Chapter 1031: ?(ψ`?′)o? Where did the thieves come from,...

Between the electric light and flint, I saw a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and then when a small tree on the top of the mountain overlooking Jinling was instantly scorched and shattered, a large circle of verdant weeds in the area was also instantaneous. After withering and smoking, a white bear standing upright surrounded by lightning came to the top of this mountain majesticly, standing on the top of the mountain with yellow and messy hair, which looked like the same withered grass. The sore on his forehead was so swollen, the robe on his body was even more tattered, and in front of the lame and sloppy Taoist who was still holding a wooden stick in his hand.
"Where is the thief and Daoist who dare to run wild on your grandpa bear's site, and dare to spy on this bear's yard, peep into this bear sleeping, what do you want to do?!"
Before the other party could speak, Tibbers uttered a vicious voice and asked the first question.
However, in fact, Tibbers did not think that the other party was peeping it to sleep. However, in its view, since the other party is a male terrestrial human, even if it looks very old, there is no doubt that the young people in Rongguo Mansion The female humans who are suitable for reproduction are surely attracted to each other a little bit?
What do the people on earth call this kind of behavior of being of the same kind but peeping at the bodies of other female humans? By the way, it seems to be a ‘pervert’ or a ‘pervert’?
Anyway, the bad old man in front of it is undoubtedly an old demon, so today, it must walk the way for the sky and eradicate the big demon!
"Good! What a wicked animal!"
After seeing the sudden lightning flash, what appeared in front of him was a little white bear surrounded by electric snakes, the lame Taoist, the mad and quail-robed Taoist-like guy finally withdrew his look. The sight of Jinling City couldn't help but exclaim directly.
"That's it!"
"Three days ago, Poor Dao handed the'Fengyuebaojian' to Jia Rui of Jia Mansion. He originally wanted to use the card from the Jinghuan Fairy on the Void Spirit Hall of the Too Unreal Realm to cure evil thoughts and delusions, and to save the world. The treasure of gong saved him a small life, but he didn't think that he was still dead after all, and those laymen were so tired that they wanted to burn my precious mirror..."
"Presumably, it's definitely because you, the bear demon, are making trouble in Jia Mansion, right?!"
After seeing the bear, the lame Taoist first nodded in surprise, then shook his head regretfully, and finally sighed and said something like this.
Just now, he went to the courtyard outside the Jia Mansion and gave his treasure "Fengyue Baojian" from the hands of the Jiadairu couple. When he snatched it back from the fire, he was still in vain. Suffered a meal without arrogance! Moreover, he was still a little surprised, why did Jia's luck in the house have been deteriorating, and why Fengyue Baojian still failed to save the life of the fool?
It turned out that, in the final analysis, it was because of a big monster in Jia's mansion?
"Very good! Very good!!"
However, now that he knew the reason, the lame Taoist himself quickly had a countermeasure.
Since the other party came out by himself, it would save him from continuing to look at and gaze at the two houses of Rong and Ning, and continue to observe and analyze the source of the decline of his luck! Right now, as long as he manages to take down the monster in front of him that is making waves in the world and prevent the other party from continuing to interfere in mortal affairs in Jia's Mansion, his visit to Jinling today is considered a problem.
"What a shit!"
"You thieves and brains, you know that you are not a good person and dare to say that this bear is a monster? Just tell the truth, what is your conspiracy, why do you have to spy on this bear soaking in the sun and sleeping?"
"Say it! Dare to say half a lie, I don't care about it!"
??????????← Super fierce!
Tibbers wouldn't tell the other party that the guy named Jia Rui was actually killed by the woman named Wang Xifeng. It's the matter of Uncle Xiong.
It has been nurtured by a bad little master’s morals for many years. If it really wants to kill someone, it’s over if it smashes a bolt of lightning or slaps it with a paw. There is a need to deal with that Jia Like Rui, is it so troublesome to die slowly?
As for making trouble in Jia's Mansion, it is even more shit! You know, if it wasn't for the delicious food and drink there, and the officer Lin Daiyu's shoveling officer served him comfortably, the well-informed man would have gone to other places long ago. What's so rare in Jia's house?
However, at this time, the lame Taoist with a pickled face and more sores was not in a hurry to speak, but he looked up and down the bear again.
"That's it!"
"I think it is not easy for you to practice, and now it is considered to have some Taoism... It is better to be like this, you let me go, and become my vague real person's mount, and you will fly to the illusory realm together in the future, and it will not be worth your practice for many years. What kind of ability?"
Maybe it was because I saw how well-behaved the white bear in front of me was, maybe because I was greedy for the other party's ability to control lightning? Or, is it because being lame is so inconvenient to go, so that the heart of the horse is moved? Anyway, just as he was about to shoot down the demon and subdue a certain bear demon who was making trouble in the Rongguo Mansion, the lame Taoist changed his attention again and asked aloud with some expectation.
"Sit, mount?!"
Never imagined that the sore on the top of the head, the pus on the soles of the feet, and the madness in front of him, the thief in quail clothes really wanted to ride it, Master Tibbers Bear?
This is really uncle tolerable, it bears not! !
A certain bear dared to testify with its conscience. For so many years, except for the horrible little master of the Tibbers family, in this endless world and in the endless plane, no one dares to ride it. Uncle's! Even Lin Daiyu and the others who shovel the feces, as well as the people in the Rongguo Mansion, don't they need to coax it and hold it?
And now, this guy in front of you actually wants to ride a bear? This is really outrageous! !
"Where is a wild Taoist priest who wants to ride a bear? Why don't you take a and take a picture of yourself. Just your beggar-like virtues, you can't raise the next three idiots, and you want to learn from others to raise bears. ?!"
"You can't beat you!"
????????????: Wow~!
and so,
Feeling that Xiong Sheng has been humiliated and he feels it is necessary to severely punish the thief Tibbers in front of a nasty little master who doesn’t know what he’s doing, so he roared furiously. The shape swelled and enlarged, and while the whole body and claws were surrounded by lightning, it instantly became a giant bear the height of two adult earthlings, and rushed forward fiercely with one claw. He smashed the thief's head fiercely!
Boom~! !
After the thunderbolt of lightning and loud noises, the place where the lame Taoist was just now was easily shot by Tibbers with a big pit full of electric snakes twisting!
o(`????) o Humph!
However, Tibbers soon discovered that the claws that it had just now smashed vigorously. In addition to smashing a certain section of the tree trunk that appeared suddenly, there was also the figure of the Taoist person?
Obviously, just now the opponent must have used some kind of magic such as a substitute, so that it made its pounce knock down?
"What a fierce evildoer!"
"Never mind! Since you persist in not realizing, then the poor Dao must do the Dao for the heavens, lead the heavens to the heavens, and use the power of the heavens and the earth to get rid of your evil beast that is evil to the world!!"
Since the other party does not give himself face, and is still obsessed with being fierce and cruel, what is not said, waiting for it, is doomed to be suppressed...
What, what? !
However, the lame Taoist who had just had time to use a dead wood substitute to move to a distance and hide himself with the five-element spell had just had time to take out a certain treasure, just finished chanting a certain spell, and was just about to guide the power of heaven and earth to go. When eliminating the suppression of the bear demon, he unexpectedly discovered that the sky full of thunder turned into terrifying spears, and then violently blasted directly toward the entire mountain?
That demon bear can actually control this level of terrifying thunder power? !
Rumbling rumbling...
The incredibly blazing thunder light blasted down from the rolling cloud on the top of this mountain in an instant!
Even near noon, the strong thunder light and loud rumbling noise still faintly spread to the prosperous Jinling city in the distance, causing hundreds of thousands of dignitaries and ordinary civilians to stop. Turning his head to watch, in amazement, no one knows what the wonder of the'Ten Thousand Thunder Peaks' that appeared in the distance is all about?
A few mouthfuls of scarlet blood spewed out of the Taoist population!
At this time, the lame Taoist who had already used the technique of shifting to evade hundreds of steps away, the quail robe on his body had already been burned a lot, and the whole dirty chest was exposed. It was burned blue, purple, and scorched by lightning in many places, and it looked piece by piece, so embarrassed! Even, his originally messy withered yellow hair was burnt and smoked at this time, and he was about to become bald. Obviously, he was injured badly in the thunderstorm just now?
"Thief Taoist, flashing spells is great, you have lightning speed? See if you still ride a bear? See where you can run?!"
Seeing that the other party once again used that kind of flashing magic to appear farther away, he was upset because of being spied by the other party, and then ran here to question Tibbers, who was being provoked by the other party again, and roared reluctantly. At the same time, he swooped over with lightning flashing all over.
Although it doesn't know where the opponent came from, it only knows that as long as the opponent is killed, all problems will be solved!
Boom~! !
Another thunder and explosion sounded, and a huge boulder where the lame Taoist was directly shattered and exploded by the power of the demigod body and thunder and lightning of Tibbers, causing the gravel dust to be scattered everywhere. .
"You! Good! Good! Good! What a wicked animal, you are waiting, today there is still another important thing for the poor road, so I won't entangle with you for the time being, I will not rest with you when I have free time in the future!!"
The lame Taoist who used the escape spell for the third time and appeared farther away spewed out two mouthfuls of blood. He never imagined that this is not just why the bear demon who would stay in Jia Mansion is so terrifying and fierce. Did he hurt his lungs again?
Therefore, as a last resort, he felt that today’s self-protection methods were about to be used up, and the power of heaven and earth that had just launched the guidance in a hurry has not fallen. He felt that it’s not a good idea to continue fighting here, so he had to let go After a ruthless word, a hurriedly shrunk spell, before the lightning bolt that the enemy threw towards him, turned into a breeze, disappeared in an instant, and fled thousands of miles away. .
ε=(??ˇ??ˇ????))) Bah!
"If you can't beat it, you can just run away. This kind of trick is watched on TV! Benxiong is waiting for you in the Rongguo Mansion. If you don't go anywhere, you will come again if you are brave enough!!"
?? (??`??????)╭??
He threw himself into the air again, looked left and right, and couldn't find the opponent's Tibbers. First, he fiercely spit on the ground that was a little messy by the power of the thunder that he had just put down. He yelled harshly without admitting counsel at all, regardless of whether the other party could hear him or not.
You know, it just didn't even display the power of the demigod body of the thunder roaring Volibear. Just now, it was just tentatively warming up and getting used to that kind of thunder power. Next time, if the other party is too courageous and dare to come, it will definitely let the other party not even have a chance to escape!
After a long time, I found that the lame lame Taoist really seemed to have run away, and found that there was no energy fluctuation of the other party around, and after finding that no one answered him, he made a wild temper and electrified the whole mountain to the devastated Tibe. Si had no choice but to gradually reduce the thunder power in his body, and gave his figure to the huge white bear that stood up just now, and changed it back to the original white, white, fat, and cute. Look like a little white bear.
"Huh? What's the situation?!"
However, it soon discovered that it seemed that on the top of the mountain here, above its head, there was actually a large group of powerful and terrifying thunder forces tumbling and brewing?
Realizing that the situation was not right, and finding that those powers seemed to be not the same as the Thunder power he had just led and smashed down, Tibbers raised his head inexplicably, and at the same time, he researched upward...
However, it didn’t take long for me to mess with my own bad little master in many worlds with immortals, especially the one who stayed in Cuiping Mountain. It didn’t take much time to figure out what was brewing on it. What kind of stuff.
"Good thief, God!"
"What do you look at? Is there anything good? Haven't you seen a polar bear yet? And, do you know who the owner of this bear is?"
"Heavenly Tribulation? Heavenly Tribulation is great?!"
"If you are daring enough, you can smash a divine thunder and try it out. If you don't get beaten up by the bear's little master, the bear's name will be read back to you!"
Soon, a certain stupid, white and fat little white bear stood up directly, and stretched out a bear claw toward the sky to demonstrate without resisting it, just waiting for the other party to give him the violent catastrophe that was brewing. Hack it down.
Anyway, Tibbers vowed that as long as the other party dared to do something, dare to dare to hack it to death, when there is a chance, it, the very careful and obsessive uncle Xiong, will definitely be there when he returns to his little master It keeps instigating and fooling its own little master to kill the gods in this world. It swears that it will do that! !
for a long time,
Maybe it was the threat of a certain bear. Knowing that the backstage of the Tibbers’ house was hard, a certain thief didn’t think he could use his own life and countless creatures in his own world to make a mess with a certain demon bear. Twist? Of course, it is also possible that without the guidance of the lame Taoist, the catastrophe lost its goal?
Anyway, when a certain bear finished clamoring and was waiting to be struck by lightning, amazingly, the powerful thundercloud in the sky began to slowly dissipate, and the energy contained in it quickly disappeared without a trace. , As if it had never appeared before.
"Count you acquaintance!!"
I waited for a long time without waiting for the thunder of the gods of calamity to strike down, and only a certain bear in the light blue sky was waiting. In the end, he had to curl his lips boringly, and then again, there were flashes of lightning around his body, directly As a tear, it flashed towards the direction of Jinling Rongguo Mansion...
Now, after coming here three times and half by half, and drove away a certain courageous man who dared to peep at it, Master Tibbers Bear sleeping and peeping at the female human body, it is almost time to go back and continue to doze. And the daily routine of waiting for those shovel officers to serve it.
Since taking possession of the flesh and blood body of the thunder roar of Volibear, Tibbers now understands more and more why the horrible little master of his house was so obsessed with food and why. That kind of extreme appetite! Because, breakfast, lunch, and dinner are really three things worth looking forward to every day?

In the small corridor courtyard of Bishagui, Lin Daiyu and Xueyan's master servant were surprised, and they were all over the courtyard searching for a bear who didn't know why, and suddenly disappeared.
In their impression, at this time of noon, the other party is generally unlikely to run around. They will stay in the yard, or sleep under the eaves of the corridor, or basking in the sun on the stone platform. After being awakened by that unusual sound of thunder and coming out to check what happened, it was a long time before the other party could be found?
"Miss Miss! I found it! Look, that little guy is up there!!"
Suddenly, she raised her head towards the distant mountains somewhere on the top of the mountain, which was full of thunder before, but now I don’t know why it disappeared. After a glance, she finally found a certain head and didn’t know when. Lying on the blue roof tiles of their house, staring silently at a certain nasty little bear that they both looked at?
Therefore, in a hurry, Xue Yan charged and relayed on the pillars, and then easily jumped to the roof. After he hugged the opponent with both hands, it was like a real'Snow Goose', flutteringly. Floated to the ground.
After practicing the Misty Rain swordsmanship for more than a year, now whether it is Daiyu or Xueyan, although they still don’t know how to do immortality, they still don’t have much mana, and they can’t achieve the level of flying in the wind, but if it’s just It would be easy for them to be as light as a swallow and Feiyan walked on the wall.
"Where have you just been? The Thunder God on the mountain just far away awakened me and Xueyan from our sitting position, did the situation over there scare you?"
After interrupting the comprehension from her own house and having to run out to check what was happening, Lin Daiyu took her little white bear from Xue Yan's hand, and then she hugged her lovingly and asked worriedly.
"How can I scare this bear? This bear is..."
You know, the divine thunder was scared back by the cruel words it released before it had time to blast down. As for those that blasted before, it was released by the uncle Tibbers Bear himself. This scared anyone. It is impossible to scare itself!
However, having just said a word, just about to explain it to the two of them, I had to shut my mouth suddenly! Because, no matter it is it or Lin Daiyu who is holding it, they have already seen that Xue Baochai and Jia Baoyu are surrounded by their maids at this time. .
‘What kind of thunder was that just now, it’s really scary! ’
‘Isn’t it? ’
‘Looking over, the mountain in the distance was scorched. I don’t know what evil devil was born and was blown back by the sky thunder? ’
"Maybe what treasure was born? ’
‘It’s just, I don’t know if the government has sent someone to see it, maybe there is a treasure born? ’
'laugh! Master Bao, you read too many miscellaneous books, right? Return the treasure, don’t you have a wonderful treasure yourself? Why, still want to worry about that kind of born and grown baby? ’
‘What a wonderful baby! I don’t know people at all levels, and I don’t usually see any aura. I didn’t want this kind of trouble. If you want sister Yinger, just come and take it! ’
‘Yeah! Don't give it to me, I dare not want it! ’
"Okay, okay! Ying'er, don't make a fool of yourself, take care of your skin!!"
"Look, our female heroine sister Lin and Xue Yan have already left the customs, why don't you come over to see you?"
After reprimanding her maid Ying'er, telling her not to make jokes about Baoyu’s lifeblood jade, Baochai looked up and found that she was holding the little white bear in this small courtyard. Daiyu and Xueyan master servants who came with them.
Then, she hurriedly smiled and took Baoyu, Xiren, Ying'er and others around her, and directly greeted the two rare heroines.
"Sister Lin, don't you need to retreat to comprehend swordsmanship?"
"Look, I didn't pay attention when I usually came. I saw that the ground of your little yard was trampled like this by you. It's really incredible!"
After stepping forward to greet him, Bao Chai quickly discovered that the pebbles inlaid on the ground around the stone table were smoothed and smoothed a lot. Obviously, it was caused by people walking on. It is very different from the one in Lixiangyuan where they are temporarily staying, except for the main road, and the others are beginning to grow moss!
It can be seen from this that on weekdays, sister Lin and the other's maid Xueyan, they often practice swords here. This must be a step by step, and it can only be stepped out after years of practice.
"Sister Xue has a good reputation..."
"Left and right are only training for physical fitness, so what kind of heroine is? You don't know, the deficiencies brought out by my sister’s womb, if I don’t practice, I must not be like this now. Standing and talking easily."
Thinking about the changes that have taken place in her body over the past year or so, Daiyu couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, and she couldn't help but feel a little more gentle when she stroked her bear.
At first, I was too tired to come to Jinling from Yangzhou by boat, and had to stop the boat to rest. By chance, I met this bad guy in my arms who wanted to eat her... But now, a year has passed. , Her body has been beaten up, and her figure has grown a lot, but she doesn't know what happened to the father in the family?
Although I have stated my own situation several times in the letter, how good would it be if the other person could see his changes face to face? It's a pity that the last letter she sent back was a month ago, but I haven't received a reply until now, and I don't know if the letter has been sent home?
"What sword to practice!"
"Every day I know how to practice swordsmanship. What's the use if the courtyard is leveled? In recent times, even the sisters and brothers in the house have not moved around, and they have become more and more divided. Take a good girl’s home and practice. You have thick feet and thick hands, so what is it?!"
If anyone in the entire Rongguo Mansion holds the biggest objection to Daiyu's master servant training sword, it is undoubtedly the second master of the Rongguo Mansion!
Therefore, when Daiyu and Baochai had just spoken, before he had time to say a few words, he was just another person who didn't know what kind of anger he was mad, and he complained nonchalantly on the sidelines? He also deliberately ignored the surprised Daiyu and Baochai, and deliberately put his face aside.
The embarrassed Baochai and the slightly surprised Daiyu secretly glanced at each other, and then the two who knew the character of a certain guy exchanged glances secretly, smiled and greeted everyone to sit down on the stone table in the courtyard, regardless What host and guest.
‘Sister Lin, do you know what thunder was just now? Thunder in this kind of weather is a bit too mysterious. ’
‘Xueyan and I were suddenly disturbed, so we had to end our meditation hurriedly and then come out to check. Sister Bao didn’t even know. How could I know, Sister? Perhaps, a bolt from the blue, that's the situation, right? ’
‘But there were too many thunders. Sister Lin, don’t you know, that mountain just burned up. ’
‘Is that amazing? ’
‘Of course! Otherwise, how could our second master say that a treasure was born? ’
'correct! Sister Lin, how is your swordsmanship? ’
‘Fortunately, the Misty Pose has been comprehended, and the mana is also slightly beneficial...’
‘Mana? ’
'what! Sister Bao, you heard it wrong. I mean your handkerchief is so unique. Did you embroider it yourself? ’
'of course……'
Soon, a few people were sitting at the stone table like this, and they started chatting and chattering from thunder to swordsmanship, from embroidery to poetry.
At this time, Bao Erye, who was always annoyed that he could not find a common topic, saw that Sister Bao and Sister Lin started to talk about things like thunder and swordsmanship that made him feel uncomfortable, but he could intervene. After the female celebrity and poems, they rushed forward impatiently.
Obviously, the little bear Tibbers, who is held by a certain first-class shoveling officer Lin Daiyu, will definitely not have any sympathy or interest in the boring topics of these female humans on earth. Therefore, it can only He drooped his ears and started to doze on his stomach, motionless.
If I had known that this would be such a situation, I am afraid that it will not come back so soon. It is better to continue to spread wild on the distant mountains, such as chasing rabbits or chasing eagles! However, lying in the arms of the shovel officer Lin Daiyu, enjoying the touch of the other party and that Baochai, so that it can just doze off in such a comfortable way, seems to be quite good?
As for the thief and Daoist that it met just now, I thought about it and felt that the time was not right, and I also felt that it might scare some of the two shoveling officers of Tibbers by saying it. Soon I decided to skip it directly, and it would not be too late to wait until I have time.
‘! ! ’
"Miss Xue and the second master are there? It just so happened that lunch time is almost here. Seeing you guys have such a lively chat, I just don’t leave. I asked the kitchen to bring all your meals here. Everyone has fun together? ’
At this time, I don’t know where to go crazy and stubborn. The purple cuckoo and a group of little maids and women who are just back now, when they see Yingyingyanyan in the yard, Miss Lin, Miss Xue, Erye and others chat After being happy, they smiled and laughed.
'Very good! ’
‘Just do what Zijuan said! ’
There is nothing better to be able to dine with Sister Lin and Sister Bao in a grand manner here! Therefore, first glanced vigilantly at the nasty little white bear in Sister Lin's arms, and after seeing that the other party shouldn't jump up and chase him casually, Baoyu quickly spoke in agreement.
"Sister, what do you think?"
Daiyu was noncommittal. In her opinion, it was just lunch, and they had already done their homework and exercises in the morning. She was not afraid that Baoyu's cousin or someone else would bother them at this time.
"Just do it..."
After thinking about it, I feel that left and right are just eating a meal, and I am having a good chat with Sister Lin. If I go back to Lixiangyuan, I will have to toss a lot of time back and forth. Therefore, I saw Baoyu’s suggestion and saw that Sister Lin did not When she objected, she smiled and nodded, then looked at her maid Ying'er.
‘That’s it! ’
‘I went to the kitchen with Sister Xiren and Sister Zijuan to see if there are any good things. I will be sure to be brought by you all later! ’
Where can I eat? Therefore, Ying'er had no opinion. After seeing that her girl had nothing to do with her, she quickly waved her hand to signal to the sister Xiren behind Bao Erye, the newly-returned Zijuan and others, as well as all the women and maids. Go to the kitchen with yourself and wait.
‘! ! ’
"Lin, sister Lin..."
Seeing that the maids and women who were in the way were gone, Baoyu stood up excitedly and just wanted to sit next to them and say something. But he had to stop and retract back.
Because, some nasty little white bear glanced at him with a look that didn't know what it meant, and was so scared that he thought that the other party was about to jump up and bit him, so he could only shrink back.
However, before he could say what he had just said, he had to stop and turn around hesitantly. At this moment, at the small arch in the courtyard of this corridor, following the doubtful eyes of sister Lin and sister Bao, he quickly saw that his second sister-in-law was hurriedly heading towards sister Ping'er. Come over here with them.
"What's wrong with the second sister-in-law?"
"You are also scared by the thunder in the distance and come here, planning to seek shelter from our sister Lin Lin Nuxia?"
No way, seeing that the timing is not right, Baoyu, who had to take back some of the thoughtful words before, had to vent his unhappiness to the one who did not come early or late, but at this time came to join in the fun. Sister-in-law, and joked at the other party in a somewhat ridiculous tone.
However, what makes Daiyu, Baochai, and Baoyu all feel amazing: In the past, the other party would definitely laugh and refute the second sister-in-law of Lian. At this time, she just frowned slightly, with a strange look. He glanced at Baoyu, but said nothing?
"Miss Lin, something is wrong!!"
Wang Xifeng, who had no time to take care of the Bao brother, walked straight to Baochai, Daiyu, and Baoyu, looking at the smile on the faces of the three, knowing that they must have been tossing her here before. , He took out a letter from his arms for the first time, and then panted directly to the stone table.
She got it from Jia's mother. Although she didn't recognize too much, she already knew what was written in it, so she didn't even care about drinking her saliva. She hurried over again. Daiyu's here.
"Second sister-in-law, who are you? ’
‘? ? ’
Seeing the other's modality and hearing the other's words, Baochai and Baoyu couldn't help but change their faces, and then stood up with Daiyu. They were a little puzzled that the other party took the letter that seemed to have been opened. What do you mean.
"this is……"
Different from Baoyu and Baochai's doubts, Daiyu's heart shook!
Because, she faintly saw that the handwriting on that letter, she recognized that it was the handwriting of her father, Lin Ruhai! It's just that, I don't know why, the strength of the handwriting seems to be a bit wrong, and it's a little messy?
But even these alone are enough to make the uneasy feeling in her heart even stronger!
"It's really bad!"
"Miss Lin, you have to be mentally prepared first, because this is a letter sent from your home in Yangzhou, and it arrived in the hands of the ancestor today. I just saw it in the past, so I followed the ancestor’s instructions. Bring it for you to see?"
After saying that, Wang Xifeng didn't speak, but panted slightly while watching the girl in front of him who grew more brave and upright, and also loved by the ancestors and their daughters-in-law, hurriedly handed over the little bear to the side. Baochai grabbed the letter on the stone table in his arms.
‘! ! ’
After leaning over and following Baochai and Baoyu who had browsed through ten lines, they were shocked, and then they all exclaimed.
It is very rare. After practicing swordsmanship, Daiyu, whose temperament and body have become extremely tough, once again appeared that kind of crystal in his eye sockets, and allowed them to start pouring out of the red eyes. , After sliding over the flushed face that was extremely smooth and translucent even without applying any rouge gouache, it splashed drop by drop on the letter paper in her hand that didn't write much, and it melted into a blossoming ink... .
"Miss Lin, things are just as stated in the letter. Don't worry about it! Listen to my sister-in-law, you should let Xueyan and the others help you clean up, and set off on good times tomorrow, board the boat as soon as possible Go to Yangzhou, maybe you can see the last time?"
Lin Ruhai is seriously ill and may not last forever. Therefore, this letter came at this time, asking for Daiyu to go back, so that the father and daughter can meet for the last time?
Regardless of this kind of thing, whether it is the old ancestor of Jia Mansion or her Wang Xifeng, she has decided that there is no reason to refuse. Therefore, after just hurriedly discussing with the ancestor, she will come here with a letter and inform her This little girl who makes people feel sorry for it.
It is actually pitiful to think about this. The girl in front of her was said to have a brother, but she died when she was three years old. Her mother Jia Min died of illness when she was six or seven years old. The remaining old father Lin Ruhai was at this time again. It just happens that there is an urgent letter at this time, I must not survive this year, right?
Therefore, I am afraid that soon, this girl Lin who is under twelve years old will really become a lonely person. Just thinking about it can make her Wang Xifeng's nose sour and sigh!
"Sister Lin is leaving? does this work?!"
After reading the letter, Baoyu, who knows the contents of the text, looked at Sister Lin's sobbing and sad look at me. He was almost crazy, so when he heard that the other party was about to leave, his heart became anxious. He said those things that didn't go through the brain, and planned to say something to prevent the other party from leaving.
"Brother Bao! What are you talking about?"
"At this moment, Miss Lin has to go back to her home in Yangzhou no matter what. The ancestor agreed just now, and she also made people choose the auspicious time for departure, which will be tomorrow! It’s all for me to go back and make quick preparations. How can you stop this kind of relationship between father and daughter?"
You know, tomorrow her Wang Xifeng’s husband, Jia Lian, will take Ms. Lin back to Yangzhou, and the ancestors have specifically explained that they will bring Daiyu back again after finishing everything... This time, maybe. After tossing for months, their husband and wife parted, and they didn't dare to say more when they were upset. How could this brother dare to say that kind of silly words?
And if the other party's words were passed to the ears of the master, it would be unavoidable that it would be a whistle or reprimand, it would definitely be inevitable.
"Sister-in-law, I am in a mess, so I will go back to the room to rest first..."
Seeing the writing in the letter and the unusual handwriting, Bingxue's smart Daiyu certainly knew what it meant. So, her heart was completely confused right now. She didn't know what to say, so she just clenched tightly. The letter in his hand, after accusing the second sister-in-law of Lian who had come to report, he turned around and left the courtyard and went back to the house.
"Sister Lin..."
Baoyu was anxious, just about to chase in, but was held back by Wang Xifeng.
"I said Brother Bao!"
"At this time, you don't want to make trouble, let your sister Lin be quiet! If you are interested, you can remember to get up early and send her off tomorrow."
After holding Baoyu on the other's shoulder and letting him sit on the stone bench next to the stone table, Wang Xifeng sighed and sat down together. Then she stopped saying anything, but looked down from time to time. Looking at the tabletop, looking at the little white bear held by Baochai with a frown, he didn't know what was thinking in his heart.
'coming! coming! ’
‘Let the girls wait for a long time, we can be regarded as grabbing some good food from the kitchen, today everyone must drink more glasses? ’
'what! ! ’
‘I have seen mistress, I don’t know if you are...’
At this time, the purple cuckoo, snow goose, Yinger, Xiren, and the maids who had been ordered to go to the kitchen for lunch, finally returned to the courtyard of Bishacui with large and small plates and food boxes. However, what surprised them very much was that what they saw at this time was the grandmother with a horrible expression, and the girl and the second master who were frowning and silent?
"It's all quiet, what's the style of being noisy?!"
"In this way, let things go first!"
"Ying'er, Xiren, take your girl's second master and go back first! Xueyan, go in the house and persuade your girl to stay. I have something to tell you. Others have nothing to do with her. Let's go away..."
After looking up at the bustling crowd, Wang Xifeng, who was upset, waved his hand and gave a series of orders ably, just to let the maids leave here quickly after putting down their things, so as not to watch her in front of her.
Although I don’t know what happened, soon, many women and maids flocked to Baochai and Baoyu to leave, leaving only the place, the purple cuckoo who was at a loss and who was originally Lin Lin. The maids in the girl's yard.
Of course, there are also a large number of lunch boxes and an application tool that were originally intended to be a huge small dinner, plus a certain head who completely ignores the feelings of others and is getting close to a certain bear who is constantly sniffing next to those lunch boxes.
What are you doing? !
However, Tibbers, who was just about to be afraid of picking up a lunch box, was satiated by Wang Xifeng, who suddenly stood up and walked over.
"Eat! Eat! Eat!"
"You know how to eat a heartless little thing, and now your master is sad, you don't know to go in for comfort?"
Although he felt that the other party might not understand what he said, before he started to explain something about Zijuan, Wang Xifeng vented all his unhappiness on this little bear, and just said that while using his hands vigorously. Twisting the other's plump chubby round head.
The old man in her family is about to raise his braids and shut down the bear. Why doesn’t he give him food and drink? Also, that guy is just the bear's shoveler, not the bear's master!
Of course, Tibbers would definitely not say that kind of words directly, so he just twisted his body while resisting vigorously, trying to break free from the bulging arms of the other party. Then a bear went to destroy the food that was placed on the ground.
It knows that these people must have no appetite today. That's right. Not long ago, it just ran up to the mountain and had a fight with a thief and Taoist priest, and released a lot of thunder power. Right now, it is panicking. , It guarantees that a bear can completely eliminate them, even the kind that does not have any leftover soup!

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