
Perhaps this is why the undead are not in a hurry to find them trouble?
Since most of the main forces of the undead have been detected, including those of the undead's high-level people, have gathered outside of Lordaeron, so, of course, most of Dalaran's combat power has also come to Lordaeron here. By now, the wizards of Dalaran had to admit that the powerful destructive power of the undead was beyond their imagination. At the same time, they knew that once the last city of Lordaeron fell, Dalaran would be true. There is no support or rely on, and if Lordaeron is still there, the undead would definitely not dare to expend their forces to attack Dalaran protected by magic. This is a matter of interdependence and cannot tolerate the carelessness of the archmages. consider.
Therefore, seeing Naxxramas outside the city of Lordaeron, and seeing that the undead did not plan to attack Dalaran first, the mages decided resolutely: In addition to leaving the necessary forces to garrison Dalaran and be wary of those surroundings In addition to the natural disaster forces in Dalaran, the other archmages, including the strategic wizards, all supported Lordaeron at the other end of Lordamere Lake, preparing to fight the dead!
And this is why Lordaeron has gathered more than 100,000 troops and a large number of armed refugees!
But it is a pity that even if there are regular troops with a number of 100,000, but now, the generals in Lordaeron, besides placing a large phalanx of more than 20,000 people outside the city wall, are ready to fight desperately to resist and protect for a while. Outside the city wall, no one had the intention to take the initiative to attack, because...At this time, the undead who were surrounding Lordaeron were counted by them. There were almost a million of them!
That is a number enough to make all generals and soldiers feel desperate...
and so,
At this moment, on the walls of Lordaeron, the generals of the alliance, the chiefs of the troops, or the generals and so on, who are leaning on the fence, no one intends to talk about any strategy or military strategy anymore. That is because, In front of the densely packed, undead army outside the city, they can do nothing except resist desperately and hope to defend Lordaeron, and they have no effective tricks. .
at this time,
On the arrow tower of a city wall on the outer wall of Lordaeron, the father and daughter of Lord Daval Prestor and Katrana Prestor deliberately avoided the sight of everyone and interfered with their surroundings. After hearing the archers, they silently watched the movements of the undead outside the city, while quietly communicating something.
Yes, the one standing next to Lord Prestor was after learning that King Varian died at the sea, the entire army was annihilated and transformed into undead at the same time, he quickly settled Stormwind City and temporarily pacified Van Cleef. And the rebellion of the Westfall, released a certain archduke who had been pitted by her once and was obsessed with her. After he came out to preside over the regency, he hurriedly teleported to Lordaeron and her father, Lord Prestor. Countess.
"I'm sorry, my father, I seem to accidentally messed up everything?"
For the self-proclaimed Countess Katrana Presto, the undead slapped her with a slap in the face of the arrangement that was supposed to go smoothly. The calculation that she thought was a good deal turned out to be a gift of thousands of miles, but she has always been ashamed and angry!
If it were before, that Varian, the uncontrollable king, died under the hands of the undead and was resurrected as a powerful death knight, then she would definitely be very excited and happy! But... now she has no more thoughts except for being ashamed and wanting to become a black dragon and fly out to give those undead a ‘deep breath’.
Because, now her position is different from the previous situation where she tried every means to subvert Stormwind and the Kingdom of Stormwind...because now, she seems to be unconsciously standing by humans, or to be precise: Standing on the kind of position that guards this land?
Because she had already faintly known that some of the aura in their father, Lord Prestor, had disappeared, and the other party had returned to normal? Therefore, those evil undead natural disasters that spread plagues that can not only pollute and kill mortals, but even erode the entire land, and their kind of nasty plague, must be fast after the black dragons of their "guardians of the earth" want to eliminate of!
"You don't have to apologize to me, you have done a good job... In fact, even I didn't expect that those undead would do something like that... Humph! I underestimated them."
Lord Presto, who was silently looking at the undead army in the distance, suddenly laughed, shook his head and sighed to comfort his daughter.
He had never thought of punishing the other party. Moreover, the cause of the matter was also caused by his instructing the other party to make the Stormwind Kingdom go north to support Lordaeron as soon as possible. He just felt a little frustrated that he himself, actually Did you unknowingly help those bone racks with stench and maggots?
That kind of thing really made his first-life fame become somewhat contaminated... But fortunately, no third person knew that the source of the matter was with him, otherwise he would be really a little embarrassed to see people in the future. Up.
"And, do you know Aoni?"
"If an apology is useful, I will not continue to hide my identity and hide here in Lordaeron to help those mortals secretly...Some things happen once they happen, and any apology or self-blame is useless. What we can do now is to work hard to do things better, do what we want to do, don’t care about other people’s eyes, that’s all.

Think about the crazy things that I have done, think about the hatred of my brothers and sisters, Lord Prestor comforted and persuaded his daughter, and also teased him at the same time. Besides, what else can he do?
"Father, I understand!"
Katrana hurriedly lowered her head to reconcile, because she is not a naive little woman, she can do anything if she initiates a ruthlessness, and the things in Stormwind are the proof! Therefore, she quickly understood some of her father's tips, and took it seriously.
"Remember what I told you, that is your responsibility, but you must be careful and not be like me anymore."
With a sigh, Lord Prestor shook his head and did not intend to say more, because he discovered the abnormalities of the undead in the same place. They have no time to continue talking, and then, what should be said is He had said it before, and now he has nothing to worry about.
"Hmm... They are finally about to start siege? It seems that I don't have much time..."
Watching the undead start to move, and seeing their huge sewing haters launching huge siege grinders, Lord Prestor sighed slightly.
Katrana didn't know what the other party was referring to, so she couldn't help being a little puzzled, and turned to look at the other party with puzzled eyes.
"No hurry, you will understand later."
Lord Prestor did not explain much, but frowned and watched the undead in the distance rolled out the terrifying huge meat grinders and the huge slings of the same ferociousness, and at the same time, the sky above the distant sky The floating fortress Naxxramas also slowly threatened to come over.
There is no doubt that the undead are not fools, they also know that Lordaeron can not be attacked with brute force, so they have prepared for a long time and made perfect preparations!
'Hum hum……'
At this moment, in the distance, he didn't know what spell the death knight Varian used, so that his voice came from afar before he could directly see him with his naked eyes.
‘Listen to the people in Lordaeron! ’
"I know, some of you are with the hope of saving allies, risking their lives, and come from other places, such as Khaz Modan or The Hinterlands, to this world of the dead to seek answers... …Then, I will satisfy you generously. ’
‘Because the answer you are looking for is actually very simple, that is: all life, and this world, must perish! ! ’
‘You have no way to escape now, put down your arms and beg for mercy from me, but I will reject you fiercely! Because, to offer your soul free of charge, that will be your only choice! ’
‘I know you might not be willing to do that, so I will help you generously? "
'Hum hum……'
‘Dead, perform my will: charge in the name of death! Capture Lordaeron and fight for your master! Kill, conquer everything, keep coming back to life until you conquer the world! ’
‘Today, don’t stay alive! ! ’
When it sounded like threatening or persuading to surrender, but in the end it sounded like provocative words from the evil death knight holding Frostmourne high on the extremely high ground, from the evil Varian’s mouth After speaking, soon, with the terrifying magic sword in his hand, he pointed fiercely in the direction of Lordaeron...
Finally, the undead who looked dark, like black tides or ocean waves, roared, filling the world with their terrifying and terrifying sounds, and at the same time, they went toward without fear. Front rushed and charged.
At the same time, the siege equipment of the undead, the large and small meat grinders and the oversized catapults, etc., slammed towards the walls of Lordaeron or the walls...
Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!
When those pieces of plague corpses smashed into the city, they knocked down the houses, spread the plague, and smashed groups of regular troops or armed militias on standby in the city. Huge boulders smashed the pestilence barrel fiercely on the city wall, smashed rows of soldiers or blasted the city wall into big pits and poisonous green fog; when countless ghouls, hatred or Just like that, the zombies were thrown into the city wall or the city in groups by their own siege equipment, even if they were smashed to the ground or broken bones, they had to get up again and fought with the defenders, Rodin The Lun offensive and defensive war finally began...
In the sky, the Naxxramas in the distance bombarded Lordaeron with various evil weapons from afar, and at the same time released a large number of gargoyles, which flew up densely to cover the sky and the earth. Just like that, she screamed and rushed towards Lordaeron from a distance.
‘Your Majesty, I’m going to command the troops first! ’
After a heavy sigh of relief, the Grand Marshal Osmar Garithos holding the commandership finally bowed to their brave queen who was about to stay at the head of the city, before turning around resolutely. Walked quickly to the podium.
‘! ! ’
‘Order: Griffin Rider, stop them! ! ’
The plague corpses and barrels of plague that were smashed into the city, Garithos did not care, even if you wanted to, it was useless, you can only let them stay there! As for the ghouls, zombies, or hatred that were thrown continuously as ammunition on the walls or in the city, he was even more unconcerned, because he knew that the brave Lordaeron soldiers would quickly kill them all. That is not a problem.
So, finally, after looking at the dense numbers of gargoyles in the sky, he resolutely gave orders to the herald next to him, and soon, at this command platform protected by shields by the wizards of Dalaran, A flag was passed up high by the commander.
Soon, the griffon riders from Lordaeron, Aaron's Nest and Khaz Modan who had been waiting impatiently soared from the top of Lordaeron buildings that were transformed into animal pens. The posture rose violently, and he rushed toward the dense black spots that had rushed in.
The enemy's air units are not dominant, and the number is far from the absolute amount of suppression like those ghouls and zombies on the ground, so General Marshal Garithus is not worried.
However, the enemy's long-range troops that are constantly throwing and attacking the walls and the city have to think of a way, otherwise, if they are passively attacked, it is not a good way.
‘Instruction: Dwarf and dwarf helicopters, go and bomb the enemy’s meat grinders and trebuchets accurately! ’
Although knowing that the helicopter force certainly cannot cause effective damage to the enemy's huge throwing force, Garithus, who has no other better choice, can only do that.
With the sound of steam engines, the gunship helicopters started to start, carrying a round of high-explosive missiles or throwing bombs into the air and rushing towards the enemy's meat grinders and catapult formations. As far as they can Garithus didn't even think about how many came back alive.
‘The order: the counterweight catapult, the dwarf cannon fire, freely bombard the enemy’s frontline troops! ’
‘Instruction: The mortar squad waits for the enemy to reach the No. 1 area in front and open fire freely, trying to block the enemy’s offensive! ’
‘The Order: Archers and Mages, free to attack...’
Seeing the terrifying number of tide attacks by the enemy, and seeing that the enemy did not even bring a siege device, it seemed that he was determined to fill the walls of Lordaeron with corpses, and Garithus painfully removed those one by one. Except for the unimportant orders, he didn't know what to do next, so he could only stand on his podium in a daze, watching everything with a dark face.
General Garithus knew that there were too many enemies, enough to the point where the commands he just issued didn't make much sense?
After a while, the violent shelling sounded.
On the ground where the enemy charged, in front of the walls of Lordaeron, a round of hot solid shells dragged their trajectory and plowed out a "blood path" of limbs splashing in the dense formation of the undead; one by one was burning. The fuel barrels created huge fireballs in the enemy’s charging formation, burning countless dead souls and creating huge burning belts; the mortar shells began to make sharp whistling noises, and then smashed. After falling to the ground and exploding, countless undeads were directly lifted and exploded to pieces...
In the sky, the Griffin Riders bravely confronted the gargoyles. From time to time, the howling Griffin and the knights fell down with snowflakes. If you are lucky, you can open the parachute in time, while the seriously injured follow suit. Together, their mounts hit the ground fiercely!
However, the battle in the sky did the Griffin Riders gain the upper hand before the enemy Naxxramas approached. Therefore, correspondingly, more gargoyles were defeated by the Griffin Riders’ Storm Hammers or Lions. The eagle was blown to pieces, or it was petrified after being injured and fell down entirely, smashing to pieces on the ground on the house...
In the distance, the enemy's catapult and meat grinder formations began to skyrocket with bursts of fire and explosions. It was the helicopters who started their violent bombing and machine gun shooting!
However, it is a pity that they went deep into the enemy's line, and soon they burst into flames and black smoke one after another, and they planted in the formation of the undead and made louder noises. When they quickly finished throwing the bombs Or when the missiles had to be evacuated and flew back, even if most of them were highly skilled pilots, the remaining number of them seemed to be less than half of when they were gone.
The undead are still charging, and the only thing worthy of the defenders of Lordaeron is that, except for the ghouls, the rest of the undead forces are mostly slow, so they can calmly burn the burning Or the bows and arrows soaked in holy water will be launched, let them fly up in the air like locusts one by one, and pierce them diagonally one by one, nailing those ghouls, zombies or skeletons to the ground fiercely!
However, that didn't have much effect.
Because more of the undead did not stop at all, and directly submerged those companions who could not move or fell to the ground or stepped on their feet...
Soon, countless spells, those arcane missiles, lightning, large fireballs, small fireballs, flame storms, blasting spells, meteorites, ice storms, blizzards, and ice arrows, etc., began to move toward those shocks as if they were not asking for money. The undead formation was bombarded away, and the undead who charged were quickly blown into pieces, frozen in place or directly burned to ashes!
It was Dalaran’s strategic wizards who attacked. Their magical power is very powerful. In theory, before the mana is exhausted, it is enough to destroy an army of tens of thousands of people, or even an entire country. Like the Alterac Kingdom and the capital back then?
The undead are not only tens of thousands, they are now besieging the city of Lordaeron, there are more than one million, even more than one million!
‘Everyone! ’
Seeing Lordaeron’s various bombardments from near and far did not seem to be able to stop the undead, and seeing those undead army still roaring and constantly roaring towards their large arrays outside the city, standing at the forefront of the team, riding on The paladin Uther Lightbringer is finally ready to fight.
Therefore, he began to look around the generals around him. They were: Gavinrad Doom, Saidan Dathrohan, and the Ashbringer who returned with the weapon to kill the undead, Alexandros Mograine!
‘Maybe I will die here today...’
‘Maybe all of us will die here today...’
‘But, for Lordaeron, for the right of our people and our daughters to live on this land, for everything we cherish, we will be fearless! ’
Uther said loudly, his body and warhammer began to shine with a strong holy light, and began to bring supreme courage to the soldiers nearby. Correspondingly, the silver hand knights and the knights and generals around him also lit up with different light and dark lights, indicating that they were ready to fight.
‘But we will be fearless! ’
‘Because the supreme light will shelter us! ’
‘The Paladins of the Silver Hand, the soldiers of Lordaeron, the descendants of Arathor! For Lordaeron, for our humanity! attack! Destroy those evil undead! ! ’
After the undead rushed to the front, finally, with a loud shout from Uther Lightbringer, they rushed out in the lead. Finally, they were arranged outside the most dangerous city to resist the enemy’s attack on the generous 20,000 people. The formation, then resolutely rushed out toward the undead formations that had become fragmented after various attacks and bombings, and quickly collided with the enemy!
With a wave of the warhammer in the hands of the leading Uther Lightbringer, the moment the warhorse passed by a clumsy hatred, it easily hit the opponent's chest, including the head, into a ball. Blasted rotten meat...
‘For Lordaeron! ’
‘Children of Arathor, attack! ! ’
‘Kill~! ’
Countless of the most elite dwarven heavy armored guards, the infantry cavalry of the elite Royal Legion of Lordaeron, and the knights of the Silver Hand Knights, they slammed into the enemy's formation so hard, and immediately smashed countless enemy.
'kill! ! ’
‘Holy light is on! ’
‘Enlighten, evil! ! ’
Gavinrad Doom and Saidan Dathohan followed Uther in front of them, and brought the Paladins on their horses behind them. They squandered their holy lights without hesitation. The formation is rampant, no enemy will be their opponent.
‘The supreme light, purify these undead! ! ’
At this time, the most dazzling thing is undoubtedly rushing into the army of the undead alone, holding the Ashbringer rushing from the left to the right, but he is unscathed by Alexandros Mograine!
The weapon in his own hand, the Ashbringer, exudes extremely dazzling holy light, even more dazzling countless times than the lightbringer Uther's body, so that the point where his blade swings is completely within dozens of steps. There is no undead that can stand up to it. The undead wherever they pass are dissolved by the holy light like snow melting, and behind him, there are only endless corpses and ashes burning with the holy flame...
‘Kill~! ’
‘For Lordaeron! ’
At the same time, more soldiers also collided with the endless undead. The neat tanks opened fire while the engine was fully launched, using huge steel tracks and welding blades on the wheels to easily smash the pieces. The undead were pressed into patties or minced into pieces of rotten meat.
at last,
After a long time, in the distance, when Uther and the others went forward, like a tiger down the mountain, they easily smashed the undead into an army. When they breathed out, they almost rushed to their own mage, archer, passport, dwarf mortar. At the longest range of support, when many of his own bombardments had to be stopped to avoid accidental injury, a certain death knight Varian couldn't stay.
Seeing that the enemy rushed out by himself and relied on his own strength not to take those people to his heart, he resolutely drove the skeletal warhorse under his crotch and brought the senior generals of the undead and natural disasters around him, such as a certain dark king and Anub'arak, plus countless elite death knights, rushed directly at the silver hand paladins that shone to him.
"Galiya, I will help Your Excellency Uther and them, you must be careful here, don't go outside the shield of the Dalaran mages!"
Hermione also saw the movement in the distance, so she couldn't sit still...
Just now she found out that the death knight Varian used the "sounding loud" spell, just like she used to hear Principal Dumbledore at Hogwarts before? Obviously, Ha must have used the spell to help the death knight make that terrible sound!
It’s just that there is no Harry Potter anymore. Hermione already knew that it was the Dark Lord Voldemort in Harry’s shell. Today, her companions, All were dead, including Harry, and there was nothing left.
Even, she has gradually forgotten the days at Hogwarts. She is used to fighting the undead in this world day and night. She can even be in less than a second. Pulling out the magic wand and casting out two to three silent spells, which seemed absolutely incredible to her before, but now that she is sitting there, she has learned a lot of even more powerful methods.
"You must be careful!"
Jia Liya did not have an excuse to stop the other party, because now almost everyone must fight the undead, everyone here must fight for survival, otherwise, once the undead rush in, all of them will die. , Including herself is no exception!
"I will!"
"Don't worry, my dear Queen Sister... It's you, Sister Jialia, you should be careful of your stomach. I think you'd better go back to your palace as soon as possible, because you haven't Come on, I'm really worried..."
"What do you think?"
Some things about Jia Liya must be hidden from Hermione, who already knew about some women. Besides, she had read books on physical health at home. After all, her father is a doctor, although It's a dentist, but that's the same as a doctor, isn't it?
So, for some things, she knows a little bit more than the average peers, and even knows a lot more than a certain queen and sister who is fast-tracking three?
Jia Liya's face suddenly turned red with shame, but before she could say anything, Hermione apparated and turned into a black smoke and disappeared directly into the wall of the command center of this seat. On, never seen again.
However, what Hermione didn’t know was that after she left, Jialia, who was still very embarrassed and angry, looked at an arrow tower on the edge of the original place with an expression of worry and pain, and her brow was still Wrinkled tightly, don’t know what I’m thinking or worrying about,

‘Oni, do you think these mortals can hold this city? Is it possible to persist until we have developed a potion to fight the plague and the dead? ’
Watching the battle in the distance, Lord Prestor, who stopped moving after a few spells had just been cast, asked his daughter, Countess Katrana.
Although he himself knows the current situation, he wants to test his daughter to see how the other party's overall situation is and whether he can guess it correctly.
'father! ’
‘According to the current consumption level of both parties, they will completely lose this city before sunset tomorrow! At that time, even if they take the initiative to retreat, at least the vast majority of people will die here and become part of the undead natural disasters! ’
‘The Alliance of Lordaeron will completely lose the ability to fight, but the undead will not lose much, but will gain a lot of strong fighters...’
I glanced at the outside of the arrow tower, and then at the archers around me who couldn't hear the two of them at all. He had only pulled it a dozen times in a row, but he was so tired that he could hardly pull his bow. Later, Countess Katrana shook her head regretfully.
She is not optimistic about these mortals, because the difference in strength is too great, and the number of undead and natural disasters has overwhelmed everything. In the absence of other variables, victory is inevitable, even if she and her father are desperate to help Luo Dan Lun is the same!
Therefore, she was ready to persuade her father to leave this Lordaeron destined to be turned into ruins as soon as possible. She felt that maybe her father and daughter could go to Stormwind City, where there is at least one intact kingdom. Heishishan and her brother, even if they can't stop the undead, can at least resist them for a while, and wait until their more targeted potions are researched out?
"My father!"
"We are meaningless here. Before effective methods against the undead are developed, we have no good way to deal with them. It is better to..."
However, before Countess Katrana had finished speaking, she was stopped by her father's hand.
"It's useless, Oni, I'm afraid I can't go today..."
Lord Prestor sighed and stared at the chaotic battlefield outside the city.
Now, in the original place, the death knight who is holding the magic sword and is too powerful due to the blood and soul of too many people will soon rush into the formation of the group of paladins, and the ones farther away In the sky, the floating fortress Naxxramas was slowly pressing toward the city head, which was the most deadly to the defending party.
For the father and daughter, the most difficult thing is not that kind of thing?
‘! ! ’
'Well? what's the situation? ! ’
At this time, Countess Katrana also found out that those archers who had to run down the arrow tower due to the high-strength draw did not only not come back, but also those who replaced them did not come up in time?
This kind of weird thing, it is very abnormal that the undead will rush to the city head within range at any time!
However, soon, Countess Katrana knew why, because when she was puzzled and prepared to scold the soldiers below, she unexpectedly discovered that Bingran didn’t know about this city. When did a powerful mage and some terrifying existences she didn't want to see the most?
And the soldiers of Lordaeron who were waiting in full battle below, at this time, don't know when they will be dispatched...
It turned out that at this time it turned out to be a pesky guardian Medivh, three dragon kings, and a large group of Antonidas of the Kentori Council leading Kael'thas, Krasus, Modra, Anslem, and De Langdon waited for the archmages to arrive!
"Lord of Prestor! Or, can we call you the king of the black dragon, Lord Nesario of Deathwing?"
"You have colluded with your daughter and conspired to frame King Varian and want to destroy the world. We have already investigated it!"
"Now, you can't escape, hurry up and wait for death!!"
The Medivh who was transferred, and the three dragon kings with long horns on their heads, which were obviously human-shaped dragons, plus the large group of mages from the Tirisfal Council, had already returned a certain pair to the arrow tower. Talk to me, and not long ago, a certain lord who had used several large spells to bombard the undead troops surrounded the middle and surrounded the arrow tower.
"You finally came out..."
"Medivine, I really didn't expect that you could convince so many people to believe you, which really surprised me."
"Do you really think I did all this?"
I took a deep look at my three brothers and sisters, and then randomly glanced at the archmages of the Kentori Council. Finally, Lord Prestor, or it can be said that it was Nethario, the black dragon king. The man turned his eyes that didn't know whether they were unexpected or expected to the headed guardian Medivh.
Although, Lord Prestor wanted to say: Everything that the other party just said was just a misunderstanding and coincidence, because it was really not his or his daughter Onyxia’s original intention, because his deathwing really Is he getting better and recovering, he is really with everyone now, is he standing on the opposite side of those undead natural disasters?
Think carefully about the things Medivh just accused, and then think about the things that he had asked his daughter to do before, it seems that he really has no desire to make any defense at all? That kind of thing, if you say it, I'm afraid that besides himself and his daughter, others will never believe that they are innocent, right?
"I think, no matter what I say now, you won't believe it..."
Soon, Lord Prestor sighed and sighed, because he knew that in this case, he said nothing was useless, saying everything was pale and powerless!
So, he quickly settled his attention...
He would not tell these menacing guardians, the archmage, and his three brothers and sisters. He would not tell them: he actually knew that they were going to catch him, but in order to deal with the undead natural disasters, Later, Lordaeron could use the power of their Kentori Council, the Guardian, the three dragon kings and even the dragon legion, and he resolutely chose to stay here.
‘Hurry up and run away later, I may not care about you, you don’t care about me either! Hurry back to your Dustwallow Marsh, and feel the strength I gave you before, that's very important! ’
After winking at the other party, knowing that this daughter who knows how to advance and retreat will definitely follow her instructions, Lord Prestor, or the man incarnate of Deathwing Neltharion stepped towards When I walked forward, I walked forward from the battlements of the arrow tower, stepping on the empty air step by step.
"it's time……"
He knew that, in front of so many Kentori Archmage and three brothers and sisters, and so many dragons hidden here, his Deathwing might not be able to escape today.
However, the violent power in the body and the pain of the earth are afflicting him all the time, plus all the things that have been over the past 10,000 years, he seems to be exhausted, and he doesn't seem to want to run away...because he has already decided before In order to hand over the responsibility and power of guarding the dragon to his daughter, as for the grievances between him and his brothers and sisters, let's make a complete end here today.
The Countess Katrana who stayed behind was stunned, then she frowned and took a half step back in silence.
She finally heard it, but she couldn't understand it at all. Since this ambush, her father had already foreseen it in advance, but why didn't he run away in advance and didn't tell herself? But no matter what, she who must stay here is a dead end, she is still ready to escape at any time.
"The crime you just imposed on me, I won't agree with it, and of course, I won't oppose it? Anyway, whatever you think about it..."
"However, if you want to win me today, I am afraid it will not be so easy, because..."
At this time, without waiting for the opponent to start, Lord Prestor's body began to emit terrifying energy fluctuations and powerful aura.
Roar~! !
After a huge roar and roar, Lord Prestor finally turned his face directly, and instantly turned into a huge crazy black dragon!
In front of everyone, on the head of Lordaeron, he suddenly became a huge and terrifying one, and he was still wearing elementary armor, and there was continuous hot flames and heat from under his black skin. The huge black dragon spewed out, and after a single breath dispelled the group of Archmage and the three brothers and sisters of the Tirisfal Council, he took the same transformation, but the body was much smaller than himself. Xia flew high above Lordaeron.
"My name is the Wings of Death, the guardian of the earth, the destroyer of the destiny, the terminator of all things, unstoppable, unbreakable!!"
After the roar, more powerful power began to spurt out of Deathwing Neltharion’s body like death, and it immediately stunned the defenders and generals of Lordaeron near the city’s head, wrapping a certain distance away. Queen Lordaeron who has been watching the situation here!
However, those who were fighting with the undead at the front could not take care of that much, because the undead would not stop just because of the appearance of two huge black dragons.
'fast! Stop him! ’
'attack! ’
Roar~! !
In an instant, the attack of the archmage and guardian Medivh of the Kentori Council, as well as the three dragon kings who had not had time to transform, violently bombarded Deathwing's hideous and dark source matter. Armored!
But, very unexpectedly, they discovered that the Deathwing did not say a word, did not defend, and did not counterattack them again. Instead, they just swallowed a large wave of attacks abruptly?
"You can't stop me!"
"I am the embodiment of power, I am the catastrophe!!"
After discovering that the Lich King and his undead high-levels were temporarily surrounded by human paladins in the distance, Nesario transformed into a huge and terrifying dragon. After his roar, Suddenly flew towards the undead forces, in the direction of Naxxramas?
Along the way, the earth was shaking, fire and magma were roaring, under the fierce, desperate lava flames of Deathwing and the endless flames of all things burned out by flapping wings, countless undead and part of them charged Going too fast, the soldiers of the Alliance of Lordaeron who were fighting against the undead instantly turned into pieces of fly ash in the wailing...
Of course, it is the evil undead who are affected more!
As for humans or dwarves, only those who rushed too fast and were about to be overwhelmed by the undead and were too brave would be affected, while those who steadily proceeded according to the order were intact and could only be stunned. Stopped in place to watch what happened in the front of the undead.
‘! ! ’
‘? ? ? ’
Of course, the three dragon kings who have just completed their transformation and the archmages of Kentori are also stunned, plus countless red dragons, green dragons and those who have just transformed from the form of the mage into the form of the dragon and lifted into the sky. There are dozens of dragons of the blue dragon dragon army.
They couldn’t figure it out. The black dragon king, who turned into a terrifying deathwing, did not attack them, nor did he attack Lordaeron, but instead ran while violently burning the densely packed undead, and turned towards them. What the meaning of the black dragon rushing towards Naxxramas in the distance.
They discovered again: The Deathwing actually ignored the counterattack of the undead and the frost breath of those frost dragons, but rushed directly arbitrarily and slammed into the Naxxramas, struggling to be seriously injured. At the price, directly sprayed a terrible dragon flame into Naxxramas?
Rumbling rumbling...
Then, at the moment when Naxxramas exploded and destroyed, the Black Dragon King who didn’t know what medicine he had taken wrong suddenly exploded with almost all of his own power, causing the entire land of Lordaeron to begin. Shaking and roaring and cracking huge gaps, the entire King City of Lordaeron was split from the city wall from the entire continent and turned into a lake city and a second lake island that cut off the dead. After our attack was possible, it suddenly flew towards the distance, towards the place where the undead was densest, and destroyed all the land and the undead with all its power. In the lava flames and the cataclysm?
Seeing this situation, he is still preparing to guide the spells to continue bombarding the black dragon's Medivh, the archmage of the Kentori Council, and the guardian dragons, whether it is the Red Dragon Queen Life Oathbinder Alexstrasza or the Blue Dragon Malygos the King Weaver, or the Green Dragon Queen Ysera were all stunned...
Because they don't know what it is all about!
Therefore, they can only stand awkwardly on the spot, or fly in mid-air, and cancel their spells, just dumbfounded watching the crazy black dragon raging on top of the undead natural disasters, and finally turned into one. The fireball of terrifying energy slammed into the densest place where the undead was at the end of the line of sight?
The world is shaking, magma is roaring, flames are burning...
When the crazy black dragon king rushed to the end of his sight and completely fell to the ground, and gradually disappeared, the landforms of Tirisfal Glades had undergone tremendous changes, and the undead besieging Lordaeron were even more serious. Only less than half is left!
"Step aside!!"
At this moment, flying high in the sky, Onyxia, the black dragon princess who also saw everything, griefly knocked over a red dragon that seemed to be at a loss, then turned to the people below and the three. The dragon kings who looked at each other angrily said:
"My father is the king of the black dragon and the guardian of the earth-Neltharion! I, Onyxia, declare here in the name of the new queen of the black dragon army: we will never accept your unprovoked things to him. Accusations, in the name of Titan, we will never accept it!!"
"Now, this thing for you!"
"It is a semi-finished antidote developed by my father and my brother at the expense of the guardian's power to research. It can effectively neutralize the plague and treat people who have not yet died. You can do it yourself now!"
After speaking, UU read and threw a bucket of things into the hands of a sluggish red dragon queen below. She was so sad and indignant that she finally went to the place where her father fell. After taking a look at the place, he didn't dare to stay here anymore, slapped his wings quickly, and flew away quickly to the west.
Because she doesn't believe them, she doesn't believe anyone here! Therefore, she must go!
She had already said what she had to say, and her father made the choice he thought was appropriate. Onyxia did not choose to stop, let alone pity or mourn the other person. Because, at the bottom of her heart, she is also proud and proud of her father, because he is the wings of death, he is the guardian of the earth Nesario, he has made sacrifices to protect this land, that is enough to wash away That's enough for everything he has done!
As for the outcome of the still large number of undead and the mortals who are still fighting the powerful death knights, it is not under her Onyxia's control, because they have done enough. Much, now, it's the guys who claim to be righteous to contribute.
The Red Dragon Queen’s Life Oathbinder Alexstrasza, who subconsciously grasped the big barrel, was completely scolded for a while, and she even looked at the thing she was holding in her paw and lost it. No, just flapping their wings and staying in the air, seeming to be thinking hard, did they really make a mistake?
Therefore, she didn't let the dragons of the dragon legion make things difficult for each other, and just let the little black dragon, which claims to be the new black dragon queen, fly away until she can no longer see it...

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